#!/bin/sh # # $Header: emll/bin/ocmJarUtil /main/2 2010/02/15 09:18:07 asunar Exp $ # # ocmJarUtil # # Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # NAME # ocmJarUtil - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # <short description of component this file declares/defines> # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # asunar 01/27/10 - Adding the definition of dirname command # tsubrama 02/22/09 - auto detect jdk/jre home # tsubrama 01/19/09 - creation # tsubrama 01/19/09 - Creation # _usrBinDir=/usr/bin DIRNAME=${_usrBinDir}/dirname if [ -z "${CCR_HOME}" ] then echo "CCR_HOME is not found." exit 1 fi ## Get JDK/JRE Home (as per the logic in deployPackages) if [ ! -z "${JAVA_HOME_CCR}" ] then _JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME_CCR} elif [ ! -z "${JAVA_HOME}" ] then _JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_HOME elif [ ! -z "${CCR_JAVA_HOME}" ] # When it is called from then # livelink_packages.pl, CCR_JAVA_HOME is found. _JAVA_HOME=$CCR_JAVA_HOME fi if [ ! -f ${_JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ] then _CCR_PARENT=`$DIRNAME ${CCR_HOME}` _JAVA_HOME=${_CCR_PARENT}/jdk if [ ! -f ${_JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ] then _JAVA_HOME=${_CCR_PARENT}/jre if [ ! -f ${_JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ] then _JAVA_HOME="" fi fi fi if [ ! -z "${_JAVA_HOME}" ] then TEMP_JAVA_HOME=${_JAVA_HOME} fi if [ -z "${TEMP_JAVA_HOME}" ] then echo "JAVA_HOME is not found." exit 1 fi exec $TEMP_JAVA_HOME/bin/java -classpath $CCR_HOME/bin OCMJarUtil "$@" ## end of script