Please import bulkct.mdl for the "Bulk Load Code Template" new feature.

After the import, you will see there are two new folders under "Public Code Templates", they are "COMMAND_CT" and "CUSTOM_CT". There are some re-usable code snippets under "COMMAND_CT" which can be used to assemble other Code Templates; Under "CUSTOM_CT", there are 3 Load Code Templates, which are "LCT_ORACLE_TO_ORACLE_DPUMP" (bulk load from ORACLE to ORACLE), "LCT_DB2UDB_TO_ORACLE_BULK" (bulk load from DB2 to ORACLE) and "LCT_SQLSERVER_TO_ORACLE_BULK" (bulk load from SQLSERVER to ORACLE).

For more details on using the new feature, please refer to the OWB documentation.