// This is an automatically generated prolog. 
// gos720 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/data/xkeyboard-config/compat/japan 1.1 
// Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
// COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2007 
// All Rights Reserved 
// US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
// disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
// $Xorg: japan,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:54:34 cpqbld Exp $

// Japanese keyboards need Eisu and Kana shift and 
// lock keys, which are typically bound to the
// second shift level for some other modifier key.
// These interpretations disable the default
// interpretation (which would have these keys set
// the same modifier as the level one symbol).

default partial xkb_compatibility "japan"  {

    interpret.repeat= False;

    interpret Eisu_Shift+Lock {
	action= NoAction();

    interpret Eisu_toggle+Lock {
	action= NoAction();

    interpret Kana_Shift+Lock {
	action= NoAction();

    interpret Kana_Lock+Lock {
	action= NoAction();

// Some Japanese keyboards have an explict Kana Lock key & matching LED

partial xkb_compatibility "kana_lock"  {

    virtual_modifiers Kana_Lock;

    interpret Kana_Lock+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
        virtualModifier= Kana_Lock;
        action= LockGroup(group=+1);

    indicator "Kana" {
	groups= All-Group1;