<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Copyright (c) 2000, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.  -->

    TransX file for DVSYS.FACTOR_T$ table


    fjlee      05/05/06 - 
    sgaetjen   04/14/06 - product name change 
    sgaetjen   02/27/06 - remove vulnerable factors
    sgaetjen   11/08/05 - Initial ADE checkin
    sgaetjen   11/07/05 - Created
<table name="factor_t$">
    <column name="id#" />
    <column name="language" />
    <column name="id#"         type="number"/>
    <column name="language"    type="string" constant="us" translate="yes"/>
    <column name="description" type="string" translate="yes"/>

<row><col name="id#">1</col><col name="description">This factor defines the
host name and retrieval method for a database</col></row>
<row><col name="id#">2</col><col name="description">This factor defines the
 IP Address and retrieval method for a database server</col></row>
<row><col name="id#">3</col><col name="description">This factor defines the
instance identifier and retrieval method for a database instance</col></row>
<row><col name="id#">4</col><col name="description">This factor defines the
 IP Address and retrieval method for a client to the database server</col></row>
<row><col name="id#">5</col><col name="description">Returns the method of
authentication. Password-authenticated enterprise user, local database user,
or SYSDBA or SYSOPER using Password File or proxy with username using password
returns PASSWORD. Kerberos-authenticated enterprise or external user returns KERBEROS.
 SSL-authenticated enterprise or external user returns SSL. Radius-authenticated external
 user returns RADIUS. OS-authenticated external user or SYSDBA or SYSOPER returns OS.
 DCE-authenticated external user returns DCE. Proxy with certificate, DN, or username
without using password returns NONE. You can use IDENTIFICATION_TYPE to distinguish
between external and enterprise users when the authentication method is Password, Kerberos, or SSL.</col></row>
<row><col name="id#">6</col><col name="description">
Returns the way the user's schema was created in the database. Specifically, it
reflects the IDENTIFIED clause in the CREATE/ALTER USER syntax. The syntax used during
schema creation is followed by the identification type returned.
<row><col name="id#">7</col><col name="description">Domain of the database as
 specified in the DB_DOMAIN initialization parameter.</col></row>
<row><col name="id#">8</col><col name="description"> Name of the database as
 specified in the DB_NAME initialization parameter.</col></row>
<row><col name="id#">9</col><col name="description">The ISO abbreviation for the
 language name, a shorter form than the existing LANGUAGE parameter.</col></row>
<row><col name="id#">10</col><col name="description">The language and territory
currently used by your session, along with the database character set, in this form:
<row><col name="id#">11</col><col name="description">Network protocol being
used for communication, as specified in the PROTOCOL=protocol portion of
the connect string.</col></row>
<row><col name="id#">12</col><col name="description">Name of the database
user who opened the current session on behalf of SESSION_USER.</col></row>
<row><col name="id#">13</col><col name="description">
Returns the Oracle Internet Directory DN when the proxy user is an enterprise user.
<row><col name="id#">14</col><col name="description">
For enterprises users, returns the schema.  Database user name by
 which the current user is authenticated. This value remains the same throughout
the duration of the session.</col></row>
<row><col name="id#">15</col><col name="description">
A named collection of physical, configuration or
implementation-specific factors in the runtime environment (e.g.
 a networked IT environment or subset of it)
that operates at a specific sensitivity level.
A domain can be identified via a number of Factors such as the hostname,
 IP address, and database instance names of the Database Vault nodes in a
secure access path to the database. Each domain can be uniquely determined using a
combination of the factor identifiers that identify the domain. These
 identifying factors and possibly additional
factors can be used to define the Maximum Security Label within the domain,
 restricting data access and commands
depending on the physical factors about the Database Vault session. Example
domains of interest may be Corporate Sensitive,
Internal Public, Partners, and Customers.</col></row>
<row><col name="id#">16</col><col name="description">
   Provides the machine name for the current session</col></row>
<row><col name="id#">17</col><col name="description">
The user's enterprise-wide identity. For enterprise users this returns the
Oracle Internet Directory DN.  For external this users returns
the external identity (Kerberos principal name, Radius and
DCE schema names, OS user name, Certificate DN).  For local users and
SYSDBA and SYSOPER logins returns NULL. The value of the attribute differs by proxy method.
For a proxy with DN, the Oracle Internet Directory DN of the client.
For a proxy with certificate, the certificate DN of the client for external users;
the Oracle Internet Directory DN for global users. For a proxy with username, the
Oracle Internet Directory DN if the client is an enterprise users;
NULL if the client is a local database user.