INFOMsg_rmcctrl_Usage	1	4	'Usage: %1$s { -a | -s  | -k | -d | -h }\n    -a  add Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -s  start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -k  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -d  delete Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -h  display this usage statement.\n'
EMSGG_Not_Executable	2	4	'%1$s: 2610-500 %2$s is not executable.\n'
EMSGG_Subsystem_Must_Be_Stopped	3	4	'%1$s: 2610-501 The %2$s subsystem must be stopped.\n'
EMSGG_Could_Not_Add	4	4	'%1$s: 2610-502 Could not add %2$s to %3$s.\n'
EMSGV_Cannot_copy_CDB	5	4	'%1$s: 2610-503 Cannot copy the Configuration Database.\n'
INFOMsg_rmcctrl_Usage_B	6	4	'Usage: %1$s { -a | -A | -s | -k | -K | -d | -p | -P | -q | -Q | -z | -h }\n    -a  add Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -A  add and start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -s  start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -k  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -K  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and \n        all resource managers.\n    -d  delete Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -p  enable remote client connections.\n    -P  disable remote client connections.\n    -q  enable remote client connections the next time the \n        Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started.\n    -Q  disable remote client connections the next time the \n        Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started.\n    -z  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and \n        all resource managers, but the command does not return \n        control to the user until the subsystem and all \n        resource managers are stopped.\n    -h  display this usage statement.\n'
INFOMsg_rmcctrl_Usage_C	7	4	'Usage: %1$s { -a | -A | -s | -k | -K | -d | -m { R | E | D } | -p | -P | -q | -Q | -z | -h }\n    -a  add Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -A  add and start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -s  start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -k  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -K  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and \n        all resource managers.\n    -d  delete Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -m  set the client message policy to one of R, E or D.\n        R is Required\n        E is Enabled\n        D is Disabled\n    -p  enable remote client connections.\n    -P  disable remote client connections.\n    -q  enable remote client connections the next time the \n        Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started.\n    -Q  disable remote client connections the next time the \n        Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started.\n    -z  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and \n        all resource managers, but the command does not return \n        control to the user until the subsystem and all \n        resource managers are stopped.\n    -h  display this usage statement.\n'
INFOMsg_rmcctrl_Usage_D	8	4	'Usage: %1$s { -a | -A | -s | -k | -K | -d | -m { R | E | D } | -M { R | E | D } | -p | -P | -q | -Q | -z | -h }\n    -a  add Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -A  add and start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -s  start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -k  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -K  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and \n        all resource managers.\n    -d  delete Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -m  set the client message policy to one of R, E or D.\n        R is Required\n        E is Enabled\n        D is Disabled\n    -M  set the daemon message policy to one of R, E or D.\n        R is Required\n        E is Enabled\n        D is Disabled\n    -p  enable remote client connections.\n    -P  disable remote client connections.\n    -q  enable remote client connections the next time the \n        Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started.\n    -Q  disable remote client connections the next time the \n        Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started.\n    -z  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and \n        all resource managers, but the command does not return \n        control to the user until the subsystem and all \n        resource managers are stopped.\n    -h  display this usage statement.\n'
INFOMsg_rmcctrl_Usage_E	9	4	'Usage: %1$s { -a | -A | -s | -k | -K | -d | -m { R | E | D } | -M { R | E | D } | -p | -P | -q | -Q | -z | -t n | -u n | -v n | -w n | x | -T | -U | -V | -W | -X | -h }\n    -a  add Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -A  add and start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -s  start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -k  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -K  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and \n        all resource managers.\n    -d  delete Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -m  set the client message policy to one of R, E or D.\n        R is Required\n        E is Enabled\n        D is Disabled\n    -M  set the daemon message policy to one of R, E or D.\n        R is Required\n        E is Enabled\n        D is Disabled\n    -p  enable remote client connections.\n    -P  disable remote client connections.\n    -q  enable remote client connections the next time the \n        Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started.\n    -Q  disable remote client connections the next time the \n        Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started.\n    -z  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and \n        all resource managers, but the command does not return \n        control to the user until the subsystem and all \n        resource managers are stopped.\n    -t  set the client message timeout value to n.\n    -u  set the start session timeout value to n.\n    -v  set the 1st command timeout value to n.\n    -w  set the 1st command threshold value to n.\n    -x  enable 1st command timeout for non-root \n        authenticated users.\n    -T  set the client message timeout value to the default value.\n    -U  set the start session timeout value to the default value.\n    -V  set the 1st command timeout value to the default value.\n    -W  set the 1st command threshold value to the default value.\n    -X  disable 1st command timeout for non-root \n        authenticated users.\n    -h  display this usage statement.\n'
INFOMsg_rmcctrl_Usage_F	10	4	'Usage: %1$s { -a | -A | -s | -k | -K | -d | -m { R | E | D } | -M { R | E | D } | -p | -P | -q | -Q | -r | -R | -z | -Z | -t n | -u n | -v n | -w n | x | -T | -U | -V | -W | -X | -h }\n    -a  add Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -A  add and start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -s  start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -k  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -K  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and \n        all resource managers.\n    -d  delete Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -m  set the client message policy to one of R, E or D.\n        R is Required\n        E is Enabled\n        D is Disabled\n    -M  set the daemon message policy to one of R, E or D.\n        R is Required\n        E is Enabled\n        D is Disabled\n    -p  enable remote client connections.\n    -P  disable remote client connections.\n    -q  enable remote client connections the next time the \n        Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started.\n    -Q  disable remote client connections the next time the \n        Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started.\n    -r  enable reverse heartbeat in the Management Domain the\n        next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started.\n    -R  disable reverse heartbeat in the Management Domain the\n        next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started.\n    -z  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and \n        all resource managers, but the command does not return \n        control to the user until the subsystem and all \n        resource managers are stopped.\n    -Z  without checking if critical resources are active, \n        stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and \n        all resource managers, but the command does not return \n        control to the user until the subsystem and all \n        resource managers are stopped.\n    -t  set the client message timeout value to n.\n    -u  set the start session timeout value to n.\n    -v  set the 1st command timeout value to n.\n    -w  set the 1st command threshold value to n.\n    -x  enable 1st command timeout for non-root \n        authenticated users.\n    -T  set the client message timeout value to the default value.\n    -U  set the start session timeout value to the default value.\n    -V  set the 1st command timeout value to the default value.\n    -W  set the 1st command threshold value to the default value.\n    -X  disable 1st command timeout for non-root \n        authenticated users.\n    -h  display this usage statement.\n'
EMSGG_Crit_Rsrc_Active	11	4	'%1$s: 2610-504 Cannot stop RMC subsystems while critical resources are active.\n'
INFOMsg_rmcctrl_Usage_G	12	4	'Usage: %1$s { -a | -A | -b n | -B | -s | -k | -K | -d | -m { R | E | D } | -M { R | E | D } | -p | -P | -q | -Q | -r | -R | -z | -Z | -t n | -u n | -v n | -w n | x | -T | -U | -V | -W | -X | -h }\n    -a  add Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -A  add and start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -b  set the stale client connection timeout to n.\n    -B  set the stale client connection timeout to the default value.\n    -s  start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -k  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -K  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and \n        all resource managers.\n    -d  delete Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.\n    -m  set the client message policy to one of R, E or D.\n        R is Required\n        E is Enabled\n        D is Disabled\n    -M  set the daemon message policy to one of R, E or D.\n        R is Required\n        E is Enabled\n        D is Disabled\n    -p  enable remote client connections.\n    -P  disable remote client connections.\n    -q  enable remote client connections the next time the \n        Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started.\n    -Q  disable remote client connections the next time the \n        Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started.\n    -r  enable reverse heartbeat in the Management Domain the\n        next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started.\n    -R  disable reverse heartbeat in the Management Domain the\n        next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started.\n    -z  stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and \n        all resource managers, but the command does not return \n        control to the user until the subsystem and all \n        resource managers are stopped.\n    -Z  without checking if critical resources are active, \n        stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and \n        all resource managers, but the command does not return \n        control to the user until the subsystem and all \n        resource managers are stopped.\n    -t  set the client message timeout value to n.\n    -u  set the start session timeout value to n.\n    -v  set the 1st command timeout value to n.\n    -w  set the 1st command threshold value to n.\n    -x  enable 1st command timeout for non-root \n        authenticated users.\n    -T  set the client message timeout value to the default value.\n    -U  set the start session timeout value to the default value.\n    -V  set the 1st command timeout value to the default value.\n    -W  set the 1st command threshold value to the default value.\n    -X  disable 1st command timeout for non-root \n        authenticated users.\n    -h  display this usage statement.\n'