#PDSDK2.0###################################################################### # NOTE - Configuration definitions must be in the format # of "attribute = value"; the single space before # and after the '=' is required. # # On Windows: A partition identifier and slash must precede the # DEBUGLOG file name. # On Unix: A slash must precede the DEBUGLOG file name. # # Debug Log Definition # NOTE - A date stamp will be added in front of the daily rollover log filename. # e.g. C:\yymmdd_pdplugin.log # Windows: # DEBUGLOG = C:\pdplugin.log # Unix: # DEBUGLOG = /var/log/puredisk/pdplugin.log # # Debug Log Verbosity Level (0-10, 0=Least, 10=Most) LOGLEVEL = 0 # # Debug Log File Max Size (MB, 1-2048) MAX_LOG_MBSIZE = 100 # # Determines if server-side settings from storage unit should be used # 0 - Server settings can override local pd.conf settings # 1 - Local pd.conf settings will always be used; server settings are ignored LOCAL_SETTINGS = 0 # # Compression (0=Disabled, 1=Enabled) COMPRESSION = 1 # # Encryption (0=Disabled, 1=Enabled) ENCRYPTION = 0 # # Optimized-duplication timeout (minutes) OPTDUP_TIMEOUT = 720 # # Optimized-duplication max bandwidth (KiB/s, 0=No Limit) OPTDUP_BANDWIDTH = 0 # # Optimized-duplication compression (0=Off, 1=On) OPTDUP_COMPRESSION = 1 # # Optimized-duplication encryption (0=Off, 1=On) OPTDUP_ENCRYPTION = 0 # # Maximum amount of memory to use for fingerprint caching (MB) FP_CACHE_MAX_MBSIZE = 20 # # Maximum number of images to load for fingerprint caching (0-4096) FP_CACHE_MAX_COUNT = 1024 # # Load fingerprint cache during incremental or synthetic backups (0=Off, 1=On) FP_CACHE_INCREMENTAL = 0 # # Load fingerprint cache if on local storage server (0=Off, 1=On) FP_CACHE_LOCAL = 1 # # Load fingerprint cache from specified existing client/policy. # Parameters are: # clienthostmachine is the exact host name shown within the backup policy # backuppolicy is exact backup policy name to be used for caching # date is the last day to use this configuration setting (mm/dd/yyyy) # FP_CACHE_CLIENT_POLICY = clienthostmachine,backuppolicy,date # # Segment size for main data backup stream (KB) # Size must be a multiple of 32 and fall in the range 32-16384 SEGKSIZE = 128 # Minimum and maximum segment size range for Variable Length Deduplication segmentation (KB) # Sizes must be a multiple of 4 and fall in the range 4-16384, and # The minimum segment size must NOT be greater than the maximum. # If the VLD_POLICY_NAME only give policy name, and VLD_CLIENT_NAME only give client name, # the VLD_MIN_SEGKSIZE and VLD_MAX_SEGKSIZE will be used as default minimum and maximum segment size. # Do not change default value unless know what will happen. Technically, Bigger VLD_MIN_SEGKSIZE, # will use less CPU cycles and get worse dedupe rate. # VLD_MIN_SEGKSIZE = 32 # VLD_MAX_SEGKSIZE = 128 # Specify policy names use the Variable Length Deduplication, different policy can have different minimum and maximum segment size parameters. # Support up to 50 policies. If not specify minimum and maximum segment size, the default VLD_MIN_SEGKSIZE and VLD_MAX_SEGKSIZE # will be used. # Do not change default value unless know what will happen. # Enable Variable Length Deduplication for all policies. No Fuzzy Matching # VLD_POLICY_NAME = * # Enable Variable Length Deduplication for test_vld policy, use default VLD_MIN_SEGKSIZE and VLD_MAX_SEGKSIZE # VLD_POLICY_NAME = test_vld # Enable Variable Length Deduplication for test_vld1 policy and use 32KB as minimum segment size, 128KB as maximum segment size # VLD_POLICY_NAME = test_vld1(32,128) # Enable Variable Length Deduplication for test_vld2 policy and use 64KB as minimum segment size, 256KB as maximum segment size # VLD_POLICY_NAME = test_vld2(64,256) # Specify client names use the Variable Length Deduplication feature, different client can have different minimum and maximum segment size parameters. # Support max 50 clients. If not specify minimum and maximum segment size, the default VLD_MIN_SEGKSIZE and VLD_MAX_SEGKSIZE # will be used. # Enable Variable Length Deduplication for all clients. No Fuzzy Matching # VLD_CLIENT_NAME = * # Enable Variable Length Deduplication for abc client, use default VLD_MIN_SEGKSIZE and VLD_MAX_SEGKSIZE # VLD_CLIENT_NAME = abc # Enable Variable Length Deduplication for abc client and use 32KB as minimum segment size, 128KB as maximum segment size # VLD_CLIENT_NAME = abc(32,128) # Enable Variable Length Deduplication for abc client and use 64KB as minimum segment size, 256KB as maximum segment size # VLD_CLIENT_NAME = abc(64,256) # # # Segment size for meta data streams (KB) # Size must be a multiple of 32 and fall in the range 32-16384 META_SEGKSIZE = 16384 # # Don't segment files with these suffixes # DONT_SEGMENT_TYPES = mpeg,jpg,mp3 # # Preferred segment size in KB for different file types # edb = Exchange, mdf,ldf = MS SQL snapshot, segsize64k = MS SQL stream PREFERRED_EXT_SEGKSIZE = edb:32,mdf:64,ndf:64,segsize64k:64 # # Max bandwidth backup/restore (KiB/s, 0=No Limit) BANDWIDTH_LIMIT = 0 # # Max image fragment size allowed (MB) MAX_IMG_MBSIZE = 51200 # # Specify the local NIC for backup/restore # BACKUPRESTORERANGE = # # PDDO web service retry count WS_RETRYCOUNT = 3 # # PDDO web service call timeout (seconds) WS_TIMEOUT = 120 # # Cluster resilience for the connection between pdplugin and scaleout spad (1=On, 0=Off) CLUSTER_RESILIENCE_ENABLED = 1 # # Preferred cluster resilience timeout (seconds) if CLUSTER_RESILIENCE_ENABLED is set. # If this value is set non-zero, it overrides the server side preferred timeout value. CLUSTER_RESILIENCE_TIMEOUT_PREFERRED = 0 # # Agent side decryption and decompression on restore (0=off, 1=on) RESTORE_DECRYPT_LOCAL = 1 # # Buffer size to use when prefetching data for restore operations (B) PREFETCH_SIZE = 33554432 # # Factor to use when predownload data for cloud restore operations (0-100, 0=off) # Predownload batch size is PREDOWNLOAD_FACTOR * PREFETCH_SIZE PREDOWNLOAD_FACTOR = 40 # # Enable the fiber channel for backup/restore. 0 is disable, 1 is enable. # FIBRECHANNEL = 0 # # Run backups through the multi-threaded streaming agent (1=On, 0=Off) MTSTRM_BACKUP_ENABLED = 0 # # If set, limits backups using the multi-threaded agent to specified clients # Format is a comma-separated list of clients, treated as case insensitive # MTSTRM_BACKUP_CLIENTS = client1,client2,client3 # # If set, limits backups using the multi-threaded agent to specified policies # Format is a comma-separated list of policy names, treated as case sensitive # MTSTRM_BACKUP_POLICIES = policy1,policy2,policy3 # # Number of seconds to wait for responses from the multi-threaded streaming # agent before timing out with an error (1-86400) MTSTRM_IPC_TIMEOUT = 1200 # # Interval (seconds) that specifies how often we should perform a keep-alive # on idle sockets. By default, the plugin will attempt to determine a suitable # value based on network resiliency settings. # Allowed values: 60-7200 seconds. 0 = disabled # FILE_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL=1440 # # Client side rebasing threshold (MB), when image data in container less than the threshold, # all of the image data in this container will be resent to server to achieve good locality # Allowed values: 0-50 MB if the maximum container size is 64 MB, # 0-200 MB if the maximum container size is 256 MB. 0 = disabled FP_CACHE_REBASING_THRESHOLD = 4 # # Period client side rebasing threshold (MB). # The period client side rebasing will run each period, and it works same with client side # rebasing except period client side rebasing using large threshold # Allowed values: 0-50 MB if the maximum container size is 64 MB, # 0-200 MB if the maximum container size is 256 MB. 0 = disabled FP_CACHE_PERIOD_REBASING_THRESHOLD = 16 # # Client side rebasing threshold (MB) for cloud LSU, when image data in container less than the threshold, # all of the image data in this container will be resent to server to achieve good locality # Allowed values: 0-50 MB, 0 = disabled # Default value: 4 # LSU_FP_CACHE_REBASING_THRESHOLD = Lsu1Name:4,Lsu2Name:4 # # Period client side rebasing threshold (MB) for cloud LSU. # The period client side rebasing will run each period, and it works same with client side # rebasing except period client side rebasing using large threshold # Allowed values: 0-50 MB, 0 = disabled # Default value: 16 # LSU_FP_CACHE_PERIOD_REBASING_THRESHOLD = Lsu1Name:16,Lsu2Name:16