// IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG // This is an automatically generated prolog. // // gos720 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/data/xkeyboard-config/symbols/se // // Licensed Materials - Property of IBM // // COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2007,2011 // All Rights Reserved // // US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or // disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. // // IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG // based on a keyboard map from an 'xkb/symbols/se' file // // $XKeyboardConfig$ // $XFree86: xc/programs/xkbcomp/symbols/se,v 1.5 2003/01/26 02:01:48 dawes Exp $ partial default alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "basic" { include "latin(type2)" include "se(se)" }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "se" { name[Group1]="Sweden"; key <AE05> { [ 5, percent, EuroSign, cent ] }; key <AE11> { [ plus, question, backslash, questiondown ] }; key <AE12> { [dead_acute, dead_grave, plusminus, notsign ] }; key <AC10> { [odiaeresis, Odiaeresis, oslash, Ooblique ] }; key <AC11> { [adiaeresis, Adiaeresis, ae, AE ] }; key <TLDE> { [ section, onehalf, paragraph, threequarters] }; key <BKSL> { [apostrophe, asterisk, acute, multiply ] }; key <SPCE> { [ space, space, space, nobreakspace ] }; key <LSGT> { [ less, greater, bar, bar ] }; include "kpdl(comma)" include "level3(ralt_switch)" }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "nodeadkeys" { // Modifies the basic Swedish layout to eliminate all dead keys include "latin(type2)" include "latin(type2_nodeadkeys)" include "se(se)" name[Group1]="Sweden - Eliminate dead keys"; key <AE12> { [ acute, grave, plusminus, notsign ] }; }; // Swedish Dvorak partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "dvorak" { name[Group1]="Sweden - Dvorak"; include "se(basic)" key <AD01> { [ aring, Aring, backslash ] }; key <AD02> { [ adiaeresis, Adiaeresis, braceleft, bracketleft ] }; key <AD03> { [ odiaeresis, Odiaeresis, braceright, bracketright ] }; key <AD04> { [ p, P, thorn, THORN ] }; key <AD05> { [ y, Y, leftarrow, yen ] }; key <AD06> { [ f, F, dstroke, ordfeminine ] }; key <AD07> { [ g, G, eng, ENG ] }; key <AD08> { [ c, C, copyright, copyright ] }; key <AD09> { [ r, R, registered, registered ] }; key <AD10> { [ l, L, lstroke, Lstroke ] }; key <AD11> { [ comma, semicolon, dead_cedilla, dead_ogonek ] }; key <AD12> { [ dead_diaeresis, dead_circumflex, dead_tilde, asciicircum ] }; key <AC01> { [ a, A, ae, AE ] }; key <AC02> { [ o, O, oe, OE ] }; key <AC03> { [ e, E, EuroSign, cent ] }; key <AC04> { [ u, U, downarrow, uparrow ] }; key <AC05> { [ i, I, rightarrow, idotless ] }; key <AC06> { [ d, D, eth, ETH ] }; key <AC07> { [ h, H, hstroke, Hstroke ] }; key <AC08> { [ t, T, tslash, Tslash ] }; key <AC09> { [ n, N ] }; key <AC10> { [ s, S, ssharp, section ] }; key <AC11> { [ minus, underscore, dead_belowdot, dead_abovedot ] }; key <AB01> { [ period, colon, periodcentered, dead_abovedot ] }; key <AB02> { [ q, Q, at, Greek_OMEGA ] }; key <AB03> { [ j, J ] }; key <AB04> { [ k, K, kra, ampersand ] }; key <AB05> { [ x, X, guillemotright, greater ] }; key <AB06> { [ b, B, rightdoublequotemark, apostrophe ] }; key <AB07> { [ m, M, mu, masculine ] }; key <AB08> { [ w, W, lstroke, Lstroke ] }; key <AB09> { [ v, V, leftdoublequotemark, grave ] }; key <AB10> { [ z, Z, guillemotleft, less ] }; }; // Ivan Popov, 2005-07-17 // phonetic layout for Russian cyrillic letters // on Swedish (latin type2) keyboards // level3 modifier is a shortcut to the "se" meaning of the keys where // we place cyrillic letters, handy for accessing the corresponding // punctuation marks. // It is important to have access to punctuation marks, and the rest of // alphabetical keys are added for being consequent so that the users // can expect the level3 modifier to give what the key label shows. partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "rus" { include "se(basic)" name[Group1]="Sweden - Russian phonetic"; key.type[group1]="ALPHABETIC"; key <TLDE> { [ Cyrillic_io, Cyrillic_IO ] }; key <AE12> { [ Cyrillic_hardsign, Cyrillic_HARDSIGN ] }; key <AD01> { [ Cyrillic_ya, Cyrillic_YA ] }; key <AD02> { [ Cyrillic_ve, Cyrillic_VE ] }; key <AD03> { [ Cyrillic_ie, Cyrillic_IE ] }; key <AD04> { [ Cyrillic_er, Cyrillic_ER ] }; key <AD05> { [ Cyrillic_te, Cyrillic_TE ] }; key <AD06> { [ Cyrillic_yeru, Cyrillic_YERU ] }; key <AD07> { [ Cyrillic_u, Cyrillic_U ] }; key <AD08> { [ Cyrillic_i, Cyrillic_I ] }; key <AD09> { [ Cyrillic_o, Cyrillic_O ] }; key <AD10> { [ Cyrillic_pe, Cyrillic_PE ] }; key <AD11> { [ Cyrillic_e, Cyrillic_E ] }; key <AC01> { [ Cyrillic_a, Cyrillic_A ] }; key <AC02> { [ Cyrillic_es, Cyrillic_ES ] }; key <AC03> { [ Cyrillic_de, Cyrillic_DE ] }; key <AC04> { [ Cyrillic_ef, Cyrillic_EF ] }; key <AC05> { [ Cyrillic_ghe, Cyrillic_GHE ] }; key <AC06> { [ Cyrillic_ha, Cyrillic_HA ] }; key <AC07> { [ Cyrillic_shorti, Cyrillic_SHORTI ] }; key <AC08> { [ Cyrillic_ka, Cyrillic_KA ] }; key <AC09> { [ Cyrillic_el, Cyrillic_EL ] }; key <AC10> { [ Cyrillic_sha, Cyrillic_SHA ] }; key <AC11> { [ Cyrillic_shcha, Cyrillic_SHCHA ] }; key <BKSL> { [ Cyrillic_yu, Cyrillic_YU ] }; key <LSGT> { [ Cyrillic_che, Cyrillic_CHE ] }; key <AB01> { [ Cyrillic_ze, Cyrillic_ZE ] }; key <AB02> { [ Cyrillic_softsign, Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN ] }; key <AB03> { [ Cyrillic_tse, Cyrillic_TSE ] }; key <AB04> { [ Cyrillic_zhe, Cyrillic_ZHE ] }; key <AB05> { [ Cyrillic_be, Cyrillic_BE ] }; key <AB06> { [ Cyrillic_en, Cyrillic_EN ] }; key <AB07> { [ Cyrillic_em, Cyrillic_EM ] }; }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "rus_nodeadkeys" { include "se(nodeadkeys)" include "se(rus)" name[Group1]="Sweden - Russian phonetic, eliminate dead keys"; key <AE12> { [ Cyrillic_hardsign, Cyrillic_HARDSIGN ] }; }; xkb_symbols "smi" { // Describes the differences between a Norwegian Northern Sami // (keyboard with dead key support) and a Swedish/Finnish Sami // keyboard according to the specs at: // http://www.hum.uit.no/a/trond/se-lat9-sefi-keys.html include "fi(smi)" name[Group1]= "Sweden - Northern Saami"; }; // Copied from macintosh_vndr/se partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "mac" { // Describes the differences between a very simple en_US // keyboard and a very simple Swedish(Sweden) keybaord include "latin" name[Group1]= "Sweden - Macintosh"; key <TLDE> { [ section, degree ] }; key <AE01> { [ 1, exclam, copyright, exclamdown ] }; key <AE02> { [ 2, quotedbl, at, oneeighth ] }; key <AE03> { [ 3, numbersign, sterling, yen ] }; key <AE04> { [ 4, currency, dollar, cent ] }; key <AE06> { [ 6, ampersand ] }; key <AE07> { [ 7, slash, bar, backslash ] }; key <AE08> { [ 8, parenleft, bracketleft, braceleft ] }; key <AE09> { [ 9, parenright, bracketright, braceright ] }; key <AB08> { [ comma, semicolon ] }; key <AE10> { [ 0, equal ] }; key <AB09> { [ period, colon ] }; key <AB10> { [ minus, underscore ] }; key <AC10> { [ odiaeresis, Odiaeresis, oslash, Ooblique ] }; key <AE11> { [ plus, question ] }; key <AC11> { [ adiaeresis, Adiaeresis, ae, AE ] }; key <AD11> { [ aring, Aring ] }; key <AE12> { [ acute, grave ] }; key <AD12> { [ diaeresis, asciicircum, asciitilde ] }; key <BKSL> { [ apostrophe, asterisk, at ] }; include "kpdl(comma)" include "level3(ralt_switch)" }; // Svdvorak // This version of Dvorak follows danish and norwegian style in hope for a // Scandinavian standard. partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "svdvorak" { name[Group1]="Sweden - Svdvorak"; include "se(basic)" key <AD01> { [ aring, Aring, braceleft ] }; key <AD02> { [ comma, semicolon, bracketleft ] }; key <AD03> { [ period, colon, bracketright ] }; key <AD04> { [ p, P, braceright ] }; key <AD05> { [ y, Y ] }; key <AD06> { [ f, F ] }; key <AD07> { [ g, G ] }; key <AD08> { [ c, C ] }; key <AD09> { [ r, R ] }; key <AD10> { [ l, L ] }; key <AD11> { [ apostrophe, asterisk ] }; key <AC01> { [ a, A ] }; key <AC02> { [ o, O, parenleft ] }; key <AC03> { [ e, E, parenright ] }; key <AC04> { [ u, U ] }; key <AC05> { [ i, I ] }; key <AC06> { [ d, D ] }; key <AC07> { [ h, H ] }; key <AC08> { [ t, T ] }; key <AC09> { [ n, N ] }; key <AC10> { [ s, S, ssharp ] }; key <AC11> { [ minus, underscore ] }; key <BKSL> { [ less, greater, bar ] }; key <LSGT> { [ odiaeresis, Odiaeresis ] }; key <AB01> { [ adiaeresis, Adiaeresis ] }; key <AB02> { [ q, Q ] }; key <AB03> { [ j, J ] }; key <AB04> { [ k, K ] }; key <AB05> { [ x, X ] }; key <AB06> { [ b, B ] }; key <AB07> { [ m, M ] }; key <AB08> { [ w, W ] }; key <AB09> { [ v, V ] }; key <AB10> { [ z, Z ] }; }; // Added to match IBM KBID 285: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/globalization/keyboards/KBD285.pdf // 102 key model inherited from latin(type2) with modifications shown below. partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "aix-285" { include "latin(type2)" name[Group1]= "Sweden - AIX KBD285"; key <AE03> { [ 3, section ] }; key <AE11> { [ plus, question ] }; key <AE12> { [ eacute, Eacute ] }; key <AD12> { [ udiaeresis, asciicircum ] }; key <AC10> { [ odiaeresis, Odiaeresis ] }; key <AC11> { [ adiaeresis, Adiaeresis ] }; key <BKSL> { [ apostrophe, asterisk ] }; key <LSGT> { [ less, greater ] }; };