#!/bin/ksh # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # bos720 src/bos/usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool/processes_.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1992,1993 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)94 src/bos/usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool/processes_.sh, pdt, bos720 1/16/06 16:39:39 # # COMPONENT_NAME: pdt # # FUNCTIONS: none # # ORIGINS: 27 # # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1992, 1993 # All Rights Reserved # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # processes_ # Obtain process information, and record it in the # SM database # # thresholds defined: # thresh : cpu util for getty processes # passed to ps_cpu.awk. # # first, get date information currentdate=`(gettime_)` curr=`echo $currentdate | tr ' ' '-'` # next, get the number of CPUs on the system ncpus=`$pdt_code/getvmparms -n` # # obtain current process information ps avcg > $pdt_tmp/.procs # # Awk script to extract process information from # the 'ps avcg' command # # parameters: # c=date # col=column to extract # nam=name of attribute being extracted # # we take the top 3 cpu, and the top 3 memory consumers. # note that we skip all the idle processes # SM records produced: # PROCESS pid cpu1 <util> # PROCESS pid cpu1cmd <cmd> # PROCESS pid cpu2 <util> # PROCESS pid cpu3 <util> # and # PROCESS pid mem1 <util> # PROCESS pid mem1cmd <cmd> # etc. # first do cpu; sort -n -r +10 $pdt_tmp/.procs | \ awk ' BEGIN { recnum = 1 NCPUS = '"$ncpus"' for (i=0; i < NCPUS ; i++) { waitprocid[i] = 258 * (i + 2) } } { x=gsub(/-/," ",c) x = gsub(/-/,",",t) if ($1=="PID") next if ($10=="") next if ( ! idleProcess($1) ) { print "PROCESS", $1, c, nam recnum, $col, 1.0, "I(" t ",pct)" print "PROCESS", $1, c, nam recnum "cmd", $13, 1.0, "T" recnum++ if (recnum > 3) exit } } function idleProcess(pid) { for ( i=0 ; i < NCPUS ; i++) { if ( pid == waitprocid[i] ) return 1 } return 0 } END { }' c=$curr col=11 nam=cpu t="0-0-1" >> $pdt_SM # # now memory; . sort -n -r +11 $pdt_tmp/.procs | \ awk ' BEGIN { recnum = 1 NCPUS = '"$ncpus"' for (i=0; i < NCPUS ; i++) { waitprocid[i] = 258 * (i + 2) } } { x=gsub(/-/," ",c) x = gsub(/-/,",",t) if ($1=="PID") next if ($11=="") next if ( ! idleProcess($1) ) { print "PROCESS", $1, c, nam recnum, $col, 1.0, "I(" t ",pct)" print "PROCESS", $1, c, nam recnum "cmd", $13, 1.0, "T" recnum++ if (recnum > 3) exit } } function idleProcess(pid) { for ( i=0 ; i < NCPUS ; i++) { if ( pid == waitprocid[i] ) return 1 } return 0 } END { }' c=$curr col=12 nam=mem t="0-0-1" >> $pdt_SM # # Awk script to extract process info from the 'ps avc' cmd # # In particular, those processes exceeding a given threshold, # and matching a given pattern are emitted to the .SM file. # # parameters: # c=date # str=getty # thresh=cpu util threshold to filter on. # # now getty (identify only those with > 3% cpu utilisation) # note that getty shows up as 'tsm' with the ps avc command awk ' BEGIN { } { x=gsub(/-/," ",c) x = gsub(/-/,",",t) if ($0 ~ str) if ($11 > thresh) print "PROCESS", $1, c, "cpu_too_high", $11, 1.0, "I(" t ",pct)" } END { }' c=$curr str=tsm thresh=3 t="0-0-1" \ $pdt_tmp/.procs >> $pdt_SM