# @(#)22	1.2  src/tcpip/etc/pxed.cnf, dhcp, tcpip720 7/11/00 08:20:27
# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# tcpip720 src/tcpip/etc/pxed.cnf 1.2 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# Restricted Materials of IBM 
# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2000 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
#   pxed.cnf -- Proxy DHCP Server Configuration File for PXE
#   This file contains directives that can be specified by the
#   server's administrator to configure the server and enforce
#   policies.
#   Do not put any long line without white space in this file.
#   A line starting with a '#' character is a comment and is ignored.
#   A '#' on a line which is not part of a quoted string indicates
#   that anything to the right of this character is a comment and should
#   be ignored.
#   A continuation character of '\' is supported.  It must be
#	the last non-whitespace character on the line prior to
#	any comments.
#   The directives are specified in the form of 
#   <keyword> <value1> ... <valueN>.
#   Here is a list of all the keywords whose value can be specified  
#   in this file:
#   Keyword	                Effect
#   -------------    ---------------------------------------------------
#   numLogFiles	     The number of log files desired.
#   pxeservertype    Indicates the type of pxed server it is. The keyword
#                    can following value proxy_on_dhcp_server which 
#                    means dhcpsd server is running on the same machine.
#                    Default is pdhcp_only ie pxed is running on a separate
#                    machine.
#   logFileSize	     The Size of log files in K bytes.
#   logFileName	     The name of the most recent log file.
#   logItem	         One item to be logged.
#   network	         Address of one network managed by this server.
#   subnet	         Address of one subnet within a network.
#   option	         One option to enabled and its value specified.
#   class            Definition of a set of options for a specific class of clients.
#   client           Definition of a set of options for a specific client or
#                    or a definition of a client not to be serviced 
#                    or a definition of an address not to be used.
#   The scope of a keyword is limited by a pair of curly brackets ({, })
#   within which the keyword is located.  If a keyword is located outside
#   of any pair of curly brackets, its scope is applicable to all the 
#   entities served by this process.
#   The presence and values of these parameters are picked up by the
#   server that is started or restarted.

#  Log files.  This set of parameters specifies the log files that will be
#  maintained by this server.  Each parameter is identified by a keyword
#  and followed by its value.
#  Keyword	Value	      	Definition
#  --------	------------  	------------------------------------------
#  numLogFiles	0 to n	      	number of log files.  If 0 is specified, 
#				no log file will be maintained and no log 
#				message	is display anywhere.  n is the 
#				maximum number of log files maintained as 
#				the size of the most recent log file 
#				reaches its maximum size and a new log file 
#				is created.
#  logFileSize	in K bytes	maximum size of a log file.  When the size 
#				of the most recent log file reaches this 
#				value, it is renamed and a new log file is 
#				created.
#  logFileName	file path	name of the most recent log file.  Less 
#				recent log files have the number 1 to 
#				(n - 1) appended to their names; the larger 
#				the number, the less recent the file.
#  logItem			One item that will be logged. 
#		SYSERR		System error, at the interface to the platform.
#		OBJERR		Object error, in between objects in the process.
#		PROTERR		Protocol error, between client and server.
#		WARNING		Warning, worth of attention from the user.
#		EVENT		Event occurred to the process.
#		ACTION		Action taken by the process.
#		INFO		Information that might be useful.
#		ACNTING		Who was served when.
#		TRACE		Code flow, for debugging.
numLogFiles 	4
logFileSize 	100
logFileName	/usr/tmp/pxed.log
logItem		SYSERR
logItem		OBJERR
#logItem		PROTERR
#logItem		WARNING
#logItem		EVENT
#logItem		ACTION
#logItem		INFO
#logItem		ACNTING
#logItem		TRACE
#  Networks and subnets.  This set of parameters specifies the networks and 
#  the subnets within the networks, as well as other parameters associated 
#  with each network or subnet.
#  Here is a list of the parameters in this set and their definitions:
#  Keyword   Value		Definition
#  --------  ---------------	------------------------------------------
#  network   <Network address> [<Subnet Mask>|<range>]
#				network statement.  It specifies one 
#				network administered by this server. 
#				Network address is the address of this
#				network.  This address is specified in the
#				dotted notation (e.g.,,,
#				or,  Full four-byte value
#				should be specified (i.e., 9, 128.81, or
#				192.81.20 is not legal).
#			        Network address may optionally be followed 
#				by the subnet mask, a range, or nothing.
#				If a subnet mask is specified, one or more 
#				subnet statements should appear in the
#				succeeding lines within a pair of curly 
#				brackets.  The subnet mask may be specified
#				either in the dotted notation (e.g.,
# or as a number indicating
#				the number of 1 bits in the mask (e.g., 25,
#				which is equivalent to
#				If a range is specified, it determines,
#				within the network, the range of hosts that
#				are administered by this server, and it
#				implies that there is no subnetting.  A range 
#				is specified by the host addresses, in the
#				dotted notation, at the lower end and the
#				higher end of the range, respectively,
#				separated by a hyphen with no interleaving
#				space (e.g.,
#				If nothing is specified after Network
#				address, all hosts in that network are
#				administered by this server.
#				A network statement may be immediately followed
#				by a pair of curly brackets, in which parameters
#				(e.g., options) particular to this network can
#				be specified.
#  subnet    <Subnet address> [<range>]
#  subnet    default
#				subnet statement.  One or more subnet 
#				statements are enclosed by a pair of curly 
#				brackets that immediately follows a network
#				statement with subnet mask.  A subnet 
#				statement specifies one subnet within that
#				network.
#				Subnet address is the address of this subnet.
#				This address is specified in the dotted
#				notation (e.g., or
#  				Subnet address may be followed by a range or
#				nothing.
#				If a range is specified, it determines,
#				within the subnet, the range of hosts that
#				are administered by this server.  A range 
#				is specified by the host addresses, in the
#				dotted notation, at the lower end and the
#				higher end of the range, respectively,
#				separated by a hyphen with no interleaving
#				space. A range must encompass all addresses
#				to be administered since multiple subnet
#				statements to define the same subnet are
#				not allowed.  Use the "client" statement to
#				exclude any addresses in the range which the
#				server should not administer.
#				If nothing is specified after Subnet address,
#				all hosts in that subnet are administered
#				by this server.
#			        The ranges in two servers administering the  
#				the same subnet can not overlap.  Otherwise,
#				two hosts may be assigned the same address.
#				A subnet statement may be immediately followed
#				by a pair of curly brackets, in which parameters
#				(e.g., options) particular to this subnet can
#				be specified.
#               When the keyword subnet is followed by the word
#               default. It means this container will be used
#               to give the options to clients whose address doesnot
#               fall in any of the subnets specified in the
#               configuration file. The default subnet is used
#               only when response is being generated for INFORM
#               from the client.
#  class     <class_name>   [<range>]
#			       Definition of a class.  The class name is a
# 				simple ascii string.  A class's scope is
#				determine by the curly brackets in which it
#				is enclosed.  If it is outside all curly
#				brackets, then its scope is the entire file.
#				A class name may be followed by a range or
#				nothing.  If a range of Ip Addresses is
#				specified, then only addresses in that range
#				will be assigned to clients who request this
#				class.  Note that clients who request this
#				class, for which the subnet does not match
#				the range will not be processes.  Bad
#				addresses will not be given out by the server.
#				If an address range is not specified, then
#				addresses will be given to clients using
#				the usual rules of assignment.
#				The class statement may be immediately followed
#				by a pair of curly brackets, in which
#				the options particular to this class can be
#				specified.  A class may be defined within
#				the curly brackets of a subnet, but a subnet
#				may not be defined within the curly brackets
#				of a class.
#				Options set up in the network or subnet
#				containing a class definition will also
#				apply to the class.
#  client   <id_type>  <id_value>  <address>
#				Definition of client/address processing.
#				<id_type> is 0 for a string otherwise it
#				is one of the hardware types defined in
#				RFC 1340 (i.e. 6 for IEEE 802 networks.)
#				<id_value> is a character string for <id_type>=0.
#				Typically, this would be a domain name.
#				For a non-zero <id_type>, the <id_value> is a
#				hexadecimal string representing
#				the hardware address of the client.
#				Note, an <id_type> of 0 and an <id_value> of
#				'0' indicates that the <address> specified
#				should not be distributed by this server.
#				The <address> can be the string "none" to indicate 
#				that the client with <id_type> and <id_value> should
#				should not be serviced by this server.  
#				The <address> can be the string "any" to
#				indicate that the server should choose
#				an appropriate address for this client.
#				The <address> can be an internet address
#				in dotted notation (eg.  This
#				will be the Ip address given to the
#				particular client specified by <id_type>
#				and <id_value>.  As mentioned above, an
#				<id_type> of 0 and an <id_value> of '0'
#				indicates that the <address> specified
#				should not be distributed by this server.
#	Note: If a client is configured in this way on the server,
#		then any class information requested by the client
#		will be ignored.  No class specific information
#		will be processed for these clients.
#	The client statement may be immediately followed
#	by a pair of curly brackets, in which the options
#	particular to this client can be specified.
#	A client statement with an address specified that is not
#	part of the address pool specified in a network/subnet
#	elsewhere in this file must contain the subnet mask option(1)
#	For all other clients, the server will compute the subnet mask
#	option to send the client based on the network/subnet definitions.
#	Note: All clients inherit all globally defined options.
#		A client defined in a network scope will inherit
#		options defined for that network.
#		A client defined in a subnet scope, will inherit
#		options defined for that subnet and emcompassing network.
#	A class definition inside a client scope is not allowed.
#	The client statement may be used to configure bootp clients.
#	To do this, specify all the bootp options using the option
#	syntax defined below.  In addition, specify an infinite
#	lease time in the client scope with "option 51 0xffffffff".
#	DHCP options will not be served to the bootp client.
#  Option.  This parameter specifies the value of an option defined in 
#  "DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions" (RFC 1533) and supported by
#  this server. 
#  An option is specified by the "option" keyword followed by the option code 
#  of this option and its data field, in a single line.  One or more of this 
#  parameter may be specified.
#  The scope within which an option applies is delimited by a pair of curly 
#  brackets ({, }) surrounding this parameter.
#  Two or more options with the same option code may be specified.  Their data
#  fields are concatenated in a single option in a packet generated by the server
#  if the options have the same scope or one's scope includes that of another.
#  Some of the defined options do not need to be specified by this parameter.
#  These options are either mandated by the protocol or this implementation 
#  to be present in proper packets, or only generated by a client.  These 
#  options are (option code and name):
#  	0   	Pad Option			
#  	255	End Option 			
#  	1	Subnet Mask
#  	50	Request IP Address       
#  	51	IP Address Lease Time    
#  	52	Option Overload 		
#  	53	DHCP Message Type               
#  	54	Server Identifier               
#  	55	Parameter Request List          
#  	57	Maximum DHCP Message Size
#  	58	Renewal (T1) Time Value  
#  	59	Rebinding (T2) Time Value
#  	60	Class-identifier of client
#  	61	Client-identifier.
#   pxebootfile         pxebootfile  <System Arch> <Major Ver> <Minor Ver> <Bootfilename>
#                       Specifies the bootfile to be given to a client.
#                       The config file parser generates an error if the number of parameters after
#                       the keyword is less than 4 and ignore if more than 4.  This keyword can 
#                       be used only in a container.
#   vendor              vendor vendor_id
#                       vendor vendor_id hex""
#                       vendor vendor_id hex ""
#                       vendor vendor_id 0xdata
#                       vendor vendor_id ""
#                       vendor vendor_id range
#                       vendor vendor_id range hex""
#                       vendor vendor_id range hex ""
#                       vendor vendor_id range 0xdata
#                       vendor vendor_id range ""
#                       vendor pxe
#                       vendor pxeserver
#                       Specifies a vendor container. Vendor containers are used to return option 43 
#                       to the client. The vendor id may be specified in a quoted string or a binary 
#                       string in the form 0xhexdigits or hex"digits". An optional range may be placed 
#                       after the vendor id. The range is specified as two dotted quads separated by a dash.
#                       After the optional range, an optional hexstring or ASCII string can be specified as
#                       the first part of the option 43. If options are in the container, they are appended
#                       to the option 43 data. After all options are processed an End Of Option List Option
#                       is appended to the data. To return options outside of an option 43, use a regular 
#                       expression client that matches all clients to specify normal options to return 
#                       based on the vendor ID.
#                       vendor pxe will create a vendor container for PXEClient's and vendor pxeserver
#                       for PXEServer.
#  The other options may be specified by this parameter. 
#  When specifying an option, its data field takes one of the following
#  formats:
#	IP Address	    :	a single IP address.
#	IP Addresses	    :	One or more IP addresses separated by white 
#				 space(s).
#	IP Address Pair     :	two IP addresses separated by a single colon.
#	IP Address Pairs    :	One or more IP address pairs separated by 
#				 white space(s).
#	Boolean		    :	[0, 1]
#	Byte		    :   [-128, 127]
#	Unsigned Byte	    :   [0, 255]
#	Unsigned Bytes	    :   space delimited list of values in range [0, 255]
#	Short		    :   [-32768, 32767]
#	Unsigned Short	    :   [0, 65535]
#	Unsigned Shorts     :   space delimited list of values in range [0, 65535]
#	Long		    :   [-2147483648, 2147483647]
#	Unsigned Long	    :   [0, 4294967295]
#	String		    :   string of characters enclosed between two 
#				 double quotes.
#  	Note: All IP addresses are specified in dotted-decimal form.
#  Each of the defined options is listed below by its code and name, followed
#  by the format of its data field.
#  Code Name				Data field format/Notes
#  ----	-----------------------	        ------------------------------------
#  RFC 1497 Vendor Extensions
#  0   	Pad Option			No need to specify
#  255	End Option 			No need to specify
#  1	Subnet Mask 			Unsigned Long
#					Only used in client scope.
#  2	Time Offset 			Long
#  3	Router Option		    	IP Addresses
#  4	Timer Server Option 		IP Addresses
#  5	Name Server Option 		IP Addresses
#  6	Domain Name Server Option 	IP Addresses
#  7	Log Server Option 		IP Addresses
#  8	Cookie Server Option 	    	IP Addresses
#  9	LPR Server Option               IP Addresses
#  10	Impress Server Option           IP Addresses
#  11   Resource Location Server Option IP Addresses
#  12	Host Name Option                String
#  13	Boot File Size Option           Unsigned Short
#  14	Merit Dump File                 String
#  15	Domain Name                     String
#  16	Swap Server                     IP Address
#  17 	Root Path                       String
#  18	Extensions Path			String
#  IP Layer Parameters per Host 
#  19	IP Forwarding Enable/Disable     
#           Option   			Boolean, or client class profile file
#  20   Non-local Source Routing 
#           Enable/Disable Option 	Boolean, or client class profile file
#  21	Policy Filter Option 	    	IP Address Pairs
#  22	Maximum Datagram Reassembly Size 
#					Unsigned Short, or client class profile file
#  23	Default IP Time-to-live         Unsigned Byte, or client class profile file
#  24	Path MTU Aging Timeout Option   Unsigned Long
#  25	Path MTU Plateau Table          One or more Unsigned Short separated by
#					 white space(s)
#  IP Layer Parameters per Interface 
#  26	Interface MTU Option            Unsigned Short
#  27	All Subnets are Local Option    Boolean
#  28	Broadcast Address Option        IP address
#  29	Perform Mask Discovery Option   Boolean
#  30	Mask Supplier Option            Boolean
#  31	Perform Router Discovery Option Boolean
#  32   Router Solicitation Address 
#           Option                      IP Address
#  33	Static Route Option             IP Address Pairs
#  Link Layer Parameters per Interface 
#  34	Trailer Encapsulation Option    Boolean
#  35	ARP Cache Timeout Option        Unsigned Long
#  36	Ethernet Encapsulation Option   Boolean
#  TCP Parameters 
#  37	TCP Default TTL Option          Unsigned Byte
#  38	TCP Keepalive Interval Option   Unsigned Long
#  39	TCP Keepalive Garbage Option    Boolean
#  Application and Service Parameters 
#  40	NIS Domain Option            	String        
#  41	NIS Option                      IP Addresses
#  42	Network Time Protocol Servers 
#           Option                      IP Addresses
#  43	Vendor Specific Information     Unsigned Bytes
#  44   NetBIOS over TCP/IP Name Server 
#           Option                      IP Addresses 
#  45   NetBIOS over TCP/IP Datagram 
#           Distribution Server         IP Addresses
#  46	NetBIOS over TCP/IP Node 
#           Type Option                 Unsigned Byte
#  47	NetBIOS over TCP/IP Scope 
#           Option                      Unsigned Bytes
#  48	X Window System Font Server 
#           Option                      IP Addresses 
#  49	X Window System Display 
#           Manager Option              IP Addresses
#  DHCP Extensions 
#  50	Request IP Address         	No need to specify
#  51	IP Address Lease Time           Unsigned Long
#	    May be specified in a network, subnet, class of client definition
#	    to indicate the lease time to be be used in that scope.
#	    Use 0xffffffff to indicate an infinite/permanent lease.
#  52	Option Overload 		No need to specify
#  53	DHCP Message Type               No need to specify
#  54	Server Identifier               No need to specify
#  55	Parameter Request List          No need to specify
#  56	Message                         String 
#  57	Maximum DHCP Message Size       No need to specify
#  58	Renewal (T1) Time Value         No need to specify
#  59	Rebinding (T2) Time Value       No need to specify
#  60	Class-identifier of client      Generated by client
#  61	Client-identifier               Generated by client
# BOOTP Specific Options
# These options are only valid on BOOTP requests.  Instead of an option
# number these have a character sequence.
# sa   server address for the bootp client to use
# bf   bootfile for the bootp client to use
# hd   home directory for the bootp client to look in for the bootfile.
# sa is type Ip Address.  bf and hd are type String.
# Example:
#     option sa
#     option hd "/vikings/native"
#     option bf "bootfile.asdg"
# Other option numbers may be specifed up to 255.  The options not list above
# will need to be specified with the unsigned bytes type.
# Example:
#     option 178 01 34 53 # Means place tag 178 with value 0x013553.
#   ---------------
# These sub options can be specified only in vendor container of type pxe or pxeserver.
#Option Number     Default Data Type   Can Specify?                Description
#-------------     -----------------   ------------   ------------------------------------------------------
#    6             Decimal Number        Yes          PXE_DISCOVERY_CONTROL Limit 0-16. This is a bit field 
#                                                     BIT 0 is the least significant bit bit 0 = if set, disable broadcast discovery. 
#                                                     Bit 1 = if set, disable multicast discovery. 
#                                                     Bit 2 = if set, only use/accepted servers in PXE_BOOT_SERVERS. 
#                                                     Bit 3 = if set, and a boot file name is present in the intial PXED offer 
#                                                     packet, download the boot file (do not prompt/menu/discover boot server). 
#                                                     Bit 4-7 Must be 0 
#                                                     If this option is not supplied then client assumes all bits to be = 0. 
#    7             One dotted quads      Yes          Multicast IP address of Boot server discovery multicast IP address. 
#                                                     Boot servers capable of multicast discovery must listen on this multicast address.
#                                                     This option is required if the multicast discovery disable bit (bit 1) in the 
#                                                     PXE_DISCOVERY_ CONTROL option is not set. 
#    8       <Boot server type(0-65535)> Yes          PXE_BOOT_SERVERS 
#            <IP address count (0-256)>               Type 0= Miscrosoft Windows NT Boot Server 
#            <IP address>......<IP address>           Type 1= Intel LCM Boot Server                                    
#            < Boot server type> < IP address         Type 3= DOS/UNDI Boot Server 
#            count > <IP address> ............        Type 3= DOS/UNDI Boot Server 
#            <IP address>                             Type 4= NEC ESMPRO Boot Server
#                                                     Type 5= IBM WSoD Boot Server 
#                                                     Type 6= IBM LCCM Boot Server 
#                                                     Type 7= CA Unicenter TNG Boot Server. 
#                                                     Type 8= HP OpenView Boot Server. 
#                                                     Type 9 through 32767= Reserved 
#                                                     Type 32768 through 65534 = Vendor use 
#                                                     Type 65535 = PXE API Test Server. 
#                                                     If IP address count is zero for a server type then the client may
#                                                     accept offers from any boot server of that type. Boot Servers 
#                                                     do not respond to discovery requests of types they do not support. 
#    9       <Boot server type (0-65535)> Yes         PXE_BOOT_MENU 
#            < "description"><Boot server             Boot "order" is implicit in the menu order. 
#            type><"description">.............. 
#    10      <Timeout in seconds (0-255)> Yes         PXE_MENU_PROMPT 
#            <"prompt">                               The timeout is the number of seconds to wait before auto- selecting 
#                                                     the first boot menu item.  On the client system the prompt is displayed 
#                                                     followed by the number of seconds remaining before the first item in the boot 
#                                                     menu is auto-selected. If <F8> is pressed on the client system then menu is 
#                                                     displayed. If this option is provided to the client then the menu is displayed 
#                                                     without prompt and timeout. If the timeout is 0, then the first item in the menu 
#                                                     is auto-selected. If the timeout is 255, the menu and prompt is displayed without 
#                                                     auto-selecting or timeout.
# Configuring PXED which is running on same machine as DHCP server
#   pxeservertype       proxy_on_dhcp_server
#   subnet default
#   {
#       vendor pxe
#       {
#            option 6    6 # Disable multicast and download the bootfile
#            option 8    1 2  2 1
#                          # The above option gives the list of bootservers
#            option 9    0 "PXE bootstrap server"    1   "Microsoft Windows NT Boot Server"\
#                        2 "DOS/UNDI Boot Server"
#                          # The above list the boot menu
#            option 10   20 "seconds left before the first item in the boot menu is auto-selected"
#            pxebootfile     1   2   1   window.one
#            pxebootfile     2   2   1   hello.one
#            pxebootfile     3   2   1   xyz.one
#        }
#        vendor pxeserver
#        {
#            option 7 # Multicast address
#        }
#   }
#   subnet 16
#   {
#       vendor pxe
#       {
#            option 6    2 # Disable multicast 
#            option 8    1 2  2 1
#                          # The above option gives the list of bootservers
#            option 9    0 "PXE bootstrap server"    1   "Microsoft Windows NT Boot Server"\
#                        2 "DOS/UNDI Boot Server"
#                          # The above list the boot menu
#            option 10   20 "seconds left before the first item in the boot menu is auto-selected"
#        }
#       vendor pxeserver
#       {
#            option 7 # Multicast address
#       }
#   }

# Configuring PXED which is running on same machine as DHCP server
#   subnet default
#   {
#       vendor pxe
#       {
#            option 6    6 # Disable multicast and download the bootfile
#            option 8    1 2  2 1
#                          # The above option gives the list of bootservers
#            option 9    0 "PXE bootstrap server"    1   "Microsoft Windows NT Boot Server"\
#                        2 "DOS/UNDI Boot Server"
#                          # The above list the boot menu
#            option 10   20 "seconds left before the first item in the boot menu is auto-selected"
#            pxebootfile     1   2   1   window.one
#            pxebootfile     2   2   1   hello.one
#            pxebootfile     3   2   1   xyz.one
#        }
#  }
#   subnet 16
#   {
#       vendor pxe
#       {
#            option 6    2 # Disable multicast 
#            option 8    1 2  2 1
#                          # The above option gives the list of bootservers
#            option 9    0 "PXE bootstrap server"    1   "Microsoft Windows NT Boot Server"\
#                        2 "DOS/UNDI Boot Server"
#                          # The above list the boot menu
#            option 10   20 "seconds left before the first item in the boot menu is auto-selected"
#        }
#       vendor pxeserver
#       {
#            option 7 # Multicast address
#       }
#   }