# @(#)48  src/bos/etc/nscontrol/nscontrol.conf, libs, bos72D, d2015_46A8 11/5/15 16:23:27
# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# bos72D src/bos/etc/nscontrol/nscontrol.conf 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# Restricted Materials of IBM 
# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2007,2015 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
# /etc/nscontrol.conf - controls the ordering of certain RBAC, EFS 
# and Trusted Execution database lookup/update services.
# The /etc/nscontrol.conf is a stanza file, with each stanza name 
# representing a RBAC/EFS/TE/AUDIT table name. The lssec / chsec commands can be
# used to manage the /etc/nscontrol.conf file. 
# The stanza names and their corresponding RBAC library subroutines are:
# authorizations: getauthattr  getauthattrs  putauthattr  putauthattrs
# roles:          getroleattr  getroleattrs  putroleattr  putroleattrs
# privcmds:       getcmdattr   getcmdattrs   putcmdattr   putcmdattrs
# privdevs:       getdevattr   getdevattrs   putdevattr   putdevattrs
# privfiles:      getpfileattr getpfileattrs putpfileattr putpfileattrs
# domains:		  getdomattr getdomattrs putdomattr putdomattrs
# domobjs:	      getobjattr getobjattrs putobjattr putobjattrs
# The stanza names for EFS Keystore are:
# efsusrkeystore
# efsgrpkeystore
# efsadmkeystore
# The stanza names for DOMAIN RBAC are:
# domains
# domobjs
# The stanza names for Trusted Execution dbs are:
# tsddat
# tepolicies
# The stanza names for Audit configuration is :
# auditconfig
# The following attributes can be specified for each stanza:
# secorder	- comma separated list of modules. Valid module names
# 		  are: 
# 		  	files
# 		  	LDAP
# 		  If secorder is not set or the stanza is missing from
# 		  the /etc/nscontrol.conf file, the default value of 
# 		  "files" will be used.
# databasename	- The Trusted Execution Singnature database name or
# 		  Trusted Execution Policy databasename. These names
# 		  are used to query from LDAP.
# 		  If databasename is not set the default names TSD for
# 		  Singature database name and TEPOL for Trusted Execution 
# 		  Policy database name will be considered.
# Stanza example:
# authorizations:
# 	secorder = files,LDAP
# tsddat:
# 	secorder = LDAP,files
# 	databasename = TSD
# efsusrkeystore:
# 	secorder = LDAP,files
# Use the chsec command to update this file. For example, to set the
# secorder for authorizations to be LDAP and then files, run:
# # chsec -f /etc/nscontrol.conf -s authorizations -a secorder=LDAP,files

	secorder = files

	secorder = files

	secorder = files

	secorder = files

	secorder = files

	secorder = files

	secorder = files

	secorder = files

	secorder = files
	databasename = TSD

	secorder = files
	databasename = TEPOL

	secorder = files

	secorder = files

	secorder = files