# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2004,2019 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
package LPRM_cli_utils;
# sccsid = "@(#)65   1.8   src/rsct/rm/LPRM/cli/pm/LPRM_cli_utils.pm.perl, LPRM, rsct_rady, rady2035a 11/12/15 16:38:16"
#                                                                    #
# Package: LPRM_cli_utils.pm                                         #
#                                                                    #
# Description:                                                       #
#   This package contains utility/common subroutines for the         #
#   LPRM CLI commands.                                               #
#                                                                    #
# Subroutines Available:                                             #
#                                                                    #
#   error_exit - performs required cleanup and exits with the        #
#     appropriate ConfigRM CLI error exit code.                      #
#                                                                    #
#   printCIMsg - print common informational message to STDOUT.       #
#     Requires the program name and message mnemonic as inputs.      #
#                                                                    #
#   printCEMsg - print common error message to STDERR.               #
#     Requires the program name and message mnemonic as inputs.      #
#                                                                    #
#   process_api_error - extracts and prints errors from the output   #
#     of a c-api command (mkrsrc-api, etc..).                        #
#     Requires the command output including STDERR.                  #
#                                                                    #
#   process_rmccli_error - extracts and prints errors from the output#
#     of an rmc cli command (mkrsrc, etc..).                         #
#     Requires the command name and its output including STDERR.     #
#                                                                    #
#   remove_api_error - removes error messages from the output of a   #
#     c-api command (mkrsrc-api, etc..).                             #
#     Requires the command output including STDERR.                  #
#                                                                    #
#   process_exit_code - returns either 0, the signal exit code,      #
#     or the process error code for the called process.              #
#     Requires the exit code to examine.                             #
#                                                                    #
#   ispermvalid - returns 0 if the permission string contains all    #
#     valid permission characters.                                   #
#     Requires the permission string.                                #
#                                                                    #
#   get_ids_perms_from_file - reads the file specified and returns   #
#     an array that contains ids and permissions as if they were     #
#     entered on the command line.                                   #
#     Requires the file name to read.                                #
#                                                                    #
#   get_ids_from_file - reads the file specified and returns an      #
#     array that contains ids (to delete) as if they were            #
#     entered on the command line.                                   #
#     Requires the file name to read.                                #
#                                                                    #
#   get_names_ids_perms_from_file - reads the file specified and     #
#     returns an array each for the names, ids and permissions.      #
#     Requires the file name to read.                                #
#                                                                    #
#   get_names_ids_from_file - reads the file specified and returns   #
#     an array each for the names and ids.                           #
#     Requires the file name to read.                                #
#                                                                    #
#   getIMsg - returns the text of a message. Used for NLS.           #
#     Requires the program name and message mnemonic as inputs.      #
#                                                                    #
#                                                                    #
# Examples:                                                          #
#   printCEMsg("EMsgCUcliBadOperand", $rsrc_class);                  #
#                                                                    #
# Inputs:                                                            #
#   /opt/rsct/msgmaps/lprmcli.lprmcli.map -                     # 
#        message mapping                                             #
#                                                                    #
# Outputs:                                                           #
#   stdout - common informational messages that get displayed.       #
#   stderr - common error messages that get displayed.               #
#                                                                    #
# External References:                                               #
#   Commands: ctdspmsg                                               #
#                                                                    #
# Tab Settings:                                                      #
#   4 and tabs should be expanded to spaces before saving this file. #
#   in vi:  (:set ts=4  and   :%!expand -4)                          #
#                                                                    #
# Change Activity:                                                   #
#   041222 JAC 112254: Initial design & write.                       #
#   050203 JAC 117535: Replace process_api_error.                    #
#   050304 JAC 118242: Fix ispermvalid to reject 0 with anything.    #
#   071028 JAC 146726: set delimiters for calling -api commands.     #

use Exporter ();
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(

use lib "/opt/rsct/pm";
use locale;


use LPRM_cli_include qw($CTBINDIR $CTDIR
                  $TRUE $FALSE $RMC_CLI_USER_ERROR

# Global Variables                                                   #
$MSGCAT = "lprmcli.cat";               # msg catalogue for these cmds
$MSGSET = "lprmcli";                   # common message set

$LSMSG = "$CTBINDIR/ctdspmsg";         # list / display message rtn
$ENV{'MSGMAPPATH'} = "$CTDIR/msgmaps"; # msg maps used by $LSMSG

# Exported Subroutines (with @EXPORT_OK, -> on demand).              #

# Common message handling (error, informational) routines:           #

# error_exit - performs required cleanup and exits.                  #
# Parameters:                                                        #
#   $badrc            in      Bad return code - bad enough to exit   #
#                             processing of this command.            #
# Exit:                                                              #
#   1 LPRM_CLI_RMC_ERROR      Underlying RMC error.                  #
#   2 LPRM_CLI_ERROR          Unexpected error in the command script.#
#   3 LPRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG       Input flag error.                      #
#   4 LPRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND    Input operand error.                   #
#   5 LPRM_CLI_USER_ERROR     User error.                            #
#   6 LPRM_CLI_NOT_FOUND      Resource not found.                    #
sub error_exit
my ($badrc) = @_;

    ($badrc == LPRM_CLI_RMC_ERROR)   && exit($badrc);
    ($badrc == LPRM_CLI_ERROR)       && exit($badrc);
    ($badrc == LPRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG)    && exit($badrc);
    ($badrc == LPRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND) && exit($badrc);
    ($badrc == LPRM_CLI_USER_ERROR)  && exit($badrc);
    ($badrc == LPRM_CLI_NOT_FOUND)   && exit($badrc);
    # At this point all return codes should have been converted to
    # a valid LPRM CLI return code.  But if one wasn't write an
    # error message.
    printCEMsg("EMsglprmcliBadRC", $badrc);
}   # end switch

}   # end error_exit

# printCIMsg : Calls $LSMSG to print out the common                  #
#   ConfigRM CLI information messages with the required parameters.  #
#   Messages printed to stdout.                                      #
#   This subroutine is like printIMsg except it is used to print     #
#   the common ConfigRM CLI messages which are in the configrmcli    #
#   message set.                                                     #
#                                                                    #
# Parameters:                                                        #
#   $msg       in  Message mnemonic / message number in a sense.     #
#   $optargs   in  Extra arguments/parameters to send to $LSMSG.     #
#                                                                    #
# Returns:  None.                                                    #
#                                                                    #
# Global Variables:                                                  #
#   $main::Trace    in  Prints extra info when trace is on.          #
#   $LSMSG          in  Path & Command to display messages.          #
#   $MSGCAT         in  ConfigRM CLI Message catalog.                #
#   $MSGSET         in  ConfigRM CLI common message set "configrmcli"#
sub printCIMsg
my ($msg, @optargs) = @_;
my ($optarg, $optargs);

$main::Trace &&
    print STDERR "$LSMSG $MSGSET $MSGCAT $msg @optargs\n";

# Keep the args to LSMSG separate by separating with single quotes
# but must replace internal single quotes with blanks or get an error.
# Must escape internal double quotes for the system call.
foreach $optarg (@optargs) {
    $optarg =~ s/'/\<U\+0027\>/g;
    $optarg =~ s/"/\\"/g;
$optargs = "'" . join("' '",@optargs) . "'";

(scalar @optargs > 0) ?
    system "$LSMSG $MSGSET $MSGCAT $msg $optargs | /bin/sed \"s/\<U\+0027\>/'/g\"" :
    system "$LSMSG $MSGSET $MSGCAT $msg";

}   # end printCIMsg

# printCEMsg : Calls $LSMSG to print out the common                  #
#   ConfigRM CLI error messages with the required parameters.        #
#   Messages printed to stderr.                                      #
#   This subroutine is like printEMsg except it is used to print     #
#   the common ConfigRM CLI messages which are in the configrm       #
#   message set and it prefixes the message with the appropriate     #
#   program name.                                                    #
#                                                                    #
# Parameters:                                                        #
#   $msg       in  Message mnemonic / message number in a sense.     #
#   $optargs   in  Extra arguments/parameters to send to $LSMSG.     #
#                                                                    #
# Returns:  None.                                                    #
#                                                                    #
# Global Variables:                                                  #
#   $main::PROGNAME in  Calling program/command for error message.   #
#   $main::Trace    in  Prints extra info when trace is on.          #
#   $LSMSG          in  Path and command to display messages.        #
#   $MSGCAT         in  ConfigRM CLI Message catalog.                #
#   $MSGSET         in  ConfigRM CLI common message set "configrmcli"#
sub printCEMsg
my ($msg, @optargs) = @_;
my ($optarg, $optargs);

$main::Trace &&
    print STDERR "$LSMSG $MSGSET $MSGCAT $msg $main::PROGNAME @optargs\n";

# Keep the args to LSMSG separate by separating with single quotes
# but must replace internal single quotes with blanks or get an error.
# Must escape internal double quotes for the system call.
foreach $optarg (@optargs) {
    $optarg =~ s/'/\<U\+0027\>/g;
    $optarg =~ s/"/\\"/g;
$optargs = "'" . join("' '",@optargs) . "'";

(scalar @optargs > 0) ?
    system "$LSMSG $MSGSET $MSGCAT $msg $main::PROGNAME $optargs 1>&2 | /bin/sed \"s/\<U\+0027\>/'/g\"" :
    system "$LSMSG $MSGSET $MSGCAT $msg $main::PROGNAME 1>&2";

}   # end printCEMsg

# process_api_error - Scans the input varaible for error messages    #
#   found by the c-api command. The c-api command errors are         #
#   found by searching each output line for "ERROR" at the           #
#   beginning of the line.  The error message printed is the last    #
#   double colon delimited string.                                   #
#                                                                    #
# Parameters:                                                        #
#   $delimiter        The delimiter used in the error string.        #
#   $rc               The return code from the c-api call.           #
#   @command_output   The output from the command.                   #
#                                                                    #
# Returns:                                                           #
#   None.                                                            #
#                                                                    #
# Global Variables:                                                  #
sub process_api_error
my $delimiter = shift(@_);              # output delimiter
my $api_rc    = shift(@_);              # rc from c-api call
my @command_output = @_;                # command output to scan
my $error_count = 0;                    # number of error messages
my $line = ""; 
my $line2 = ""; 

# if the delimiter has a "|", escape it so it's not treated as an "or"
if ($delimiter =~ /\|/) {
   $delimiter =~ s/\|/\\\|/g;

# scan each line for ERROR
foreach $line (@command_output) {

   # does it start with ERROR?
   if ($line =~ /^ERROR.*/) {

      # split it apart based on double colons
      # last one should be error message
      @error_parts = split /$delimiter/, $line;

      # replace any escaped new lines with new lines
      $error_parts[$#error_parts] =~ s/\\n/\n/g;

      # get rid of any beginning/ending quote that comes from
      # having CT_CLI_QUOTE_STRING turned on (sometimes)
      if ( defined $ENV{CT_CLI_QUOTE_STRING} && $ENV{CT_CLI_QUOTE_STRING}==1) {

         $error_parts[$#error_parts] =~ s/^\"//;
         $error_parts[$#error_parts] =~ s/\"$//;
         #$error_parts[$#error_parts] =~ s/\\\"/\"/g;
         $error_parts[$#error_parts] = unescape_chars($error_parts[$#error_parts]);

      # last one should be error message. print it to STDERR.
      print STDERR $error_parts[$#error_parts];

   else {

      # does it have ERROR in it somewhere (in case STDERR/STDOUT collided) ?
      if ($line =~ /ERROR${delimiter}/) {

         # get rid of the beginning part up to ERROR
         $line =~ s/.*ERROR${delimiter}/ERROR${delimiter}/;

         # now do same stuff as above for error messages
         # split it apart based on double colons
         # last one should be error message
         @error_parts = split /$delimiter/, $line;

         # replace any escaped new lines with new lines
         $error_parts[$#error_parts] =~ s/\\n/\n/g;

         # get rid of any beginning/ending quote that comes from
         # having CT_CLI_QUOTE_STRING turned on (sometimes)
         if ( defined $ENV{CT_CLI_QUOTE_STRING} && $ENV{CT_CLI_QUOTE_STRING}==1) {

            $error_parts[$#error_parts] =~ s/^\"//;
            $error_parts[$#error_parts] =~ s/\"$//;
            #$error_parts[$#error_parts] =~ s/\\\"/\"/g;
            $error_parts[$#error_parts] = unescape_chars($error_parts[$#error_parts]);

         # last one should be error message. print it to STDERR.
         print STDERR $error_parts[$#error_parts];

# print unexpected error if api rc was not 0 and no messages were displayed
if (($error_count == 0) && ($api_rc != 0)) {
}   #  end of process_api_error

# process_rmccli_error - Scans the @command_output varaible for error#
#   messages found by the rmc cli, but does not extract messages     #
#   generated by the rmc cli itself.  The $command parameter is used #
#   to decide what stays and what goes.                              #
#                                                                    #
# Parameters:                                                        #
#   $commandt         The rmc cli command name.                      #
#   @command_output   The output from the command.                   #
#                                                                    #
# Returns:                                                           #
#   None.                                                            #
#                                                                    #
# Global Variables:                                                  #
sub process_rmccli_error
my $command = shift(@_);                # command that made output
my @command_output  = @_;               # command output to scan

# scan each line for the command name
foreach $line (@command_output) {

   # if it doesn't start with the command name, print it
   if (!($line =~ /^$command.*/)) {

      # print it to STDERR.
      print STDERR $line;
}   #  end of process_rmccli_error

# remove_api_error - Scans the input varaible for error messages     #
#   found by the c-api command. The c-api command errors are         #
#   found by searching each output line for "ERROR" at the           #
#   beginning of the line.  An array is returned that is the same as #
#   the input array except that the error messages are removed.      #
#                                                                    #
# Parameters:                                                        #
#   @command_output   The output from the command.                   #
#                                                                    #
# Returns:                                                           #
#   @errorless_output The original @command_output array contents    #
#                     with the errors removed.                       #
#                                                                    #
# Global Variables:                                                  #
sub remove_api_error
my @command_output = @_;                # command output to scan
my @errorless_output = ();              # errors removed

# scan each line for ERROR
foreach $line (@command_output) {

   # does it start with ERROR?
   if (!($line =~ /^ERROR.*/)) {

      # put it in the errorless array
      push @errorless_output, $line;

return (@errorless_output);
}   #  end of remove_api_error

# process_exit_code: returns 0, the signal exit code, or the process #
#   exit code from the called process. This is used to examine the   #
#   exit codes from perl uses for called processes.                  #
#   The exit value of the subprocess is in the high byte (>>8)       #
#   The low byte has the signal the process died from (if any)(& 127)#
#   To be complete, core dumps are indicated with (& 128) (not used) #
#                                                                    #
# Parameters:                                                        #
#   exit_code           The exit code to be examined.                #
#                                                                    #
# Returns:                                                           #
#   process_exit_code   0, signal, or process exit code.             #
#                                                                    #
# Global Variables:                                                  #
sub process_exit_code
my $exit_code = shift(@_);              # the exit code to check
my $process_signal_exit_code = 0;       # signal exit code, if any
my $process_exit_code = 0;              # what to return

# if it's 0, wonderful.
if ($exit_code == 0) { return (0);};

# check for signal process died from, if any
$process_signal_exit_code = $exit_code & 127;

# if there was a signal, return it
if ($process_signal_exit_code > 0) { return ($process_signal_exit_code);}

# otherwise return the process exit code
$process_exit_code = $exit_code >> 8;
return ($process_exit_code);
}   # end process_exit_code

# ispermvalid - Determines if the characters in the permission       #
#   string are all valid permissions or not.  If they are all        #
#   valid, 0 is returned.                                            #
#                                                                    #
# Parameters:                                                        #
#   $perm             The permission string.                         #
#                                                                    #
# Returns:                                                           #
#   rc=0              if permissions are all valid.                  #
#      -1             if permissions are not all valid.              #
#                                                                    #
# Global Variables:                                                  #
sub ispermvalid
my $perm = shift(@_);                   # get permission string   
my $rc = 0;                             # return code

my $valid_perm = "qlevdcsoxarw0";       # the valid permissions
my $len = 0;                            # length of permission string   
my $one = "";                           # one permission character   

# get the length of the permission string
$len = length $perm;

# check each character
for ( $i=0; $i<$len; $i++ ) {

   # get a character
   $one = substr($perm,$i,1);

   # check it
   if ( $one !~ /[$valid_perm]/) {
      $rc = -1;

# still ok so far

# last check
# make sure 0 not combined with anything else
if ( ($perm =~ /.*0.*/) && ($len > 1) ) {
   $rc = -1;

return ($rc);
}   #  end of ispermvalid

# get_ids_perms_from_file - Reads the first two tokens on a line of  #
#   the specifed file as an id and its permission.  The rest of the  #
#   input line is ignored.  The output is a character string as if   #
#   the input were entered on the command line.  The file is read one#
#   line at a time. The first string on the line up to a blank is    #
#   used as the id for that line.  The second string is the ids      #
#   permission.  The rest of the line is ignored.  Any line that is  #
#   blank or starts with a "#" is ignored.  Text on a line after     #
#   a "#" is ignored.                                                #
#                                                                    #
# Input:                                                             #
#   $file_name               The name of the file to use.            #
#                                                                    #
# Returns:                                                           #
#   $input line              The input IDs and permission pairs.     #
#                                                                    #
sub get_ids_perms_from_file 
my @input_line_split = ();                # holds split input
my @cmd_input = ();                       # reformed input
my $input_line = "";                      # line from file
my $one_id = "";                          # an id from an input line
my $one_perm = "";                        # a permission from an input line
my $file_error = "";                      # when file doesn't open
my $i = 0;                                # file line counter

# get the file name passed in
my $file_name = shift @_;

# open the file. process if it opens ok
if ( open (LPRM_FILE_IN,"$file_name") ) {

   # read until eof
   while (<LPRM_FILE_IN>) {

      # count the line 

      # get a line from the file
      $input_line = $_;

      # get rid of any new line characters

      # get rid of leading spaces
      $input_line =~ s/^\s+//;

      # take a line unless it's a comment or empty
      if ( (!($input_line =~ /^#/)) && ($input_line ne "") ) {

         # only worry about up to an "#" (anything after is ignored)
         $input_line =~ s/#.*//;

         # get the first string on the line
         @input_line_split = split /\s+/,$input_line;

         # get the id and permission
         $one_id = shift @input_line_split;
         $one_perm = shift @input_line_split;

         # it's an error if either doesn't exist
         if ( ($one_id eq "") || ($one_perm eq "") ) {
            # print error message and exit
            &printCEMsg("EMsgLPRMcliBadFileInput", $file_name, $i);

         # save the Ids and Permissions 
         push @cmd_input, $one_id;
         push @cmd_input, $one_perm;

   }  # end of "while not eof" loop

   # close the file

}     # end of "opened ok" block

# the file didn't open successfully
else {

   # get the error 
   $file_error = $!;

   # print error message and exit

# return the Ids and permissions

}    # end get_ids_perms_from_file

# get_ids_from_file - Reads the first token on a line of the         #
#   specifed file as an id, ignoring permission.  The rest of the    #
#   input line is ignored.  The output is a character string as if   #
#   the input were entered on the command line.  The file is read one#
#   line at a time. The first string on the line up to a blank is    #
#   used as the id for that line. The rest of the line is ignored.   #
#   Any line that is blank or starts with a "#" is ignored.  Text on #
#   a line after a "#" is ignored.                                   #
#                                                                    #
# Input:                                                             #
#   $file_name               The name of the file to use.            #
#                                                                    #
# Returns:                                                           #
#   $input line              The input IDs and permission pairs.     #
#                                                                    #
sub get_ids_from_file
my @input_line_split = ();                # holds split input
my @cmd_input = ();                       # reformed input
my $input_line = "";                      # line from file
my $one_id = "";                          # an id from an input line
my $file_error = "";                      # when file doesn't open
my $i = 0;                                # file line counter

# get the file name passed in
my $file_name = shift @_;

# open the file. process if it opens ok
if ( open (LPRM_FILE_IN,"$file_name") ) {

   # read until eof
   while (<LPRM_FILE_IN>) {

      # count the line

      # get a line from the file
      $input_line = $_;

      # get rid of any new line characters

      # get rid of leading spaces
      $input_line =~ s/^\s+//;

      # take a line unless it's a comment or empty
      if ( (!($input_line =~ /^#/)) && ($input_line ne "") ) {

         # only worry about up to an "#" (anything after is ignored)
         $input_line =~ s/#.*//;

         # get the first string on the line
         @input_line_split = split /\s+/,$input_line;

         # get the id 
         $one_id = shift @input_line_split;

         # it's an error if it doesn't exist
         if ( $one_id eq "") {
            # print error message and exit
            &printCEMsg("EMsgLPRMcliBadFileInput", $file_name, $i);

         # save the Ids
         push @cmd_input, $one_id;

   }  # end of "while not eof" loop

   # close the file

}     # end of "opened ok" block

# the file didn't open successfully
else {

   # get the error
   $file_error = $!;

   # print error message and exit

# return the Ids 

}    # end get_ids_from_file

# get_names_ids_perms_from_file - Reads the first three tokens on a  #
#   line of the specifed file as the name, an id and its permission. #
#   The rest of the input line is ignored.  The output is 3 arrays   #
#   for names, ids, and permission.  The file is read one line at a  #
#   time. The first string on the line up to a blank is used as the  #
#   name for that line.  The second string is the id, and the third  #
#   is the permission.  The rest of the line is ignored.  Any line   #
#   that is blank or starts with a "#" is ignored.  Text on a line   #
#   after a "#" is ignored.                                          #
#                                                                    #
# Input:                                                             #
#   $file_name               The name of the file to use.            #
#                                                                    #
# Returns:                                                           #
#   @names                   An array of names.                      #
#   @ids                     An array of ids.                        #
#   @perms                   An array of permissions.                #
#                                                                    #
sub get_names_ids_perms_from_file
my @input_line_split = ();                # holds split input
my @cmd_input = ();                       # reformed input
my $input_line = "";                      # line from file
my $one_name = "";                        # a name from an input line
my $one_id = "";                          # an id from an input line
my $one_perm = "";                        # a permission from an input line
my $file_error = "";                      # when file doesn't open
my $i = 0;                                # file line counter
my @names = ();                           # output array of names
my @ids = ();                             # output array of ids
my @perms = ();                           # output array of permissions

# get the file name passed in
my $file_name = shift @_;

# open the file. process if it opens ok
if ( open (LPRM_FILE_IN,"$file_name") ) {

   # read until eof
   while (<LPRM_FILE_IN>) {

      # count the line

      # get a line from the file
      $input_line = $_;

      # get rid of any new line characters

      # get rid of leading spaces
      $input_line =~ s/^\s+//;

      # take a line unless it's a comment or empty
      if ( (!($input_line =~ /^#/)) && ($input_line ne "") ) {

         # only worry about up to an "#" (anything after is ignored)
         $input_line =~ s/#.*//;

         # get the first string on the line
         @input_line_split = split /\s+/,$input_line;

         # get the id and permission
         $one_name = shift @input_line_split;
         $one_id = shift @input_line_split;
         $one_perm = shift @input_line_split;

         # it's an error if any don't exist
         if ( ($one_name eq "") || ($one_id eq "") || ($one_perm eq "") ) {
            # print error message and exit
            &printCEMsg("EMsgLPRMcliBadFileInput", $file_name, $i);

         # save the Names, Ids and Permissions
         push @names, $one_name;
         push @ids, $one_id;
         push @perms, $one_perm;

   }  # end of "while not eof" loop

   # close the file

}     # end of "opened ok" block

# the file didn't open successfully
else {

   # get the error
   $file_error = $!;

   # print error message and exit

# return the Names, Ids and permissions arrays
return(\@names, \@ids, \@perms);
}    # end get_names_ids_perms_from_file

# get_names_ids_from_file - Reads the first two tokens on a line of  #
#   the specifed file as the name and an id. The rest of the input   #
#   line is ignored.  The output is 2 arrays for names and ids.      #
#   The file is read one line at a time. The first string on the     #
#   line up to a blank is used as the name for that line.  The       #
#   second string is the id. The rest of the line is ignored.  Any   #
#   line that is blank or starts with a "#" is ignored.  Text on a   #
#   line after a "#" is ignored.                                     #
#                                                                    #
# Input:                                                             #
#   $file_name               The name of the file to use.            #
#                                                                    #
# Returns:                                                           #
#   @names                   An array of names.                      #
#   @ids                     An array of ids.                        #
#                                                                    #
sub get_names_ids_from_file
my @input_line_split = ();                # holds split input
my @cmd_input = ();                       # reformed input
my $input_line = "";                      # line from file
my $one_name = "";                        # a name from an input line
my $one_id = "";                          # an id from an input line
my $file_error = "";                      # when file doesn't open
my $i = 0;                                # file line counter
my @names = ();                           # output array of names
my @ids = ();                             # output array of ids

# get the file name passed in
my $file_name = shift @_;

# open the file. process if it opens ok
if ( open (LPRM_FILE_IN,"$file_name") ) {

   # read until eof
   while (<LPRM_FILE_IN>) {

      # count the line

      # get a line from the file
      $input_line = $_;

      # get rid of any new line characters

      # get rid of leading spaces
      $input_line =~ s/^\s+//;

      # take a line unless it's a comment or empty
      if ( (!($input_line =~ /^#/)) && ($input_line ne "") ) {

         # only worry about up to an "#" (anything after is ignored)
         $input_line =~ s/#.*//;

         # get the first string on the line
         @input_line_split = split /\s+/,$input_line;

         # get the id and permission
         $one_name = shift @input_line_split;
         $one_id = shift @input_line_split;

         # it's an error if any don't exist
         if ( ($one_name eq "") || ($one_id eq "") ) {
            # print error message and exit
            &printCEMsg("EMsgLPRMcliBadFileInput", $file_name, $i);

         # save the Names, Ids and Permissions
         push @names, $one_name;
         push @ids, $one_id;

   }  # end of "while not eof" loop

   # close the file

}     # end of "opened ok" block

# the file didn't open successfully
else {

   # get the error
   $file_error = $!;

   # print error message and exit

# return the Names, and Ids arrays
return(\@names, \@ids);
}    # end get_names_ids_perms_from_file

# getIMsg : calls $LSMSG to print out the message with the           #
#   required parameters, like printIMsg, except the message is       #
#   returned instead of printed.  Used for NLS.                      #
#                                                                    #
# Parameters:                                                        #
#   msg       in  Message mnemonic / message number in a sense.      #
#   optargs   in  Extra arguments/parameters to send to LSMSG.       #
#                                                                    #
# Returns:                                                           #
#   msgtext   out Array of messages.                                 #
#                                                                    #
# Global Variables:                                                  #
#   $main::Trace    in  Print extra info when trace is on.           #
#   $main::PROGNAME in  Calling program/command for error message.   #
#   $main::LSMSG    in  Path & Command to display messages.          #
#   $main::MSGCAT   in  The calling commands Message catalogue.      #
sub getIMsg
my ($msg, @optargs) = @_;
my ($optarg, $optargs);
my @msgtext = ();

$main::Trace &&
    print STDERR "$main::LSMSG $main::PROGNAME $main::MSGCAT $msg @optargs\n";
# Keep the args to LSMSG separate by separating with single quotes
# but must replace internal single quotes with blanks or get an error.
# Must escape internal double quotes for the system call.
foreach $optarg (@optargs) {
    $optarg =~ s/'/ /g;
    $optarg =~ s/"/\\"/g;
$optargs = "'" . join("' '",@optargs) . "'";

if (scalar @optargs > 0) {
     @msgtext = `$main::LSMSG $main::PROGNAME $main::MSGCAT $msg $optargs`;
else {
     @msgtext = `$main::LSMSG $main::PROGNAME $main::MSGCAT $msg`;

return (@msgtext);
}   # end getIMsg

# End Exported Subroutines (with @EXPORT_OK, -> on demand).          #

# End File.                                                          #