#! /usr/bin/ksh

# Original Author: Ralph Goers(rgoer@Candle.Com)
# Borrowed heavily from Tim Mooney's HP version.
# This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# find-requires is part of RPM, the RedHat Package Manager.  find-requires
# reads a list of full pathnames (in a package) on stdin, and outputs all
# shared libraries the package requires to run correctly.

find_req_power ()
   # On AIX Power, use `dump -H' to find the library dependencies 
   # for an executable
   # Example dump output:
   #$dump -H /usr/bin/dump
   #                        ***Loader Section***
   #                      Loader Header Information
   #VERSION#         #SYMtableENT     #RELOCent        LENidSTR
   #0x00000001       0x00000021       0x0000006c       0x0000002f
   ##IMPfilID        OFFidSTR         LENstrTBL        OFFstrTBL
   #0x00000002       0x00000848       0x00000049       0x00000877
   #                        ***Import File Strings***
   #INDEX  PATH                          BASE                MEMBER
   #0      /usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/lib
   #1                                    libc.a              shr.o

   while read f
     # Find the required symbols in executables and the required shells in 
     # scripts
     LANG=C /usr/bin/file $f | /usr/bin/grep -q -e ":.*shell script" 

     if [ $? -ne 0 ]  # Use dump to examine executables
        LANG=C /usr/bin/dump -X32_64 -H $f 2>/dev/null | awk '
		# Since this entire awk script is enclosed in single quotes,
		# you need to be careful to not use single quotes, even in awk
		# comments, if you modify this script.

        BEGIN {
            in_shlib_list = 0;
            in_file_strings = 0;
            FS = " ";
            RS = "\n";

        in_shlib_list == 1 && /^$/ {
            in_shlib_list = 0;
            in_file_strings = 0;

        in_shlib_list == 1 {
            pos = index($2, "/")
            numfields = split($0, fields, " ")

            if (pos == 0)  {
              namevar = 2
            else {
              namevar = 3
            if (namevar < numfields) {
              printf("%s(%s)\n", fields[namevar], fields[namevar+1])
            else {
	      if ((fields[namevar] != ".") && (fields[namevar] != "..")) {
                  print fields[namevar]

        in_file_strings == 1 && $1 == "0" {
            in_shlib_list = 1

        /\*Import File Strings\*/ {
            in_file_strings = 1
      ' # end of awk
     else # shell scripts
        if [ -x $f ]; then 
            /usr/bin/head -1 $f | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/^\#\![   ]*//' | /usr/bin/cut -d" " -f1
    done | sort -u

find_req_ia64 ()
   # On AIX IA64, use `dump -Lv' to find the library dependencies 
   # for an executable
   # Example dump output:
   #$dump -Lv /usr/bin/dump
   #[INDEX]   Tag         Value
   #[1]       NEEDED      libC.so.1
   #[2]       NEEDED      libelf.so
   #[3]       NEEDED      /usr/lib/ia64l32/libc.so.1
   #[4]       INIT        0x1001d6c0
   #[5]       FINI        0x1001d700
   #[6]       HASH        0x1000011c
   #[7]       STRTAB      0x10000914
   #[8]       SYMTAB      0x10000364
   #[9]       STRSZ       0x3dd
   #[10]      SYMENT      0x10
   #[11]      PLTGOT      0x20018994
   #[12]      PLT_RESERVE 0x20018a00
   #[13]      PLTSZ       0x1c0
   #[14]      PLTREL      REL
   #[15]      JMPREL      0x100024bc
   #[16]      REL         0x10000cf4
   #[17]      RELSZ       0x17c8
   #[18]      RELENT      0x8

   while read f
     # Find the required symbols in executables and the required shells in 
     # scripts
     LANG=C /usr/bin/file $f | /usr/bin/grep -q -e ":.*shell script" 

     if [ $? -ne 0 ]  # Use dump to examine executables
           LANG=C /usr/bin/dump -X32_64 -Lv $f 2>/dev/null | \
	   awk '$2=="NEEDED" {print $3}' | xargs -i basename {}
     else  # Extract the exec module from shell scripts
           if [ -x $f ]; then
               head -1 $f | sed -e 's/^\#\![   ]*//' | cut -d" " -f1
   done | sort -u

#Ensure we process 32-bit items
export OBJECT_MODE=32

machinetype=`uname -m`
if [[ $machinetype = "ia64" ]]
   /usr/bin/sed "s/['\"]/\\\&/g" | LANG=C /usr/bin/xargs /usr/bin/file | \
      /usr/bin/grep -e ":.*executable" -e ":.*archive" -e ":.*shell script" | /usr/bin/cut -d: -f1 |
   /usr/bin/sed "s/['\"]/\\\&/g" | LANG=C /usr/bin/xargs /usr/bin/file | \
      /usr/bin/grep -e ":.*executable" -e ":.*archive" -e ":.*shell script" | /usr/bin/cut -d: -f1 |