#!/bin/bsh # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # bos72L src/bos/usr/sbin/trace/trace_smutil.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1988,2018 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)99 src/bos/usr/sbin/trace/trace_smutil.sh, cmdtrace, bos72L, l2018_07A8 2/1/18 05:25:01 # # COMPONENT_NAME: CMDTRACE SMIT shell interface program # # FUNCTIONS: interfaces to trclist, trace, cat, catpr # # ORIGINS: 27 83 # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1988, 1993 # All Rights Reserved # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # LEVEL 1, 5 Years Bull Confidential Information # # this file TRACE_SMUTIL=/usr/lib/ras/trace_smutil [ $# -gt 0 ] || { exit 0 ; } # Set language to C LANG=C; export LANG NL_MESSAGES=C; export NL_MESSAGES trap "exit 5" 2 UTILNAME=$1 shift case $UTILNAME in # # trclist. # Used to list current trace groupings # # First get all the ..._trcgrpdesc values from ODM. # Then use awk to output the lines as follows: # the function qt sets "str" to the string without the quotes. # When an attribute is found, extract the name (the stuff before # the "_", and pad it to 9 characters so the display will line up. # The "value" clause then puts out the line. trclist) odmget -q 'attribute like ?*_trcgrpdesc' SWservAt |\ awk '\ function qt(s) {;\ for (len=length(s); (len>2) && substr(s,len,1)!="\""; len-=1);\ str=substr(s,2,len-2);\ return 0;\ };\ $1 == "attribute" {\ k=index($3,"_");\ name=substr($3,2,k-2);\ len=length(name);\ if (len<9) filler=substr(" ",1,9-len);\ else {\ filler="";\ name=substr(name,1,9);\ };\ };\ $1 == "value" && NF > 2 {\ qt(substr($0,index($0,"\"")));\ printf("%s%s %s\n",name,filler,str);\ }' ;; trace) rc=0 ARGS=`echo $* | sed s'/-./& /g'` OPTIONS="`getopt bBfladshcq1234567j:k:m:o:T:L:J: $ARGS`" set -- $OPTIONS CMDLINE=/usr/sbin/trace while [ -n "$1" ]; do ARG=`echo $1 | sed s'/^-//'` case $ARG in b|B|f|l|a|d|s|h|c|1|2|3|4|5|6|7) CMDLINE="$CMDLINE -$ARG" shift ;; # special case: -n is interpreted by the echo command # use -q in the SMIT dialog and shell script interface # and translate it into -n flag to pass to the trace command q) CMDLINE="$CMDLINE -n" shift ;; m|o|T|L) CMDLINE="$CMDLINE -$ARG $2" shift 2 ;; j|k) CMDLINE="$CMDLINE -$ARG \"" shift while [ -n "$1" ]; do case $1 in --) shift ;; -*) break ;; *) CMDLINE="$CMDLINE $1" shift ;; esac done CMDLINE="$CMDLINE \"" ;; J) shift Jflag=0 while [ -n "$1" ]; do case $1 in --) shift ;; -*) CMDLINE=$CMDLINE" " break ;; *) # Get selected groups from SWservAt in ODM. # More than one <name>_trcgrp attribute # may exist for each group. L=`\ odmget -q "attribute like $1_trcgrp" SWservAt |\ sed 's/"//g' |\ awk '\ BEGIN {first_sw=1}; $1 == "value" {\ if (!first_sw) printf(","); first_sw=0; printf("%s",$3)}'` if [ -n "$L" ]; then if [ $Jflag -eq 0 ]; then # first time through CMDLINE="$CMDLINE -j "$L Jflag=1 else CMDLINE=$CMDLINE","$L fi else dspmsg cmdtrace.cat 525 '0454-078 No hooks found for trace group %1$s.\n' $1 # Return an error when done rc=1 fi shift ;; esac done ;; -) shift break ;; esac done [ $rc -ne 0 ] && exit $rc eval $CMDLINE exit $? ;; cat) FILE=$1 if [ "$FILE" = "" ] ; then cat RC=$? else FILE=`echo $FILE | sed 's/^Z//' ` cat > $FILE RC=$? fi exit $RC ;; catpr) PRINTER=$1 if [ "$PRINTER" = "" ] ; then cat RC=$? else PRINTER=`echo $PRINTER | sed 's/^Z//' ` lp -d $PRINTER RC=$? fi exit $RC ;; # Get the log file and buffer size defaults getdflts) # The values are at the ends of the lines. # The order is buffer size, file size, file name, non-root max buffer size. set `trace -S | awk '{print $NF}'` echo "#tbufsize:lbufsize:logfile:nrbufmax:tracech0_res:trcrptch0_res" echo "$1:$2:$3:$4:$7:$8" ;; esac exit 0