/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
/*                                                                        */
/* bos720 src/bos/kernext/usb/common/usb.h                        */
/*                                                                        */
/* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* Restricted Materials of IBM                                            */
/*                                                                        */
/* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2003,2013              */
/* All Rights Reserved                                                    */
/*                                                                        */
/* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or            */
/* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.      */
/*                                                                        */
/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
/* @(#)04  src/bos/kernext/usb/common/usb.h, sysxusb, bos720 7/26/13 07:52:25 */
#ifndef _H_USB
#define _H_USB

#include <sys/types.h>

 * Refer to Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0, chapter 9
 * for information concerning the items in this header file
 * NOTE: bit masks for 16 bit fields are big endian 

 * endian conversion                                                        *

typedef uint8_t fld8_t;

typedef struct _fld16_t {
     uint8_t low;
     uint8_t high;
} fld16_t;

/*  Extend endian conversion to 32 bit quantities.  */
typedef struct _fld32_t {
     uint8_t byte0;     /*  LSB  */
     uint8_t byte1;
     uint8_t byte2;
     uint8_t byte3;     /*  MSB  */
} fld32_t;
/* _a is field name, _b is data (constant or variable)                     */
#define LOAD16(_a)        (((_a).high<<8) | ((_a).low))
#define STORE16(_a,_b)    (_a).low = (0xff & (_b)); \
                          (_a).high = ((0xff00 & (_b)) >> 8)

 * Standard Device Request                                                  *

/* device request structure */
typedef struct _USBDevReq {
  fld8_t      bmRequestType;
  fld8_t      bRequest;
  fld16_t     wValue;
  fld16_t     wIndex;
  fld16_t     wLength;
} USBDevReq, *PUSBDevReq;

/* USBDevReq initialization macro           */
#define USBD_DEVREQ_INIT(_a,_b,_c,_d,_e,_f) \
{ \
     (_a)->bmRequestType = _b;        \
     (_a)->bRequest = _c;             \
     STORE16((_a)->wValue, _d);       \
     STORE16((_a)->wIndex, _e);       \
     STORE16((_a)->wLength, _f);      \

/* bmRequestType field      */
                                           /* Data transfer direction       */
#define USB_RT_DIRECTION_MASK   (1<<7)     /*   Direction mask              */
#define USB_RT_TODEVICE         (0<<7)     /*   Host to Device              */
#define USB_RT_TOHOST           (1<<7)     /*   Device to Host              */
                                           /* Type                          */
#define USB_RT_TYPE_MASK        (3<<5)     /*   Type mask                   */
#define USB_RT_STAND            (0<<5)     /*   Standard                    */
#define USB_RT_CLASS            (1<<5)     /*   Slass                       */
#define USB_RT_VENDOR           (2<<5)     /*   Vendor                      */
                                           /* Recipient                     */
#define USB_RT_RECIPIENT_MASK   0x1f       /*   Recipient mask              */
#define USB_RT_DEVICE           0          /*   Device                      */
#define USB_RT_IF               1          /*   Interface                   */
#define USB_RT_EP               2          /*   Endpoint                    */
#define USB_RT_OTHER            3          /*   Other                       */

/* bRequest field                                                           */
#define USB_GET_STATUS          0
#define USB_CLEAR_FEATURE       1
#define USB_GET_STATE           2
#define USB_SET_FEATURE         3
#define USB_SET_ADDR            5
#define USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR      6
#define USB_SET_DESCRIPTOR      7
#define USB_GET_CONFIG          8
#define USB_SET_CONFIG          9
#define USB_GET_IF              10 
#define USB_SET_IF              11
#define USB_SYNCH_FRAME         12

/* Descriptor type shift for wValue field           */
#define USB_DT_SHIFT            8

/* Endpoint IN/OUT specification for wIndex field   */
#define USB_EP_OUT              (0<<7)
#define USB_EP_IN               (1<<7)

 * Standard Descriptors                                                     *

/* Descriptor Types         */
#define USB_DT_DEVICE           1
#define USB_DT_CONFIG           2
#define USB_DT_STRING           3
#define USB_DT_IF               4
#define USB_DT_EP               5
#define USB_DT_DEV_QUAL         6
#define USB_DT_OTHER_SPEED      7

/* Super Speed Device Specific Descriptor Types */
#define USB_DT_SS_DEBUG         10
#define USB_DT_SS_IF_ASSOC      11
#define USB_DT_SS_BOS           15
#define USB_DT_SS_DEVCAP        16
#define USB_DT_SS_EP_COMP       48

/* Descriptor Lengths       */
#define USB_DL_DEVICE           18
#define USB_DL_CONFIG           9
#define USB_DL_IF               9
#define USB_DL_EP               7
#define USB_DL_DEV_QUAL         10
#define USB_DL_OTHER_SPEED      9

/* Super Speed Specific Descriptor Lengths */
#define USB_DL_SS_IF_ASSOC      8
#define USB_DL_SS_EP_COMP       6
#define USB_DL_SS_BOS           5
#define USB_DL_SS_DEVCAP_20EXT  7
#define USB_DL_SS_DEVCAP_SS     10

/* Super Speed Specific Device Capability Types */
#define USB_SS_DEVCAP_20EXT     0x2
#define USB_SS_DEVCAP_SS        0x3
#define USB_SS_DEVCAP_CONTID    0x4

/* Device Descriptor        */
typedef struct _USBDevDesc     {
  fld8_t      blength;
  fld8_t      bDescriptorType;
  fld16_t     bcdUSB;
  fld8_t      bDeviceClass;
  fld8_t      bDeviceSubClass;
  fld8_t      bDeviceProtocol;
  fld8_t      bMaxPacketSize0;
  fld16_t     idVendor;
  fld16_t     idProduct;
  fld16_t     bcdDevice;
  fld8_t      iManufacturer;
  fld8_t      iProduct;
  fld8_t      iSerialNumber;
  fld8_t      bNumConfigurations;
} USBDevDesc, *PUSBDevDesc;

 *          Binary Device Object Store (BOS) Descriptor                        *
 *          USB 3.0 Specification: Table 9-9. BOS Descriptor                   *
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +  Offset  +    Field            + Size +   Value    +        Description  +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    0     +  bLength            +  1   +  Number    +  Size of descriptor +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    1     +  bDescriptorType    +  1   +  Constant  + BOS Descriptor type +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    2     +  wTotalLength       +  2   +  Number    + Length of this      +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + desc. and all of    +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + its subdescriptors  +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    4     +  bNumDeviceCaps     +  1   +  Number    + The number of       +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + separate devicecap  +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + desc's inthe BOS    +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
typedef struct _USBBOSDesc   {
  fld8_t      blength;
  fld8_t      bDescriptorType;
  fld16_t     wTotalLength;
  fld8_t      bNumDeviceCaps;

 *          USB 2.0 Extension Device Capability Descriptor                     *
 *          USB 3.0 Specification: Table 9-12. USB 2.0 Extension Descriptor    *
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +  Offset  +    Field            + Size +   Value    +        Description  +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    0     +  bLength            +  1   +  Number    +  Size of descriptor +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    1     +  bDescriptorType    +  1   +  Constant  + DEVCAP Desc. type   +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    2     +  bDevCapabilityType +  1   +  Constant  + Capability Type :   +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + USB 2.0 EXTENSION   +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    3     +  bmAttributes       +  4   +  Bitmap    + Bitmap encoding of  +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + supported device lvl+*
 * +          +                     +      +            + features.           +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Bit 0: Rsvd. Zero   +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Bit 1: LPM Support  +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Bit 2-31: Rsvd.Zero +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
typedef struct _USB20ExtDevCapDesc  {
  fld8_t      blength;
  fld8_t      bDescriptorType;
  fld8_t      bDevCapabilityType;
  fld32_t     bmAttributes;
#define USB_SS_LPM_CAPABLE   (1<<1)
} USB20ExtDevCapDesc, *PUSB20ExtDevCapDesc;

 *          SuperSpeed Device Capability Descriptor                            *
 * USB 3.0 Specification: Table 9-12. SuperSpeed Device Capabilies Descriptor  *
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +  Offset  +    Field            + Size +   Value    +        Description  +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    0     +  bLength            +  1   +  Number    +  Size of descriptor +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    1     +  bDescriptorType    +  1   +  Constant  + DEVCAP Desc. type   +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    2     +  bDevCapabilityType +  1   +  Constant  + Capability Type :   +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + SUPERSPEED_USB      +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    3     +  bmAttributes       +  1   +  Bitmap    + Bitmap encoding of  +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + supported device lvl+*
 * +          +                     +      +            + features.           +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Bit 0: Rsvd. Zero   +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Bit 1: LTM Capable  +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Bit 2-7: Rsvd.Zero  +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    4     +  wSpeedsSupported   +  2   +  Bitmap    + Bitmap encoding of  +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + speed supported by  +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + device in SS Mode   +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Bit0: Lowspeed USB  +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Bit1: Fullspeed USB +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Bit2: Highspeed USB +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Bit3: Superspeed USB+*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Bit4-15: Rsvd.Zero  +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    6     +  bFunctionality     +  1   +  Number    + The lowest speed at +*
 * +          +    Support          +      +            + which all function- +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + -ality supported is +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + available to user   +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    7     +  bU1DevExitLat      +  1   +  Number    + U1 Device Exit Lat. +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + 00: Zero            +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + 01: Less than 1us   +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + 02: Less than 2us ..+*
 * +          +                     +      +            + 0A: Less than 10us  +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + 0B-FF: Rsvd.        +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    8     +  bU2DevExitLat      +  2   +  Number    + U2 Device Exit Lat. +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + 000: Zero           +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + 001: Less than 1us  +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + 002: Less than 2us..+*
 * +          +                     +      +            + 7FF:Less than 2047us+*
 * +          +                     +      +            + 800-FFFF: Rsvd.     +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
typedef struct _USBSSDevCapDesc  {
  fld8_t      blength;
  fld8_t      bDescriptorType;
  fld8_t      bDevCapabilityType;
  fld8_t      bmAttributes;
#define USB_SS_LTM_CAPABLE   (1<<1)
  fld16_t     wSpeedsSupported;
#define USB_SS_LowSpeed      (1<<0)
#define USB_SS_FullSpeed     (1<<1)
#define USB_SS_HighSpeed     (1<<2)
#define USB_SS_SuperSpeed    (1<<3)
  fld8_t      bFunctionalitySupport;
  fld8_t      bU1DevExitLat;
  fld16_t     wU2DevExitLat;
} USBSSDevCapDesc, *PUSBSSDevCapDesc;

 *          ContainerID Device Capability Descriptor                           *
 *          USB 3.0 Specification: Table 9-14. ContainerID Descriptor          *
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +  Offset  +    Field            + Size +   Value    +        Description  +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    0     +  bLength            +  1   +  Number    +  Size of descriptor +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    1     +  bDescriptorType    +  1   +  Constant  + DEVCAP Desc. type   +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    2     +  bDevCapabilityType +  1   +  Constant  + Capability Type :   +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + CONTAINER_ID        +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    3     +  bReserved          +  1   +  Number    + Rsvd. Zero          +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    4     +  ContainerID        +  16  +  UUID      + This is a 128-bit No+*
 * +          +                     +      +            + unique to device    +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
typedef struct _USBContIDDevCapDesc  {
  fld8_t      blength;
  fld8_t      bDescriptorType;
  fld8_t      bDevCapabilityType;
  fld8_t      bReserved;
  fld8_t      ContainerID[16];
} USBContIDDevCapDesc, *PUSBContIDDevCapDesc;

/* Device Qualifier Descriptor                      */
typedef struct _USBDevQualDesc {
  fld8_t      blength;
  fld8_t      bDescriptorType;
  fld16_t     bcdUSB;
  fld8_t      bDeviceClass;
  fld8_t      bDeviceSubClass;
  fld8_t      bDeviceProtocol;
  fld8_t      bMaxPacketSize0;
  fld8_t      bNumConfigurations;
  fld8_t      bReserved;           
} USBDevQualDesc, *PUSBDevQualDesc;

/* Configuration Descriptor                         */
typedef struct _USBConfigDesc {
  fld8_t      blength;
  fld8_t      bDescriptorType;
  fld16_t     wTotalLength;
  fld8_t      bNumInterfaces;
  fld8_t      bConfigurationValue;
  fld8_t      iConfiguration;
  fld8_t      bmAttributes;
#define USB_DC_SELFPOWERED      (1<<6)
#define USB_DC_REMOTEWAKEUP     (1<<5)
  fld8_t      bMaxPower;
} USBConfigDesc, *PUSBConfigDesc;

/* Other Speed Configuration Descriptor             */
typedef struct _USBOthSpeedDesc {
  fld8_t      blength;
  fld8_t      bDescriptorType;
  fld16_t     wTotalLength;
  fld8_t      bNumInterfaces;
  fld8_t      bConfigurationValue;
  fld8_t      iConfiguration;
  fld8_t      bmAttributes;
  fld8_t      bMaxPower;
} USBOthSpeedDesc, *PUSBOthSpeedDesc;

 *          Interface Association Descriptor                                   *
 * USB 3.0 Specification: Table 9-16. Interface Association Descriptor         *
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +  Offset  +    Field            + Size +   Value    +        Description  +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    0     +  bLength            +  1   +  Number    +  Size of descriptor +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    1     +  bDescriptorType    +  1   +  Constant  + INTERFACE ASSOC.    +*
 * +          +                     +      +            +  Desc. type         +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    2     +  bFirstInterface    +  1   +  Number    + Interface No of Ist +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + interface of func.  +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    3     +  bInterfaceCount    +  1   +  Number    + No of contiguous    +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + interfaces          *
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    4     +  wFunctionClass     +  1   +  Class     + Class Code          +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    5     +  bFunctionSubClass  +  1   +  SubClass  + SubClass Code       +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    6     +  bFunctionProtocol  +  1   +  Protocol  + Protocol Code       +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    7     +  iFunction          +  1   +  Index     + Index of String     +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Desc. describing    +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + this function       +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
typedef struct _USBIFAssocDesc  {
  fld8_t      blength;
  fld8_t      bDescriptorType;
  fld8_t      bFirstInterface;
  fld8_t      bInterfaceCount;
  fld8_t      bFunctionClass;
  fld8_t      bFunctionSubClass;
  fld8_t      bFunctionProtocol;
  fld8_t      iFunction;
} USBIFAssocDesc, *PUSBIFAssocDesc;

 *                      Interface Descriptor                                   *
 * USB 2.0 Specification: Table 9-12. Interface Descriptor                     *
 * USB 3.0 Specification: Table 9-16. Interface Descriptor                     *
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +  Offset  +    Field            + Size +   Value    +        Description  +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    0     +  bLength            +  1   +  Number    +  Size of descriptor +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    1     +  bDescriptorType    +  1   +  Constant  + INTERFACE Desc. type+*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    2     +  bInterfaceNumber   +  1   +  Number    + Number of this      +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + interface           +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    3     +  bAlternateSetting  +  1   +  Number    + Value for used for  +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + alternate setting   +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    4     +  wNumEndpoints      +  1   +  Number    + No of Endpoints     +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    5     +  bInterfaceClass    +  1   +  Class     + Class Code          +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    6     +  bInterfaceSubClass +  1   +  SubClass  + SubClass Code       +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    7     +  bInterfaceProtocol +  1   +  Protocol  + Protocol Code       +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    8     +  iInterface         +  1   +  Index     + Index of String     +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Desc. describing    +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + this Interface      +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
typedef struct _USBIFDesc {
  fld8_t      blength;
  fld8_t      bDescriptorType;
  fld8_t      bInterfaceNumber;
  fld8_t      bAlternateSetting;
  fld8_t      bNumEndPoints;
  fld8_t      bInterfaceClass;
  fld8_t      bInterfaceSubClass;
  fld8_t      bInterfaceProtocol;
  fld8_t      iInterface;

/* Endpoint Descriptor                             */
typedef struct _USBEPDesc {
  fld8_t      blength;
  fld8_t      bDescriptorType;
  fld8_t      bEndpointAddress;
#define USB_DE_ADDR_MASK        (15<<0)
#define USB_DE_OUT              (0<<7)
#define USB_DE_IN               (1<<7)
  fld8_t      bmAttributes;
#define USB_DE_TYPE_MASK        (3<<0) 
#define USB_DE_CTRL                (0<<0)
#define USB_DE_ISOCH               (1<<0)
#define USB_DE_BULK                (2<<0)
#define USB_DE_INTR                (3<<0)

#define USB_DE_SYNC_MASK        (3<<2)
#define USB_DE_NOSYNC              (0<<2)
#define USB_DE_ASYNC               (1<<2)
#define USB_DE_ADAPT               (2<<2)
#define USB_DE_SYNC                (3<<2)

#define USB_DE_USAGE_MASK       (3<<4)
#define USB_DE_DATA                (0<<4)
#define USB_DE_FEEDBACK            (1<<4)
#define USB_DE_IMPLICT             (2<<4)

/* Super Speed Interrupt EndPt Specific */
#define USB_DE_INTR_USAGE_MASK  (3<<4)
#define USB_DE_INTR_PERIODIC       (1<<4)
#define USB_DE_INTR_NOTIF          (1<<5)

  fld16_t     wMaxPacketSize;
#define USB_DE_SIZE_MASK        (0x3ff<<0)
#define USB_DE_ATPMShift        11
#define USB_DE_ATPMMask         (3<<11)
  fld8_t      bInterval;
 *          SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion Descriptor                           *
 * USB 3.0 Specification: Table 9-20. SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion Descriptor *
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +  Offset  +    Field            + Size +   Value    +        Description  +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    0     +  bLength            +  1   +  Number    +  Size of descriptor +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    1     +  bDescriptorType    +  1   +  Constant  + SS_USB_EP_Companion +*
 * +          +                     +      +            +  Descriptor type    +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    2     +  wMaxBurst          +  1   +  Number    + No of Packets EP can+*
 * +          +                     +      +            + send or recv as part+*
 * +          +                     +      +            + of a burst. (0-15)  +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    3     +  bmAttributes       +  1   +  Bitmap    + Bulk EP             +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Bit0-4: MaxStreams  +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Bit5-7: Rsvd        +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Ctrl/Intr EP        +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Bit0-7: Rsvd        +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Iso EP              +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Bit0-1: Mult        +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + Bit 2-7: Rsvd.Zero  +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
 * +    4     +  wBytesPerInterval  +  2   +  Number    + No of Bytes this EP +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + wiil transfer every +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + service interval.   +*
 * +          +                     +      +            + (Periodic EPs only) +*
 * +----------+---------------------+------+------------+---------------------+*
typedef struct _USBSSEPCompDesc {
  fld8_t      blength;
  fld8_t      bDescriptorType;
  fld8_t      bMaxBurst;
  fld8_t      bmAttributes;
#define USB_SS_ISOCH_MULT_MASK       (3<<0)

  fld16_t     wBytesPerInterval;

 * Miscellaneous                                                            *

#define USB_MINPACKET_SS       512       /* Min packet size for Super Speed */
#define USB_MINPACKET_HS        64       /* Min packet size for High Speed  */
#define USB_MINPACKET_FS         8       /* Min packet size for Full Speed  */
#define USB_MINPACKET_LS         8       /* Min packet size for Low Speed   */

#define MAX_DEV_ADDR           127         /* maximum device address        */

/* device classes                                                           */
#define USB_INFDCLASS            0
#define USB_HUBDCLASS            9

/* interface classes                                                        */
#define USB_AUDIOCLASS           1
#define USB_HIDCLASS             3
#define USB_PRINTERCLASS         7
#define USB_HUBCLASS             9
#define USB_SMARTCARDCLASS      11 

/* feature selectors, USB standard                                          */
#define USB_STD_FS_ENDPOINT_HALT        0
#define USB_STD_FS_TEST_MODE            2

#endif /* _H_USB */