/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
/*                                                                        */
/* bos720 src/bos/usr/include/odmi.h 1.36                                 */
/*                                                                        */
/* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989,1993              */
/* All Rights Reserved                                                    */
/*                                                                        */
/* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or            */
/* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.      */
/*                                                                        */
/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
/* static char sccsid[] = "@(#)66  1.36  src/bos/usr/include/odmi.h, libodm, bos720 4/14/09 15:54:52"; */
 *   ORIGINS: 27
 *                    -- (                            when
 *   combined with the aggregated modules for this product)
 *   (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989,2009
 *   All Rights Reserved
 *   US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
 *   disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

#ifndef _H_ODMI
#define _H_ODMI
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>
#include <sys/limits.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define MAX_ODMI_CRIT 256
#define MAX_CLASSES 1024

/* For redefining old (now obsolete) names */
#define objlistinfo listinfo
#define odmcf_errno odmerrno

/* Used with odm_get_obj() */
#define ODM_FIRST 1     /* Get the first object */
#define ODM_NEXT  0     /* Get the next object  */

/* Used with odm_lock() */
#define ODM_WAIT   -1  /* Wait forevever                               */
#define ODM_NOWAIT  0  /* Return immediately if lock cannot be granted */

/* The Class structure is the primary means of identifying an ODM class to
 * the ODM library routines.  The Class structure is either generated by
 * the odmcreate command, in which case it will typically have a name of
 * form <odm_name>_CLASS, or a pointer to the structure is obtained by the
 * application calling the odm_mount_class() routine.  If using the Class
 * structure generated by the odmcreate command, the .c file that the command
 * generates will need to be compiled with the application.
 * In any case, the structure is primarily for internal use by the ODM
 * library.  An application must never modify data in this structure.
 * The only field that has meaning to an application is the "structsize"
 * value.  After calling the odm_mount_class(), odm_open_class, or
 * odm_open_class_rdonly() routine, the structsize value will indicater
 * the size, in bytes, of an ODM object as seen by the application.  Since
 * some objects contain pointers, the object size may be different for
 * 32-bit and 64-bit applications.
 * Note - the remaining fields in the Class structure are intended for
 * internal ODM library use only.  Any use of these fields by an application
 * may result in compatibility problems with other releases.
struct Class {
        int begin_magic;
        char *classname;
        int structsize;
        int nelem;
        struct ClassElem *elem;
        struct StringClxn *clxnp;
        int open;
        struct ClassHdr  *hdr;
        char *data;
        int fd;
        int current;
        struct Crit *crit;
        int ncrit;
        char critstring[MAX_ODMI_CRIT];
        int reserved;
        int end_magic;

struct ClassElem {
        char *elemname;
        int type;
        int offset;
        int size;
        struct Class *link;     /* if link or vlink */
        char *col;              /* if link or vlink */
        int linktype;           /* if link or vlink */
        char *holder;           /* temp storage during change */
        int ordinal;            /* future use for virtual database */
        int reserved;

struct ClassHdr {
        int magic;
        int ndata;
        int version;            /* number of times modified */

#define ODMI_MAGIC 0xdcfac      /* hex chars from ODmCF_mAgiC */

struct StringClxn {
        char *clxnname;
        int open;
        struct ClassHdr  *hdr;
        char *data;
        int fd;
        long reserved[2];

#define VCHAR_MAGIC 0xcaa1c     /* hex chars from vChAr_mAg1C */

#define MAX_CRITELEM_LEN 1024
struct Crit {
        char value[MAX_CRITELEM_LEN];
        char name[MAX_CRITELEM_LEN];
        int relation;
        int offset;
        int type;
        int match;

/* ODM error numbers                                         */
/* If an error is added, the message files must be updated   */
/* (odmmsg.h, libodm.msg)                                    */
#define ODMI_OPEN_ERR                   5900 /* Cannot open object class */
#define ODMI_MALLOC_ERR                 5901 /* Cannot allocate memory */
#define ODMI_MAGICNO_ERR                5902 /* Invalid file magic number */
#define ODMI_NO_OBJECT                  5903
#define ODMI_BAD_CRIT                   5904 /* Invalid search criteria */
#define ODMI_INTERNAL_ERR               5905
#define ODMI_TOOMANYCLASSES             5906 /* Accessing too many classes */
#define ODMI_LINK_NOT_FOUND             5907
#define ODMI_INVALID_CLASS              5908
#define ODMI_CLASS_EXISTS               5909
#define ODMI_CLASS_DNE                  5910
#define ODMI_BAD_CLASSNAME              5911
#define ODMI_UNLINKCLASS_ERR            5912
#define ODMI_UNLINKCLXN_ERR             5913
#define ODMI_INVALID_CLXN               5914
#define ODMI_CLXNMAGICNO_ERR            5915
#define ODMI_BAD_CLXNNAME               5916
#define ODMI_CLASS_PERMS                5917 /* PERMISSIONS DON'T ALLOW OPEN */
#define ODMI_BAD_TIMEOUT                5918 /* INVALID TIMEOUT VALUE        */
#define ODMI_BAD_TOKEN                  5919 /* UNABLE TO OPEN/CREATE TOKEN  */
#define ODMI_LOCK_BLOCKED               5920 /* ANOTHER PROCESS HAS LOCK     */
#define ODMI_LOCK_ENV                   5921 /* CANNOT GET/SET ENV VARIABLE  */
#define ODMI_UNLOCK                     5922 /* CANNOT UNLOCK THE TOKEN      */
#define ODMI_BAD_LOCK                   5923 /* UNABLE TO SET LOCK           */
#define ODMI_LOCK_ID                    5924 /* INVALID LOCK ID              */
#define ODMI_PARAMS                     5925 /* INVALID PARAMETERS PASSED IN */
#define ODMI_OPEN_PIPE                  5926 /* COULD NOT OPEN CHILD PIPE    */
#define ODMI_READ_PIPE                  5927 /* COULD NOT READ FROM CHILD PIPE*/
#define ODMI_FORK                       5928 /* COULD NOT FORK CHILD PROCESS */
#define ODMI_INVALID_PATH               5929 /* PATH OR FILE IS INVALID      */
#define ODMI_READ_ONLY                  5930 /* CLASS IS OPENED AS READ-ONLY */
#define ODMI_NO_SPACE                   5931 /* FILESYSTEM FULL */
#define ODMI_VERSION_ERROR		5932 /* Invalid object class version */

/* Object Class Collection Errors */
#define VCHAR_OPEN_ERR                  5800
#define VCHAR_MAGICNO_ERR               5801
#define VCHAR_CLASS_DNE                 5802
#define VCHAR_BADSTRINGADDR             5803
#define VCHAR_CLASS_PERMS               5804

/* This structure used with odm_get_list() and odm_free_list() */
struct listinfo {
        char classname[MAX_ODMI_NAME];
        char crit[MAX_ODMI_CRIT];
        int  num;
        int valid;
#ifndef __cplusplus
        struct Class *class;
        struct Class *____class;

/* This structure used with odm_get_class_info() */
struct odm_classinfo {
	int total;
	int active;
	int version;
	int data_offset;

#define ODM_CHAR                 0
#define ODM_LONGCHAR             1
#define ODM_BINARY               2
#define ODM_SHORT                3
#define ODM_LONG                 4
#define ODM_LINK                 5
#define ODM_METHOD               6
#define ODM_VCHAR                7
#define ODM_DOUBLE               8
#define ODM_ULONG                9
#define ODM_LONG_LONG            10
#define ODM_ULONG_LONG           11 
/* ODM type of 12 is reserved for libodm internal use */

/* FILE FORMATS - these are all obsolete */
#define STANZA      1
#define COLON       2
#define ODM         4
#define DMS         6
#define WHITESPACE  8

#define LINK_INFO_OFFSET    4     /* obsolete */
#define LINK_VAL_OFFSET     8     /* obsolete */

typedef struct Class *CLASS_SYMBOL;     /* The class symbol for most  */
                                        /* applications will be:      */
                                        /*    <class_name>_CLASS      */

#if defined(_THREAD_SAFE) || defined(_THREAD_SAFE_ERRNO)
 * Per thread errno is provided by the threads provider. Both the extern int
 * and the per thread value must be maintained by the threads library.
/* This is the function prototype for function referenced in odmerrno def. */
extern int (*odmErrno(void));
#define odmerrno   (*odmErrno())

/* This is the odmerrno declaration for non-threaded use. */
extern int odmerrno;

extern int odm_initialized;
extern int odm_read_only;	/* Obsolete */

/* libodm function prototypes */
int             odm_add_obj(CLASS_SYMBOL,void *);
int             odm_change_obj(CLASS_SYMBOL,void *);
int             odm_close_class(CLASS_SYMBOL);
int             odm_create_class(CLASS_SYMBOL);
int             odm_free_list(void *, struct listinfo *);
void           *odm_get_by_id(CLASS_SYMBOL, int, void *);
int		odm_get_class_info(CLASS_SYMBOL, struct odm_classinfo *);
void           *odm_get_first(CLASS_SYMBOL, char *, void *);
void           *odm_get_list(CLASS_SYMBOL, char *, struct listinfo *, int, int);
void           *odm_get_next(CLASS_SYMBOL, void *);
void           *odm_get_obj(CLASS_SYMBOL, char *, void *, int);
int             odm_initialize(void);
int             odm_lock(char *, int);
CLASS_SYMBOL    odm_mount_class(char *);
int             odm_err_msg(int, char **);
CLASS_SYMBOL    odm_open_class(CLASS_SYMBOL);
CLASS_SYMBOL	odm_open_class_rdonly(CLASS_SYMBOL);
int             odm_rm_by_id(CLASS_SYMBOL, long);
int             odm_rm_class(CLASS_SYMBOL);
int             odm_rm_obj(CLASS_SYMBOL,char *);
int             odm_run_method(char *, char*, char **, char **);
char           *odm_set_path(char *);
int             odm_set_perms(int);
int             odm_terminate(void);
int             odm_unlock(int);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _H_ODMI */