/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
/*                                                                        */
/* onc720 src/oncplus/usr/include/tirpc/rpc/pmap_prot.h 1.3               */
/*                                                                        */
/* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,1999              */
/* All Rights Reserved                                                    */
/*                                                                        */
/* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or            */
/* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.      */
/*                                                                        */
/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
 * Please do not edit this file.
 * It was generated using rpcgen.


 * If this is not the ONC+ code then we need to make sure that libc can build 
 * to get the ONC+ pmap_prot,h TIRPC must be defined
#ifndef _AIX_TIRPC
/* static char sccsid[] = "@(#)68  1.6  src/bos/usr/include/rpc/pmap_prot.h, libcrpc, bos420 10/25/93 20:47:39"; */
 *   ORIGINS: 24
 * Copyright (c) 1990 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * 1.14 88/02/08 SMI	

/*	@(#)pmap_prot.h	1.2 90/07/17 4.1NFSSRC SMI	*/

 * pmap_prot.h
 * Protocol for the local binder service, or pmap.
 * The following procedures are supported by the protocol:
 * PMAPPROC_NULL() returns ()
 * 	takes nothing, returns nothing
 * PMAPPROC_SET(struct pmap) returns (bool_t)
 * 	TRUE is success, FALSE is failure.  Registers the tuple
 *	[prog, vers, prot, port].
 * PMAPPROC_UNSET(struct pmap) returns (bool_t)
 *	TRUE is success, FALSE is failure.  Un-registers pair
 *	[prog, vers].  prot and port are ignored.
 * PMAPPROC_GETPORT(struct pmap) returns (long unsigned).
 *	0 is failure.  Otherwise returns the port number where the pair
 *	[prog, vers] is registered.  It may lie!
 * PMAPPROC_DUMP() RETURNS (struct pmaplist *)
 * PMAPPROC_CALLIT(unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, string<>)
 * 	RETURNS (port, string<>);
 * usage: encapsulatedresults = PMAPPROC_CALLIT(prog, vers, proc, encapsulatedargs);
 * 	Calls the procedure on the local machine.  If it is not registered,
 *	this procedure is quite; ie it does not return error information!!!
 *	This procedure only is supported on rpc/udp and calls via
 *	rpc/udp.  This routine only passes null authentication parameters.
 *	This file has no interface to xdr routines for PMAPPROC_CALLIT.
 * The service supports remote procedure calls on udp/ip or tcp/ip socket 111.

#ifndef _RPC_PMAP_PROT_H
#define	_RPC_PMAP_PROT_H
#define PMAPPORT		((u_short)111)
#define PMAPPROG		((u_long)100000)
#define PMAPVERS		((u_long)2)
#define PMAPVERS_PROTO		((u_long)2)
#define PMAPVERS_ORIG		((u_long)1)
#define PMAPPROC_NULL		((u_long)0)
#define PMAPPROC_SET		((u_long)1)
#define PMAPPROC_UNSET		((u_long)2)
#define PMAPPROC_GETPORT	((u_long)3)
#define PMAPPROC_DUMP		((u_long)4)
#define PMAPPROC_CALLIT		((u_long)5)

struct pmap {
	long unsigned pm_prog;
	long unsigned pm_vers;
	long unsigned pm_prot;
	long unsigned pm_port;

#include <rpc/xdr.h>
extern bool_t xdr_pmap(XDR *, struct pmap *);

struct pmaplist {
	struct pmap	pml_map;
	struct pmaplist *pml_next;

extern bool_t xdr_pmaplist(XDR *, struct pmaplist **);

#endif /*!_RPC_PMAP_PROT_H*/


 * ----------------------------------
 *	 The ONC+ path...
 * ---------------------------------- 

#include <rpc/rpc.h>
 * Copyright (c) 1984,1989 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
/* from pmap_prot.x */

/*** #pragma ident	"@(#)pmap_prot.x	1.5	94/09/21 SMI" ***/

 * Protocol for the local binder service, or pmap.
 * Copyright (C) 1984, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * The following procedures are supported by the protocol:
 * PMAPPROC_NULL() returns ()
 * 	takes nothing, returns nothing
 * PMAPPROC_SET(struct pmap) returns (bool_t)
 * 	TRUE is success, FALSE is failure.  Registers the tuple
 *	[prog, vers, prot, port].
 * PMAPPROC_UNSET(struct pmap) returns (bool_t)
 *	TRUE is success, FALSE is failure.  Un-registers pair
 *	[prog, vers].  prot and port are ignored.
 * PMAPPROC_GETPORT(struct pmap) returns (long unsigned).
 *	0 is failure.  Otherwise returns the port number where the pair
 *	[prog, vers] is registered.  It may lie!
 * PMAPPROC_DUMP() RETURNS (struct pmaplist_ptr)
 * PMAPPROC_CALLIT(unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, string<>)
 * 	RETURNS (port, string<>);
 * usage: encapsulatedresults = PMAPPROC_CALLIT(prog, vers, proc,
 *						encapsulatedargs);
 * 	Calls the procedure on the local machine.  If it is not registered,
 *	this procedure is quite; ie it does not return error information!!!
 *	This procedure only is supported on rpc/udp and calls via
 *	rpc/udp.  This routine only passes null authentication parameters.
 *	This file has no interface to xdr routines for PMAPPROC_CALLIT.
 * The service supports remote procedure calls on udp/ip or tcp/ip socket 111.

#define	PMAPPORT 111

 * A mapping of (program, version, protocol) to port number

struct pmap {
	u_long pm_prog;
	u_long pm_vers;
	u_long pm_prot;
	u_long pm_port;
typedef struct pmap pmap;

typedef pmap PMAP;

 * Supported values for the "prot" field


 * A list of mappings
 * Below are two definitions for the pmaplist structure.  This is done because
 * xdr_pmaplist() is specified to take a struct pmaplist **, rather than a
 * struct pmaplist * that rpcgen would produce.  One version of the pmaplist
 * structure (actually called pm__list) is used with rpcgen, and the other is
 * defined only in the header file for compatibility with the specified
 * interface.

struct pm__list {
	pmap pml_map;
	struct pm__list *pml_next;
typedef struct pm__list pm__list;

typedef pm__list *pmaplist_ptr;

struct pmaplist {
	PMAP pml_map;
	struct pmaplist *pml_next;

typedef struct pmaplist pmaplist;
typedef struct pmaplist PMAPLIST;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern  bool_t xdr_pmaplist(XDR *, pmaplist**);
#ifdef	__cplusplus

 * Arguments to callit

struct rmtcallargs {
	u_long prog;
	u_long vers;
	u_long proc;
	struct {
		u_int args_len;
		char *args_val;
	} args;
typedef struct rmtcallargs rmtcallargs;

 * Client-side only representation of rmtcallargs structure.
 * The routine that XDRs the rmtcallargs structure must deal with the
 * opaque arguments in the "args" structure.  xdr_rmtcall_args() needs to be
 * passed the XDR routine that knows the args' structure.  This routine
 * doesn't need to go over-the-wire (and it wouldn't make sense anyway) since
 * the application being called knows the args structure already.  So we use a
 * different "XDR" structure on the client side, p_rmtcallargs, which includes
 * the args' XDR routine.
struct p_rmtcallargs {
	u_long prog;
	u_long vers;
	u_long proc;
	struct {
		u_int args_len;
		char *args_val;
	} args;
	xdrproc_t	xdr_args;	/* encodes args */

 * Results of callit

struct rmtcallres {
	u_long port;
	struct {
		u_int res_len;
		char *res_val;
	} res;
typedef struct rmtcallres rmtcallres;

 * Client-side only representation of rmtcallres structure.
struct p_rmtcallres {
	u_long port;
	struct {
		u_int res_len;
		char *res_val;
	} res;
	xdrproc_t	xdr_res;	/* decodes res */

#define	PMAPVERS_PROTO		((u_long)2)
#define	PMAPVERS_ORIG		((u_long)1)

#define	PMAPPROG ((unsigned long)(100000))
#define	PMAPVERS ((unsigned long)(2))
#define	PMAPPROC_NULL ((unsigned long)(0))
extern  void * pmapproc_null_2();
#define	PMAPPROC_SET ((unsigned long)(1))
extern  bool_t * pmapproc_set_2();
#define	PMAPPROC_UNSET ((unsigned long)(2))
extern  bool_t * pmapproc_unset_2();
#define	PMAPPROC_GETPORT ((unsigned long)(3))
extern  u_long * pmapproc_getport_2();
#define	PMAPPROC_DUMP ((unsigned long)(4))
extern  pmaplist_ptr * pmapproc_dump_2();
#define	PMAPPROC_CALLIT ((unsigned long)(5))
extern  rmtcallres * pmapproc_callit_2();
extern int pmapprog_2_freeresult();

/* the xdr functions */
extern bool_t xdr_pmap(XDR *, struct pmap *);
extern bool_t xdr_pm__list(XDR *, pm__list *);
extern bool_t xdr_pmaplist_ptr(XDR *, pmaplist_ptr *);
extern bool_t xdr_rmtcallargs(XDR *, struct p_rmtcallargs *);
extern bool_t xdr_rmtcallres(XDR *, struct p_rmtcallres *);
#endif /* TIRPC */
#endif /* !_PMAP_PROT_H_RPCGEN */