 * $Header: oals.h 05-feb-2001.15:08:01 dthakuri Exp $ 

/* Copyright (c) 1991 by Oracle Corporation */
     oals.h - Office Automation Language Support
     NLS support functions. 

     These functions fill some of the holes in functionality in the 
     NLS runtime library.

      oalstol - OA Language String TO Long
      oalsubx - OA Language SUBstring eXtract
      oalsstr - OA Language Search for subSTRing 
      oalsceq - OA Language String Compare for EQuality 
      oalscfc - OA Language String Compare Future Character
      oalsbgc - OA Language Single-Byte Get Character
      oalschq - OA Language Support CHaracter eQuals 
      oalsadv - OA Language Support ADVance
     Because these functions often call the more-specific NLSRTL
     functions, your code may be more efficient if you used those
     functions instead of these. 
    dthakuri   02/05/01  - Olint error fix.
    ewinner    10/07/96 -  core3 upgrade 
    tkukulsk   04/13/94 -  fix synatax error, add macro to header 
    tkukulsk   04/11/94 -  add some useful macros 
    tkukulsk   04/11/94 -  add OALS_NONE to public constants 
    tkukulsk   03/17/94 -  add prototype for oalsadv 
    tkukulsk   02/22/94 -  Creation 

#ifndef OALS
#define OALS

# ifndef S
# include <s.h>
# endif

# ifndef LX
# include <lx.h>
# endif  /* LX */


/* the following bit patterns are used to indicate options to
   NLS functions */

/* no special equivalence is to be used */
#define OALS_NONE 0

/* single-byte and multi-byte are equivalent */
#define OALS_SM 1

/* comparison should be done case-insensitive */
#define OALS_UL 2

/* copy to single-byte */
#define OALS_SB 4

/* copy to multibyte */
#define OALS_MB 8

/* copy to uppercase */
#define OALS_UC 16

/* copy to lowercase */
#define OALS_LC 32

   the following two function's definition is nowhere to be found
   neither has it been invoked anywhere.  That's why, commenting
   it out in order to take care of Olint errors.
#ifdef NEVER
uword oalstol (/*_ listp *, sb4 *, lxglo * _*/);

*  oalstol - OA Language String TO Long
*  USE
*  uword oalstol ( listp *reader, slong *result, lxglo *glo );
*  This reads an integer value (Base 10) from an open string.
*  Leading whitespace, and the number itself  will be consumed, if a
*  value is returned.
*  listp  *reader - (IN/OUT) Handle to a string opened for reading.
*  slong  *result - (OUT) Pointer to a signed long integer. If a value is
*                         succesfully read, it will be placed here.
*  lxglo  *glo    - (IN/OUT) Pointer to NLSRTL global scratch.
*  uword   <rval> - Number of characters (not neccisarily bytes) consumed.
*  A minus-sign may be placed before the first digit in order to input
*  a negative number.
*  This does not distinguish between single-byte and multibyte text
*  If no number is read, or if the value overflows, <reader> and
* <result> remain unchanged, and zero is returned
*  If the number exceeds SB4MAXVAL, the entire number is consumed, and
*  SB4MAXVAL is returned. (The negative case also holds)
size_t oalsubx(/*_ text *dest, text *source, uword start, uword len,
                 uword flags, lx_langid lid, lxglo *glo _*/);
*  oalsubx - OA Language SUBstring eXtract
*  USE
*  size_t oalsubx ( text *dest, text *source, uword start, uword len,
*                   uword flags, lx_langid lid, lxglo *glo );
*  This copies a substring from <source> to <dest>.
*  The initial <start> characters of <source> are skipped, and then
*  <len> additional characters are copied, providing that end-of-string
*  is not encountered. <Dest> is then NULL-terminated. 
*  The number of bytes written to DEST (including NULL-termination)
*  is returned.
*  text      *dest   - (OUT) Pointer to destination buffer.
*  text      *source - (IN)  Pointer to source buffer.
*  uword      start  - Number of characters to skip before copying.
*  uword      len    - Maximum number of characters to copy.
*  uword      flags  - how should this substring be copied?
*                    -- OALS_SB convert to single-byte
*                    -- OALS_MB convert to multi-byte
*                    -- OALS_UC convert to upper-case
*                    -- OALS_LC convert to lower-case
*                    - ( X-byte flags may be combined with X-case
*                        flags, but performance will be reduced)
*  lx_langid  lid    - language ID for use by NLSRTL
*  lxglo     *glo    - (IN/OUT) Pointer to NLSRTL global scratch.
*  size_t    <rval>  - Number of bytes requred to store output string.
*  If you already have a handle to the beginning of the substring, it
*  will be slightly more efficient to use inline code top copy the substring.
*  If you specify that you want to convert both the CASE and the
*  SM-byte-ness of a string, performance will be greatly reduced.
*  INSTEAD, if you have an extra buffer, do one conversion and then
*  the other. 

   the following two function's definition is nowhere to be found
   neither has it been invoked anywhere.  That's why, commenting
   it out in order to take care of Olint errors.
#ifdef NEVER
sword oalsstr (/*_ listp *reader, text *pat, uword flags, lxglo *glo _*/);

*  oalsstr - OA Language Search for subSTRing 
*  USE
*  sword oalsstr ( listp *reader, text *pat, uword flags, lxglo *glo );
*  Finds first occurence of <pat> within <reader>, advances
*  <reader> to the beginning of the matching string, and returns the
*  number of characters skipped. If no match is found, <reader> will be
*  unchanged, and a value of -1 will be returned.
*  <Flags> is used to indicate various types of equivalency (see parameters)

*  listp *reader - (IN/OUT) Handle to a string opened for reading.
*  text  *pat    - (IN) Pointer to the string to be searched for in <reader> 
*  uword  flags  - Bit field, specifying equvalency.
*                -- OALS_SM   accept "<A>" as equivalent to "A"
*                -- OALS_UL   accept "a"   as equivalent to "A"
*                modes may be OR-ed together
*  lxglo *glo    - (IN/OUT) Pointer to NLSRTL global scratch.
*  uword  <rval> - Number of characters (not neccisarily bytes) consumed.
*  performance may drop off quickly when uppercase/lowercase equivalency
*  is turned on, because of the increased number of function calls

   the following two function's definition is nowhere to be found
   neither has it been invoked anywhere.  That's why, commenting
   it out in order to take care of Olint errors.
#ifdef NEVER
uword oalschq (/*_ listp *a, listp *b, uword flags, lxglo *glo _*/);

*  oalschq - OA Language Support CHaracter eQuals 
*  USE
*  uword oalschq ( listp *a, listp *b, uword flags, lxglo *glo );
*  returns TRUE if the current characters of <a> and <b> are equivalent 
*  <Flags> is used to indicate various types of equivalency (see parameters)

*  listp *a      - (IN) Handle to a string opened for reading.
*  listp *b      - (IN) Handle to a string opened for reading.
*  uword  flags  - Bit field, specifying equvalency.
*                -- OALS_SM   accept "<A>" as equivalent to "A"
*                -- OALS_UL   accept "a"   as equivalent to "A"
*                modes may be OR-ed together
*  lxglo *glo    - (IN/OUT) Pointer to NLSRTL global scratch.
*  uword  <rval> - Number of characters (not neccisarily bytes) consumed.
*  Performance may drop off quickly when doing uppercase/lowercase
*  equivalence, due to the increased number of function calls required.
uword oalsceq (/*_ text *a,text *b, uword flags, lx_langid lid,lxglo *glo_*/);
*  oalsceq - OA Language String Compare for EQuality 
*  USE
*  uword oalsceq ( text *a,text *b,uword flags, lx_langid lid, lxglo *glo );
*  Finds first occurence of <pat> within <reader>, advances
*  <reader> to the beginning of the matching string, and returns the
*  number of characters skipped. If no match is found, <reader> will be
*  unchanged, and a value of -1 will be returned.
*  <Flags> is used to indicate various types of equivalency (see parameters)
*  text      *a      - (IN) Pointer to a closed native string
*  text      *b      - (IN) Pointer to a closed native string
*  uword      flags  - Bit field, specifying equvalency desired
*                    -- OALS_SM   accept "<A>" as equivalent to "A"
*                    -- OALS_UL   accept "a"   as equivalent to "A"
*                    modes may be OR-ed together
*  lx_langid  lid    - language ID for use by NLSRTL
*  lxglo     *glo    - (IN/OUT) Pointer to NLSRTL global scratch.
*  uword      <rval> - TRUE if <a> and <b> are equivalent as specified
*                      in <flags>
*  This function checks for equivalence. It does not compare strings.
*  Because of this, it cannot be used for sorting, but may be faster
*  than string comparison.

   the following two function's definition is nowhere to be found
   neither has it been invoked anywhere.  That's why, commenting
   it out in order to take care of Olint errors.
#ifdef NEVER
uword oalscfc (/*_ listp *reader, uword nchars , text c , uword flags,
                  lxglo *glo _*/);

*  oalscfc - OA Language String Compare Future Character
*  USE
*  uword oalscfc ( listp *reader, uword nchars , text c , uword flags,
*                  lx_langid lid, lxglo *glo );
*  Skips ahead <nchars> within <reader> and compares that character
*  with <c>. The comparison is specified by <flags>. This is merely a
*  comparison for equality. This cannot be used for sorting.
*  <Flags> is used to indicate various types of equivalency (see parameters)
*  listp     *reader - (IN) String handle opened for reading
*  uword      nchars - number of characters to skip before comparison
*  text       c      - Single-byte character to be compared against
*                      the future character in <reader>
*  uword      flags  - Bit field, specifying equvalency desired
*                    -- OALS_SM   accept "<A>" as equivalent to "A"
*                    -- OALS_UL   accept "a"   as equivalent to "A"
*                    modes may be OR-ed together
*  lx_langid  lid    - language ID for use by NLSRTL
*  lxglo     *glo    - (IN/OUT) Pointer to NLSRTL global scratch.
*  uword      <rval> - TRUE if <a> and <b> are equivalent as specified
*                      in <flags>
*  This function checks for equivalence. It does not compare strings.
*  Because of this, it cannot be used for sorting.

   the following two function's definition is nowhere to be found
   neither has it been invoked anywhere.  That's why, commenting
   it out in order to take care of Olint errors.
#ifdef NEVER
text  oalsbgc (/*_ listp *reader, uword flags, lxglo *glo _*/);

*  oalsbgc - OA Language Single-Byte Get Character
*  USE
*  text oalsbgc ( listp *reader, uword flags, lxglo *glo );
*  returns ascii value of character, if listp is pointing to an ascii
*  character. If listp is pointing to a multi-byte equivalent, the
*  return value also depends upon <FLAGS>
*  <Flags> is used to indicate various types of equivalency (see parameters)
*  listp     *reader - (IN) String handle opened for reading
*  uword      flags  - Bit field, specifying equvalency desired
*                    -- OALS_SM   accept "<A>" as equivalent to "A"
*                    -- (if OALS_SM isn't set will return 0 for <A>)
*  lxglo     *glo    - (IN/OUT) Pointer to NLSRTL global scratch.
*  text      <rval>  - 0 if character was not ascii
*                      ascii index of character, if ascii character
*  because this function returns '\0' for non-ascii characters, it
*  cannot be used to check for end-of-string
*  instead of calling this with OALS_SM, I suggest calling limtos

   the following two function's definition is nowhere to be found
   neither has it been invoked anywhere.  That's why, commenting
   it out in order to take care of Olint errors.
#ifdef NEVER
uword oalsadv (/*_ listp *reader, uword nchars, lxglo *lig _*/);

*  oalsadv - OA Language Support ADVance
*  USE
*  uword oalsadv ( listp *reader, uword nchars );
*  Skips ahead <nchars> within <reader>, if possible.
*  Returns the number of characters skipped.
*  listp     *reader - (IN/OUT) String handle opened for reading
*  uword      nchars - number of characters to skip
*  uword      <rval> - number of characters actually skipped

*  OALSCPR - CoPy Remaining characters
*  USE
*  void oalscpr ( listp *writer, listp *readerr, lxglo *glo );
*  listp *reader - (IN/OUT) null-terminated string handle opened for reading
*  listp *writer - (IN/OUT) string handle opened for writing
*  lxglo *glo    - (IN/OUT) LI global scratch memory
*  the remaining characters of <reader> are copied to <writer>
*  #define oalscpr(w,r,glo)
*   do {
*        while (!limnull(r))
*           {
*               DISCARD limcpc(w, r, glo);
*           }
*      } while (FALSE)
*   the do {...} while (FALSE) construct is a way of ensuring true
*   function-like behavior to the macro.

   the following two function's definition is nowhere to be found
   neither has it been invoked anywhere.  That's why, commenting
   it out in order to take care of Olint errors.
#ifdef NEVER
void OALSCPR( listp *writer, listp*reader, lxglo *glo);

#define OALSCPR(writer,reader,glo) do { while (!lxmnull((reader), glo)) { \
DISCARD lxmcpc((writer),(reader),(glo)); } } while (FALSE)

#endif /* OALS */