 * $Header: sqlda.h 08-may-2007.05:58:33 ardesai Exp $ sqlda.h 

*      The SQLDA descriptor definition                         *
*      VAX/3B Version                                          *
*                                                              *
* Copyright (c) 1987, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.  *

  ***                                                        ***
  *** This file is SOSD.  Porters must change the data types ***
  *** appropriately on their platform.  See notes/pcport.doc ***
  *** for more information.                                  ***
  ***                                                        ***

    ardesai    05/08/07  - Bug[6037057] Undef Y
    apopat     05/08/02  - [2362423] MVS PE to make lines shorter than 79
    apopat     07/31/99 -  [707588] TAB to blanks for OCCS
    lvbcheng   10/27/98 -  change long to int for sqlda
    lvbcheng   08/15/97 -  Move sqlda protos to sqlcpr.h
    lvbcheng   06/25/97 -  Move sqlda protos to this file
    jbasu      01/29/95 -  correct typo
    jbasu      01/27/95 -  correct comment - ub2->sb2
    jbasu      12/12/94 - Bug 217878: note this is an SOSD file
    Morse      12/01/87 - undef L and S for v6 include files
    Richey     07/13/87 - change int defs to long 
    Clare      09/13/84 - Port: Ch types to match SQLLIB structs
    Clare      10/02/86 - Add ifndef SQLDA

#ifndef SQLDA_
#define SQLDA_ 1
#ifdef T
# undef T
#ifdef F
# undef F

#ifdef S
# undef S
#ifdef L
# undef L

#ifdef Y
 # undef Y
struct SQLDA {
  /* ub4    */ int        N; /* Descriptor size in number of entries        */
  /* text** */ char     **V; /* Ptr to Arr of addresses of main variables   */
  /* ub4*   */ int       *L; /* Ptr to Arr of lengths of buffers            */
  /* sb2*   */ short     *T; /* Ptr to Arr of types of buffers              */
  /* sb2**  */ short    **I; /* Ptr to Arr of addresses of indicator vars   */
  /* sb4    */ int        F; /* Number of variables found by DESCRIBE       */
  /* text** */ char     **S; /* Ptr to Arr of variable name pointers        */
  /* ub2*   */ short     *M; /* Ptr to Arr of max lengths of var. names     */
  /* ub2*   */ short     *C; /* Ptr to Arr of current lengths of var. names */
  /* text** */ char     **X; /* Ptr to Arr of ind. var. name pointers       */
  /* ub2*   */ short     *Y; /* Ptr to Arr of max lengths of ind. var. names*/
  /* ub2*   */ short     *Z; /* Ptr to Arr of cur lengths of ind. var. names*/
typedef struct SQLDA SQLDA;

/* ----------------- */
/* defines for sqlda */
/* ----------------- */

#define SQLSQLDAAlloc(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) sqlaldt(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) 

#define SQLSQLDAFree(arg1, arg2) sqlclut(arg1, arg2)