### $Header: wfcfg.msg 26.14 2004/11/03 09:07:54 vshanmug ship $
### WFCFG.MSG - Configuration Settings
### NOTE: This file contains configuration settings that must be
### customized for your installation.  Until the file is customized
### and loaded into your server, certain workflow features may not
### be enabled.  The values shipped in this file are just _examples_.
### You can customize these values from within this file and then 
### load the file using wfresgen utility, or you may access the values 
### through the "Global Workflow Preferences" web page available off 
### the workflow home page. Please see post-install guide for full details.
### NOTE: None of these values are translatable. The same text value 
### should exist for all installed language 
# dbdrv: none
#Type Name                            ID Data
#---- ------------------------------ --- ---------------------------------
# WF_WEB_AGENT - Web agent path
#   This resource must be set to the Web Server PL/SQL agent that 
#   is connected to your Workflow server.  You may first need to define
#   a WebServer PL/SQL Agent using WebServer administration tools.  Then
#   enter the URL path for the agent here.
WFTKN WF_WEB_AGENT                     0 http://www.aaa_url.com/wf/owa
# WF_ADMIN_ROLE - Administration Role name
#   Set this token to the internal name of the Directory Service
#   role that should have automatic privilege to run the Workflow
#   Administration tools.  To date, only the "Find Processes" 
#   feature is restricted by this role.  To allow full access to
#   administration tools by all users (for example, in a development
#   environment) set the value to '*' (do not put the value in quotes)
WFTKN WF_ADMIN_ROLE                    0 *
#   Set this token to the Class ID for the Jinitiator.
WFTKN WF_CLASSID                       0 ff348b6e-fd21-11d4-a3f0-00c04fa32518
#   Set this token to the location of the Java plugin download
WFTKN WF_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD               0 http://www.aaa_url.com/plugins/jinit.exe
#   Set this token to the version of the Java plugin.
WFTKN WF_PLUGIN_VERSION                0
#   When this token has a value of FND, it uses fnd_user_preferences.
#   Otherwise, it uses ICX profile options.
WFTKN WF_PREFERENCE                    0 ICX