# @(#)02 1.7 src/tcpip/etc/dhcpcd.ini, dhcp, tcpip720 12/8/95 11:01:56 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # tcpip720 src/tcpip/etc/dhcpcd.ini 1.7 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1995 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # # dhcpcd.ini -- DHCP Client configuration file # # # This file contains directives that can be specified by the # to configure the client. # # # Do not put any long line without white space in this file. # # A line starting with a '#' character is a comment and is ignored. # A '#' on a line which is not part of a quoted string indicates # that anything to the right of this character is a comment and should # be ignored. # # A continuation character of '\' is supported. It must be # the last non-whitespace character on the line prior to # any comments. # # # # The directives are specified in the form of # <keyword> <value1> ... <valueN>. # # Here is a list of all the keywords whose value can be specified # in this file: # # Keyword Effect # ------------- --------------------------------------------------- # # numLogFiles The number of log files desired. # logFileSize The Size of log files in K bytes. # logFileName The name of the most recent log file. # logItem One item to be logged. # # interface The network interface that needs DHCP configuration. # clientid Specifies whether the client id included in all # packets to the server should be the hardware MAC # address or the HOSTNAME. # smiffer A command string to execute to start a program to # detect hardware failure/recovery of the network # adapter. # updateDNS A command string to execute to cause the DNS server # to be updated with the new IP address for the # given name. # option An option requested by this client # vendor A vendor extension option # reject An option to be ignored if sent by a server # otherOptions Whether to process options not specifically # requested or rejected in this client config file. # # # Log files. This set of parameters specifies the log files that will be # maintained by this server. Each parameter is identified by a keyword # and followed by its value. # # Keyword Value Definition # -------- ------------ ------------------------------------------ # numLogFiles 0 to n number of log files. If 0 is specified, # no log file will be maintained and no log # message is display anywhere. n is the # maximum number of log files maintained as # the size of the most recent log file # reaches its maximum size and a new log file # is created. # # logFileSize in K bytes maximum size of a log file. When the size # of the most recent log file reaches this # value, it is renamed and a new log file is # created. # # logFileName file path name of the most recent log file. Less # recent log files have the number 1 to # (n - 1) appended to their names; the larger # the number, the less recent the file. # # logItem One item that will be logged. # SYSERR System error, at the interface to the platform. # OBJERR Object error, in between objects in the process. # PROTERR Protocol error, between client and server. # WARNING Warning, worth of attention from the user. # EVENT Event occurred to the process. # ACTION Action taken by the process. # INFO Information that might be useful. # ACNTING Who was served when. # TRACE Code flow, for debugging. # # numLogFiles 4 logFileSize 100 logFileName /usr/tmp/dhcpcd.log logItem SYSERR logItem OBJERR #logItem PROTERR #logItem WARNING #logItem EVENT #logItem ACTION #logItem INFO #logItem ACNTING #logItem TRACE # # Network interface. This parameter specifies a network interface # that needs DHCP configuration. The keyword and its values are as # follows: # # Keyword Value Definition # -------- ------------ ------------------------------------------ # interface <ifName> # # DHCP interface. ifName is the name of # the network interface or any ro represent the # first found or all to do all found interfaces # # The interface statement may be immediately followed # by a pair of curly brackets, in which # the options requested for this interface can be # specified. Options requested within # interface curly brackets apply only to # this interface. # Note: It may be desirable that the client can automaticly detect a # network interface via which DHCP is to be performed. Until # such a mechanism becomes available, this parameter needs to be # specified in this config file. # # clientid MAC or HOSTNAME # The client id to use in all communication # with the server. MAC denotes that the # hardware address for the particular interface # should be used as the client id. HOSTNAME # denotes that the domain host name should # be used as the client id. # The default is HOSTNAME. The bottom of the # file sets MAC. MAC is better for NIM # environments. # # sniffer exec string A string enclosed in quotes to indicate a # program to execute to detect hardware # failure/recovery for an interface. The # dhcp client will look for signal 23 to # indicate that the network is up and signal # 16 to indicate that the network is down. # # updateDNS exec string A string enclosed in quites to indicate a # program to execute to update the DNS server # with the new IP address for the given name. # This string should include four %s's to # indicate the placement of the following # information from the dhcp client: # # hostname - This is the value of option 12. # The value returned by the dhcp server, is used # if one is supplied. Else, if the client specified # a value (in THIS file) the client requested value # is used. If neither the client specified a # requested hostname nor the server supplied one, # this exec string will not be executed. # # domainname - This is the value of option 15. # The value returned by the dhcp server, is used # if one is supplied. Else, if the client specified # a value (in THIS file) the client requested value # is used. If neither the client specified a # requested hostname nor the server supplied one, # A null string ("") will be supplied by dhcp. Thus, # this value is deemed optional. # # Ip Address - This is the IP address leased to this client # by the server. The string is supplied in dotted # notation, ie # # leasetime - This is the lease time granted by the server. # This string is a decimal number representing the # number of seconds of the lease. # # These values are output by dhcp in this order: # hostname domainname Ip Address leasetime # # A script /usr/sbin/dhcpaction has been provided with this functionality # as well as actions to help NIM interact with DHCP clients. # # /usr/sbin/dhcpaction hostname domainnaim ipaddress leasetime REC NIM # The first four parameters are what will be used to update the DNS # server. The fifth parameter tells dhcpaction to update the A record, # the PTR record, or Both, or None. The options are A, PTR, BOTH, NONE. # The sixth parameter is used to tell servers that NIM is being used # and processing needs to be done when a client changes address. The # options for this are NIM and NONIM. On clients, this needs to be # set to NONIM. # # option <code> [<value>] [exec <string>] # An option requested by this client. Its # scope is determined by whether it is inside # a set of curly braces for a particular # interface, or if it is outside all curly # braces. If outside, it applies to all # interfaces. # # Code is the option code of the option # requested. # # Value is the requested value for that option. # This value is passed to the server with the # option. The value is not required. # # The keyword exec denotes a string following # which should be executed if this option # is returned by the server. This string # is expected to be an executable shell script # or program. A "%s" may be included in the # string. If present, the value returned by # the server will be provided in ascii. # # vendor Special syntax for the specification of # the vendor extensions field. Is it followed # by a set of curly braces. Inside the # curly braces, the options and values for # the vendor extensions field are specified. # An exec function for the vendor option should # be placed on the same line as the "vendor" keyword, # using the same syntax as on the other option lines. # The exec string on an option inside the # vendor extensions options is not valid. It # is ignored. # # reject <code> Specified that if this option code is # returned by the server, this option # should be ignored by the client. Its # value should not be used. # # otherOptions accept or reject # Specifies how all other options should # be handled by the client. This refers # to any options not specifically requested # with an "option" statement or rejected # with a "reject" statement. The default # is that all options are accepted. # # # #sniffer "ifsniff -c -itr0" #option 60 foo updateDNS "/usr/sbin/dhcpaction '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' A NONIM >> /tmp/updns.out 2>&1 " clientid MAC