/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
/*                                                                        */
/* bos72X src/bos/usr/include/assert.h                           */
/*                                                                        */
/* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1988,2021              */
/* All Rights Reserved                                                    */
/*                                                                        */
/* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or            */
/* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.      */
/*                                                                        */
/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
/* @(#)34  src/bos/usr/include/assert.h, sysdb, bos72X, x2021_25A9 6/4/21 03:15:17 */ 

 * COMPONENT_NAME: (SYSDB) Kernel Debugger
 * ORIGINS: 27

 *      The ANSI standard requires that certain values be in assert.h.
 *      It also requires that if _ANSI_C_SOURCE is defined then ONLY these
 *      values are present.  This header includes all ANSI required entries.  

#undef assert
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define assert(ignore) ((void)0)
#include <standards.h>
#include <comp_macros.h>

#ifdef _NO_PROTO
#ifndef __cplusplus
extern _NOTHROW(_NORETURN(void, __assert), ());
extern _NOTHROW(_NORETURN(void, __assert_c99), ());
extern "C" _NOTHROW(_NORETURN(void, __assert), ());
extern "C" _NOTHROW(_NORETURN(void, __assert_c99), ());
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#ifndef __cplusplus
extern _NOTHROW(_NORETURN(void, __assert), (const char *, const char *, int));
extern _NOTHROW(_NORETURN(void, __assert_c99), (const char *, const char *, int, const char *));
extern "C" _NOTHROW(_NORETURN(void, __assert), (const char *, const char *, int));
extern "C" _NOTHROW(_NORETURN(void, __assert_c99), (const char *, const char *, int, const char *));
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* _NO_PROTO */

 * Determine when the assert macro defined with C99 and SUSV3
 * can be exposed:
 *	- Only if __NO_ASSERT_C99 and _NOISOC99_SOURCE has not been defined
 *	- Only if this is a C99 capable compiler.
 *	- If ALL_SOURCE not defined and either _POSIX_C_SOURCE is not
 *	  defined or defined as at least as new as 2001

#if !defined(__NO_ASSERT_C99) && !defined(_NOISOC99_SOURCE)
#if __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L &&                                              \
    !(defined(__C99__FUNC__) ||                                                \
      (defined(__GNUC__) && (!defined(__xlC__) || defined(__ibmxl__))))
#undef __ASSERT_C99   
#if !defined(_ALL_SOURCE) && (!defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L)
#define __ASSERT_C99

#if defined(__GNUC__) && (!defined(__xlC__) || defined(__ibmxl__))
#define __ASSERT_C99__FUNC__ __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
#define __ASSERT_C99__FUNC__ __func__

#if defined(__ASSERT_C99)

#if __STDC__ == 1 || defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(__IBMCPP__)
#define assert(__EX) ((__EX) ? ((void)0) : __assert_c99(# __EX, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ASSERT_C99__FUNC__))
#define assert(__EX) ((__EX) ? ((void)0) : __assert_c99("__EX", __FILE__, __LINE__, __ASSERT_C99__FUNC__))
#endif /* __STDC__ || __cplusplus */

#else    /* else if __ASSERT_C99 not defined */

#if __STDC__ == 1 || defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(__IBMCPP__)
#define assert(__EX) ((__EX) ? ((void)0) : __assert(# __EX, __FILE__, __LINE__))
#define assert(__EX) ((__EX) ? ((void)0) : __assert("__EX", __FILE__, __LINE__))
#endif /* __STDC__ || __cplusplus */

#endif   /* __ASSERT_C99 */
#endif /* NDEBUG */

#ifndef __cplusplus
/*ISO C standard from 2011 onward*/
#if (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L)) || defined(_ALL_SOURCE)
#undef static_assert
#define static_assert _Static_assert
#endif /* !__cplusplus */