/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
/*                                                                        */
/* bos72V src/bos/kernel/sys/ndd.h                              */
/*                                                                        */
/* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1988,2020              */
/* All Rights Reserved                                                    */
/*                                                                        */
/* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or            */
/* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.      */
/*                                                                        */
/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
/* @(#)82  src/bos/kernel/sys/ndd.h, sysnet_cdli, bos72V, v2020_23A8 5/28/20 18:23:48 */
 *   ORIGINS: 27
 *   (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1988,2003
 *   All Rights Reserved
 *   Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
 *   US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
 *   disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

#ifndef    _H_NDD
#define    _H_NDD

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/processor.h>
#include <sys/lockl.h>

#define NDD_MAXNAMELEN    (16)

 * Structure for generic statistics
struct ndd_genstats
    __ulong32_t ndd_elapsed_time;  /* time in seconds since last reset */
    __ulong32_t ndd_ipackets_msw;  /* packets received on interface(msw) */
    __ulong32_t ndd_ipackets_lsw;  /* packets received on interface(lsw) */
    __ulong32_t ndd_ibytes_msw;    /* total # of octets received(msw) */
    __ulong32_t ndd_ibytes_lsw;    /* total # of octets received(lsw) */
    __ulong32_t ndd_recvintr_msw;  /* number of receive interrupts(msw) */
    __ulong32_t ndd_recvintr_lsw;  /* number of receive interrupts(lsw) */
    __ulong32_t ndd_ierrors;       /* input errors on interface */
    __ulong32_t ndd_opackets_msw;  /* packets sent on interface(msw) */
    __ulong32_t ndd_opackets_lsw;  /* packets sent on interface(lsw) */
    __ulong32_t ndd_obytes_msw;    /* total number of octets sent(msw) */
    __ulong32_t ndd_obytes_lsw;    /* total number of octets sent(lsw) */
    __ulong32_t ndd_xmitintr_msw;  /* number of transmit interrupts(msw) */
    __ulong32_t ndd_xmitintr_lsw;  /* number of transmit interrupts(lsw) */
    __ulong32_t ndd_oerrors;       /* output errors on interface */
    __ulong32_t ndd_nobufs;        /* no buffers available */
    __ulong32_t ndd_xmitque_max;   /* max transmits ever queued */
    __ulong32_t ndd_xmitque_ovf;   /* number of transmit queue overflows */
    __ulong32_t ndd_ipackets_drop; /* number of packets not passed up */
    __ulong32_t ndd_ibadpackets;   /* # of bad pkts recv'd from adapter */
    __ulong32_t ndd_opackets_drop; /* number of packets not transmitted */
    __ulong32_t ndd_xmitque_cur;   /* sum of driver+adapter xmit queues */
    __ulong32_t ndd_ifOutUcastPkts_msw; /* outbound unicast pkts
                                            requested */
    __ulong32_t ndd_ifOutUcastPkts_lsw; /* on interface (msw and lsw) */
    __ulong32_t ndd_ifOutMcastPkts_msw; /* outbound multicast pkts
                                            requested */
    __ulong32_t ndd_ifOutMcastPkts_lsw; /* on interface (msw and lsw) */
    __ulong32_t ndd_ifOutBcastPkts_msw; /* outbound broadcast pkts
                                            requested */
    __ulong32_t ndd_ifOutBcastPkts_lsw; /* on interface (msw and lsw) */
    __ulong32_t ndd_stat_reserved[23];  /* reserved */
typedef    struct ndd_genstats ndd_genstats_t;

 * Structure defining a network device driver interface.
struct ndd {
    struct ndd      *ndd_next;      /* next ndd in chain */
    __ulong32_t     ndd_refcnt;     /* number of allocs outstanding */
    char            *ndd_name;      /* name, e.g. ``en0'' or ``tr0'' */
    char            *ndd_alias;     /* alternate name */
    __ulong32_t     ndd_flags;      /* up/down, broadcast, etc. */
    caddr_t         ndd_correlator; /* correlator for NDD use */
/* procedure handles */
    int             (*ndd_open)(struct ndd *);  /* init function */
    int             (*ndd_close)(struct ndd *); /* close function */
    int             (*ndd_output)();/* output function */
    int             (*ndd_ctl)();   /* control function */
/* user receive and status functions */
    void            (*nd_receive)();/* demuxer receive function */
    void            (*nd_status)(); /* status notification */
/* driver description */
    __ulong32_t     ndd_mtu;        /* maximum transmission unit */
    __ulong32_t     ndd_mintu;      /* minimum transmission unit */
    __ulong32_t     ndd_type;       /* ethernet, etc (see interface types */
    __ulong32_t     ndd_addrlen;    /* media address length */
    __ulong32_t     ndd_hdrlen;     /* media header length */
    caddr_t         ndd_physaddr;   /* medias physical address */
/* demuxer linkage */
    struct ns_demuxer *ndd_demuxer; /* back pointer to associated demuxer */
    struct ns_dmx_ctl *ndd_nsdemux; /* ptr to common demux control */
    caddr_t         ndd_specdemux;  /* ptr to demuxer specific control */
    int             ndd_demuxsource; /* 0 if system dmx, 1 if NDD provided */
    Simple_lock ndd_demux_lock;     /* lock for dmx ctl structs */
/* packet tracing */
    void            (*ndd_trace)(); /* packet trace function */
    caddr_t         ndd_trace_arg;  /* argument to trace function */
    Complex_lock    ndd_lock;       /* NDD lock for network services */
#ifdef PHABRE1
    __ulong32_t    ndd_global_array_slot;  /* Cluster */
    __ulong32_t    ndd_global_array_slot_2;/* Cluster. Ethernet specific */
    __ulong32_t    ndd_reserved[12];    /* reserved. Any reserved field may */
    __ulong32_t    ndd_reserved[14];    /* reserved. Any reserved field may */
#endif /* PHABRE1 */
                    /* be used/defined, see below for */
                    /* any further definition. */
#pragma pack(1)                /* Ensure that ndd_parent_nddp is followed
                             * right after the ndd_reservied filed, and
                             * there is no gap between them. This ensures
                             * that the ndd_parent_nddp is aligned with
                             * ndd_reserved.
    caddr_t         ndd_parent_nddp; /* used by ns_services, EC and SEA */
#pragma pack()

/* stats */
    caddr_t         ndd_specstats;  /* pointer to device specific stats */
    __ulong32_t     ndd_speclen;    /* length of device specific stats */
    struct ndd_genstats ndd_genstats; /* generic network stats */

    __ulong32_t     ndd_2_flags;    /* flags extension field */
    caddr_t         ndd_ptr;        /* pointer for device use */

    void            (*ndd_arpinput)(); /* offload specific, proc incoming arp */
                                    /*  packets and use the information to */
                                    /*  update the adapter's arp table */
    ulong           arp_priv;      /* private data for the ndd_arpinput func */
    ushort          vlan;          /* vlan pri/id : bits 0-11 id : 13-15 pri */
    struct ndd      *vlan_ndd;     /* if NDD_VLAN : links to the base adapter */
typedef    struct ndd    ndd_t;

typedef    struct ndd    * nddp_t;

/* This structure is used by the NDD_START_TRACE ioctl */
typedef struct ndd_trace_info
    caddr_t     ndd_trace_arg;
    void        (*ndd_trace) ();
    uint32_t    ndd_trace_flags;        /* see below for flag values */
} ndd_trace_info_t;

/* Possible values for ndd_trace_flags */
#define NDD_TRACE_INTERNAL_ONLY (0x00000001) /* Device should only trace
                                              * internally-generated packets
                                              * and not those given to it
                                              * by a container device

#define NDD_LOCK(nddp)      lock_write(&(nddp)->ndd_lock)
#define NDD_UNLOCK(nddp)    lock_done(&(nddp)->ndd_lock)

/* flag values */
#define NDD_UP          (0x00000001)    /* NDD is opened */
#define NDD_BROADCAST   (0x00000002)    /* broadcast address valid */
#define NDD_DEBUG       (0x00000004)    /* operating in debug mode */
#define NDD_RUNNING     (0x00000008)    /* NDD is operational */
#define NDD_SIMPLEX     (0x00000010)    /* can't hear own transmissions */
#define NDD_DEAD        (0x00000020)    /* device is not operational */
#define NDD_LIMBO       (0x00000040)    /* in network recovery mode */
#define NDD_PROMISC     (0x00000080)    /* in promiscuous mode */
#define NDD_ALTADDRS    (0x00000100)    /* receiving additional addresses */
#define NDD_MULTICAST   (0x00000200)    /* receiving all multicasts */
#define NDD_DETACHED    (0x00000400)    /* NDD has been detached */
#define NDD_64BIT       (0x00000800)    /* supports 64 bit */
#define NDD_HIGHFUNC_QOS (0x00001000)   /* supports full QOS scheduling */
#define NDD_MEDFUNC_QOS (0x00002000)    /* supports medium QOS scheduling */
#define NDD_MINFUNC_QOS (0x00004000)    /* supports minimal QOS scheduling */
#define NDD_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD (0x00010000) /* supports checksum offload */
#define NDD_PSEG        (0x00020000)    /* support private segment buffers */
#define NDD_ETHERCHANNEL (0x00040000)   /* Etherchannel */
#define NDD_VLAN        (0x00080000)    /* VLAN */
#define NDD_SPECFLAGS   (0x00100000)    /* min value of device specific flags */

/* flag_2 (extension of flag field) values */
#define NDD_2_SEA       (0x00000001)    /* Shared Ethernet Adapter      */
#define NDD_2_VIOENT    (0x00000002)    /* Virtual I/O Ethernet Adapter */
#define NDD_2_VASI      (0x00000004)    /* VASI device            */
#define NDD_2_HEA       (0x00000008)    /* Host Ethernet Adapter        */
#define NDD_2_IPV6_LSO  (0x00000010)    /* Supports ipv6 LSO */
#define NDD_2_IPV6_CSO  (0x00000020)    /* Supports ipv6 checksum offload */
#define NDD_2_IPV6_PARTIAL_CSO (0x00000040) /* Supp ipv6 partial cksum off */
#define NDD_2_IPV4_PARTIAL_CSO (0x00000080) /* Supp ipv4 partial cksum off */
#define NDD_2_LARGE_RECEIVE    (0x00000100) /* using large_receive */
#define NDD_2_ARPINPUT   (0x00000200)   /* supports the arpinput extension */
#define NDD_2_RNIC       (0x00000400)   /* supports RNIC */
#define NDD_2_ECHAN_ELEM (0x00000800)   /* NDD is an element of an etherchan */
#define NDD_2_SEA_ELEM   (0x00001000)   /* NDD is an element of SEA */
#define NDD_2_ROCE       (0x00002000)   /* supports ROCE type RDMA operations */
#define NDD_2_VIRTUAL_PORT (0x00004000) /* Virtual Port device */
#define NDD_2_PHYS_LINK_UP (0x00008000) /* Physical LS of Virtual Port device */
#define NDD_2_VNIC       (0x00010000)   /* Virtual NIC Client Adapter */
#define NDD_2_HW_PTP_SUPP (0x00020000)  /* device supports HW_PTP functionality */
#define NDD_2_HW_PTP_ACT  (0X00040000)  /* device running HW_PTP functionality */
#define NDD_2_TUNNEL      (0X00080000)  /* device supports TUNNEL offloads */
#define NDD_2_TEAM        (0X00100000)  /* Etherchannel teaming mode */

/* interface types for benefit of parsing media address headers (ndd_type) */
#define NDD_OTHER       0x1        /* none of the following */
#define NDD_1822        0x2        /* old-style arpanet imp */
#define NDD_HDH1822     0x3        /* HDH arpanet imp */
#define NDD_X25DDN      0x4        /* x25 to imp */
#define NDD_X25         0x5        /* PDN X25 interface */
#define NDD_ETHER       0x6        /* Ethernet I or II */
#define NDD_ISO88023    0x7        /* Ethernet 802.3 */
#define NDD_ISO88024    0x8        /* Token Bus */
#define NDD_ISO88025    0x9        /* Token Ring */
#define NDD_ISO88026    0xa        /* MAN */
#define NDD_STARLAN     0xb
#define NDD_P10         0xc        /* Proteon 10MBit ring */
#define NDD_P80         0xd        /* Proteon 10MBit ring */
#define NDD_HY          0xe        /* Hyperchannel */
#define NDD_FDDI        0xf
#define NDD_LAPB        0x10
#define NDD_SDLC        0x11
#define NDD_T1          0x12
#define NDD_CEPT        0x13
#define NDD_ISDNBASIC   0x14
#define NDD_ISDNPRIMARY 0x15
#define NDD_PTPSERIAL   0x16
#define NDD_LOOP        0x18        /* loopback */
#define NDD_EON         0x19        /* ISO over IP */
#define NDD_XETHER      0x1a        /* obsolete 3MB experimental ethernet */
#define NDD_NSIP        0x1b        /* XNS over IP */
#define NDD_SLIP        0x1c        /* IP over generic TTY */

#define NDD_ATM         0x20        /* ATM device driver */
#define NDD_HDLC        0x21        /* NDD_LABP | NDD_SDLC */

#define NDD_SCB         0x127       /* SCB device driver */
#define NDD_FCS         0x128       /* FCS device driver */
#define NDD_SCSI        0x129       /* SCSI device driver */
#define NDD_HIPPI       0x12a       /* HIPPI driver */
#define NDD_SN          0x12b       /* Federation driver */
#define NDD_FCIP        0x12c       /* IP over FC driver */
#define NDD_ISCSI       0x12d       /* iSCSI driver      */
#define NDD_VASI_TYPE   0x12e       /* VASI driver */
#define NDD_VFC         0x12f       /* virtual fibre channel client */

#ifdef PHABRE1
#define NDD_SANCOMM     0x130       /* SAN communications */
#define NDD_PINGCOMM    0x131       /* Disk ping communications */
#endif /* PHABRE1 */

#define NDD_SLIFC       0x132       /* SLI FCS device driver */

#ifdef PHABRE1
#define NDD_TCPSOCKCOMM 0x133       /* CAA TCPSOCK communications */
#endif /* PHABRE1 */

#define NDD_CVFC        0x134       /* Cavium FCS device driver */

 * The following primitives define common NDD control operations
#define NDD_GET_STATS           (0x00000001)
#define NDD_ENABLE_MULTICAST    (0x00000002)
#define NDD_DISABLE_MULTICAST   (0x00000003)
#define NDD_PROMISCUOUS_ON      (0x00000004)
#define NDD_PROMISCUOUS_OFF     (0x00000005)
#define NDD_ADD_FILTER          (0x00000006)
#define NDD_DEL_FILTER          (0x00000007)
#define NDD_MIB_QUERY           (0x00000008)
#define NDD_MIB_GET             (0x00000009)
#define NDD_MIB_SET             (0x0000000A)
#define NDD_ADD_STATUS          (0x0000000B)
#define NDD_DEL_STATUS          (0x0000000C)
#define NDD_ENABLE_ADDRESS      (0x0000000D)
#define NDD_DISABLE_ADDRESS     (0x0000000E)
#define NDD_MIB_ADDR            (0x0000000F)
#define NDD_CLEAR_STATS         (0x00000010)
#define NDD_GET_TEAM_MAC        (0x00000020)
 * New ioctl used only in an EtherChannel adapter
 * to retrieve statistics from an adapter contained
 * in an EtherChannel
#define NDD_GET_ADAPTER_STATS   (0x00000011)
 * Disable MAC address check for outgoing packets
#define NDD_DISABLE_ADDRCHK     (0x00000012)
 * New ioctls for flash update firmware
#define NDD_READ_FLASH          (0x00000013)
#define NDD_WRITE_FLASH         (0x00000014)

#define NDD_GET_NDD             (0x00000015)

#define NDD_DUMP_ADDR           (0x00000100)
#define NDD_PRIORITY_ADDR       (0x00000101)
#define NDD_GET_ALL_STATS       (0x00000102)
#define NDD_DEBUG_TRACE         (0x00000103)
#define NDD_SET_LINK_STATUS     (0x00000104)
#define NDD_ENABLE_ADAPTER      (0x00000105)
#define NDD_DISABLE_ADAPTER     (0x00000106)

 * New ioctls for IPSec offload operation in ethernet adapters
#define NDD_QUERY_IPSEC_OFFLOAD (0x00000107)
#define NDD_ADD_SA_CACHE        (0x00000108)
#define NDD_DELETE_SA_CACHE     (0x00000109)
#define NDD_MODIFY_SA_CACHE     (0x0000010A)
#define NDD_CLEAR_ALL_SA_CACHE  (0x0000010B)
#define NDD_IPSEC_REGISTER      (0x0000010C)
#define NDD_IPSEC_UNREGISTER    (0x0000010D)

/* Used to change an adapter's MAC address at runtime */
#define NDD_SET_MAC_ADDR        (0x0000010E)


#define NDD_STOP_TRACE          (0x0000010F)

/* New ioctl used to modify an EtherChannel at runtime */
#define NDD_MODIFY_ETHCHAN      (0x00000110)

/* Ioctl used to request a port failover */
#define NDD_PORT_FAILOVER       (0x00000111)

/* Shared Ethernet Adapter ioctls */
#define NDD_SEA_LIST            (0x00000112)
#define NDD_SEA_MODIFY          (0x00000113)
#define NDD_SEA_GET_REAL_DMX_FUNC (0x00000122)
#define NDD_SEA_SET_REAL_DMX_FUNC (0x00000123)

/* Ioctl for changing the nd_receive pointer for an EtherChannel's
 * underlying adapters
#define NDD_SET_RECEIVE_FUNC    (0x00000114)

/* Ioctl for changing the ndd_ptr pointer for an EtherChannel's
 * underlying adapters
#define NDD_SET_POINTER         (0x00000115)

/* Used to start tracing on an interface */
#define NDD_START_TRACE         (0x00000116)

/* Used by container devices to add filters on their underlying adapters */
#define NDD_CONT_ADD_FILTER     (0x00000117)

/* Used by container devices to delete filters on their underlying adapters */
#define NDD_CONT_DEL_FILTER     (0x00000118)

/* Used by container devices to inform their underlying devices of the
 * container's interface
#define NDD_INTERFACE_CHANGED   (0x00000119)

/* Used to query nesting structure of container devices.  See ndd_tree_node
 * documentation below
#define NDD_CONT_GET_TREE_SIZE  (0x0000011A)
#define NDD_CONT_GET_TREE       (0x0000011B)

/* Ioctls for enabling/disabling large_receive feature in ethernet adapters */
#define NDD_ENABLE_LARGE_RECEIVE (0x0000011C)
#define NDD_DISABLE_LARGE_RECEIVE (0x0000011D)

/* RNIC stats */
#define NDD_GET_RNIC_STATS      (0x0000011E)
#define NDD_CLEAR_RNIC_STATS    (0x0000011F)

/* Ioctls for enabling 64bit component trace for RNIC provider library */
#define NDD_RNIC_INIT_CTRC      (0x00000120)
#define NDD_RNIC_CTRC           (0x00000121)

/* Ioctl's for VLAN driver to tell base driver to set/clear this VLAN tag ID */
#define NDD_SET_VLAN_ID         (0x00000130)
#define NDD_CLEAR_VLAN_ID       (0x00000131)

/* Ioctl's for RFDD(refactor device driver) for NIC */
#define NDD_HW_IOCTL            (0x00000140)
#define NDD_HW_DIAG             (0x00000141)

/* Ioctl's for Container devices driver to pass thru to the base driver */
#define NDD_CTL_PASSTHRU        (0x00000150)

/* Ioctl to obtain 64bit enabled generic LAN statistics */
#define NDD_GET_STATS_64BIT     (0x00000200)

/* Ioctl's for PTP for NIC */
#define NDD_ENABLE_HW_PTP       (0x00000210)  
#define NDD_DISABLE_HW_PTP      (0x00000211)
#define NDD_GET_TIME_HW_PTP     (0x00000212)  /* Returns adapter clock (nsec) */
#define NDD_SET_TIME_HW_PTP     (0x00000213)  /* Adjusts adapter clock */

/* Etherchannel specific PTP Ioctl's */
#define NDD_QUERY_PTP_NDD       (0x00000214)  /* Returns ndd_name of PTP intf */
#define NDD_SET_PTP_NDD         (0x00000215)  /* Changes channel PTP intf */

#define NDD_DEVICE_SPECIFIC     (0x00010000)
 * The following status's are returned as a result of NDD_GET_LINK_STATUS.  The
 * status is returned into the 32bit integer that arg points to.
#define NDD_LS_DOWN     (0)    /* link status is down */
#define NDD_LS_UP       (1)     /* link status is up on the interface */
#define NDD_LS_ENABLING (2)    /* link status is indeterminate (due to */
                /*   restarting the adapter probably) */
#define NDD_LS_DEAD     (3)    /* link status is dead */

/* Structure passed as arg for NDD_INTERFACE_CHANGED ioctl */
typedef struct ndd_if {
    caddr_t ifp;            /* Pointer to the interface (struct ifnet) */
#define NDD_INTERFACE_SET    (1)    /* Interface configured/attached */
#define NDD_INTERFACE_UNSET  (2)    /* Interface unconfigured/detached */
    ushort_t flags;
} ndd_if_t;

struct ndd_sls {
    void (*func)();    /* status function */
    void *param;
typedef struct ndd_sls ndd_sls_t;

 * Structure returned by getkerninfo KINFO_NDD
struct kinfo_ndd {
    char ndd_name[NDD_MAXNAMELEN];  /* name, e.g. ``en0'' or ``tr0'' */
    char ndd_alias[NDD_MAXNAMELEN]; /* alternate name */
    __ulong32_t ndd_flags;          /* up/down, broadcast, etc. */
    __ulong32_t ndd_mtu;            /* maximum transmission unit */
    __ulong32_t ndd_mintu;          /* minimum transmission unit */
    __ulong32_t ndd_type;           /* ethernet, etc (see interface types */
    __ulong32_t ndd_addrlen;        /* physical address length */
    u_char ndd_addr[64];            /* physical address */
 * Flag values for NDD_MIB_QUERY
#define MIB_NOT_SUPPORTED    (0x00)    /* MIB variable not supported by NDD */
#define MIB_READ_ONLY        (0x01)    /* MIB variable is read only */
#define MIB_READ_WRITE       (0x02)    /* MIB variable can be read or set */
#define MIB_WRITE_ONLY       (0x03)    /* MIB variable can only be set */

struct ndd_mib_query {
    u_int mib_get[1];    /* MAC specific MIB structure */
typedef struct ndd_mib_query ndd_mib_query_t;

struct ndd_mib_get {
    u_int mib_get[1];    /* MAC specific MIB structure */
typedef struct ndd_mib_get ndd_mib_get_t;

 * status codes for NDD_MIB_SET operations
#define MIB_OK            0    /* operation was successful */
#define MIB_NOT_SETTABLE  1    /* MIB variable is not settable */
#define MIB_WRONG_STATE   2    /* variable is settable but not now */
#define MIB_FAILED        3    /* NDD was unable to set variable */
#define MIB_BAD_VALUE     4    /* incorrect value for variable */

typedef u_int    mib_t;

 * The MIB set and addr structures are used to represent a packed dynamic
 * data structure.  Both structures contain a length field as the first few
 * bytes.  The length indicates the number of structures in the rest of the
 * data space.  Since each sub-structure is dynamic, the sub-structure cannot
 * be accessed by indexing the array pointer.  The array pointer, mib and
 * mib_addr, in ndd_mib_set and ndd_mib_addr respectively, must be used as
 * starting points in the data space and pointers should be used to walk
 * through the structure.
struct ndd_mib {
    mib_t mib;            /* a MIB variable to set */
    u_int  status;        /* return status from set operation */
    u_short mib_len;      /* length of the MIB variable value */
    u_char mib_value[2];  /* value to set, length is mib_len */
typedef struct ndd_mib ndd_mib_t;

struct ndd_mib_set {
    u_int        count;   /* number of MIB variables to set */
    ndd_mib_t    mib[1];  /* MIB variable. */
typedef    struct ndd_mib_set ndd_mib_set_t;

 * These structures are used to receive/get the Address Table by the
 * NDD_MIB_ADDR ioctl().
#define NDD_MIB_OTHER           1
#define NDD_MIB_INVALID         2
#define NDD_MIB_VOLATILE        3

struct ndd_mib_addr_elem  {
    u_int     status;
    u_short   addresslen;
    u_char    address[2];
typedef struct ndd_mib_addr_elem ndd_mib_addr_elem_t;

struct ndd_mib_addr {
    u_int               count;
    ndd_mib_addr_elem_t mib_addr[1];
typedef struct ndd_mib_addr ndd_mib_addr_t;

struct ndd_statblk {
    u_int code;         /* status block code        */
    u_int option[10];   /* additional information     */
typedef struct ndd_statblk ndd_statblk_t;

struct ndd_ctl_passthru {
    char        name[NDD_MAXNAMELEN];   /* name of the sub device to call */
    uint64_t    cmd;        /* ioctl command to pass on */
    uint64_t    buf;        /* buffer address to pass thru */
    uint64_t    len;        /* len of the buffer */
typedef struct ndd_ctl_passthru ndd_ctl_passthru_t;

 * Status block codes for ndd_statblk
#define NDD_HARD_FAIL   (0x00000001)    /* A hardware failure has occurred */
#define NDD_LIMBO_ENTER (0x00000002)    /* Entered Network Recovery Mode */
#define NDD_LIMBO_EXIT  (0x00000004)    /* Exited Network Recovery Mode */
#define NDD_CONNECTED   (0x00000008)    /* Device open successful */
#define NDD_STATUS      (0x00000010)    /* Various status and event info */
#define NDD_BAD_PKTS    (0x00000020)    /* A bad packet was received */

#define NDD_STAT_BLOCK  (0x00100000)    /* Start device specific codes here */

 * Reason codes for ndd_statblk
#define NDD_ADAP_CHECK  (0x00000001)    /* Adapter checkstop condition */
#define NDD_BUS_ERROR   (0x00000002)    /* Bus error */
#define NDD_CMD_FAIL    (0x00000003)    /* A device command has failed */
#define NDD_PIO_FAIL    (0x00000004)    /* A PIO operation has failed */
#define NDD_UCODE_FAIL  (0x00000005)    /* Failure of device microcode */
#define NDD_TX_ERROR    (0x00000006)    /* A transmission error has occurred */
#define NDD_TX_TIMEOUT  (0x00000007)    /* Transmission timeout error */
#define NDD_RCV_ERROR   (0x00000008)    /* A receive error has occured */
#define NDD_AUTO_RMV    (0x00000009)    /* Auto-remove error detected */
#define NDD_ADDR_CHANGE (0x0000000A)    /* MAC address changed at runtime */
#define NDD_ADAPTER_ADDED (0x0000000B)  /* Adapter added dynamically */
#define NDD_ADAPTER_DELETED (0x0000000C)/* Adapter removed dynamically */
#define NDD_MIGRATION   (0x0000000D)    /* Adapter migration event     */
#define NDD_FAILOVER    (0x0000000E)    /* Adapter failover event      */
#define NDD_PLATFORM_TSO_CHANGED  (0x00000010)    /* Platform largesend TSO Changed */

#define NDD_REASON_CODE (0x00000100)    /* Start device specific reasons here */

struct ndd_config {
    int     seq_number;
    caddr_t dds;
    int     l_vpd;
    caddr_t p_vpd;
    caddr_t ucode;
typedef struct ndd_config ndd_config_t;

#ifdef __64BIT_KERNEL
struct ndd_config32 {
    int     seq_number;
    ptr32   dds;
    int     l_vpd;
    ptr32   p_vpd;
    ptr32   ucode;
typedef struct ndd_config32    ndd_config32_t;
#endif /* __64BIT_KERNEL */

/* This type definition macro can be used in configuration methods */
#ifdef __64BIT_KERNEL
    #define NDD_CONFIG_T    ndd_config32_t
    #define NDD_CONFIG_T    ndd_config_t

 * definition of NDD event tracing

/* event definition */
typedef struct ndd_event {
    struct ndd      *ndd_addr;
    char            ndd_name[NDD_MAXNAMELEN];
    __ulong32_t     ndd_refcnt;
    __ulong32_t     ndd_flags;
    char            ndd_evt;
    cpu_t           ndd_cpu;
    void            *ndd_callers[16];
} ndd_event_t;

#ifdef _KERNEL
extern struct ndd *ndd;
/* ndd_events_buf will contains the events. This buffer is
 * dynamically allocated. It is a circular buffer */
extern ndd_event_t *ndd_event_buf;

/* current ndd event index in ndd_events_buf */
extern int ndd_event_index;
/* ndd_event_size define the current size of ndd_event_buf */
extern int ndd_event_size;


 * Definitions for the ndd_reserved field.
 * For ATM NDD's see the reserved_mapper structure in cdli_atmuser.h

 * EtherChannel uses ndd_reserved[14] and ndd_reserved[15] to store a
 * pointer to itself in each of its underlying adapters (it uses two
 * array positions to accomodate a 64-bit pointer)

#define ndd_spec_ks    ndd_reserved[0]
#define ndd_spec_conf   ndd_reserved[1]

 * Data structure used to return result for NDD_CONT_GET_TREE_SIZE ioctl
typedef struct ndd_num_children {
    unsigned int num_children;
} ndd_num_children_t;

 * Data structures used by the NDD_CONT_GET_TREE ioctl
 * The ioctl represents the returned tree as a pre-order linearization.
 * Each node specifies how many direct children it has (e.g. with the number
 * of children between ()'s ):
 *     A
 *    / \
 *   B   C    ==>  A(2), B(3), D(0), E(0), F(0), C(1), G(0)
 *  /|\  |
 * D E F G
 * The buffer passed to the ioctl starts with an ndd_tree_header followed by an
 * array of ndd_tree_node. The number of nodes is specified by the 'capacity'
 * field of the header. The 'used' header field contains the number of nodes
 * already used in the tree and is updated by the ioctl call. This allows a
 * tree of ioctl calls to cooperate filling a single buffer (e.g. the layout of
 * the buffer for the above tree before and after an ioctl call to B):
 * [capacity:7 used:1][A][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
 * [capacity:7 used:5][A][B][D][E][F][ ][ ]
 * Thus, when a driver receives the NDD_CONT_GET_TREE ioctl, it:
 *  - starts writing at element [header.used] of the node array
 *  - makes sure it doesn't go past header.capacity
 *  - updates header.used on completion.
 * On ioctl failure, header.used and the elements [0,header.used) of the node
 * array should be unmodified.  [header.used, header.capacity) may be.

typedef struct ndd_tree_header {
    unsigned int    capacity;    /* total number of nodes allocated */
    unsigned int    used;        /* number of nodes used */
} ndd_tree_header_t;

typedef struct ndd_tree_node {
    unsigned int    num_children;

    /* taken from ndd_t */
    char            adapter_name[NDD_MAXNAMELEN];
    __ulong32_t     ndd_flags;
    __ulong32_t     ndd_2_flags;
    ndd_genstats_t  ndd_genstats;

    /* taken from adapter control structure */
    uint64_t        tree_node_flags;
    uint32_t        adapter_specific[16];
} ndd_tree_node_t;

 * Flags for tree_node_flags field of ndd_tree_node

/* Set on adapters by their SEA owner */
#define NDD_TREE_NODE_PHYSICAL  (0x00000001)
#define NDD_TREE_NODE_CONTROL   (0x00000002)

/* Set on a SEA or children of an EtherChannel */
#define NDD_TREE_NODE_PRIMARY   (0x00000004)
#define NDD_TREE_NODE_BACKUP    (0x00000008)
#define NDD_TREE_NODE_LIMBO     (0x00000010)

#endif    /* _H_NDD */