trc file: "dev_jstart.new", trc level: 1, release: "722"
sysno      00
sid        EPP
systemid   324 (IBM RS/6000 with AIX)
relno      7220
patchlevel 0
patchno    1200
intno      20020600
make       multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized
profile    /usr/sap/EPP/SYS/profile/EPP_J00_epprd
pid        49086870

*  ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL           1

Tue Nov  5 08:10:09 2024
*  trace logging activated, max size = 52428800 bytes, 2 versions

arguments :
  arg[ 0] : jc.sapEPP_J00
  arg[ 1] : pf=/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/profile/EPP_J00_epprd

F Tue Nov  5 08:10:11 2024
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Java environment properties (/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jstart.jvm)
F    root directory    : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6
F    vendor            : SAP AG
F    version           : 1.6.0_51
F    cpu               : ppc64
F    java vm type      : 
F    java vm version   : 6.1.053 23.5-b02
F    jvm library name  : libjvm.so
F    library path      : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/server:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient:/lib:/usr/lib
F    executable path   : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/bin
F  ********************************************************************************
F    SAP extensions    : available
F  ********************************************************************************
I  [Thr 01] MtxInit: 30002 0 2
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => connected to Enqueue Server.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => connected to Message Server.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Starting run level 1.
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Java process [deployment] properties:
F    section name     : deployment
F    config file      : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/startup.properties
F    node name        : Deploy_offline
F    home directory   : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/cluster
F    shutdown timeout : 136000 ms
F    exit timeout     : 7000 ms
F    debuggable       : false
F    debugger active  : false
F  ********************************************************************************
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Deploying offline components" (STARTING @ 0, INACTIVE).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Starting nodes: runlevel 1.
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Starting process: /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/jstart
F    arg[ 1] = -nodeId=0
F    arg[ 2] = pf=/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/profile/EPP_J00_epprd
F    arg[ 3] = -hostvm
F    arg[ 4] = -nodeName=deployment
F    arg[ 5] = -file=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/startup.properties
F    arg[ 6] = -jvmFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jstart.jvm
F    arg[ 7] = -traceFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/dev_deployment
F    arg[ 8] = -javaOutFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jvm_deployment.out
F  exePath : PATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/bin:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/oracle/EPP/112_64/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/home/eppadm/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/home/eppadm
F  libPath : LIBPATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/server:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/os_libs
F  stdout  : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_deployment.out
F  stderr  : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_deployment.out
F  console : no
F  debugger: no
F  nice    : no
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Process Deploy_offline started with pid 48693578
F  ********************************************************************************
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process deployment started (pid 48693578).
F [Thr 01] Tue Nov  5 08:10:15 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process deployment stopping (pid 48693578).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Signal 20 SIGCHLD.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process deployment stopped (pid 48693578).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Deploying offline components" (STOPPING @ 0, INACTIVE).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Run level 1 completed.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Starting run level 2.
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Java process [bootstrap] properties:
F    section name     : bootstrap
F    config file      : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/startup.properties
F    node name        : Instance_bootstrap
F    home directory   : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/cluster
F    shutdown timeout : 136000 ms
F    exit timeout     : 7000 ms
F    debuggable       : false
F    debugger active  : false
F  ********************************************************************************
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Synchronizing binaries" (STARTING @ 0, INACTIVE).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Starting nodes: runlevel 2.
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Starting process: /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/jstart
F    arg[ 1] = -nodeId=0
F    arg[ 2] = pf=/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/profile/EPP_J00_epprd
F    arg[ 3] = -hostvm
F    arg[ 4] = -nodeName=bootstrap
F    arg[ 5] = -file=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/startup.properties
F    arg[ 6] = -jvmFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jstart.jvm
F    arg[ 7] = -traceFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/dev_bootstrap
F    arg[ 8] = -javaOutFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jvm_bootstrap.out
F  exePath : PATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/bin:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/oracle/EPP/112_64/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/home/eppadm/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/home/eppadm
F  libPath : LIBPATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/server:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/os_libs
F  stdout  : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_bootstrap.out
F  stderr  : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_bootstrap.out
F  console : no
F  debugger: no
F  nice    : no
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Process Instance_bootstrap started with pid 48693580
F  ********************************************************************************
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process bootstrap started (pid 48693580).
F [Thr 01] Tue Nov  5 08:10:21 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process bootstrap running (pid 48693580).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Synchronizing binaries" (RUNNING @ 0, INACTIVE).
F [Thr 01] Tue Nov  5 08:10:22 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process bootstrap stopping (pid 48693580).
F [Thr 01] Tue Nov  5 08:10:23 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Signal 20 SIGCHLD.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process bootstrap stopped (pid 48693580).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Synchronizing binaries" (STOPPING @ 0, INACTIVE).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Run level 2 completed.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Starting run level 3.
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Java process [debugproxy] properties:
F    section name     : debugproxy
F    config file      : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/dproxy.properties
F    node name        : Debug_Proxy
F    home directory   : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/rdbg.proxy
F    shutdown timeout : 136000 ms
F    exit timeout     : 7000 ms
F    debuggable       : false
F    debugger active  : false
F  ********************************************************************************
F  ********************************************************************************
F  ICM process [icm] properties:
F    section name     : icm
F    config file      : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/icm.properties
F    node name        : ICM
F    home directory   : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work
F    shutdown timeout : 122000 ms
F    exit timeout     : 7000 ms
F  ********************************************************************************
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Java process [server0] properties:
F    section name     : ID3269050
F    config file      : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/cluster/instance.properties
F    node name        : server0
F    home directory   : .
F    shutdown timeout : 136000 ms
F    exit timeout     : 7000 ms
F    debuggable       : true
F    debugger active  : false
F  ********************************************************************************
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Starting the processes" (STARTING @ 0, INACTIVE).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Starting nodes: runlevel 3, phase 0.
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Starting process: /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/icman
F    arg[ 1] = pf=/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/profile/EPP_J00_epprd
F    arg[ 2] = -nodeId=1
F    arg[ 3] = -f
F    arg[ 4] = /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/dev_icm
F  exePath : PATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/oracle/EPP/112_64/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/home/eppadm/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/home/eppadm
F  libPath : LIBPATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient
F  stdout  : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_icm.out
F  stderr  : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_icm.out
F  console : no
F  debugger: no
F  nice    : no
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Process ICM started with pid 48693582
F  ********************************************************************************
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process icm started (pid 48693582).
F [Thr 01] Tue Nov  5 08:10:27 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process icm running (pid 48693582).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Starting nodes: runlevel 3, phase 1.
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Starting process: /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/jstart
F    arg[ 1] = -nodeId=2
F    arg[ 2] = pf=/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/profile/EPP_J00_epprd
F    arg[ 3] = -DSAPINFO=EPP_00_server0
F    arg[ 4] = -hostvm
F    arg[ 5] = -nodeName=ID3269050
F    arg[ 6] = -file=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/cluster/instance.properties
F    arg[ 7] = -jvmFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jstart.jvm
F    arg[ 8] = -traceFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/dev_server0
F    arg[ 9] = -javaOutFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jvm_server0.out
F  exePath : PATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/bin:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/oracle/EPP/112_64/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/home/eppadm/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/home/eppadm
F  libPath : LIBPATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/server:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/os_libs
F  stdout  : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_server0.out
F  stderr  : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_server0.out
F  console : no
F  debugger: no
F  nice    : no
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Process server0 started with pid 49611062
F  ********************************************************************************
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process server0 started (pid 49611062).
F [Thr 01] Tue Nov  5 08:12:10 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process server0 running (pid 49611062).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "All processes running" (RUNNING @ 1, ACTIVE).
F [Thr 01] Fri Nov 15 06:56:36 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process server0 stopping (pid 49611062).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Some processes running" (RUNNING @ 0, INACTIVE).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Signal 20 SIGCHLD.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process server0 stopped (pid 49611062).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => Node server0 failed: result 1, exit code 666. [sfxxnode.hpp 1034]
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Native process [snapshot] properties:
F    section name     : snapshot
F    config file      : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/startup.properties
F    node name        : snapshot
F    home directory   : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work
F    shutdown timeout : 122000 ms
F    sf support       : false
F  ********************************************************************************
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Starting process: /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapcontrol
F    arg[ 1] = -prot
F    arg[ 2] = PIPE
F    arg[ 3] = -nr
F    arg[ 4] = 00
F    arg[ 5] = -function
F    arg[ 6] = CreateSnapshot
F    arg[ 7] = Servercrash
F    arg[ 8] = postmortem?node=ID3269050&exitcode=666
F    arg[ 9] = 1
F    arg[10] = 10000
F    arg[11] = ""
F    arg[12] = ""
F    arg[13] = DEFAULT
F  exePath : PATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/oracle/EPP/112_64/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/home/eppadm/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/home/eppadm
F  libPath : LIBPATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient
F  stdout  : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_snapshot.out
F  stderr  : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_snapshot.out
F  console : no
F  debugger: no
F  nice    : no
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Process snapshot started with pid 49611064
F  ********************************************************************************
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process snapshot started (pid 49611064).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process snapshot running (pid 49611064).
F [Thr 01] Fri Nov 15 06:56:42 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => SAP Start Service (pid 22413578) connected.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (155) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=155], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=155], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 155 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (458) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=458], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=458], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 458 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (379) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=379], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=379], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 379 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (10) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=10], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=10], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 10 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (131) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=131], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=131], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 131 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (381) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=381], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=381], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 381 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (411) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=411], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=411], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 411 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (508) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=508], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=508], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 508 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (129) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=129], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=129], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 129 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (141) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=141], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=141], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 141 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (134) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=134], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=134], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 134 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (137) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=137], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=137], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 137 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (130) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=130], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=130], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 130 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (135) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=135], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=135], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 135 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (133) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=133], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=133], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 133 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (128) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=128], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=128], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 128 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (138) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=138], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=138], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 138 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (548) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=548], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=548], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 548 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (543) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=543], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=543], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 543 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (136) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=136], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=136], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 136 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (139) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=139], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=139], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 139 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (531) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=531], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=531], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 531 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (399) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=399], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=399], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 399 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (16) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=16], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=16], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 16 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (297) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=297], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=297], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 297 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (304) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=304], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=304], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 304 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (307) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=307], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=307], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 307 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (78) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=78], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=78], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 78 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (98) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=98], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=98], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 98 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (519) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=519], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=519], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 519 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (1) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=1], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=1], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 1 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (510) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=510], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=510], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 510 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (309) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=309], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=309], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 309 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (390) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=390], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=390], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 390 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (96) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=96], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=96], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 96 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (21) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=21], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=21], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 21 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (480) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=480], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=480], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 480 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (443) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=443], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=443], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 443 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (29) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=29], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=29], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 29 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (24) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=24], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=24], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 24 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (334) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=334], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=334], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 334 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (417) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=417], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=417], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 417 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (40) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=40], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=40], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 40 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (343) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=343], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=343], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 343 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (27) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=27], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=27], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 27 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (426) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=426], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=426], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 426 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (15) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=15], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=15], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 15 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (353) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=353], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=353], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 353 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (495) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=495], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=495], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 495 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (428) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=428], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=428], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 428 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (522) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=522], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=522], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 522 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (423) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=423], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=423], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 423 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (333) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=333], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=333], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 333 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (43) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=43], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=43], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 43 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (517) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=517], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=517], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 517 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (455) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=455], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=455], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 455 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (500) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=500], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=500], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 500 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (45) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=45], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=45], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 45 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (358) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=358], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=358], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 358 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (376) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=376], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=376], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 376 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (520) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=520], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=520], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 520 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (454) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=454], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=454], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 454 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (463) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=463], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=463], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 463 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (448) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=448], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=448], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 448 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (524) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=524], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=524], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 524 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (550) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=550], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=550], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 550 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (285) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=285], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=285], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 285 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (541) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=541], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=541], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 541 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (551) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=551], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=551], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 551 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (549) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=549], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=549], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 549 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (544) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=544], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=544], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 544 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (536) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=536], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=536], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 536 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (538) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=538], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=538], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 538 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (540) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=540], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=540], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 540 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (539) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=539], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=539], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 539 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (537) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=537], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=537], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 537 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (535) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=535], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=535], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 535 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (384) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=384], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=384], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 384 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (533) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=533], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=533], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 533 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (532) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=532], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=532], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 532 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (534) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=534], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=534], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 534 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (485) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=485], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=485], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 485 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (523) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=523], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=523], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 523 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (310) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=310], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=310], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 310 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (330) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=330], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=330], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 330 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (497) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=497], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=497], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 497 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (473) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=473], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=473], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 473 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (501) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=501], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=501], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 501 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (496) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=496], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=496], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 496 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (483) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=483], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=483], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 483 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (478) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=478], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=478], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 478 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (470) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=470], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=470], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 470 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (467) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=467], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=467], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 467 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (259) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=259], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=259], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 259 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (460) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=460], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=460], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 460 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (444) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=444], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=444], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 444 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (438) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=438], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=438], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 438 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (435) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=435], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=435], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 435 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (434) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=434], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=434], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 434 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (413) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=413], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=413], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 413 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (408) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=408], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=408], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 408 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (406) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=406], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=406], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 406 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (404) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=404], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=404], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 404 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (403) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=403], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=403], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 403 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (402) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=402], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=402], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 402 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (401) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=401], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=401], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 401 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (391) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=391], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=391], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 391 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (387) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=387], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=387], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 387 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (386) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=386], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=386], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 386 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (382) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=382], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=382], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 382 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (482) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=482], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=482], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 482 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (369) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=369], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=369], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 369 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (351) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=351], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=351], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 351 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (346) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=346], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=346], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 346 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (317) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=317], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=317], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 317 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (315) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=315], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=315], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 315 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (314) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=314], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=314], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 314 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (313) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=313], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=313], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 313 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (312) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=312], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=312], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 312 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (306) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=306], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=306], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 306 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (295) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=295], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=295], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 295 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (294) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=294], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=294], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 294 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (293) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=293], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=293], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 293 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (289) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=289], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=289], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 289 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (284) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=284], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=284], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 284 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (283) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=283], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=283], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 283 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (282) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=282], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=282], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 282 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (278) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=278], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=278], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 278 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (276) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=276], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=276], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 276 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (275) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=275], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=275], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 275 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (272) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=272], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=272], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 272 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (271) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=271], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=271], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 271 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (270) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=270], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=270], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 270 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (268) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=268], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=268], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 268 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (267) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=267], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=267], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 267 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (266) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=266], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=266], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 266 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (265) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=265], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=265], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 265 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (264) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=264], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=264], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 264 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (260) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=260], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=260], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 260 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (261) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=261], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=261], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 261 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (262) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=262], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=262], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 262 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (263) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=263], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=263], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 263 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (255) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=255], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=255], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 255 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (215) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=215], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=215], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 215 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (202) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=202], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=202], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 202 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (203) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=203], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=203], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 203 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (214) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=214], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=214], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 214 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (256) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=256], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=256], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 256 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (257) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=257], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=257], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 257 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (258) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=258], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=258], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 258 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (254) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=254], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=254], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 254 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (253) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=253], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=253], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 253 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (252) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=252], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=252], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 252 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (251) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=251], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=251], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 251 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (250) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=250], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=250], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 250 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (249) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=249], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=249], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 249 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (248) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=248], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=248], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 248 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (247) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=247], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=247], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 247 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (246) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=246], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=246], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 246 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (245) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=245], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=245], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 245 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (244) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=244], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=244], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 244 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (243) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=243], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=243], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 243 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (242) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=242], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=242], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 242 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (241) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=241], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=241], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 241 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (240) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=240], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=240], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 240 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (239) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=239], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=239], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 239 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (238) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=238], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=238], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 238 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (300) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=300], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=300], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 300 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (237) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=237], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=237], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 237 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (0) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=0], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=0], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 0 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (235) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=235], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=235], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 235 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (234) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=234], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=234], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 234 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (233) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=233], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=233], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 233 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (232) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=232], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=232], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 232 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (231) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=231], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=231], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 231 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (230) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=230], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=230], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 230 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (229) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=229], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=229], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 229 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (228) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=228], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=228], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 228 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (227) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=227], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=227], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 227 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (226) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=226], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=226], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 226 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (225) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=225], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=225], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 225 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (224) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=224], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=224], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 224 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (223) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=223], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=223], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 223 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (222) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=222], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=222], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 222 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (221) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=221], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=221], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 221 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (220) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=220], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=220], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 220 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (219) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=219], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=219], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 219 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (218) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=218], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=218], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 218 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (217) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=217], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=217], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 217 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (216) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=216], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=216], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 216 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (213) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=213], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=213], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 213 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (210) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=210], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=210], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 210 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (211) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=211], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=211], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 211 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (212) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=212], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=212], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 212 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (209) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=209], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=209], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 209 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (208) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=208], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=208], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 208 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (207) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=207], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=207], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 207 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (206) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=206], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=206], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 206 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (205) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=205], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=205], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 205 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (204) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=204], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=204], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 204 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (201) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=201], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=201], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 201 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (200) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=200], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=200], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 200 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (199) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=199], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=199], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 199 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (198) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=198], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=198], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 198 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (197) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=197], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=197], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 197 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (196) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=196], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=196], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 196 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (194) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=194], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=194], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 194 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (195) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=195], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=195], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 195 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (193) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=193], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=193], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 193 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (192) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=192], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=192], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 192 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (191) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=191], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=191], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 191 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (190) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=190], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=190], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 190 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (189) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=189], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=189], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 189 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (188) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=188], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=188], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 188 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (187) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=187], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=187], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 187 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (183) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=183], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=183], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 183 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (182) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=182], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=182], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 182 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (181) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=181], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=181], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 181 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (180) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=180], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=180], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 180 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (179) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=179], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=179], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 179 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (178) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=178], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=178], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 178 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (177) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=177], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=177], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 177 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (176) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=176], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=176], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 176 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (175) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=175], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=175], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 175 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (174) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=174], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=174], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 174 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (173) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=173], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=173], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 173 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (172) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=172], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=172], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 172 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (171) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=171], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=171], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 171 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (170) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=170], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=170], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 170 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (169) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=169], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=169], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 169 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (168) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=168], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=168], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 168 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (167) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=167], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=167], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 167 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (166) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=166], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=166], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 166 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (165) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=165], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=165], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 165 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (164) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=164], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=164], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 164 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (163) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=163], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=163], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 163 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (162) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=162], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=162], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 162 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (161) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=161], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=161], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 161 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (159) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=159], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=159], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 159 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (158) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=158], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=158], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 158 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (157) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=157], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=157], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 157 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (156) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=156], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=156], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 156 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (528) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=528], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=528], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 528 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (154) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=154], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=154], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 154 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (153) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=153], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=153], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 153 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (152) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=152], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=152], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 152 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (151) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=151], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=151], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 151 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (150) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=150], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=150], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 150 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (149) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=149], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=149], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 149 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (148) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=148], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=148], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 148 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (147) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=147], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=147], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 147 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (146) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=146], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=146], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 146 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (145) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=145], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=145], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 145 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (144) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=144], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=144], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 144 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (31) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=31], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=31], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 31 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (140) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=140], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=140], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 140 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (414) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=414], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=414], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 414 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (421) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=421], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=421], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 421 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (383) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=383], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=383], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 383 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (464) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=464], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=464], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 464 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (337) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=337], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=337], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 337 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (361) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=361], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=361], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 361 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (437) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=437], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=437], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 437 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (461) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=461], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=461], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 461 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (436) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=436], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=436], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 436 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (360) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=360], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=360], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 360 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (143) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=143], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=143], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 143 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (127) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=127], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=127], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 127 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (126) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=126], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=126], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 126 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (125) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=125], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=125], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 125 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (124) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=124], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=124], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 124 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (123) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=123], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=123], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 123 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (122) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=122], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=122], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 122 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (121) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=121], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=121], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 121 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (120) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=120], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=120], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 120 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (119) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=119], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=119], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 119 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (117) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=117], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=117], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 117 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (116) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=116], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=116], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 116 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (115) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=115], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=115], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 115 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (114) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=114], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=114], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 114 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (113) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=113], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=113], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 113 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (112) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=112], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=112], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 112 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (111) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=111], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=111], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 111 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (110) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=110], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=110], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 110 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (109) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=109], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=109], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 109 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (108) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=108], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=108], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 108 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (107) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=107], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=107], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 107 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (106) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=106], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=106], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 106 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (105) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=105], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=105], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 105 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (104) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=104], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=104], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 104 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (103) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=103], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=103], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 103 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (102) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=102], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=102], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 102 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (101) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=101], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=101], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 101 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (100) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=100], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=100], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 100 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (99) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=99], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=99], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 99 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (97) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=97], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=97], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 97 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (94) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=94], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=94], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 94 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (88) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=88], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=88], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 88 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (86) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=86], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=86], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 86 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (85) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=85], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=85], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 85 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (84) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=84], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=84], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 84 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (83) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=83], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=83], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 83 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (82) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=82], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=82], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 82 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (80) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=80], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=80], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 80 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (79) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=79], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=79], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 79 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (77) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=77], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=77], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 77 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (76) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=76], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=76], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 76 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (75) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=75], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=75], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 75 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (74) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=74], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=74], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 74 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (72) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=72], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=72], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 72 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (69) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=69], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=69], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 69 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (66) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=66], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=66], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 66 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (62) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=62], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=62], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 62 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (61) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=61], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=61], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 61 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (60) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=60], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=60], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 60 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (59) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=59], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=59], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 59 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (58) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=58], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=58], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 58 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (56) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=56], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=56], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 56 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (55) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=55], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=55], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 55 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (54) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=54], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=54], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 54 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (53) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=53], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=53], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 53 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (52) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=52], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=52], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 52 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (51) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=51], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=51], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 51 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (50) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=50], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=50], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 50 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (49) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=49], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=49], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 49 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (46) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=46], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=46], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 46 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (42) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=42], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=42], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 42 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (39) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=39], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=39], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 39 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (35) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=35], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=35], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 35 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (33) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=33], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=33], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 33 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (28) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=28], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=28], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 28 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (25) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=25], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=25], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 25 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (23) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=23], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=23], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 23 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (22) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=22], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=22], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 22 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (7) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=7], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=7], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 7 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (3) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=3], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=3], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 3 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => SAP Start Service (pid 22413578) disconnected.
M  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => NiCloseHandle: invalid hdl 59 [nixx.c       1645]
F [Thr 01] Fri Nov 15 06:57:14 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Signal 20 SIGCHLD.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process snapshot stopped (pid 49611064).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Removing enque locks for ID 3269050.
F  [Thr 01] EnqLock=I**************************************************3269050
F  [Thr 01] EnqLock=T**************************************************3269050
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Starting process: /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/jstart
F    arg[ 1] = -nodeId=2
F    arg[ 2] = pf=/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/profile/EPP_J00_epprd
F    arg[ 3] = -DSAPINFO=EPP_00_server0
F    arg[ 4] = -hostvm
F    arg[ 5] = -nodeName=ID3269050
F    arg[ 6] = -file=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/cluster/instance.properties
F    arg[ 7] = -jvmFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jstart.jvm
F    arg[ 8] = -traceFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/dev_server0
F    arg[ 9] = -javaOutFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jvm_server0.out
F  exePath : PATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/bin:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/oracle/EPP/112_64/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/home/eppadm/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/home/eppadm
F  libPath : LIBPATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/server:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/os_libs
F  stdout  : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_server0.out
F  stderr  : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_server0.out
F  console : no
F  debugger: no
F  nice    : no
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Process server0 started with pid 49611066
F  ********************************************************************************
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process server0 started (pid 49611066).
F [Thr 01] Fri Nov 15 06:58:52 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process server0 running (pid 49611066).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "All processes running" (RUNNING @ 1, ACTIVE).
F [Thr 01] Mon Nov 25 21:38:42 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process server0 stopping (pid 49611066).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Some processes running" (RUNNING @ 0, INACTIVE).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Signal 20 SIGCHLD.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process server0 stopped (pid 49611066).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => Node server0 failed: result 1, exit code 666. [sfxxnode.hpp 1034]
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Starting process: /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapcontrol
F    arg[ 1] = -prot
F    arg[ 2] = PIPE
F    arg[ 3] = -nr
F    arg[ 4] = 00
F    arg[ 5] = -function
F    arg[ 6] = CreateSnapshot
F    arg[ 7] = Servercrash
F    arg[ 8] = postmortem?node=ID3269050&exitcode=666
F    arg[ 9] = 1
F    arg[10] = 10000
F    arg[11] = ""
F    arg[12] = ""
F    arg[13] = DEFAULT
F  exePath : PATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/oracle/EPP/112_64/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/home/eppadm/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/home/eppadm
F  libPath : LIBPATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient
F  stdout  : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_snapshot.out
F  stderr  : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_snapshot.out
F  console : no
F  debugger: no
F  nice    : no
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Process snapshot started with pid 49611068
F  ********************************************************************************
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process snapshot started (pid 49611068).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process snapshot running (pid 49611068).
F [Thr 01] Mon Nov 25 21:38:47 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => SAP Start Service (pid 22413578) connected.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (451) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=451], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=451], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 451 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (513) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=513], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=513], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 513 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (199) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=199], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=199], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 199 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (162) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=162], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=162], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 162 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (112) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=112], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=112], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 112 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (440) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=440], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=440], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 440 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (56) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=56], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=56], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 56 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (87) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=87], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=87], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 87 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (553) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=553], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=553], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 553 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (288) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=288], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=288], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 288 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (29) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=29], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=29], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 29 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (428) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=428], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=428], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 428 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (334) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=334], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=334], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 334 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (426) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=426], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=426], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 426 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (353) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=353], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=353], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 353 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (522) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=522], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=522], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 522 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (27) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=27], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=27], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 27 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (40) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=40], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=40], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 40 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (65) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=65], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=65], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 65 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (333) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=333], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=333], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 333 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (417) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=417], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=417], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 417 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (57) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=57], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=57], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 57 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (343) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=343], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=343], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 343 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (24) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=24], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=24], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 24 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (150) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=150], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=150], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 150 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (127) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=127], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=127], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 127 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (128) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=128], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=128], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 128 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (157) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=157], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=157], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 157 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (569) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=569], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=569], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 569 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (568) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=568], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=568], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 568 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (567) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=567], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=567], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 567 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (566) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=566], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=566], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 566 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (565) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=565], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=565], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 565 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (564) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=564], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=564], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 564 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (563) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=563], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=563], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 563 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (562) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=562], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=562], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 562 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (561) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=561], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=561], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 561 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (557) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=557], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=557], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 557 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (556) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=556], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=556], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 556 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (555) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=555], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=555], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 555 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (132) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=132], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=132], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 132 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (236) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=236], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=236], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 236 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (144) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=144], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=144], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 144 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (114) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=114], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=114], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 114 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (546) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=546], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=546], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 546 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (381) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=381], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=381], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 381 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (547) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=547], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=547], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 547 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (15) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=15], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=15], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 15 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (559) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=559], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=559], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 559 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (19) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=19], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=19], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 19 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (542) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=542], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=542], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 542 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (552) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=552], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=552], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 552 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (545) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=545], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=545], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 545 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (92) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=92], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=92], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 92 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (364) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=364], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=364], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 364 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (329) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=329], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=329], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 329 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (298) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=298], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=298], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 298 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (197) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=197], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=197], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 197 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (46) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=46], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=46], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 46 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (64) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=64], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=64], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 64 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (104) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=104], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=104], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 104 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (287) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=287], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=287], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 287 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (514) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=514], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=514], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 514 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (375) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=375], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=375], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 375 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (3) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=3], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=3], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 3 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (554) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=554], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=554], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 554 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (474) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=474], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=474], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 474 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (475) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=475], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=475], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 475 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (12) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=12], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=12], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 12 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (34) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=34], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=34], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 34 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (471) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=471], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=471], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 471 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (360) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=360], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=360], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 360 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (93) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=93], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=93], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 93 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (491) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=491], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=491], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 491 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (185) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=185], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=185], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 185 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (13) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=13], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=13], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 13 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (488) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=488], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=488], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 488 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (5) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=5], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=5], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 5 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (398) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=398], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=398], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 398 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (366) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=366], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=366], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 366 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (119) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=119], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=119], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 119 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (322) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=322], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=322], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 322 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (36) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=36], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=36], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 36 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (396) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=396], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=396], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 396 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (486) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=486], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=486], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 486 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (78) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=78], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=78], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 78 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (332) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=332], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=332], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 332 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (461) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=461], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=461], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 461 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (153) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=153], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=153], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 153 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (120) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=120], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=120], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 120 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (392) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=392], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=392], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 392 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (143) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=143], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=143], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 143 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (159) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=159], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=159], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 159 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (302) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=302], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=302], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 302 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (356) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=356], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=356], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 356 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (377) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=377], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=377], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 377 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (452) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=452], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=452], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 452 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (357) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=357], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=357], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 357 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (354) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=354], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=354], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 354 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (340) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=340], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=340], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 340 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (209) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=209], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=209], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 209 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (510) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=510], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=510], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 510 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (309) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=309], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=309], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 309 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (390) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=390], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=390], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 390 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (96) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=96], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=96], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 96 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (21) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=21], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=21], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 21 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (480) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=480], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=480], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 480 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (558) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=558], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=558], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 558 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (423) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=423], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=423], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 423 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (158) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=158], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=158], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 158 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (113) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=113], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=113], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 113 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (515) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=515], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=515], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 515 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (456) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=456], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=456], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 456 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (530) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=530], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=530], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 530 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (429) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=429], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=429], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 429 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (345) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=345], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=345], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 345 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (336) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=336], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=336], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 336 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (335) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=335], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=335], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 335 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (274) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=274], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=274], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 274 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (10) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=10], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=10], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 10 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (458) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=458], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=458], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 458 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (455) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=455], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=455], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 455 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (500) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=500], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=500], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 500 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (358) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=358], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=358], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 358 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (230) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=230], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=230], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 230 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (411) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=411], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=411], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 411 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (179) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=179], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=179], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 179 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (376) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=376], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=376], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 376 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (520) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=520], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=520], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 520 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (508) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=508], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=508], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 508 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (463) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=463], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=463], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 463 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (448) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=448], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=448], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 448 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (550) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=550], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=550], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 550 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (543) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=543], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=543], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 543 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (548) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=548], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=548], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 548 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (541) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=541], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=541], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 541 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (551) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=551], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=551], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 551 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (549) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=549], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=549], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 549 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (544) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=544], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=544], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 544 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (536) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=536], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=536], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 536 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (538) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=538], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=538], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 538 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (540) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=540], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=540], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 540 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (523) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=523], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=523], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 523 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (485) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=485], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=485], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 485 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (534) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=534], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=534], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 534 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (532) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=532], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=532], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 532 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (533) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=533], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=533], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 533 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (535) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=535], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=535], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 535 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (384) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=384], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=384], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 384 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (537) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=537], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=537], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 537 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (497) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=497], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=497], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 497 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (278) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=278], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=278], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 278 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (261) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=261], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=261], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 261 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (539) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=539], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=539], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 539 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (282) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=282], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=282], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 282 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (310) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=310], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=310], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 310 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (330) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=330], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=330], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 330 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (260) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=260], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=260], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 260 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (473) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=473], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=473], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 473 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (501) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=501], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=501], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 501 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (496) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=496], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=496], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 496 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (483) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=483], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=483], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 483 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (478) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=478], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=478], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 478 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (44) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=44], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=44], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 44 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (470) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=470], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=470], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 470 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (0) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=0], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=0], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 0 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (467) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=467], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=467], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 467 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (259) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=259], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=259], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 259 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (460) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=460], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=460], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 460 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (444) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=444], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=444], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 444 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (438) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=438], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=438], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 438 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (435) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=435], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=435], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 435 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (434) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=434], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=434], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 434 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (413) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=413], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=413], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 413 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (408) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=408], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=408], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 408 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (406) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=406], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=406], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 406 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (404) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=404], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=404], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 404 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (403) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=403], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=403], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 403 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (401) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=401], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=401], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 401 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (391) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=391], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=391], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 391 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (387) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=387], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=387], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 387 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (386) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=386], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=386], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 386 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (382) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=382], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=382], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 382 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (379) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=379], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=379], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 379 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (369) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=369], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=369], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 369 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (351) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=351], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=351], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 351 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (346) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=346], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=346], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 346 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (317) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=317], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=317], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 317 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (315) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=315], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=315], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 315 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (314) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=314], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=314], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 314 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (313) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=313], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=313], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 313 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (312) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=312], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=312], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 312 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (306) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=306], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=306], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 306 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (295) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=295], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=295], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 295 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (294) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=294], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=294], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 294 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (293) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=293], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=293], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 293 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (289) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=289], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=289], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 289 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (284) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=284], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=284], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 284 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (283) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=283], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=283], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 283 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (271) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=271], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=271], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 271 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (270) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=270], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=270], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 270 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (276) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=276], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=276], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 276 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (275) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=275], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=275], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 275 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (272) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=272], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=272], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 272 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (268) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=268], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=268], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 268 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (267) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=267], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=267], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 267 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (266) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=266], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=266], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 266 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (265) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=265], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=265], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 265 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (264) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=264], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=264], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 264 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (262) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=262], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=262], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 262 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (263) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=263], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=263], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 263 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (255) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=255], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=255], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 255 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (215) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=215], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=215], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 215 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (202) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=202], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=202], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 202 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (203) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=203], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=203], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 203 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (256) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=256], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=256], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 256 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (214) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=214], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=214], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 214 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (257) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=257], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=257], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 257 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (258) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=258], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=258], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 258 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (254) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=254], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=254], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 254 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (253) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=253], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=253], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 253 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (252) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=252], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=252], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 252 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (251) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=251], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=251], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 251 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (250) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=250], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=250], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 250 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (249) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=249], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=249], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 249 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (248) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=248], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=248], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 248 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (247) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=247], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=247], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 247 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (246) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=246], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=246], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 246 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (245) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=245], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=245], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 245 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (244) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=244], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=244], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 244 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (243) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=243], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=243], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 243 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (242) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=242], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=242], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 242 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (241) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=241], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=241], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 241 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (240) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=240], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=240], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 240 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (239) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=239], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=239], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 239 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (238) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=238], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=238], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 238 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (237) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=237], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=237], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 237 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (235) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=235], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=235], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 235 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (234) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=234], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=234], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 234 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (233) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=233], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=233], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 233 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (232) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=232], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=232], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 232 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (231) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=231], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=231], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 231 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (229) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=229], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=229], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 229 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (228) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=228], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=228], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 228 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (227) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=227], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=227], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 227 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (226) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=226], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=226], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 226 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (225) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=225], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=225], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 225 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (224) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=224], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=224], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 224 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (223) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=223], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=223], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 223 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (222) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=222], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=222], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 222 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (221) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=221], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=221], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 221 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (220) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=220], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=220], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 220 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (219) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=219], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=219], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 219 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (218) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=218], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=218], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 218 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (217) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=217], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=217], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 217 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (216) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=216], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=216], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 216 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (213) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=213], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=213], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 213 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (210) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=210], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=210], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 210 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (211) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=211], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=211], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 211 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (207) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=207], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=207], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 207 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (192) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=192], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=192], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 192 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (191) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=191], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=191], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 191 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (190) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=190], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=190], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 190 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (189) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=189], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=189], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 189 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (188) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=188], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=188], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 188 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (187) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=187], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=187], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 187 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (183) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=183], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=183], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 183 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (182) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=182], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=182], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 182 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (181) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=181], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=181], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 181 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (180) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=180], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=180], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 180 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (178) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=178], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=178], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 178 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (177) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=177], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=177], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 177 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (176) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=176], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=176], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 176 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (175) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=175], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=175], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 175 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (174) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=174], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=174], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 174 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (173) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=173], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=173], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 173 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (172) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=172], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=172], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 172 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (171) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=171], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=171], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 171 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (170) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=170], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=170], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 170 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (169) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=169], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=169], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 169 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (168) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=168], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=168], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 168 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (167) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=167], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=167], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 167 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (166) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=166], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=166], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 166 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (165) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=165], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=165], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 165 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (164) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=164], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=164], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 164 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (163) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=163], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=163], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 163 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (151) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=151], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=151], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 151 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (161) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=161], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=161], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 161 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (156) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=156], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=156], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 156 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (155) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=155], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=155], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 155 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (154) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=154], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=154], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 154 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (152) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=152], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=152], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 152 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (149) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=149], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=149], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 149 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (148) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=148], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=148], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 148 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (147) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=147], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=147], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 147 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (146) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=146], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=146], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 146 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (145) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=145], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=145], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 145 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (141) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=141], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=141], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 141 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (140) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=140], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=140], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 140 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (139) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=139], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=139], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 139 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (138) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=138], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=138], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 138 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (137) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=137], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=137], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 137 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (136) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=136], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=136], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 136 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (135) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=135], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=135], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 135 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (134) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=134], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=134], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 134 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (133) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=133], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=133], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 133 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (131) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=131], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=131], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 131 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (130) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=130], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=130], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 130 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (129) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=129], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=129], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 129 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (126) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=126], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=126], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 126 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (125) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=125], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=125], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 125 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (124) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=124], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=124], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 124 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (123) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=123], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=123], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 123 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (122) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=122], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=122], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 122 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (121) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=121], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=121], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 121 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (117) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=117], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=117], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 117 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (116) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=116], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=116], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 116 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (115) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=115], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=115], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 115 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (111) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=111], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=111], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 111 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (110) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=110], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=110], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 110 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (109) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=109], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=109], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 109 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (108) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=108], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=108], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 108 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (85) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=85], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=85], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 85 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (74) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=74], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=74], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 74 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (62) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=62], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=62], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 62 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (55) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=55], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=55], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 55 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (52) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=52], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=52], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 52 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Command THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 2 (51) from SAP Start Service (pid 22413578).
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)::onProcCmd: state 1070 STOPPED cannot handle [mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=51], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]! [sfxxproc.hpp 2028]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCEventDispatcher::processQueue: rc 3 (invalid function argument) from SfCJavaProcHandler(server0)([mType=PROC_CMD, mReply=TRUE, pca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, procId=2, arg=51], mpEvent=[mType=NODE_CMD, mReply=TRUE, nca=[cmd=GET_CALLSTACK, nodeId=2]]]) [sfxxevt.hpp  3162]
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCNodeManager(server0)::onReply: command 2010 GET_CALLSTACK returned 3 invalid function argument. [sfxxnode.hpp 1528]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result for THREAD_GET_CALLSTACK 51 {}: 3 invalid function argument, 00000000.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => SAP Start Service (pid 22413578) disconnected.
M  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => NiCloseHandle: invalid hdl 61 [nixx.c       1645]
F [Thr 01] Mon Nov 25 21:39:25 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Signal 20 SIGCHLD.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process snapshot stopped (pid 49611068).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Removing enque locks for ID 3269050.
F  [Thr 01] EnqLock=I**************************************************3269050
F  [Thr 01] EnqLock=T**************************************************3269050
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Starting process: /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/jstart
F    arg[ 1] = -nodeId=2
F    arg[ 2] = pf=/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/profile/EPP_J00_epprd
F    arg[ 3] = -DSAPINFO=EPP_00_server0
F    arg[ 4] = -hostvm
F    arg[ 5] = -nodeName=ID3269050
F    arg[ 6] = -file=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/cluster/instance.properties
F    arg[ 7] = -jvmFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jstart.jvm
F    arg[ 8] = -traceFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/dev_server0
F    arg[ 9] = -javaOutFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jvm_server0.out
F  exePath : PATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/bin:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/oracle/EPP/112_64/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/home/eppadm/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/home/eppadm
F  libPath : LIBPATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/server:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/os_libs
F  stdout  : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_server0.out
F  stderr  : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_server0.out
F  console : no
F  debugger: no
F  nice    : no
F  ********************************************************************************
F  Process server0 started with pid 49611070
F  ********************************************************************************
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process server0 started (pid 49611070).
F [Thr 01] Mon Nov 25 21:41:06 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process server0 running (pid 49611070).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "All processes running" (RUNNING @ 1, ACTIVE).
F [Thr 01] Wed Nov 27 17:44:32 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Signal 2 SIGINT.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Stopping the processes" (STOPPING @ 1, ACTIVE).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Stopping nodes: runlevel 3, phase 1.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Send SIGQUIT to ICM (pid 48693582).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Send STOP 0 {instance,internal} to server0 (pid 49611070).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process server0 stopping (pid 49611070).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Result from server0 for STOP: 0 ok, 00000000.
F [Thr 01] Wed Nov 27 17:45:12 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Signal 2 SIGINT.
F [Thr 01] Wed Nov 27 17:46:33 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Signal 20 SIGCHLD.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process server0 stopped (pid 49611070).
F [Thr 01] Wed Nov 27 17:47:07 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Signal 2 SIGINT.
F [Thr 01] Wed Nov 27 17:48:04 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Removing enque locks for ID 3269050.
F  [Thr 01] EnqLock=I**************************************************3269050
F  [Thr 01] EnqLock=T**************************************************3269050
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Stopping nodes: runlevel 3, phase 0.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Send SIGINT to ICM (pid 48693582).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process icm stopping (pid 48693582).
F [Thr 01] Wed Nov 27 17:49:25 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Signal 2 SIGINT.
F [Thr 01] Wed Nov 27 17:50:23 2024
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCIcmProcHandler(icm)::onTimer: ICM did not stop in time (122000 ms) - sending SIGKILL. [sfxxproc.hpp 2813]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Send SIGKILL to ICM (pid 48693582).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Signal 20 SIGCHLD.
F  [Thr 01] *** WARNING => process ICM (pid 48693582) killed (signal 9). [sfuxlib.hpp  849]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process icm died (pid 48693582).
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Removing enque locks for ID 32690.
F  [Thr 01] EnqLock=I**************************************************32690**
F  [Thr 01] EnqLock=T**************************************************32690**
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Run level 3 completed.
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Instance terminated" (STOPPED @ 0, INACTIVE).
I  [Thr 01] MPI: dynamic quotas disabled.
I  [Thr 01] MPI init: pipes=4000 buffers=1279 reserved=383 quota=10% 
I  [Thr 01] *** ERROR => FcaInit: already initialized [fcaxxcomm_mt 933]
I  [Thr 01] *** ERROR => ShmCleanup(62) failed 3 [mpixx_mt.c   4512]
F  [Thr 01] *** LOG => exiting (exitcode 0, retcode 0).