/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM */ /* */ /* (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2019 */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* */ /* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or */ /* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #ifndef _HA_GS_H_ #define _HA_GS_H_ static const char *ha_gs_h_sccsid = "@(#)86 1.131 src/rsct/pgs/pgslib/ha_gs.h, gsapi, rsct_rady, rady2035a 7/12/19 17:23:53"; #include <inttypes.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <rsct/ct_ffdc.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define HA_GS_RELEASE 31 /* */ typedef enum { HA_GS_OK, /* 0 */ HA_GS_OK_SO_FAR = HA_GS_OK, /* 0 */ HA_GS_NOT_OK = 1, HA_GS_EXISTS = 2, HA_GS_NO_INIT = 3, HA_GS_NAME_TOO_LONG = 4, HA_GS_NO_MEMORY = 5, HA_GS_NOT_A_MEMBER = 6, HA_GS_BAD_CLIENT_TOKEN = 7, HA_GS_BAD_MEMBER_TOKEN = 8, HA_GS_BAD_PARAMETER = 9, HA_GS_UNKNOWN_GROUP = 10, HA_GS_INVALID_GROUP = 11, HA_GS_NO_SOURCE_GROUP_PROVIDER = 12, HA_GS_BAD_GROUP_ATTRIBUTES = 13, HA_GS_WRONG_OLD_STATE = 14, HA_GS_DUPLICATE_INSTANCE_NUMBER = 15, HA_GS_COLLIDE = 16, HA_GS_SOCK_CREATE_FAILED = 17, HA_GS_SOCK_INIT_FAILED = 18, HA_GS_CONNECT_FAILED = 19, HA_GS_VOTE_NOT_EXPECTED = 20, HA_GS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 21, HA_GS_INVALID_SOURCE_GROUP = 22, HA_GS_UNKNOWN_PROVIDER = 23, HA_GS_INVALID_DEACTIVATE_PHASE = 24, HA_GS_PROVIDER_APPEARS_TWICE = 25, HA_GS_BACKLEVEL_PROVIDERS = 26, HA_GS_NULL_ADAPTER_INFO = 27, HA_GS_ADAPTER_INFO_NOT_FOUND = 28, HA_GS_ADAPTER_INFO_NOT_SENT = 29, HA_GS_NOT_ADAPTER_GROUP = 30, HA_GS_VOTE_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED = 31, HA_GS_BAD_INPUT_IP_FORMAT = 32, HA_GS_NO_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_THE_ID = 33, HA_GS_WRITE_SOCK_ERROR = 34, HA_GS_BAD_QUORUM_MSG_SEQNUM = 35, HA_GS_NOT_REGISTERED_FOR_SYNC_QUORUM = 36, HA_GS_UNEXPECTED_QUORUM_RESP = 37, #if 0 /* RESERVED - NOT_SUPPORTED_YET (_USE_DEDICATED_THREAD_MODEL) */ HA_GS_NO_DEDICATED_THREAD_MODEL = 38, HA_GS_PIPE_CREATION_ERROR = 39, HA_GS_EMPTY_TOKENSET = 40, HA_GS_INVALID_TOKENSET = 41, HA_GS_TOKENSET_NOT_FOUND = 42, HA_GS_TOKEN_EXISTS = 43, HA_GS_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND = 44, HA_GS_MEMBER_OF_CATCHALL_TOKENSET = 45, #endif HA_GS_LAST_RESERVED_RC = 9999 } ha_gs_rc_t; /* Return Codes */ typedef enum { HA_GS_NO_BATCHING = 0x0000, HA_GS_BATCH_JOINS = 0x0001, HA_GS_BATCH_LEAVES = 0x0002, HA_GS_BATCH_BOTH = HA_GS_BATCH_JOINS|HA_GS_BATCH_LEAVES, /*0x0003*/ HA_GS_DEACTIVATE_ON_FAILURE = 0x0004, HA_GS_COLLECT_VOTE_RESULT = 0x0008, /* collect only vote list */ HA_GS_COLLECT_MSG_RESULT = 0x0010, /* collect only msg list */ HA_GS_COLLECT_STATEVALUE_RESULT = 0x0020,/*collect only state value list*/ HA_GS_COLLECT_ALL_RESULT = HA_GS_COLLECT_VOTE_RESULT|HA_GS_COLLECT_MSG_RESULT|HA_GS_COLLECT_STATEVALUE_RESULT /* collect all lists */ } ha_gs_batch_ctrl_t; /* Controls Batching of Requests */ typedef enum { HA_GS_1_PHASE = 0x0001, HA_GS_N_PHASE = 0x0002 } ha_gs_num_phases_t; /* Protocol number of Phases selection */ typedef enum { HA_GS_FIRST_MERGE_TYPE, /* 0 */ HA_GS_DISSOLVE_MERGE = HA_GS_FIRST_MERGE_TYPE, /* 0 */ HA_GS_LARGER_MERGE, /* 1 */ HA_GS_SMALLER_MERGE, /* 2 */ HA_GS_DONTCARE_MERGE, /* 3 */ HA_GS_ANYORDER_MERGE, /* 4 */ HA_GS_LAST_MERGE_TYPE = HA_GS_ANYORDER_MERGE } ha_gs_merge_ctrl_t; /* Controlling Merges */ typedef enum { HA_GS_NULL_VOTE = 0x00, HA_GS_VOTE_APPROVE = 0x01, HA_GS_VOTE_CONTINUE = 0x02, HA_GS_VOTE_REJECT = 0x03, /* The following values are only meaningful for the merge protocol */ HA_GS_VOTE_APPROVE_AND_SWITCH_ALPHA_OMEGA = 0x81, HA_GS_VOTE_CONTINUE_AND_SWITCH_ALPHA_OMEGA = 0x82 } ha_gs_vote_value_t; /* Allowable Vote Responses */ typedef enum { HA_GS_SOCKET_NO_SIGNAL = 0x0000000, HA_GS_SOCKET_SIGNAL = 0x00000001, /* not supported */ HA_GS_ENABLE_ADAPTER_INFO = 0x00000002, HA_GS_ENABLE_DOMAIN_EVENT = 0x00001000, /* to receive domain events */ HA_GS_ENABLE_IPV6 = 0x00002000, /* enable IPv6 support */ HA_GS_ENABLE_MIGRATION_CALLBACK = 0x00004000, /* enable migrate to CAA callback */ HA_GS_ENABLE_OPQUORUM_CALLBACK = 0x00008000, /* enable Quorum Notification */ HA_GS_ENABLE_OPQUORUM_ACK_REQUIRED = 0x00010000, /* specified Quorum Ack required*/ HA_GS_ENABLE_TOKENSET_DISPATCH = 0x00100000, /* dedicated thread dispatch model enabled */ HA_GS_STREAM = 0x00800000, /* reserved for IBM use for stream driver*/ HA_GS_IMMEDIATE_DOMAIN_CONTROL = 0x10000000 /* reserved for IBM use */ } ha_gs_socket_ctrl_t; /* Socket Control */ typedef enum { HA_GS_NON_BLOCKING, HA_GS_BLOCKING } ha_gs_dispatch_flag_t; /* Modify behavior of ha_gs_dispatch */ typedef enum { HA_GS_RESPONSIVENESS_NOTIFICATION = 0, HA_GS_QUERY_NOTIFICATION = 1, HA_GS_DELAYED_ERROR_NOTIFICATION = 2, HA_GS_N_PHASE_NOTIFICATION = 3, HA_GS_APPROVED_NOTIFICATION = 4, HA_GS_REJECTED_NOTIFICATION = 5, HA_GS_ANNOUNCEMENT_NOTIFICATION = 6, HA_GS_SUBSCRIPTION_NOTIFICATION = 7, HA_GS_MERGE_NOTIFICATION = 8, HA_GS_DOMAIN_NOTIFICATION = 9, HA_GS_NOTIFICATION_RESERVED_1 = 99, HA_GS_NOTIFICATION_RESERVED_2 = 100, HA_GS_NOTIFICATION_RESERVED_3 = 101, HA_GS_NOTIFICATION_RESERVED_4 = 102, HA_GS_NOTIFICATION_RESERVED_5 = 103 } ha_gs_notification_type_t; /* Identify types of notifications */ typedef enum { HA_GS_RESPONSIVENESS = 0, HA_GS_JOIN = 1, HA_GS_FAILURE_LEAVE = 2, HA_GS_LEAVE = 3, HA_GS_EXPEL = 4, HA_GS_STATE_VALUE_CHANGE = 5, HA_GS_PROVIDER_MESSAGE = 6, HA_GS_CAST_OUT = 7, HA_GS_SOURCE_STATE_REFLECTION = 8, HA_GS_MERGE = 9, HA_GS_SUBSCRIPTION = 10, HA_GS_GROUP_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE = 11, MAX_REQUEST = HA_GS_GROUP_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE, /* 11 */ HA_GS_INTERNAL_REQUEST = 99 /* internal request */ } ha_gs_request_t; /* Type of request a notification was for */ /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Note: * Responsiveness checks allow the Group Services subsystem to periodically * inspect the state of the GS client. * * The responsiveness type controls whether the client should be monitored, * or what action should be taken in case of non-responsiveness. In addition * this type will determine whether the client should handled as a critical * client. The type will consist of three fields which can be OR-ed; * "protocol", "action", and "critical". * * The "Responsiveness protocol": Only of them can be selected. * HA_GS_NO_RESPONSIVENESS * HA_GS_PING_RESPONSIVENESS * HA_GS_COUNTER_RESPONSIVENESS - not supported at this moment. * * The "Action" for the non-responsive client: They can be OR-ed. * HA_GS_KEEP_CHECK_RESPONSIVENESS * This flag will make the responsiveness msgs to always be sent * to the client even if the client is running a protocol (In default, * responsiveness msg will be only exchanged when the client is idle). * Also note that this flag will work properly only under multi-threaded * with dedicated ha_gs_dispatch() threads. * * HA_GS_ANNOUNCEMENT_WHEN_SLOW * The other providers will be notified if one of them is not responding. * If no other option (e.g., script) is selected, this flag will be assumed. * * HA_GS_EXEC_SCRIPT_WHEN_SLOW * A script will be invoked when the corresponing client is not responding. * * HA_GS_DAEMON_MUST_DIE_WHEN_SLOW * This flag is reserved for IBM use. * This flag will also be sliently ignored to the other clients. * * The "Critical" indicator: * HA_GS_CRITICAL_CLIENT * This flag is set when a client is critical and needs special handling. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef enum { /* responsiveness protocol type */ HA_GS_NO_RESPONSIVENESS = 0x00000000, HA_GS_PING_RESPONSIVENESS = 0x00000001, HA_GS_COUNTER_RESPONSIVENESS = 0x00000002, /* not supported at this moment */ /* responsiveness critical client */ HA_GS_CRITICAL_CLIENT = 0x00008000, /* responsiveness action type */ HA_GS_KEEP_CHECK_RESPONSIVENESS = 0x00010000, HA_GS_ANNOUNCEMENT_WHEN_SLOW = 0x01000000, /* default */ HA_GS_EXEC_SCRIPT_WHEN_SLOW = 0x02000000, HA_GS_DAEMON_MUST_DIE_WHEN_SLOW = 0x04000000, /* reserved for IBM use */ HA_GS_CLOSE_CLIENT_SOCKET = 0x08000000, /* close the socket if not responding */ HA_GS_KILL_CLIENT_WHEN_SLOW = 0x10000000 /* kill client if this bit is set */ } ha_gs_responsiveness_type_t; /* Type of responsiveness checking */ typedef enum { HA_GS_NO_CHANGE = 0x00000000, /* 0 */ HA_GS_PROPOSED_MEMBERSHIP = 0x00000001, /* 1 */ HA_GS_ONGOING_MEMBERSHIP = 0x00000002, /* 2 */ HA_GS_PROPOSED_STATE_VALUE = 0x00000004, /* 4 */ HA_GS_ONGOING_STATE_VALUE = 0x00000008, /* 8 */ HA_GS_UPDATED_PROVIDER_MESSAGE = 0x00000010, /* 16 */ HA_GS_UPDATED_MEMBERSHIP = 0x00000020, /* 32 */ HA_GS_REJECTED_MEMBERSHIP = 0x00000040, /* 64 */ HA_GS_UPDATED_STATE_VALUE = 0x00000080, /* 128 */ HA_GS_REFLECTED_SOURCE_STATE_VALUE = 0x00000100, /* 256 */ HA_GS_EXPEL_INFORMATION = 0x00000200, /* 512 */ HA_GS_PROPOSED_GROUP_ATTRIBUTES = 0x00000400, /* 1024 */ HA_GS_ONGOING_GROUP_ATTRIBUTES = 0x00000800, /* 2048 */ HA_GS_UPDATED_GROUP_ATTRIBUTES = 0x00001000, /* 4096 */ HA_GS_REJECTED_GROUP_ATTRIBUTES = 0x00002000, /* 8192 */ HA_GS_CURRENT_STATE_VALUE = 0x00004000, /* */ HA_GS_MERGE_GROUP_INFO = 0x00010000, /* merge info is reported */ HA_GS_MERGE_ALPHA_OMEGA_SWITCHED = 0x00020000 } ha_gs_updates_t; /* Whats Changed */ typedef enum { HA_GS_EXPLICIT_APPROVE = 0x00000001, /* 1 */ HA_GS_EXPLICIT_REJECT = 0x00000002, /* 2 */ HA_GS_DEFAULT_APPROVE = 0x00000004, /* 4 */ HA_GS_DEFAULT_REJECT = 0x00000008, /* 8 */ HA_GS_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 0x00000010, /* 16 */ HA_GS_PROVIDER_FAILED = 0x00000020, /* 32 */ HA_GS_RESPONSIVENESS_NO_RESPONSE = 0x00000040, /* 64 */ HA_GS_RESPONSIVENESS_RESPONSE = 0x00000080, /* 128 */ HA_GS_GROUP_DISSOLVED = 0x00000100, /* 256 */ HA_GS_GROUP_SERVICES_HAS_DIED_HORRIBLY = 0x00000200, /* 512 */ HA_GS_DEACTIVATE_UNSUCCESSFUL = 0x00000400, /* 1024 */ HA_GS_DEACTIVATE_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 0x00000800, /* 2048 */ HA_GS_GROUP_ATTRIBUTES_CHANGED = 0x00001000, /* 4096 */ HA_GS_MEMBER_LEAVE_DUE_TO_LOCAL_SPLIT = 0x00002000, /* 8192 */ HA_GS_MEMBER_LEAVE_DUE_TO_REMOTE_SPLIT = 0x00004000, /* 16384 */ HA_GS_MEMBER_LEAVE_DUE_TO_LINK_DOWN = 0x00008000, /* 32768 */ HA_GS_MEMBER_LEAVE_DUE_TO_SHUTDOWN = 0x00010000, /* 65536 */ HA_GS_MEMBER_LEAVE_DUE_TO_STOP = 0x00020000, /* 131072 */ HA_GS_MEMBER_LEAVE_DUE_TO_FORCE_DOWN = 0x00040000, /* 262144 */ HA_GS_MIN_SUMMARY_CODE = HA_GS_EXPLICIT_APPROVE, HA_GS_MAX_SUMMARY_CODE = HA_GS_MEMBER_LEAVE_DUE_TO_FORCE_DOWN } ha_gs_summary_code_t; /* Notification summary */ typedef enum { HA_GS_CALLBACK_NOT_OK, HA_GS_CALLBACK_OK } ha_gs_callback_rc_t; /* Callback Return Codes */ typedef enum { HA_GS_FAILURE_NONE = 0x0000, /* 0 */ HA_GS_VOLUNTARY_LEAVE = 0x0001, /* 1 */ HA_GS_PROVIDER_FAILURE = 0x0002, /* 2 */ HA_GS_HOST_FAILURE = 0x0004, /* 4 */ HA_GS_PROVIDER_EXPELLED = 0x0008, /* 8 */ HA_GS_SOURCE_PROVIDER_LEAVE = 0x0010, /* 16 */ HA_GS_PROVIDER_SAID_GOODBYE = 0x0020, /* 32 */ HA_GS_NETWORK_SUNDERED = 0x0040, /* 64 */ HA_GS_HOST_LEAVE_DUE_TO_LOCAL_SPLIT = 0x0080, /* 128 */ HA_GS_HOST_LEAVE_DUE_TO_REMOTE_SPLIT = 0x0100, /* 256 */ HA_GS_HOST_LEAVE_DUE_TO_LINK_DOWN = 0x0200, /* 512 */ HA_GS_HOST_LEAVE_DUE_TO_SHUTDOWN = 0x0400, /* 1024 */ HA_GS_HOST_LEAVE_DUE_TO_STOP = 0x0800, /* 2048 */ HA_GS_HOST_LEAVE_DUE_TO_FORCE_DOWN = 0x1000 /* 4096 */ } ha_gs_leave_reasons_t; typedef enum { HA_GS_QUERY_ALL, HA_GS_QUERY_GROUP } ha_gs_query_type_t; typedef enum { HA_GS_SUBSCRIBE_STATE = 0x01, HA_GS_SUBSCRIBE_DELTA_JOINS = 0x02, HA_GS_SUBSCRIBE_DELTA_LEAVES = 0x04, HA_GS_SUBSCRIBE_DELTAS_ONLY = 0x06, HA_GS_SUBSCRIBE_MEMBERSHIP = 0x08, HA_GS_SUBSCRIBE_ALL_MEMBERSHIP = 0x0e, HA_GS_SUBSCRIBE_STATE_AND_MEMBERSHIP= 0x0f, HA_GS_SUBSCRIBE_ADAPTER_INFO = 0x10, HA_GS_SUBSCRIBE_SPECIAL_DATA = 0x40, HA_GS_SUBSCRIBE_PERSISTENCE = 0x200 } ha_gs_subscription_ctrl_t; typedef enum { HA_GS_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE = 0x01, /* 1 */ HA_GS_SUBSCRIPTION_DELTA_JOIN = 0x02, /* 2 */ HA_GS_SUBSCRIPTION_DELTA_LEAVE = 0x04, /* 4 */ HA_GS_SUBSCRIPTION_MEMBERSHIP = 0x08, /* 8 */ HA_GS_SUBSCRIPTION_SPECIAL_DATA = 0x40, /* 64 */ HA_GS_SUBSCRIPTION_DISSOLVED = 0x80, /* 128 */ HA_GS_SUBSCRIPTION_GS_HAS_DIED = 0x100, /* 256 */ HA_GS_SUBSCRIPTION_PERSISTENT = 0x200 } ha_gs_subscription_type_t; typedef enum { HA_GS_MIGRATION_VOTE_YES = 1, HA_GS_MIGRATION_VOTE_NO = 2 } ha_gs_migration_vote_t; typedef int ha_gs_token_t; typedef int ha_gs_descriptor_t; typedef unsigned short ha_gs_time_limit_t; #define HA_GS_MAX_GROUP_NAME_LENGTH 32 typedef char *ha_gs_group_name_t; /* Use this name to subscribe to processor membership. */ #define HA_GS_HOST_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "HostMembership" #define HA_GS_ENET_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "enMembership" #define HA_GS_CSSRAW_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "cssRawMembership" #define HA_GS_ML0_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "ml0Membership" #define HA_GS_TOKENRING_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "trMembership" #define HA_GS_FDDI_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "fddiMembership" #define HA_GS_RS232_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "rs232Membership" #define HA_GS_TMSCSI_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "tmscsiMembership" #define HA_GS_TMSSA_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "tmssaMembership" #define HA_GS_SLIP_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "slipMembership" #define HA_GS_ATM_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "atmMembership" #define HA_GS_MYRINET_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "myriMembership" #define HA_GS_FC_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "fcMembership" #define HA_GS_BOND_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "bondMembership" #define HA_GS_EIP_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "eipMembership" #define HA_GS_ALL_ADAPTER_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "allAdapterMembership" /* Use this name to subscribe to switch membership. */ #define HA_GS_CSS_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "cssMembership" #define HA_GS_CSS0_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP HA_GS_CSS_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP #define HA_GS_CSS1_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "css1Membership" #define HA_GS_CSS2_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "css2Membership" #define HA_GS_CSS3_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "css3Membership" #define HA_GS_CSS4_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "css4Membership" #define HA_GS_CSS5_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "css5Membership" #define HA_GS_CSS6_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "css6Membership" #define HA_GS_CSS7_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "css7Membership" #define HA_GS_CSS8_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "css8Membership" #define HA_GS_CSSALL_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP "cssAllMembership" #define HA_GS_SWNET0_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP HA_GS_CSS0_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP #define HA_GS_SWNET1_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP HA_GS_CSS1_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP #define HA_GS_SWNET2_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP HA_GS_CSS2_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP #define HA_GS_SWNET3_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP HA_GS_CSS3_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP #define HA_GS_SWNET4_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP HA_GS_CSS4_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP #define HA_GS_SWNET5_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP HA_GS_CSS5_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP #define HA_GS_SWNET6_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP HA_GS_CSS6_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP #define HA_GS_SWNET7_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP HA_GS_CSS7_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP #define HA_GS_SWNET8_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP HA_GS_CSS8_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP #define HA_GS_SWNETALL_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP HA_GS_CSSALL_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP typedef struct { short gs_version; short gs_sizeof_group_attributes; short gs_client_version; ha_gs_batch_ctrl_t gs_batch_control; ha_gs_num_phases_t gs_num_phases; ha_gs_num_phases_t gs_source_reflection_num_phases; ha_gs_vote_value_t gs_group_default_vote; ha_gs_merge_ctrl_t gs_merge_control; ha_gs_time_limit_t gs_time_limit; ha_gs_time_limit_t gs_source_reflection_time_limit; ha_gs_group_name_t gs_group_name; ha_gs_group_name_t gs_source_group_name; ha_gs_vote_value_t gs_merge_default_vote; /* for merge */ } ha_gs_group_attributes_t; /* Identify Group Attributes */ #ifdef __cplusplus const short HA_GS_node_number = -1; const short HA_GS_instance_number = -1; #else #define HA_GS_node_number ((short)-1) #define HA_GS_instance_number ((short)-1) #endif #define gs_node_number _gs_provider_info._gs_node_number #define gs_instance_number _gs_provider_info._gs_instance_number typedef union { struct { short _gs_instance_number; short _gs_node_number; } _gs_provider_info; int gs_provider_id; } ha_gs_provider_t; /* Provider ID */ typedef struct { int gs_length; char *gs_state; } ha_gs_state_value_t; /* State Vector */ typedef struct { short gs_version; ha_gs_state_value_t gs_group_state_value; } ha_gs_group_state_t; /* encapsulation of state vector */ typedef struct { int gs_length; char *gs_message; } ha_gs_provider_message_t; /* provider message */ typedef struct { ha_gs_responsiveness_type_t gs_responsiveness_type; unsigned int gs_responsiveness_interval; ha_gs_time_limit_t gs_responsiveness_response_time_limit; void *gs_counter_location; unsigned int gs_counter_length; } ha_gs_responsiveness_t; /* responsiveness attributes */ typedef union { struct { ha_gs_state_value_t *_gs_info_state; ha_gs_provider_t *_gs_info_providers; } _gs_group_info; ha_gs_group_name_t _gs_groups; /* renamed from 'gs_groups' */ #ifndef _KERNEL /* keep the old 'gs_groups' for the compatibility */ #define gs_groups _gs_groups #endif } ha_gs_group_info_t; #define gs_group_info_state _gs_group_info._gs_info_state #define gs_group_info_providers _gs_group_info._gs_info_providers typedef struct { ha_gs_query_type_t gs_query_type; ha_gs_rc_t gs_query_return_code; int gs_number_of_groups; ha_gs_group_info_t *gs_group_info; } ha_gs_query_info_t; typedef struct { unsigned int gs_count; ha_gs_provider_t *gs_providers; } ha_gs_membership_t; /* Membership List */ typedef struct { int gs_deactivate_phase; int gs_expel_flag_length; char *gs_expel_flag; } ha_gs_expel_info_t; typedef struct { unsigned int gs_voluntary_or_failure; unsigned int gs_voluntary_leave_code; } ha_gs_leave_info_t; typedef struct { unsigned int gs_count; ha_gs_leave_info_t *gs_leave_codes; } ha_gs_leave_array_t; typedef struct { unsigned short gs_num_phases; unsigned short gs_phase_number; } ha_gs_phase_info_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_membership_t *gs_alpha_providers; ha_gs_membership_t *gs_omega_providers; ha_gs_group_state_t gs_alpha_group_state; ha_gs_group_state_t gs_omega_group_state; } ha_gs_merge_info_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_provider_t gs_voter; ha_gs_vote_value_t gs_vote_value; ha_gs_summary_code_t gs_summary_code; ha_gs_leave_reasons_t gs_leave_code; ha_gs_state_value_t *gs_proposed_state_value; ha_gs_provider_message_t *gs_provider_message; } ha_gs_vote_result_t; typedef ha_gs_vote_result_t *ha_gs_vote_result_ptr_t; typedef struct { unsigned int gs_count; ha_gs_vote_result_ptr_t *gs_vote_results; } ha_gs_vote_result_array_t; typedef enum { HA_GS_ADAPTER_DEATH_ARRAY = 0x01, HA_GS_CURRENT_ADAPTER_ALIAS_ARRAY = 0x02, HA_GS_CHANGING_ADAPTER_ALIAS_ARRAY = 0x04 } ha_gs_subscription_special_type_t; typedef enum { HA_GS_ADAPTER_DEAD = 0x0001, HA_GS_ADAPTER_REMOVED = 0x0002 } ha_gs_adapter_death_t; typedef struct { int gs_length; unsigned int gs_flag; void *gs_special_data; } ha_gs_special_data_t; typedef struct ha_gs_special_block_t { unsigned int gs_special_flag; struct ha_gs_special_block_t *gs_next_special_block; int gs_special_num_entries; int gs_special_length; void *gs_special; } ha_gs_special_block_t; /* maximum limits */ typedef struct { int max_provider_message_length; int max_state_value_length; int max_group_name_length; } ha_gs_limits; /* NOTE: at this moment, only IPv4 will be supported */ /* feature 150043: IPv6 support */ typedef union { struct { uint32_t filler[3]; struct in_addr ip4x; }ipv4_in_6; struct in6_addr ip6; } ha_gs_ip_addr; #define ip4 ipv4_in_6.ip4x typedef struct { ha_gs_ip_addr ip_addr; short node_number; const char *interface_name; ha_gs_provider_t gs_member_id; /* not used yet */ const char *gs_group_name; /* not used yet */ const char *hb_network_name; const char *hb_network_type; void *__reserved_1__; /* do not reference this variable */ void *__reserved_2__; /* do not reference this variable */ } ha_gs_adapter_info; typedef struct { unsigned int gs_count; ha_gs_ip_addr *gs_ip_members; } ha_gs_adapter_ip_membership_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_phase_info_t gs_phase_info; ha_gs_provider_t gs_proposed_by; ha_gs_updates_t gs_whats_changed; ha_gs_membership_t *gs_current_providers; ha_gs_membership_t *gs_changing_providers; ha_gs_leave_array_t *gs_leave_info; ha_gs_expel_info_t *gs_expel_info; ha_gs_state_value_t *gs_current_state_value; ha_gs_state_value_t *gs_proposed_state_value; ha_gs_state_value_t *gs_source_state_value; ha_gs_provider_message_t *gs_provider_message; ha_gs_group_attributes_t *gs_new_group_attributes; ha_gs_merge_info_t *gs_merge_info; ha_gs_vote_result_array_t *gs_current_vote_results; ha_gs_vote_result_array_t *gs_changing_vote_results; } ha_gs_proposal_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_notification_type_t gs_notification_type; ha_gs_responsiveness_t gs_responsiveness_information; } ha_gs_responsiveness_notification_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_notification_type_t gs_notification_type; unsigned int gs_number_of_queries; ha_gs_query_info_t *gs_query_info; } ha_gs_query_notification_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_notification_type_t gs_notification_type; ha_gs_token_t gs_provider_token; ha_gs_request_t gs_protocol_type; ha_gs_summary_code_t gs_summary_code; ha_gs_time_limit_t gs_time_limit; ha_gs_proposal_t *gs_proposal; uint64_t gs_event_seqnum; } ha_gs_n_phase_notification_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_notification_type_t gs_notification_type; ha_gs_token_t gs_provider_token; ha_gs_request_t gs_protocol_type; ha_gs_summary_code_t gs_summary_code; ha_gs_proposal_t *gs_proposal; uint64_t gs_event_seqnum; } ha_gs_approved_notification_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_notification_type_t gs_notification_type; ha_gs_token_t gs_provider_token; ha_gs_request_t gs_protocol_type; ha_gs_summary_code_t gs_summary_code; ha_gs_proposal_t *gs_proposal; uint64_t gs_event_seqnum; } ha_gs_rejected_notification_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_notification_type_t gs_notification_type; ha_gs_token_t gs_provider_token; ha_gs_summary_code_t gs_summary_code; ha_gs_membership_t *gs_announcement; } ha_gs_announcement_notification_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_notification_type_t gs_notification_type; ha_gs_token_t gs_provider_token; ha_gs_request_t gs_protocol_type; ha_gs_proposal_t *gs_proposal; ha_gs_merge_ctrl_t gs_merge_control; ha_gs_group_state_t gs_alpha_group_state; ha_gs_group_state_t gs_omega_group_state; } ha_gs_merge_notification_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_notification_type_t gs_notification_type; ha_gs_token_t gs_subscriber_token; ha_gs_subscription_type_t gs_subscription_type; ha_gs_state_value_t *gs_state_value; ha_gs_membership_t *gs_full_membership; ha_gs_membership_t *gs_changing_membership; ha_gs_special_data_t *gs_subscription_special_data; ha_gs_adapter_ip_membership_t *gs_full_ip_membership; ha_gs_adapter_ip_membership_t *gs_changing_ip_membership; ha_gs_adapter_death_t *gs_reason_flags; ha_gs_merge_info_t *gs_merge_info; ha_gs_leave_info_t *gs_leave_codes; uint64_t gs_event_seqnum; } ha_gs_subscription_notification_t; /* *------------------------------------------------------------------ *------------------------------------------------------------------ */ typedef void (ha_gs_subscription_cb_t)(const ha_gs_subscription_notification_t*); typedef void (ha_gs_query_cb_t)(const ha_gs_query_notification_t*); typedef ha_gs_callback_rc_t (ha_gs_responsiveness_cb_t)(const ha_gs_responsiveness_notification_t*); typedef void (ha_gs_n_phase_cb_t)(const ha_gs_n_phase_notification_t*); typedef void (ha_gs_approved_cb_t)(const ha_gs_approved_notification_t*); typedef void (ha_gs_rejected_cb_t)(const ha_gs_rejected_notification_t*); typedef void (ha_gs_announcement_cb_t)(const ha_gs_announcement_notification_t*); typedef void (ha_gs_merge_cb_t)(const ha_gs_merge_notification_t*); typedef struct { ha_gs_group_attributes_t *gs_group_attributes; short gs_provider_instance; char *gs_provider_local_name; ha_gs_n_phase_cb_t *gs_n_phase_protocol_callback; ha_gs_approved_cb_t *gs_protocol_approved_callback; ha_gs_rejected_cb_t *gs_protocol_rejected_callback; ha_gs_announcement_cb_t *gs_announcement_callback; ha_gs_merge_cb_t *gs_merge_callback; } ha_gs_join_request_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_num_phases_t gs_num_phases; ha_gs_time_limit_t gs_time_limit; ha_gs_state_value_t gs_new_state; } ha_gs_state_change_request_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_num_phases_t gs_num_phases; ha_gs_time_limit_t gs_time_limit; ha_gs_provider_message_t gs_message; } ha_gs_message_request_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_num_phases_t gs_num_phases; ha_gs_time_limit_t gs_time_limit; unsigned int gs_leave_code; } ha_gs_leave_request_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_num_phases_t gs_num_phases; ha_gs_time_limit_t gs_time_limit; ha_gs_membership_t gs_expel_list; int gs_deactivate_phase; char *gs_deactivate_flag; } ha_gs_expel_request_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_subscription_ctrl_t gs_subscription_control; ha_gs_group_name_t gs_subscription_group; ha_gs_subscription_cb_t *gs_subscription_callback; } ha_gs_subscribe_request_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_num_phases_t gs_num_phases; ha_gs_time_limit_t gs_time_limit; ha_gs_group_attributes_t *gs_group_attributes; ha_gs_membership_t *gs_backlevel_providers; } ha_gs_attribute_change_request_t; #define gs_join_request _gs_protocol_info._gs_join_request #define gs_state_change_request _gs_protocol_info._gs_state_change_request #define gs_message_request _gs_protocol_info._gs_message_request #define gs_leave_request _gs_protocol_info._gs_leave_request #define gs_expel_request _gs_protocol_info._gs_expel_request #define gs_subscribe_request _gs_protocol_info._gs_subscribe_request #define gs_attribute_change_request _gs_protocol_info._gs_attribute_change_request typedef struct { union { ha_gs_join_request_t _gs_join_request; ha_gs_state_change_request_t _gs_state_change_request; ha_gs_message_request_t _gs_message_request; ha_gs_leave_request_t _gs_leave_request; ha_gs_expel_request_t _gs_expel_request; ha_gs_subscribe_request_t _gs_subscribe_request; ha_gs_attribute_change_request_t _gs_attribute_change_request; } _gs_protocol_info; } ha_gs_proposal_info_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_notification_type_t gs_notification_type; ha_gs_token_t gs_request_token; ha_gs_request_t gs_protocol_type; ha_gs_rc_t gs_delayed_return_code; ha_gs_proposal_info_t *gs_failing_request; ha_gs_group_attributes_t *old_group_attributes; } ha_gs_delayed_error_notification_t; typedef void (ha_gs_delayed_error_cb_t)(const ha_gs_delayed_error_notification_t*); /* The following macro is for the compatibility to the previous versions */ ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_setup(int compiled_version, int argcount, ha_gs_descriptor_t *descriptor_addr, const ha_gs_socket_ctrl_t socket_control, const ha_gs_responsiveness_t *responsiveness_control, const char *deactivate_script, ha_gs_responsiveness_cb_t *responsiveness_cb_addr, ha_gs_delayed_error_cb_t *delayed_error_cb_addr, ha_gs_query_cb_t *query_cb_addr, ...); #ifndef _HA_GS_BUILD_COMPATIBLE_FUNCTION_ /* This section will always be included for the applications */ #ifdef __cplusplus inline ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_init(ha_gs_descriptor_t *descriptor_addr, const ha_gs_socket_ctrl_t socket_control, const ha_gs_responsiveness_t *responsiveness_control, const char *deactivate_script, ha_gs_responsiveness_cb_t *responsiveness_cb_addr, ha_gs_delayed_error_cb_t *delayed_error_cb_addr, ha_gs_query_cb_t *query_cb_addr) { return ha_gs_setup(HA_GS_RELEASE, 7, descriptor_addr, socket_control, responsiveness_control, deactivate_script, responsiveness_cb_addr, delayed_error_cb_addr, query_cb_addr); } #else #define ha_gs_init(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) ha_gs_setup(HA_GS_RELEASE,7,a,b,c,d,e,f,g) #endif #endif ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_get_node_number(int *node_number); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_get_limits(ha_gs_limits *limits); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_get_adapter_info(ha_gs_adapter_info *adapter); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_get_adapter_info_by_addr(const ha_gs_ip_addr *ip, ha_gs_adapter_info *adapter); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_get_adapter_info_by_id(ha_gs_token_t _subscriber_token, const ha_gs_provider_t *_id, ha_gs_adapter_info *adapter); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_get_ipaddr_by_id(ha_gs_token_t _subscriber_token, const ha_gs_provider_t *_id, ha_gs_ip_addr *_ip); /* to change the responsiveness parameter */ ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_change_responsiveness(const ha_gs_responsiveness_t *resp); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_dispatch(const ha_gs_dispatch_flag_t); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_join(ha_gs_token_t *, const ha_gs_proposal_info_t *); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_change_state_value(ha_gs_token_t, const ha_gs_proposal_info_t *); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_send_message(ha_gs_token_t, const ha_gs_proposal_info_t *); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_leave(ha_gs_token_t, const ha_gs_proposal_info_t *); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_expel(ha_gs_token_t, const ha_gs_proposal_info_t *); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_change_attributes(ha_gs_token_t, const ha_gs_proposal_info_t *); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_goodbye(ha_gs_token_t); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_vote(ha_gs_token_t, ha_gs_vote_value_t, const ha_gs_state_value_t *, const ha_gs_provider_message_t *, ha_gs_vote_value_t); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_quit(void); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_query_group_list(void); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_query_group_info(const ha_gs_group_name_t); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_subscribe(ha_gs_token_t *, const ha_gs_proposal_info_t *); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_unsubscribe(ha_gs_token_t); void ha_gs_copy_group_attributes(ha_gs_group_attributes_t *gAttrsTarg, ha_gs_group_attributes_t *gAttrsSrc); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_get_ffdc_id(fc_eid_t fcid); /* *------------------------------------------------------------------ * Domain Events Handling *------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Node identifier: only 'node_number' is used for now */ typedef struct { int32_t node_number; /* -1 if not used */ uint32_t node_epoch; /* reserved for the future use */ uint64_t node_id; /* reserved for the future use */ } ha_gs_node_spec_t; /* node membership */ typedef struct { unsigned int gs_count; ha_gs_node_spec_t *gs_nodes; } ha_gs_node_membership_t; /* Node membership List */ /* * UUID - (opaque 128bit) */ typedef struct { union { uint64_t bits64[2]; unsigned char bytes[16]; } val; } ha_gs_uuid_t; /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The following domain/site event notifications can be notified. * HA_GS_DOMAIN_DISCOVER -- Internal use (Not be sent to other application) * HA_GS_DOMAIN_MERGE -- Internal use (Not be sent to other application) * HA_GS_DOMAIN_VERSION -- Whenever RSCT active/install version changes * HA_GS_DOMAIN_NODE_CONFIG -- Whenever nodes are added/deleted * HA_GS_MIGRATE_TO_CAA -- Migrate to CAA * Extension for Site split/merge handling * HA_GS_SITE_SPLIT -- when two sites are splitted * HA_GS_SITE_MERGE -- when two sites are about to merge * Domain master node (NS) notification * HA_GS_DOMAIN_MASTER_NODE - NS node change * Generic split/merge handling - applicable for site and cluster (without site) * HA_GS_SUBCLUSTER_SPLIT -- split across two sites or in cluster * HA_GS_SUBCLUSTER_MERGE -- merge across two sites or in cluster *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef enum { HA_GS_DOMAIN_DISCOVER = 1, HA_GS_DOMAIN_MERGE = 2, HA_GS_DOMAIN_VERSION = 3, /* Active/install version change */ HA_GS_DOMAIN_NODE_CONFIG = 4, /* configuration is changed */ HA_GS_MIGRATE_TO_CAA = 5, /* migrate to CAA */ HA_GS_SITE_SPLIT = 6, /* site down or split */ HA_GS_SITE_MERGE = 7, /* site merge */ HA_GS_DOMAIN_MASTER_NODE = 8, /* domain master node change */ HA_GS_SUBCLUSTER_SPLIT = 9, /* generic split */ HA_GS_SUBCLUSTER_MERGE = 10, /* generic merge */ HA_GS_OPQUORUM_INFO = 11, /* Provides quorum values */ HA_GS_DOMAINCB_RESP_ERR_INFO = 12, /* Domain callback response error information */ HA_GS_DOMAIN_STATUS_CHANGE = 13, /* Domain info (quorum) may become stale or resumed from this msg */ HA_GS_INTERNAL_MSG_INFO = (0x10000000 + 1) /* internal msg - RESERVED for IBM INTERNAL USE */ } ha_gs_domain_event_type_t; typedef enum { HA_GS_DOMAIN_CAA_MIGRATION_COORD = 1, /* client is being informed that */ /* migration to CAA is being */ /* prepared and a vote is requested.*/ HA_GS_DOMAIN_CAA_MIGRATION_APPRVD = 2, /* client is being informed that */ /* the preparation has been */ /* successful and all clients on */ /* the node approved the migration*/ /* request */ HA_GS_DOMAIN_CAA_MIGRATION_REJCTD = 3, /* client is being informed that */ /* the preparation failed */ HA_GS_DOMAIN_CAA_MIGRATION_COMPLT = 4 /* client is being informed that */ /* the migration request has been */ /* completed, which succeeds the */ /* call to */ /* ha_gs_migrate_to_caa_commit() .*/ } ha_gs_migrate_to_caa_subtype_info_t; typedef enum { HA_GS_VOTE_FOR_MIGRATION = 0, /* Ask for a vote for migration to CAA */ HA_GS_MIGRATE_TO_CAA_PREP_DONE = 1, /* migration to CAA approved */ HA_GS_MIGRATE_TO_CAA_COMMIT_DONE = 2, /* migration to CAA completed */ HA_GS_HB_MIGRATE_TO_CAA_PREP_FAILED = 3, /* hb_migrate_to_caa_prep() returned error */ HA_GS_CT2PRMMIGRATETOCAAPREP_FAILED = 4, /* ct2PrmMigrateToCAAPrep() returned error */ HA_GS_MIGRATE_TO_CAA_ALREADY_DONE = 5, /* migration to CAA already done */ HA_GS_VOTE_FOR_MIGRATION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 6, /* vote for migration to CAA is not supported */ HA_GS_INVALID_MIGRATION_TO_CAA_CALL = 7 /* invalid migration to CAA call */ } ha_gs_migrate_notification_reason_t; #define HA_GS_MIGRATION_REASON_MSG_SIZE 100 typedef struct { ha_gs_migrate_to_caa_subtype_info_t sub_type; ha_gs_migrate_notification_reason_t reason; int32_t reason_detail_code; char reason_msg[HA_GS_MIGRATION_REASON_MSG_SIZE]; } ha_gs_migrate_to_caa_info_t ; /* Domain specification (in a same site) */ typedef struct { uint32_t node_number; /* NS node number/id */ uint32_t instance_id; /* NS instance number */ uint32_t size; } ha_gs_domain_spec_t; /* HA_GS_DOMAIN_DISCOVER */ typedef struct { ha_gs_domain_spec_t gs_domain; /* my domain */ ha_gs_ip_addr ip_addr; /* IPv4 IP address */ unsigned int instance_id; /* TS instance number */ } ha_gs_domain_discover_info_t; /* HA_GS_DOMAIN_MERGE */ typedef struct { ha_gs_domain_spec_t gs_domain; /* my domain */ ha_gs_domain_spec_t other_domain; /* other domain */ ha_gs_node_membership_t *gs_domain_members; /* my domain's nodes */ ha_gs_node_membership_t *other_domain_members; /* other domain's nodes */ } ha_gs_domain_merge_info_t; /* HA_GS_SITE_SPLIT/MERGE */ /* Site specification for site split/merge handling */ typedef struct { uint32_t site_number; /* short site number */ ha_gs_uuid_t site_uuid; /* site uuid */ uint32_t site_policy; /* site policy */ uint32_t site_priority; /* site priority */ int32_t site_size; /* 0: unused, 'up-nodes' for merge notification */ } ha_gs_site_spec_t; /* site dissolution action (same as critrsrc_prot method) */ typedef enum { HA_GS_SITE_DISSOLVE_AND_DEFAULT = 0, /* determined internally */ HA_GS_SITE_DISSOLVE_AND_REBOOT = 1, HA_GS_SITE_DISSOLVE_AND_HALT = 2, HA_GS_SITE_DISSOLVE_AND_SYNC_REBOOT = 3, HA_GS_SITE_DISSOLVE_AND_SYNC_HALT = 4, HA_GS_SITE_DISSOLVE_AND_NONE = 5, HA_GS_SITE_DISSOLVE_AND_EXIT = 6 } ha_gs_site_dissolve_action_t; /* HA_GS_SITE_SPLIT */ typedef struct { ha_gs_site_spec_t gs_local_site; /* my local site */ ha_gs_site_spec_t gs_other_site; /* other site */ } ha_gs_site_split_info_t; /* HA_GS_SITE_MERGE */ typedef struct { ha_gs_site_spec_t gs_local_site; /* my local site */ ha_gs_site_spec_t gs_other_site; /* other site */ } ha_gs_site_merge_info_t; /* HA_GS_SPLIT/MERGE */ /* split/merge subtype */ typedef enum { HA_GS_SUBCLUSTER_TYPE_LOCAL = 0, HA_GS_SUBCLUSTER_TYPE_REMOTE = 1 } ha_gs_subcluster_type_t; typedef enum { HA_GS_SUBCLUSTER_DISSOLVE_AND_DEFAULT = 0, /* determined internally */ HA_GS_SUBCLUSTER_DISSOLVE_AND_REBOOT = 1, HA_GS_SUBCLUSTER_DISSOLVE_AND_HALT = 2, HA_GS_SUBCLUSTER_DISSOLVE_AND_SYNC_REBOOT = 3, HA_GS_SUBCLUSTER_DISSOLVE_AND_SYNC_HALT = 4, HA_GS_SUBCLUSTER_DISSOLVE_AND_NONE = 5, HA_GS_SUBCLUSTER_DISSOLVE_AND_EXIT = 6 } ha_gs_subcluster_dissolve_action_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_domain_spec_t gs_local_domain; ha_gs_site_spec_t gs_local_site; ha_gs_site_spec_t gs_other_site; ha_gs_node_membership_t gs_local_subcluster; /* local subcluster */ ha_gs_node_membership_t gs_other_subcluster; /* other subcluster */ ha_gs_subcluster_type_t gs_subcluster_type; /* subcluster type - local or remote */ uint64_t gs_event_seqnum; } ha_gs_subcluster_split_merge_info_t; typedef struct { ha_gs_subcluster_type_t gs_subcluster_type; ha_gs_subcluster_dissolve_action_t action; union { ha_gs_domain_spec_t local_domain; ha_gs_site_spec_t site_spec; }info; } ha_gs_subcluster_dissolution_info_t; /* HA_GS_DOMAIN_VERSION */ typedef struct { struct { uint16_t version; uint16_t release; uint16_t modlevel; uint16_t fixlevel; } vrmf; uint32_t quick_version; /* combined VRMF */ } ha_gs_rsct_version_t; /* HA_GS_DOMAIN_NODE_CONFIG (Node configuration change) */ typedef struct { ha_gs_node_membership_t *current; ha_gs_node_membership_t *added; ha_gs_node_membership_t *removed; } ha_gs_domain_membership_info_t; /***************************************************************************************************************/ /* Note notification_sequence is an increasing number. */ /* This sequence is used to indicate the order of the events (e.g. quorum_info and domain_status) */ /* Therefore, if an quorum_info's sequence is smaller than a domain_status's sequence, */ /* it implies that the quorum_info event happened before the event that caused the domain_status change */ /***************************************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************************************/ /* Quorum State notification */ /***************************************************************************************************************/ typedef enum { HA_GS_QUORUM_STATE_HAS = 0, HA_GS_QUORUM_STATE_PENDING = 1, HA_GS_QUORUM_STATE_NONE = 2 } ha_gs_quorum_state_t; /* Quorum Notification specification */ typedef struct { uint64_t notification_sequence; ha_gs_quorum_state_t old_quorum_val; ha_gs_quorum_state_t new_quorum_val; uint64_t gs_event_seqnum; /* This may always be 0 as it may be associated with an event */ } ha_gs_opquorum_info_t; /* Quorum Notification Response */ typedef struct { uint64_t notification_sequence; void *reserved_field; } ha_gs_quorum_response_t; /* Quorum response error information */ typedef struct { ha_gs_quorum_response_t quorum_resp; ha_gs_rc_t error_code; } ha_gs_quorum_resp_err_t; /* Domain callback response error information */ typedef struct { ha_gs_domain_event_type_t domain_event_type; /* domain event type */ union { ha_gs_quorum_resp_err_t quorum_resp_err; } err_info; } ha_gs_domaincb_resp_err_t; /***************************************************************************************************************/ /* Domain status change info */ /***************************************************************************************************************/ typedef enum { HA_GS_DOMAIN_STATUS_SUSPENDED = 0, /* domain info msg is suspended */ HA_GS_DOMAIN_STATUS_ACTIVE_OR_RESUMED = 1 /* active by default, or resumed */ }ha_gs_domain_status_t; typedef struct { uint64_t notification_sequence; ha_gs_domain_status_t domain_status; } ha_gs_domain_status_info_t; /***************************************************************************************************************/ /* RESERVED for IBM INTERNAL USE: priv channel msg notification */ /***************************************************************************************************************/ typedef struct { void *msg; /* interpreted internally */ } ha_gs_internal_msg_info_t; /* Domain event notification */ typedef struct { ha_gs_notification_type_t notification_type; /* HA_GS_DOMAIN_NOTIFICATION */ ha_gs_domain_event_type_t domain_event_type; /* domain event type */ union { ha_gs_domain_discover_info_t discover; /* HA_GS_DOMAIN_DISCOVER */ ha_gs_domain_merge_info_t merge; /* HA_GS_DOMAIN_MERGE */ ha_gs_rsct_version_t vers; /* HA_GS_DOMAIN_VERSION */ ha_gs_domain_membership_info_t nodes; /* HA_GS_DOMAIN_NODE_CONFIG */ ha_gs_migrate_to_caa_info_t migrate_event_info; /* HA_GS_MIGRATE_TO_CAA - migration to CAA info */ ha_gs_site_merge_info_t site_merge; /* HA_GS_SITE_MERGE */ ha_gs_site_split_info_t site_split; /* HA_GS_SITE_SPLIT */ ha_gs_domain_spec_t domain_master_info; /* HA_GS_DOMAIN_MASTER_NODE */ ha_gs_opquorum_info_t quorum_val; /* HA_GS_OPQUORUM_INFO */ ha_gs_subcluster_split_merge_info_t subcluster_split; /* HA_GS_SPLIT */ ha_gs_subcluster_split_merge_info_t subcluster_merge; /* HA_GS_MERGE */ ha_gs_domaincb_resp_err_t domaincb_resp_err; /* HA_GS_DOMAINCB_RESP_ERR_INFO */ ha_gs_domain_status_info_t domain_status_info; /* HA_GS_DOMAIN_STATUS_CHANGE */ ha_gs_internal_msg_info_t internal_msg; /* HA_GS_INTERNAL_MSG_INFO - RESERVED for IBM INTERNAL USE */ } info; } ha_gs_domain_control_notification_t; /* keep the same name for the compatibility */ /***************************************************/ /* Handling Domain Callback Acknowledgement */ /***************************************************/ /* Domain Callback Acknowledgement */ typedef struct { ha_gs_notification_type_t notification_type; /* HA_GS_DOMAIN_NOTIFICATION */ ha_gs_domain_event_type_t domain_event_type; /* domain event type */ union { ha_gs_quorum_response_t quorum_response; } info; } ha_gs_domain_control_response_t; /* Domain Callback Acknowledgement Timeout */ typedef struct { ha_gs_time_limit_t gs_domaincb_ack_time_limit; } ha_gs_domaincb_ack_timeout_t; #ifdef _USE_DEDICATED_THREAD_MODEL /* begin _USE_DEDICATED_THREAD_MODEL */ /*************************************************************/ /* Handling of dedicated thread dispatching model - RESERVED */ /*************************************************************/ /* token bit masks */ #define HA_GS_ALL_TOKENS_MASK 0x7FFFFFFF #define HA_GS_PREDEFINED_TOKEN_MASK 0x00FF0000 #define HA_GS_ALL_PREDEFINED_TOKENS 0x00FFFFFF #define HA_GS_RESPONSIVENESS_MSG_TOKEN_CATEGORY_BIT 0x00010000 #define HA_GS_QUERY_MSG_TOKEN_CATEGORY_BIT 0x00020000 #define HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_MSG_TOKEN_CATEGORY_BIT 0x00040000 /*** token definitions ***/ #define HA_GS_CATCH_ALL_TOKEN 0xFF01000 /** non-group related predefined tokens **/ /* responsiveness callback token */ #define HA_GS_RESPONSIVENESS_MSG_TOKEN (HA_GS_RESPONSIVENESS_MSG_TOKEN_CATEGORY_BIT | 0x00000001) /* query message token */ #define HA_GS_QUERY_MSG_TOKEN (HA_GS_QUERY_MSG_TOKEN_CATEGORY_BIT | 0x00000002) /* domain control tokens */ #define HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_DOMAIN_DISCOVER_MSG_TOKEN (HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_MSG_TOKEN_CATEGORY_BIT | 0x00000003) #define HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_DOMAIN_MERGE_MSG_TOKEN (HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_MSG_TOKEN_CATEGORY_BIT | 0x00000004) #define HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_DOMAIN_VERSION_MSG_TOKEN (HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_MSG_TOKEN_CATEGORY_BIT | 0x00000005) #define HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_DOMAIN_NODE_CONFIG_MSG_TOKEN (HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_MSG_TOKEN_CATEGORY_BIT | 0x00000006) #define HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_MIGRATE_TO_CAA_MSG_TOKEN (HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_MSG_TOKEN_CATEGORY_BIT | 0x00000007) #define HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_SITE_SPLIT_MSG_TOKEN (HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_MSG_TOKEN_CATEGORY_BIT | 0x00000008) #define HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_SITE_MERGE_MSG_TOKEN (HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_MSG_TOKEN_CATEGORY_BIT | 0x00000009) #define HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_DOMAIN_MASTER_NODE_MSG_TOKEN (HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_MSG_TOKEN_CATEGORY_BIT | 0x0000000A) #define HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_SUBCLUSTER_SPLIT_MSG_TOKEN (HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_MSG_TOKEN_CATEGORY_BIT | 0x0000000B) #define HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_SUBCLUSTER_MERGE_MSG_TOKEN (HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_MSG_TOKEN_CATEGORY_BIT | 0x0000000C) #define HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_OPQUORUM_INFO_MSG_TOKEN (HA_GS_DOMAINCONTROL_MSG_TOKEN_CATEGORY_BIT | 0x0000000D) /* handle to a set of tokens for dispatching requests */ typedef uint64_t ha_gs_tokenset_id_t; /* token set purpose */ typedef enum { HA_GS_DISPATCH_TOKENSET = 0 }ha_gs_tokenset_type_t; /* Tokenset membership */ typedef struct { unsigned int num_tokens; ha_gs_token_t *token_list; } ha_gs_tokenset_membership_t; /* create and delete a tokensets */ ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_create_tokenset( ha_gs_tokenset_type_t type, ha_gs_tokenset_id_t *p_tokenset_id ); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_create_catchall_tokenset( ha_gs_tokenset_type_t type, ha_gs_tokenset_id_t *p_tokenset_id ); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_delete_tokenset( ha_gs_tokenset_id_t tokenset ); /* add and remove tokens from a set */ ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_add_token( ha_gs_tokenset_id_t tokenset, ha_gs_token_t token); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_remove_token( ha_gs_tokenset_id_t tokenset, ha_gs_token_t token ); /* query a token set */ ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_get_tokenset_members( ha_gs_tokenset_id_t tokenset, ha_gs_tokenset_membership_t *member_tokens_info); /* acquire a tokenset's descriptor */ ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_get_dispatch_tokenset_descriptor( ha_gs_tokenset_id_t tokenset, ha_gs_descriptor_t *p_fd); /* query which tokenset(s) a token is a member */ ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_get_token_tokensets( ha_gs_token_t token, ha_gs_tokenset_id_t **tokensets, int *p_count ); /* dispatch request(s) for an assigned set of tokens */ ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_dispatch_tokenset( ha_gs_dispatch_flag_t mode, ha_gs_tokenset_id_t tokenset ); #endif /* end _USE_DEDICATED_THREAD_MODEL */ /* domain callback */ typedef ha_gs_domain_control_notification_t ha_gs_domain_event_notification_t; typedef void (ha_gs_domain_control_cb_t)(const ha_gs_domain_control_notification_t *notification); /* IBM internal use */ /* Get the internal domain master node (e.g. NS). * If it is equal to node_number from ha_gs_get_node_number(), * it is the Group Services master node */ ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_get_domain_master_node_number(int *node_number); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_dissolve_domain(const ha_gs_domain_spec_t *local_domain); /* domain merge handling */ /* site merge/split handling */ ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_dissolve_site(const ha_gs_site_spec_t *local_site, ha_gs_site_dissolve_action_t action); /*-------------------------------------------------------------- * InstalledVersion: it will always be the local RSCT version. * ActiveVersion: This will provide the current Peer Domain Active Version. * Therefore, this will be NULL on non-peer domain environment. * Return NULL if not available. *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_get_rsct_active_version(ha_gs_rsct_version_t *avn); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_get_rsct_installed_version(ha_gs_rsct_version_t *ivn); /*-------------------------------------------------------------- * migration APIs for pre-CAA to CAA mode * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_migrate_to_caa_prep(); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_migrate_to_caa_commit(); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_migrate_to_caa_abort(); ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_migrate_vote( ha_gs_migration_vote_t _vote ); /* For sending domain callback acknowledgement */ ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_respond_domain_control(const ha_gs_domain_control_response_t *response); /* For changing the domain callback acknowledgement time-out value */ ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_change_domaincb_ack_timeout(const ha_gs_time_limit_t *gs_domain_control_ack_time_limit); /* subcluster dissolution */ ha_gs_rc_t ha_gs_dissolve_subcluster(const ha_gs_subcluster_dissolution_info_t *subcluster_info); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* end extern "C" */ #endif #endif /* _HA_GS_H_ */