#!/bin/sh # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # bos720 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/odm/notifymeth.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1988,1989 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)86 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/odm/notifymeth.sh, cmderrlg, bos720 5/10/07 16:30:22 # COMPONENT_NAME: CMDERRLG # # FUNCTIONS: error notification script # # ORIGINS: 27 # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1988, 1989 # All Rights Reserved # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # This script is invoked by the errdemon for every entry in the # errnotify class added in /usr/lib/ras/notifylist # # /usr/lib/ras/notifymeth -l sequence_number # # The crecho routine puts a "\r" at the end of each line in case # the console in in raw mode and does not convert \n to \r\n # # The intermediate tmpfile minimizes the time spent writing to the # console and the possibility of having this message written on top of. # # Run notifymeth -i from the /etc/rc file after the errdemon has been # started, bacause errdemon will clear the non-persistent (en_persistenceflg=0) # objects when it is first started. # [ $# -gt 0 ] || exit 0 IPLPATH=`odmget -q"attribute=keylock and value=normal" CuAt` if [ -z "$IPLPATH" ]; then # skip concurrent error notification if boot was from service position exit 0 fi PROGNAME=`basename $0` ERRNOTIFYADD=/usr/lib/ras/errnotify.add ERRNOTIFYCRE=/usr/lib/ras/errnotify.cre TMPFILE=/tmp/errnotify$$ CONSOLE=/dev/console ERRPT=/usr/bin/errpt LANG_ERRD=$LANG [ -z "$LANG_ERRD" -o "$LANG_ERRD" = "" ] && LANG_ERRD=En_US DSPMSG=/usr/bin/dspmsg ODMADD=/usr/bin/odmadd ODMCREATE=/usr/bin/odmcreate ODMDELETE=/usr/bin/odmdelete [ -z "$ODMDIR" -o "$ODMDIR" = "" ] && ODMDIR=/etc/objrepos if [ "$_VERSION2" = "_VERSION2" ] ; then # override when run on local machine CONSOLE=/dev/tty1 ERRPT=errpt CATDIR=$HOME/cat2 DSPCAT=dspcat2 ODMADD=odmadd ODMCREATE=odmcreate ODMDELETE=odmdelete fi # We like the output messages with proper indentation. "echo" interpret # "\t" that means all indentations disappear. # To solve the problem I incorporate cio code in to crecho. crecho() { echo "$1\c" >> $TMPFILE echo "\r" >> $TMPFILE # echo "$1" | cio >> $TMPFILE } cio() { while read LINE ; do echo "$LINE\c" echo "\r" done } USAGE=" Usage: $PROGNAME -i -l seqno err_label resource default errnotify method -i initialize errnotify object class from $ERRNOTIFYADD (/etc/rc). -c clear all non-persistent objects from the errnotify class. -l n l r print recommend actions to the console -r rsrc resource information -t label error notification label " OPTIONS="`getopt Hicl:t:r: $*`" [ $? -eq 0 ] || { echo "$USAGE" ; exit 1 ; } set -- $OPTIONS SEQNO= LABEL= RESOURCE= for i in $* ; do ARG=$1 case $ARG in -c) $ODMDELETE -o errnotify -q "en_persistenceflg = 0" exit $? ;; -i) if [ ! -f $ODMDIR/errnotify ] ; then $ODMCREATE $ERRNOTIFYCRE [ $? -eq 0 ] || exit $? fi [ -f $ERRNOTIFYADD ] || exit 0 $ODMADD $ERRNOTIFYADD exit $? ;; -l) SEQNO=$2 shift ;; -t) LABEL=$2 shift ;; -r) RESOURCE=$2 shift ;; -H) echo "$USAGE" exit 1 ;; --) shift break ;; *) echo "$PROGNAME: invalid argument $i" echo "$USAGE" exit 1 ;; esac shift done [ -z "$SEQNO" ] && exit 0 rm -f $TMPFILE crecho "" crecho "\ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------" if [ -z "$LABEL" ] then Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 1 "A condition has been detected that requires immediate attention."` crecho "$Z" crecho "" $ERRPT -l $SEQNO | cio >> $TMPFILE crecho "" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 2 "If you have installed the Software Error Logging and Dump Service"` crecho "$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 12 "Aids package, bos.sysmgt.serv_aid, then run the command below for"` crecho "$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 13 "more detailed information. Otherwise, move your system error log to"` crecho "$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 14 "a machine that has this package installed, and run the command below."` crecho "$Z" crecho " errpt -a -l $SEQNO -i <logfile>" else case $LABEL in CHECKSTOP) Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 10 "A Checkstop occurred and"` Z2=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 9 "has been logged in the system error log."` crecho "\t$Z $Z2" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 5 "If you have installed the Software Error Logging and Dump Service"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 15 "Aids package, bos.sysmgt.serv_aid, then run the command below to"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 16 "examine the error entry. Otherwise, move your system error log to"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 17 "a machine that has this package installed, and run the command below."` crecho "\t$Z" crecho "\t\terrpt -a -l $SEQNO -i <logfile>" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 6 "Run diagnostics to determine the nature of the problem."` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 11 "If Checkstop occurs repeatedly, contact your service representative."` crecho "\t$Z" ;; SCANOUT) # Scanout data on a CHRP machine. # Could be a checkstop or an AIX problem. Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 53 "A Checkstop or system error occurred and"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 9 "has been logged in the system error log."` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 5 "If you have installed the Software Error Logging and Dump Service"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 15 "Aids package, bos.sysmgt.serv_aid, then run the command below to"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 16 "examine the error entry. Otherwise, move your system error log to"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 17 "a machine that has this package installed, and run the command below."` crecho "\t$Z" crecho "\t\terrpt -a -l $SEQNO -i <logfile>" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 6 "Run diagnostics to determine the nature of the problem."` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 54 "If this error occurs repeatedly, contact your service representative."` crecho "\t$Z" ;; TAPE_ERR3) Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 3 "A recovered error has been detected on device"` crecho "\t$Z $RESOURCE" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 4 "The device may need cleaning or have defective media."` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 5 "If you have installed the Software Error Logging and Dump Service"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 15 "Aids package, bos.sysmgt.serv_aid, then run the command below to"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 16 "examine the error entry. Otherwise, move your system error log to"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 17 "a machine that has this package installed, and run the command below."` crecho "\t$Z" crecho "\t\terrpt -a -l $SEQNO -i <logfile>" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 7 "If problem persists run diagnostics on the device."` crecho "\t$Z" ;; TAPE_ERR6) Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 18 "Tape drive usage for %s has exceeded the recommended cleaning" $RESOURCE` crecho "\t$Z" Z2=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 19 "interval without being cleaned. Use approved cleaning materials to"` crecho "\t$Z2" Z3=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 20 "clean the tape drive."` crecho "\t$Z3" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 5 "If you have installed the Software Error Logging and Dump Service"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 15 "Aids package, bos.sysmgt.serv_aid, then run the command below to"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 16 "examine the error entry. Otherwise, move your system error log to"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 17 "a machine that has this package installed, and run the command below."` crecho "\t$Z" crecho "\t\terrpt -a -l $SEQNO -i <logfile>" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 6 "Run diagnostics to determine the nature of the problem."` crecho "\t$Z" ;; SCSI_ARRAY_ERR6) Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 1 "A condition has been detected that requires immediate attention."` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 21 "A physical disk drive previously configured on the IBM PCI SCSI RAID"` crecho "\t$Z" Z2=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 22 "adapter %s was not detected during adapter configuration." $RESOURCE` crecho "\t$Z2" Z3=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 23 "The physical disk has either been removed or is not detectable."` crecho "\t$Z3" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 24 "Proceed to the IBM PCI SCSI Disk Array Manager Recovery"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 25 "Options where you can either accept that the drive is missing"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 26 "(Display/Accept Configuration Changes), or attempt again to detect"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 27 "the disk (Retry Current Configuration). Until one of these options."` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 28 "is successfully executed, no logical RAID disks will be made."` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 29 "available on this adapter."` crecho "\t$Z" ;; SCSI_ARRAY_ERR7) Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 1 "A condition has been detected that requires immediate attention."` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 30 "A physical disk drive that is part of a logical RAID disk configured"` crecho "\t$Z" Z2=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 31 "on the IBM PCI SCSI RAID adapter %s has failed. The corresponding." $RESOURCE` crecho "\t$Z2" Z3=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 32 "logical RAID disk is now either degraded or offline. Proceed to the"` crecho "\t$Z3" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 33 "List IBM PCI SCSI Disk Arrays option in the IBM PCI SCSI Disk Array"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 34 "Manager to determine which physical disk has failed and if a hotspare"` crecho "\t$Z" Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 35 "rebuild has been initiated."` crecho "\t$Z" ;; RECOVERY_NOTIFY) Z=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 61 "A kernel error recovery action has occurred. A recovery log"` crecho "\t$Z" Z2=`$DSPMSG cmderrlg.cat -s 2 9 "has been logged in the system error log."` crecho "\t$Z2" ;; esac fi crecho "\ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "">>$TMPFILE ( mail -s "Error Notification" root < $TMPFILE; cat $TMPFILE > $CONSOLE ; rm -f $TMPFILE) &