IMsglslpclaclUsage	1	11	'Usage: lslpclacl [-a|-n host[,host...]][-l|-t|-d|-D delimiter] [-E][-p][-x][-h][-TV]\n       lslpclacl [-n host] -i [-E][-h][-TV]\n         -a        List Class ACL on all nodes in the cluster.\n         -d        Delimited output using "|" for a delimiter.\n         -D delimiter Delimited output using "delimiter" for a delimiter.\n         -E        Expand permission display for read and write permission.\n         -l        Long fomatted output.\n         -i        Formatted output to use as input for chlpclacl command.\n         -n host,.. List Class ACL on these nodes in the cluster.\n         -p        Display peer domain name.\n         -t        Tabular fomatted output.\n         -x        Exclude header.\n         -V        Verbose mode.\n         -T        Display trace information.\n         -h        Display this usage information.\n'
IMsglslpclaclStart	2	11	'Begin processing of lslpclacl command.\n'
IMsglslpclaclEnd	3	11	'End processing of lslpclacl command.\n'
IMsglslpclaclSetScope	4	11	'Setting the proper RMC session scope.\n'
IMsglslpclaclProcessOptions	5	11	'Processing the specified options and parameters.\n'
IMsglslpclaclListAcl	6	11	'Listing the ACL.\n'
IMsglslpclaclProcessErrors	7	11	'Relaying error information.\n'
IMsglslpclaclFormOutput	8	11	'Forming the output to display.\n'
IMsglslpclaclTitle	9	11	'Class ACLs for LPRM\n'
IMsglslpclaclHeading	10	11	'Identity::Permissions::NodeName'
IMsglslpclaclHeadingPD	11	11	'Identity::Permissions::NodeName::PeerDomain'
IMsglslpclaclNoAcl	12	11	'No access defined'