# @(#)23	1.1  src/bos/usr/sbin/cdmnt/cdromd.conf, cmdcdmnt, bos720 6/20/02 12:47:02
# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# bos720 src/bos/usr/sbin/cdmnt/cdromd.conf 1.1 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# Restricted Materials of IBM 
# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2002 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
# COMPONENT_NAME: CMDCDMNT - Commands for CD/DVD automount
# FUNCTIONS: cdromd Configutation File
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2002
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

# ===========================================================================
# Purpose
# Defines for cdromd daemon the managed devices and supported file system
# types. 
# Description
# The /etc/cdromd.conf is the configuration file for the cdromd daemon. This
# file enables you to specify the devices to manage and the file system types
# to handle.
# If you change the /etc/cdromd.conf file, run refresh -s cdromd or 
# kill -1 CdromdPID command to inform the daemon of the changes to its 
# configuration file.
# The cdromd daemon reads its configuration file only when it starts, when
# the cdromd daemon receives a SIGHUP signal, or when the SRC "refresh -s
# cdromd" command is entered. 
# An information line in the cdromd configuration file defines either a device 
# to manage or a file system type to handle.
# Line starting with # are comment lines.
# Fields in information lines must be separated by spaces or tabs.
# A device information line starts with <device> keyword and is of the form:
# device device_name mount_point
# device_name		Contains a valid device name, as printed by the
# 			lsdev command: "lsdev -Cc cdrom -F name"
# mount_point		Contains the path of the directory for the mount 
# 			operation. It must begin with a /
# If there is no line beginning with "device" keyword in the configuration
# file, all the CD-ROM and DVD-ROM devices available on the system will be
# managed by cdromd, and a media inserted in cd<x> drive will be automatically
# mounted on /cdrom/cd<x> directory.
# A file system type information line starts with <fstype> keyword and is of
# the form:
# fstype VfsName fs_options
# VfsName		Contains the VFS type used with the -V flag of the
# 			mount command.Only "cdrfs" and "udfs" types can be
# 			used for now.
# fs_options		Contains the comma separated list of options used
# 			with the -o flag of the mount command (see mount
# 			command man page)
# If there is no line beginning with "fstype" keyword in the configuration
# file the mount command will be called with one of the following options:
# "-V cdrfs -o ro" or "-V udfs -o ro".
# Example
# device  cd0     /mnt
# fstype  cdrfs   ro
# The first line means that cdromd will automatically mount a media on /mnt
# when inserted in cd0. If other CD devices are available on the system, they
# will not be managed by cdromd.
# The second line means that cdromd will only use the "cdrfs" file system
# type for the mount operation. If a media with another file system type
# is inserted, the mount operation will fail.
# ===========================================================================