# @(#)14      1.7  src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libtrace/libtrcfmt.src, cmdtrace, bos720 3/25/06 16:04:29
# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# bos720 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libtrace/libtrcfmt.src 1.7 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# Restricted Materials of IBM 
# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2001,2006 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 

# This is a special, stripped down, version of a normal trace format 
# file, used by libtrace to process a trace object read in raw mode.

003 1.2 L=0 "@TRACE HEADER" W2 \
        $D1, \
        1 { \
		{{ $TC = $TOTALCPUS }} {{ $TRC = $TRACEDCPUS }} \
		{{ $INITIALTIME = X4 }} \
		{{ $UTSNAME = M160 }} }, \
	2 { {{ $CMD = A1024 }} }, \
	4 { {{ $CONDTRACE = 1 }} }, \
	5 { {{ $CONDTRACE = 2 }} }, \
	6 { {{ $BITMAP = M512 }} }

# The .9 second hook is from a timeout in the trace device driver
#   so that rtc timer synchronization is not lost.
# The first few formatting lines deal with the special case of handling
# a 64-bit, raw, multi-cpu trace, trcrpt -rC.  The TRC_LOGVERBATIM option
# must be used so the 32-bit 00A hook isn't reformatted, so we need
# to extract the data here.
# IPADDR is the Internet ( address of this machine.
# 25C is the hook used to pass the time base conversion multiplier
# and divisor to trcrpt so it can correctly calculate the delta and
# elapsed times.  The multiplier is the first 8 bytes, the divisor
# the next 8, and a machine type indicator is the third.
# The type indicator may be RTC_POWER_PC or RTC_IA64
# For subhook 0x14, reginstall gets the offset of the reghook_t data within the
# event.
        $GENERIC, \
        1  { {{ $mode = $D1 }} }, \
        \* { {{ $mode = $HD }} } \
	W2 \
        $mode, \
        5 { {{ $IPADDR = $D1 }} }, \
        6 { {{ $BUFF = $D1 }} }, \
	7 { cpumap(0) }, \
	0x25c { timefact(X8, X8, X8) }, \
        0x10 { {{ $cpuid = X4 }} {{ $strlen = $HL - 4 }} {{$string = $HL%S1}} \
                install_logfile($cpuid,$string,$strlen) }, \
        0x12 { {{ $TOTALCPUS = X4 }} {{ $TRACEDCPUS = X4 }} \
                0 { {{ $REPORTEDCPUS = $TRACEDCPUS }} } }, \
	0x13 { {{ $LARGEDATATYPES = 1 }} }, \
	0x14 { reginstall() }, \ 
        0x17 { {{ $strlen = $HL }} {{$string = $HL%S1}} \
                install_componentfile($string,$strlen) }