#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # perf72L src/perf/cmdperft/usr/bin/topas/listtrec.pl # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2008,2017 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)29 src/perf/cmdperft/usr/bin/topas/listtrec.pl, cmdperft, perf72L, l2017_43A8 9/15/17 11:29:07 use Getopt::Std; use warnings; my $cmdargs; my $header_printed=0; my $print_flag=1; my $global_pid=-1; # global_pid will contain the PID of the persistent recording when persistent recording is being listed. my $global_pgname=""; my $show_persistent_only=0; my $show_wle=0; my $kill_arg=""; sub is_recording_process { my ($process_id)=@_; my $pattern1='^/usr/bin/xmwlm *.*' . " $process_id" . ' *$' ; my $pattern2='^/usr/bin/topasrec *.*' . " $process_id" . ' *$' ; my $pattern3='^/usr/bin/topas_nmon *.*' . " $process_id" . ' *$' ; my $pattern="($pattern1|$pattern2|$pattern3)"; my $cmd='/usr/bin/ps -e -o args,pid'; my @list=`$cmd | /usr/bin/grep -E \"($pattern1|$pattern2|$pattern3)\""`; my $len=scalar(@list); if ( $len > 0 ) { my @list2=`$cmd | /usr/bin/grep -E \"($pattern3)\""`; my $len2 =scalar(@list); if( $len2 > 0 ) { $kill_arg="-USR1"; # For nmon use kill with -USR1 } return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub is_wle_running( ) { my @list=`/usr/bin/crontab -l | /usr/bin/grep "/usr/bin/topasout -R weekly"`; my $list_len = scalar(@list); if ( $list_len <= 0 ) { return 0; } if( index($list[0],"topasout -R weekly") >= 0 and index($list[0],"grep") <= 0) { return 1; } return 0; } sub parse_topasrec_cmd_line { my ($cmdline,$cmd,$output_path_opt, $start_time_opt) = @_; my %map= ( ) ; my @tokens = split " ",$cmdline; my $arg_len = scalar(@tokens); # sample cmdline will be # "topasrec root 483452 ./topasrec -C -o test -S 00:11:22,Jan18,2008" my $command = $tokens[0]; # Add a check here to check for substring if( $command ne "topasrec") { return %map } my $user = $tokens[1]; my $pid = $tokens[2]; my $argv_0 = $tokens[3]; # from the args list my $argv_1 = " "; if( $arg_len >= 4 ) { $argv_1 = $tokens[4]; } if (( $argv_0 ne $cmd ) or (( $argv_1 ne "-C") and ( $argv_1 ne "-G")) ) # we only want cmd lines like "/usr/bin/topasrec -L ..." { return %map; } # shift command,user,pid,argv_0 shift(@tokens); shift(@tokens); shift(@tokens); shift(@tokens); my $output_path; my $start_time; my $counter=0; my $persistent="no"; foreach my $word (@tokens) { #print " $word \n" ; if ( $word eq $output_path_opt) { $output_path=$tokens[$counter + 1]; } elsif ( index($word,"-ystart_time=") >= 0 ) { my $full_len = length("-ystart_time="); my $substr_len = length($word) - length("-ystart_time="); $start_time=substr($word, $full_len,$substr_len); } elsif ( $word eq "-ypersistent=1") { $persistent="yes"; } $counter++; } $map{'path'}=$output_path; $map{'pid'} =$pid; $map{'user'}=$user; $map{'start_time'}=$start_time; $map{'persistent'}=$persistent; return %map; } sub do_CEC_Cluster_listing { my ($format)=@_; #my $val=" "; my $cmd2="/usr/bin/topasrec"; my $output_path_opt2="-o"; my $start_time_opt2="-ystart_time"; my $counter=1; my %map = (); my $path=""; my $pid=""; my $user=""; my $start_time=""; my $fmt=""; my $retval=-1; my $p_sno; my $p_user; my $p_start_time; my $p_path; my $p_status; my $p_pid; my $p_per; my $p_fmt; my $p_persistent; my $str=" "; # Add a check here to check for substring. Both xmwlm and topasrec # are taken inorder to maintain the compatibility to find the list # of older recording also. if($format eq "CEC") { $str = "-C"; } elsif ($format eq "Cluster") { $str = "-G"; } my @list =`/usr/bin/ps -e -o command,user,pid,args | /usr/bin/grep "topasrec $str"`; # sample ps listing of CEC recording is shown in the next line: # topasrec root 323820 /usr/bin/topasrec -C -c 6 -S 01:52:39,May20,2008 -o / foreach my $proc (@list) { %map = parse_topasrec_cmd_line($proc,$cmd2,$output_path_opt2,$start_time_opt2); if( %map ) { $path = $map{'path'}; $pid = $map {'pid'}; $user = $map {'user'}; $start_time = $map{'start_time'}; $persistent = $map{'persistent'}; if ($print_flag eq 1 ) { $p_sno = sprintf ("-%3d" , $counter); $p_user = sprintf("%-10s", $user); $p_start_time=sprintf("%-19s", $start_time); $p_status = sprintf(" %-15s" , "Running "); $p_pid = sprintf("%-10d" , $pid); $p_fmt = $format; if ( $persistent eq "yes") { if ( $header_printed eq 0 ) { $header_printed = 1; # 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 #1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 printf "Pid User Fmt Start_time Path Status \n"; } $p_path = sprintf(" *%-30s",$path); printf "$p_pid $p_user $p_fmt $p_start_time $p_path $p_status\n"; $retval=0; # Only one persistent recording exist always. if show_persistent_only is true return if ( $show_persistent_only == 1 ) { return $retval; } } else { $p_path = sprintf(" %-30s",$path); if ( $show_persistent_only == 0 ) { if ( $header_printed eq 0 ) { $header_printed = 1; # 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 #1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 printf "Pid User Fmt Start_time Path Status \n"; } printf "$p_pid $p_user $p_fmt $p_start_time $p_path $p_status\n"; $retval=0; } } } elsif ( $persistent eq "yes") # when print_flag is zero we want to get the Process ID of persistent recording { $global_pid=$pid + 0; # Dummy addition is required here to convert string to number . Dont' remove this + 0 $retval=0; } } } return $retval; } sub parse_local_binary_cmd_line { my ($cmdline,$cmd,$output_path_opt, $start_time_opt) = @_; my %map= ( ) ; my @tokens = split " ",$cmdline; my $arg_len = scalar(@tokens); my $persistent="no"; my $command = $tokens[0]; my $str=" "; # Add a check here to check for substring. Both xmwlm and topasrec # are taken inorder to maintain the compatibility to find the list # of older recording also. if($tokens[0] eq "xmwlm") { $str = "xmwlm"; } elsif ($tokens[0] eq "topasrec") { $str = "topasrec"; } if( $command ne $str) { return %map } my $user = $tokens[1]; my $pid = $tokens[2]; my $argv_0 = $tokens[3]; # from the args list my $argv_1 = " "; if( $arg_len >= 4 ) { $argv_1 = $tokens[4]; } if (( $argv_0 ne $cmd ) ) # we only want cmd lines like "/usr/bin/xmwlm -T ..." { #print "returning ...",":$argv_0:$command\n"; return %map; } # shift command,user,pid,argv_0 shift(@tokens); shift(@tokens); shift(@tokens); shift(@tokens); my $output_path; my $start_time="00:00:00"; my $counter=0; foreach my $word (@tokens) { if ( $word eq $output_path_opt) { $output_path=$tokens[$counter + 1]; } elsif ( index($word,"-ystart_time=") >= 0 ) { my $full_len = length("-ystart_time="); my $substr_len = length($word) - length("-ystart_time="); $start_time=substr($word, $full_len,$substr_len); } elsif( $word eq "-ypersistent=1") { $persistent="yes"; } $counter++; } $map{'path'}=$output_path; $map{'pid'} =$pid; $map{'user'}=$user; $map{'start_time'}=$start_time; $map{'persistent'}=$persistent; return %map; } sub do_local_xmwlm_listing { my @list=`/usr/bin/ps -e -o command,user,pid,args | /usr/bin/grep "/usr/bin/xmwlm -T"`; my $cmd2="/usr/bin/xmwlm"; my $output_path_opt2="-o"; my $start_time_opt2="-y"; my $retval=-1; my $counter=1; my %map = (); my $path=""; my $pid=""; my $user=""; my $start_time=""; my $fmt=""; my $p_sno; my $p_user; my $p_start_time; my $p_path; my $p_status; my $p_pid; my $p_per; my $p_fmt; # sample /usr/bin/ps listing for local bin recording # xmwlm root 299066 /usr/bin/xmwlm -T -s 900 -c 96 -y 03:56:30,May18,2008 -o /smit/ foreach my $proc (@list) { %map = parse_local_binary_cmd_line($proc,$cmd2,$output_path_opt2,$start_time_opt2); if( %map ) { $path = $map{'path'}; $pid = $map {'pid'}; $user = $map {'user'}; $start_time = $map{'start_time'}; $persistent = $map{'persistent'}; if ($print_flag eq 1 ) { $p_sno = sprintf ("-%3d" , $counter); $p_user = sprintf("%-10s", $user); $p_start_time=sprintf("%-19s", $start_time); $p_path = sprintf(" %-30s",$path); $p_status = sprintf(" %-15s" , "Running "); $p_pid = sprintf("%-10d" , $pid); $p_fmt = "bin"; if ( $persistent eq "yes") { if ( is_wle_running( ) == 1 ) { $p_path = sprintf(" #%-30s",$path); if( $show_wle == 1 or $show_wle == 2) { $retval=0; } } else { $p_path = sprintf(" *%-30s",$path); if( $show_wle == 0 or $show_wle == 2) { $retval=0; } } if ( $header_printed eq 0 ) { $header_printed = 1; # 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ########12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 printf "Pid User Fmt Start_time Path Status \n"; } printf "$p_pid $p_user $p_fmt $p_start_time $p_path $p_status\n"; # Only one persistent recording exist always. if show_persistent_only is true return if ( $show_persistent_only == 1 ) { return $retval; } } else { $p_path = sprintf(" %-30s",$path); if ( $show_persistent_only == 0 ) { if ( $header_printed eq 0 ) { $header_printed = 1; # 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ########12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 printf "Pid User Fmt Start_time Path Status \n"; } printf "$p_pid $p_user $p_fmt $p_start_time $p_path $p_status\n"; $retval=0; } } } elsif ( $persistent eq "yes") # when print_flag is zero we want to get the Process ID of persistent recording { $global_pid=$pid + 0; # Dummy addition is required here to convert string to number . Dont' remove this + 0 $retval=0; } } } return $retval; } # lists all the local recording based on the type of the argument that # is passed. types = bin, nmon, azizo. # For all new recordings by topasrec this is called to list. # To list the old recordings the older functions do_local_xmwlm_listing, # do_local_nmon_listing are retained. sub do_local_topasrec_listing { my ($format)=@_; my $cmd2; my $output_path_opt2; my $start_time_opt2; my @list=`/usr/bin/ps -e -o command,user,pid,args | /usr/bin/grep "type=$format"`; if ( $format eq "bin" or $format eq "azizo") { $cmd2="/usr/bin/topasrec"; $output_path_opt2="-o"; $start_time_opt2="-y"; } elsif ( $format eq "nmon" ){ $cmd2="/usr/bin/topasrec"; $output_path_opt2="-youtput_dir="; $start_time_opt2="-ystart_time="; } my $retval=-1; my $counter=1; my %map = (); my $path=""; my $pid=""; my $user=""; my $start_time=""; my $fmt=""; my $p_sno; my $p_user; my $p_start_time; my $p_path; my $p_status; my $p_pid; my $p_per; my $p_fmt; # sample /usr/bin/ps listing for local bin recording # xmwlm root 299066 /usr/bin/topasrec -L -s 900 -c 96 -y 03:56:30,May18,2008 -o /smit/ foreach my $proc (@list) { if ( $format eq "bin" or $format eq "azizo") { %map = parse_local_binary_cmd_line($proc,$cmd2,$output_path_opt2,$start_time_opt2); } elsif ($format eq "nmon") { %map = parse_nmon_cmd_line($proc,$cmd2,$output_path_opt2,$start_time_opt2); } if( %map ) { $path = $map{'path'}; $pid = $map {'pid'}; $user = $map {'user'}; $start_time = $map{'start_time'}; $persistent = $map{'persistent'}; if ($print_flag eq 1 ) { $p_sno = sprintf ("-%3d" , $counter); $p_user = sprintf("%-10s", $user); $p_start_time=sprintf("%-19s", $start_time); $p_path = sprintf(" %-30s",$path); $p_status = sprintf(" %-15s" , "Running "); $p_pid = sprintf("%-10d" , $pid); $p_fmt = $format; if ( $persistent eq "yes") { if ( $format eq "bin" or $format eq "azizo"){ if ( is_wle_running( ) == 1 ) { $p_path = sprintf(" #%-30s",$path); if( $show_wle == 1 or $show_wle == 2) { $retval=0; } } else { $p_path = sprintf(" *%-30s",$path); if( $show_wle == 0 or $show_wle == 2) { $retval=0; } } } if ( $format eq "bin" ) { my $rval=system("/usr/bin/topasout","-p",$p_pid); $rval = $rval >> 8; if ($rval == 0 || $rval == 3) { $p_status = sprintf(" %-15s" , "Running "); } if ($rval == 2) { $p_status = sprintf(" %-15s" , "Paused "); } } if ( $header_printed eq 0 ) { $header_printed = 1; # 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ########12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 printf "Pid User Fmt Start_time Path Status \n"; } printf "$p_pid $p_user $p_fmt $p_start_time $p_path $p_status\n"; # Only one persistent recording exist always. if show_persistent_only is true return if ( $show_persistent_only == 1 ) { return $retval; } } else { $p_path = sprintf(" %-30s",$path); if ( $show_persistent_only == 0 ) { if ( $header_printed eq 0 ) { $header_printed = 1; # 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ########12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 printf "Pid User Fmt Start_time Path Status \n"; } printf "$p_pid $p_user $p_fmt $p_start_time $p_path $p_status\n"; $retval=0; } } } elsif ( $persistent eq "yes") # when print_flag is zero we want to get the Process ID of persistent recording { $global_pid=$pid + 0; # Dummy addition is required here to convert string to number . Dont' remove this + 0 $retval=0; } } } return $retval; } sub parse_nmon_cmd_line { my ($cmdline,$cmd,$output_path_opt, $start_time_opt) = @_; my %map= ( ) ; my @tokens = split " ",$cmdline; my $arg_len = scalar(@tokens); my $persistent="no"; my $command = $tokens[0]; my $str = " "; # Add a check here to check for substring # Both topas_nmon and topasrec # are taken inorder to maintain the compatibility to find the list # of older recording also. if($tokens[0] eq "topas_nmon") { $str = "topas_nmon"; } elsif ($tokens[0] eq "topasrec") { $str = "topasrec"; } if( $command ne $str) { return %map } my $user = $tokens[1]; my $pid = $tokens[2]; my $argv_0 = $tokens[3]; # from the args list my $argv_1 = " "; if( $arg_len >= 4 ) { $argv_1 = $tokens[4]; } my $flag = (( $argv_0 eq $cmd ) and ( index($cmdline,"-youtput_dir=")) and ( index($cmdline,"-ystart_time="))); if ( not $flag ) { return %map; } # shift command,user,pid,argv_0 shift(@tokens); shift(@tokens); shift(@tokens); shift(@tokens); my $output_path=""; my $start_time=""; my $counter=0; foreach my $word (@tokens) { # word should be one of "-youtput_dir=","-ystart_time=" if ( substr($word,0,2) ne "-y" ) { next; } # remove "-y" prefix and take the rest of the string. $word=substr $word,2; my $out_loc= index($word,"output_dir="); my $start_loc= index($word,"start_time="); my $pers_loc= index($word,"persistent=1"); if($out_loc >= 0 ) { $output_path=substr $word,$out_loc + length("output_dir=") ; } elsif($start_loc >= 0) { $start_time= substr $word,$start_loc + length("start_time=") ; } elsif($pers_loc >= 0 ) { $persistent="yes"; } else { # ignore this word next; } } $map{'path'}=$output_path; $map{'pid'} =$pid; $map{'user'}=$user; $map{'start_time'}=$start_time; $map{'persistent'}=$persistent; return %map; } sub do_local_nmon_listing( ) { my @list=`/usr/bin/ps -e -o command,user,pid,args | /usr/bin/grep "/usr/bin/topas_nmon"`; my $cmd2="/usr/bin/topas_nmon"; my $output_path_opt2="-youtput_dir="; my $start_time_opt2="-ystart_time="; my $retval=-1; my $counter=1; my %map = (); my $path=""; my $pid=""; my $user=""; my $start_time=""; my $fmt=""; my $p_sno; my $p_user; my $p_start_time; my $p_path; my $p_status; my $p_pid; my $p_per; my $p_fmt; # Sample /usr/bin/ps listing for nmon command line: # "topas_nmon root 344252 /usr/bin/topas_nmon -fT -s 30 -c 240 -youtput_dir=/home/radhat/clock10 -ystart_time=22:51:32,May14,2008" ; foreach my $proc (@list) { %map = parse_nmon_cmd_line($proc,$cmd2,$output_path_opt2,$start_time_opt2); if( %map ) { $path = $map{'path'}; $pid = $map {'pid'}; $user = $map {'user'}; $start_time = $map{'start_time'}; $persistent = $map{'persistent'}; if ($print_flag eq 1 ) { $p_sno = sprintf ("-%3d" , $counter); $p_user = sprintf("%-10s", $user); $p_start_time=sprintf("%-19s", $start_time); $p_path = sprintf(" %-30s",$path); $p_status = sprintf(" %-15s" , "Running "); $p_pid = sprintf("%-10d" , $pid); $p_fmt = "nmon"; if ( $persistent eq "yes") { if ( $header_printed eq 0 ) { $header_printed = 1; # 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ########12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 printf "Pid User Fmt Start_time Path Status \n"; } $p_path = sprintf(" *%-30s",$path); printf "$p_pid $p_user $p_fmt $p_start_time $p_path $p_status\n"; $retval=0; # Only one persistent recording exist always. if show_persistent_only is true return if ( $show_persistent_only == 1 ) { return $retval; } } else { $p_path = sprintf(" %-30s",$path); if ( $show_persistent_only == 0 && length($path) && length($start_time)) { if ( $header_printed eq 0 ) { $header_printed = 1; # 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ########12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 printf "Pid User Fmt Start_time Path Status \n"; } printf "$p_pid $p_user $p_fmt $p_start_time $p_path $p_status\n"; $retval=0; } } } elsif ( $persistent eq "yes") # when print_flag is zero we want to get the Process ID of persistent recording { $global_pid=$pid + 0; # Dummy addition is required here to convert string to number . Dont' remove this + 0 $retval=0; } } } return $retval; } sub do_kill_proc { my ($pid) = @_; if( is_recording_process($pid) == 1 ) { `/usr/bin/kill $kill_arg $pid`; return $?; } return 1; } sub Usage { print "Supported usage: listtrec { -l [ -P] <type> | -p <pid } | -k { cec_bin | cluster_bin | local_bin | local_nmon } \n"; } sub kill_persistent { my ($persistent_kill)=@_; my @format = ('bin', 'nmon', 'azizo','CEC','Cluster'); $print_flag=0; if ( $persistent_kill eq "cec_bin" ) { do_CEC_Cluster_listing($format[3]); } elsif ( $persistent_kill eq "cluster_bin" ) { do_CEC_Cluster_listing($format[4]); } elsif ( $persistent_kill eq "local_bin" ) { do_local_xmwlm_listing(); do_local_topasrec_listing($format[0]); } elsif ( $persistent_kill eq "local_nmon" ) { do_local_nmon_listing(); do_local_topasrec_listing($format[1]); } elsif ( $persistent_kill eq "local_azizo" ) { do_local_topasrec_listing($format[2]); } else { Usage(); return 1; } if ( $global_pid > 0 ) { return do_kill_proc($global_pid); } return 0; } sub main { my $type = "ALL"; my $l_flag = 0; my @format = ('bin', 'nmon', 'azizo','CEC','Cluster'); my $pid=9999999; my $p_flag = 0; my $retval=-1; my $retval1=-1; my $retval2=-1; my $retval3=-1; getopts('l:p:k:P',\%opts); my $l_type = $opts{'l'}; my $l_kill = $opts{'p'}; my $persistent_kill = $opts{'k'}; if( $opts{'P'} ) # use topasout to list the recordings if persistent { if( $l_type eq "ALL" || $l_type eq "local_bin" || $l_type eq "local_nmon" ) { system("topasout","-z",$l_type); $retval1=$?; if( $retval1 != 0 ) { $retval1=255; } $header_printed=1; } if( $l_type eq "CEC" || $l_type eq "ALL" || $l_type eq "cec_bin" ) { $show_persistent_only=1; $retval2=do_CEC_Cluster_listing($format[3]); } if( $l_type eq "Cluster" || $l_type eq "ALL" || $l_type eq "cluster_bin" ) { $show_persistent_only=1; $retval3=do_CEC_Cluster_listing($format[4]); } if($retval1 != 0 && $retval2 !=0 && $retval3 !=0) { $retval=255; } else { $retval=0; } } elsif ( $l_type and !$l_kill and !$persistent_kill ) { $print_flag=1; if ( $l_type eq "CEC" || $l_type eq "cec_bin" ) { $retval=do_CEC_Cluster_listing($format[3]); } elsif ( $l_type eq "Cluster" || $l_type eq "cluster_bin") { $retval=do_CEC_Cluster_listing($format[4]); } elsif ( $l_type eq "local_bin") { $show_wle=2; my $rv1=do_local_xmwlm_listing(); my $rv2=do_local_topasrec_listing($format[0]); if( $rv1 == 0 || $rv2 == 0 ) { $retval=0; } } elsif ( $l_type eq "local_nmon") { my $rv1=do_local_nmon_listing(); my $rv2=do_local_topasrec_listing($format[1]); if( $rv1 == 0 || $rv2 == 0 ) { $retval=0; } } elsif ( $l_type eq "local_azizo") { $show_wle=2; $retval = do_local_topasrec_listing($format[2]); } elsif ( $l_type eq "local_wle") { $show_persistent_only=1; $show_wle=1; my $rv1=do_local_xmwlm_listing(); my $rv2=do_local_topasrec_listing($format[0]); if( $rv1 == 0 || $rv2 == 0 ) { $retval=0; } } elsif ( $l_type eq "ALL" ) { $show_wle=2; my $retval1=do_CEC_Cluster_listing($format[3]); my $retval2=do_local_xmwlm_listing(); my $retval3=do_local_nmon_listing(); my $retval5=do_CEC_Cluster_listing($format[4]); my $retval4=-1; my $retval6; for ( $i=0;$i<3;$i++) { $retval6 = do_local_topasrec_listing($format[$i]); if ( $retval6 == 0 ) { $retval4=0; } } if ( $retval1 == 0 or $retval2 == 0 or $retval3 == 0 or $retval4 == 0 or $retval5 == 0 ) { $retval = 0 ; } else { $retval = -1; } } } elsif( $l_kill and !$l_type and !$persistent_kill) { $retval=do_kill_proc( $l_kill ) ; } elsif( !$l_kill and !$l_type and $persistent_kill) { $retval=kill_persistent($persistent_kill); } else { Usage() ; } return $retval; } my $retval=main ( ); # exit codes are used by SMIT.Hence return the exit code exit $retval;