IMsgstopcondrespUsage	1	14	'Usage: stopcondresp [-h] [-q] [-T] [-V] Condition [Response [Response ...]]\n'
IMsgstopcondrespStart	2	14	'Stop monitoring for the condition \"%1$s\" with the response \"%2$s\".\n'
IMsgstopcondrespStartNoResp	3	14	'Stop monitoring for all linked responses for the condition \"%1$s\".\n'
IMsgstopcondrespEnd	4	14	'Completed stop monitoring for the condition and one or more responses.\n'
EMsgstopcondrespCondRespNotFound	5	14	'%1$s: 2618-261 The condition \"%2$s\" with the response \"%3$s\" was not found.\n'
EMsgstopcondrespConditionNotFound	6	14	'%1$s: 2618-262 The condition \"%2$s\" was not found.\n'
EMsgstopcondrespResponseNotFound	7	14	'%1$s: 2618-263 The response \"%2$s\" was not found.\n'
EMsgstopcondrespAlreadyStopped	8	14	'%1$s: 2618-264 The condition \"%2$s\" with the response \"%3$s\" is not being monitored.\n'
IMsgstopcondrespUsage51D	9	14	'Usage: stopcondresp [-h] [-q] [-TV] Condition[:Node_name] [Response [Response ...]]\n'
EMsgstopcondrespCondNotInAssoc	10	14	'%1$s: 2618-265 The condition \"%2$s\" is not linked to any responses.\n'
IMsgstopcondrespUsage52B	11	14	'Usage: stopcondresp [-h] [-q] [-TV] Condition[:Node_name] [Response [Response ...]]\n       stopcondresp [-h] {-U|-L} [-TV] Condition[:Node_name] Response\n'
EMsgstopcondrespAssocLocked	12	14	'%1$s: 2618-266 The monitoring state for the condition \"%2$s\" with the response \"%3$s\" is locked.\n'