#! /usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2009,2019 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)96 1.6 src/rsct/caa/cmds/ct_caa_scaffold_cluster_info.perl, topology.services, rsct_rady, rady2035a 4/8/10 16:04:13 # # This script parses /usr/sbin/nodeq output and outputs cluster info suitable # for digestion by libct_caa's simulation parsing functions. It is currently # limited to getting just one cluster's worth of info from /usr/sbin/nodeq, # because at the time of writing it wasn't clear whether /usr/bin/nodeq # could deal with more than one cluster and, if it could, what its # output would look like. # # # NOTE: At the end of this file lives "here documents" illustrating # the state of nodeq command output at various stages of parsing # history. # # # On 04/08/2010 it was learned the nodeq command was sunset in favor of # "lscluster -m". Therefore, all discussion of and references to nodeq in # this script should be taken as applying equally to "lscluster -m". # my $cluster_name; my $local_node_number; # # Get this node's hostname, which is used to find the correct "local node # number" associated with the cluster. # my $hostname = `/usr/bin/hostname`; chomp $hostname; if (-e "/usr/sbin/nodeq") { open INFO, "/usr/sbin/nodeq 2>/dev/null |"; } else { open INFO, "/usr/sbin/lscluster -m 2>/dev/null |"; } while (<INFO>) { chomp; # # Remove trailing whitespace. # $_ =~ s/\s*$//; if (/Node name: (.*)$/) { if ($1 eq $hostname) { # # Setting $local_node_number to -1 means "the node number # found next is the local node number". # $local_node_number = -1; } } elsif (/Cluster shorthand id for node: (.*)$/ || /Cluster number for node: (.*)$/) { if (-1 == $local_node_number) { $local_node_number = $1; } } elsif (/Cluster names & cluster uuids:$/ || /Cluster names:$/ || /Cluster names : cluster uuids: cluster type$/) { if ($local_node_number) { # # Get the cluster name on the next line. The assumption is # there's only one, and that if there's more than one, the # others are on subsequent lines (as opposed to space- # separated on the same line. # $_ = <INFO>; chomp; # # Remove whitespace. # ($cluster_name, $cluster_uuid, $junk) = split " "; $cluster_name =~ s/\s//g; # # Output: # # cluster name # local node number # printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n", $cluster_name, $local_node_number, $cluster_uuid; # # Only care about the cluster name associated with the # local node number. # last; } } } exit 0; # # End of main. # # # "Here documents" showing the nodeq command output which parsing is # based upon. # my $nodeq_output_1 = <<'EOF'; [e95n2sq09][/tmp/bubbly]> nodeq Calling node query for all nodes Node query number of nodes examined: 3 Node name: e95n2sq07.ppd.pok.ibm.com Cluster number for node: 1 State of node: UP Network Interface used for last communication: en0 Smoothed rtt to node: 7 Mean Deviation in network rtt to node: 3 Number of clusters node is a member in: 1 Cluster names: CAYENNE ------------------------------ Node name: e95n2sq08.ppd.pok.ibm.com Cluster number for node: 2 State of node: UP Network Interface used for last communication: en0 Smoothed rtt to node: 7 Mean Deviation in network rtt to node: 3 Number of clusters node is a member in: 1 Cluster names: CAYENNE ------------------------------ Node name: e95n2sq09.ppd.pok.ibm.com Cluster number for node: 3 State of node: UP Network Interface used for last communication: Smoothed rtt to node: 0 Mean Deviation in network rtt to node: 0 Number of clusters node is a member in: 1 Cluster names: CAYENNE EOF my $nodeq_output_2 = <<'EOF'; [e95n1sq10][/tmp/bubbly]> nodeq Calling node query for all nodes Node query number of nodes examined: 3 Node name: e95n1sq10.ppd.pok.ibm.com Cluster shorthand id for node: 1 uuid for node: 1415114950 State of node: UP Network Interface used for last communication: Smoothed rtt to node: 0 Mean Deviation in network rtt to node: 0 Number of clusters node is a member in: 1 Cluster names & cluster uuids: CAA 1584323961 ------------------------------ Node name: e95n1sq11.ppd.pok.ibm.com Cluster shorthand id for node: 2 uuid for node: 455574125 State of node: UP Network Interface used for last communication: en0 Smoothed rtt to node: 7 Mean Deviation in network rtt to node: 3 Number of clusters node is a member in: 1 Cluster names & cluster uuids: CAA 1584323961 ------------------------------ Node name: e95n1sq12.ppd.pok.ibm.com Cluster shorthand id for node: 3 uuid for node: 1055117320 State of node: UP Network Interface used for last communication: en0 Smoothed rtt to node: 7 Mean Deviation in network rtt to node: 3 Number of clusters node is a member in: 1 Cluster names & cluster uuids: CAA 1584323961 EOF my $nodeq_output_3 = <<'EOF'; [e95n1sq10][/tmp/bubbly]> nodeq Calling node query for all nodes Node query number of nodes examined: 3 Node name: e95n2sq10.ppd.pok.ibm.com Cluster shorthand id for node: 1 uuid for node: 1499754166 State of node: UP Smoothed rtt to node: 8 Mean Deviation in network rtt to node: 4 Number of zones this node is a member in: 0 Number of clusters node is a member in: 1 Cluster names & cluster uuids: CAA 1747564955 Number of points_of_contact for node: 1 Point-of-contact interface & contact state en0 UP ------------------------------ Node name: e95n2sq11.ppd.pok.ibm.com Cluster shorthand id for node: 2 uuid for node: 1352703123 State of node: UP Smoothed rtt to node: 0 Mean Deviation in network rtt to node: 0 Number of zones this node is a member in: 0 Number of clusters node is a member in: 1 Cluster names & cluster uuids: CAA 1747564955 Number of points_of_contact for node: 0 Point-of-contact interface & contact state n/a ------------------------------ Node name: e95n2sq12.ppd.pok.ibm.com Cluster shorthand id for node: 3 uuid for node: 43899884 State of node: UP Smoothed rtt to node: 7 Mean Deviation in network rtt to node: 3 Number of zones this node is a member in: 0 Number of clusters node is a member in: 1 Cluster names & cluster uuids: CAA 1747564955 Number of points_of_contact for node: 1 Point-of-contact interface & contact state en0 UP EOF