#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2011 Joel Barciauskas http://joel.barciausk.as/ # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # # Auto Scaling Groups Tool # VERSION="0.1" usage = """%prog [options] [command] Commands: list|ls List all Auto Scaling Groups list-lc|ls-lc List all Launch Configurations delete <name> Delete ASG <name> delete-lc <name> Delete Launch Configuration <name> get <name> Get details of ASG <name> create <name> Create an ASG create-lc <name> Create a Launch Configuration update <name> <prop> <value> Update a property of an ASG update-image <asg-name> <lc-name> Update image ID for ASG by creating a new LC migrate-instances <name> Shut down current instances one by one and wait for ASG to start up a new instance with the current AMI (useful in conjunction with update-image) Examples: 1) Create launch configuration bin/asadmin create-lc my-lc-1 -i ami-1234abcd -t c1.xlarge -k my-key -s web-group -m 2) Create auto scaling group in us-east-1a and us-east-1c with a load balancer and min size of 2 and max size of 6 bin/asadmin create my-asg -z us-east-1a -z us-east-1c -l my-lc-1 -b my-lb -H ELB -p 180 -x 2 -X 6 """ def get_group(autoscale, name): g = autoscale.get_all_groups(names=[name]) if len(g) < 1: print "No auto scaling groups by the name of %s found" % name return sys.exit(1) return g[0] def get_lc(autoscale, name): l = autoscale.get_all_launch_configurations(names=[name]) if len(l) < 1: print "No launch configurations by the name of %s found" % name sys.exit(1) return l[0] def list(autoscale): """List all ASGs""" print "%-20s %s" % ("Name", "LC Name") print "-"*80 groups = autoscale.get_all_groups() for g in groups: print "%-20s %s" % (g.name, g.launch_config_name) def list_lc(autoscale): """List all LCs""" print "%-30s %-20s %s" % ("Name", "Image ID", "Instance Type") print "-"*80 for l in autoscale.get_all_launch_configurations(): print "%-30s %-20s %s" % (l.name, l.image_id, l.instance_type) def get(autoscale, name): """Get details about ASG <name>""" g = get_group(autoscale, name) print "="*80 print "%-30s %s" % ('Name:', g.name) print "%-30s %s" % ('Launch configuration:', g.launch_config_name) print "%-30s %s" % ('Minimum size:', g.min_size) print "%-30s %s" % ('Maximum size:', g.max_size) print "%-30s %s" % ('Desired capacity:', g.desired_capacity) print "%-30s %s" % ('Load balancers:', ','.join(g.load_balancers)) print print "Instances" print "---------" print "%-20s %-20s %-20s %s" % ("ID", "Status", "Health", "AZ") for i in g.instances: print "%-20s %-20s %-20s %s" % \ (i.instance_id, i.lifecycle_state, i.health_status, i.availability_zone) print def create(autoscale, name, zones, lc_name, load_balancers, hc_type, hc_period, min_size, max_size, cooldown, capacity): """Create an ASG named <name>""" g = AutoScalingGroup(name=name, launch_config=lc_name, availability_zones=zones, load_balancers=load_balancers, default_cooldown=cooldown, health_check_type=hc_type, health_check_period=hc_period, desired_capacity=capacity, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size) g = autoscale.create_auto_scaling_group(g) return list(autoscale) def create_lc(autoscale, name, image_id, instance_type, key_name, security_groups, instance_monitoring): l = LaunchConfiguration(name=name, image_id=image_id, instance_type=instance_type,key_name=key_name, security_groups=security_groups, instance_monitoring=instance_monitoring) l = autoscale.create_launch_configuration(l) return list_lc(autoscale) def update(autoscale, name, prop, value): g = get_group(autoscale, name) setattr(g, prop, value) g.update() return get(autoscale, name) def delete(autoscale, name, force_delete=False): """Delete this ASG""" g = get_group(autoscale, name) autoscale.delete_auto_scaling_group(g.name, force_delete) print "Auto scaling group %s deleted" % name return list(autoscale) def delete_lc(autoscale, name): """Delete this LC""" l = get_lc(autoscale, name) autoscale.delete_launch_configuration(name) print "Launch configuration %s deleted" % name return list_lc(autoscale) def update_image(autoscale, name, lc_name, image_id, is_migrate_instances=False): """ Get the current launch config, Update its name and image id Re-create it as a new launch config Update the ASG with the new LC Delete the old LC """ g = get_group(autoscale, name) l = get_lc(autoscale, g.launch_config_name) old_lc_name = l.name l.name = lc_name l.image_id = image_id autoscale.create_launch_configuration(l) g.launch_config_name = l.name g.update() if(is_migrate_instances): migrate_instances(autoscale, name) else: return get(autoscale, name) def migrate_instances(autoscale, name): """ Shut down instances of the old image type one by one and let the ASG start up instances with the new image """ g = get_group(autoscale, name) old_instances = g.instances ec2 = boto.connect_ec2() for old_instance in old_instances: print "Terminating instance " + old_instance.instance_id ec2.terminate_instances([old_instance.instance_id]) while True: g = get_group(autoscale, name) new_instances = g.instances for new_instance in new_instances: hasOldInstance = False instancesReady = True if(old_instance.instance_id == new_instance.instance_id): hasOldInstance = True print "Waiting for old instance to shut down..." break elif(new_instance.lifecycle_state != 'InService'): instancesReady = False print "Waiting for instances to be ready...." break if(not hasOldInstance and instancesReady): break else: time.sleep(20) return get(autoscale, name) if __name__ == "__main__": try: import readline except ImportError: pass import boto import sys import time from optparse import OptionParser from boto.mashups.iobject import IObject from boto.ec2.autoscale import AutoScalingGroup from boto.ec2.autoscale import LaunchConfiguration parser = OptionParser(version=VERSION, usage=usage) """ Create launch config options """ parser.add_option("-i", "--image-id", help="Image (AMI) ID", action="store", type="string", default=None, dest="image_id") parser.add_option("-t", "--instance-type", help="EC2 Instance Type (e.g., m1.large, c1.xlarge), default is m1.large", action="store", type="string", default="m1.large", dest="instance_type") parser.add_option("-k", "--key-name", help="EC2 Key Name", action="store", type="string", dest="key_name") parser.add_option("-s", "--security-group", help="EC2 Security Group", action="append", default=[], dest="security_groups") parser.add_option("-m", "--monitoring", help="Enable instance monitoring", action="store_true", default=False, dest="instance_monitoring") """ Create auto scaling group options """ parser.add_option("-z", "--zone", help="Add availability zone", action="append", default=[], dest="zones") parser.add_option("-l", "--lc-name", help="Launch configuration name", action="store", default=None, type="string", dest="lc_name") parser.add_option("-b", "--load-balancer", help="Load balancer name", action="append", default=[], dest="load_balancers") parser.add_option("-H", "--health-check-type", help="Health check type (EC2 or ELB)", action="store", default="EC2", type="string", dest="hc_type") parser.add_option("-p", "--health-check-period", help="Health check period in seconds (default 300s)", action="store", default=300, type="int", dest="hc_period") parser.add_option("-X", "--max-size", help="Max size of ASG (default 10)", action="store", default=10, type="int", dest="max_size") parser.add_option("-x", "--min-size", help="Min size of ASG (default 2)", action="store", default=2, type="int", dest="min_size") parser.add_option("-c", "--cooldown", help="Cooldown time after a scaling activity in seconds (default 300s)", action="store", default=300, type="int", dest="cooldown") parser.add_option("-C", "--desired-capacity", help="Desired capacity of the ASG", action="store", default=None, type="int", dest="capacity") parser.add_option("-f", "--force", help="Force delete ASG", action="store_true", default=False, dest="force") parser.add_option("-y", "--migrate-instances", help="Automatically migrate instances to new image when running update-image", action="store_true", default=False, dest="migrate_instances") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) autoscale = boto.connect_autoscale() print "%s" % (autoscale.region.endpoint) command = args[0].lower() if command in ("ls", "list"): list(autoscale) elif command in ("ls-lc", "list-lc"): list_lc(autoscale) elif command == "get": get(autoscale, args[1]) elif command == "create": create(autoscale, args[1], options.zones, options.lc_name, options.load_balancers, options.hc_type, options.hc_period, options.min_size, options.max_size, options.cooldown, options.capacity) elif command == "create-lc": create_lc(autoscale, args[1], options.image_id, options.instance_type, options.key_name, options.security_groups, options.instance_monitoring) elif command == "update": update(autoscale, args[1], args[2], args[3]) elif command == "delete": delete(autoscale, args[1], options.force) elif command == "delete-lc": delete_lc(autoscale, args[1]) elif command == "update-image": update_image(autoscale, args[1], args[2], options.image_id, options.migrate_instances) elif command == "migrate-instances": migrate_instances(autoscale, args[1])