REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package &phase=plb \ REM dbdrv: checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE /*=======================================================================+ | Copyright (c) 1995 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA| | All rights reserved. | +=======================================================================+ | FILENAME | wfprgb.pls | DESCRIPTION | PL/SQL body for package: WF_PURGE | NOTES | Routines to purge obsolete runtime data | MODIFICATION LOG: | 12/01 JWSMITH BUG2070056 - Performance fix in procedure Items | 04/02 JWSMITH BUG2208127 - Performance fix in procedure Activities | 12/02 CTILLEY BUG2642057 - Added FORCE parameter to procedure Items | to allow for child items to be deleted | even if parent is not complete. | 02/11 CTILLEY BUG2755885 - Added rowid to item2purge in procedure | Items to resolve infinite loop *=======================================================================*/ SET VERIFY OFF; WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; create or replace package body WF_PURGE as /* $Header: wfprgb.pls 26.46 2004/12/13 06:24:38 averma ship $ */ -- procedure Move_To_History -- Move wf_item_activity_status rows for particular itemtype/key from -- main table to history table. -- IN: -- itemtype - Item type to move, or null for all itemtypes -- itemkey - Item key to move, or null for all itemkeys -- procedure Move_To_History( itemtype in varchar2, itemkey in varchar2) is begin -- Bug 3228475 Disallow partial values being passed for itemtype -- or itemkey if ((itemkey is not null and (instr(itemkey,'%')>0 or itemtype is null)) or (instr(itemtype,'%')>0)) then Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; if (itemtype is not null and itemkey is null) then -- Insert into history table insert into WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H ( ITEM_TYPE, ITEM_KEY, PROCESS_ACTIVITY, ACTIVITY_STATUS, ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE, ASSIGNED_USER, NOTIFICATION_ID, BEGIN_DATE, END_DATE, EXECUTION_TIME, ERROR_NAME, ERROR_MESSAGE, ERROR_STACK ) select ITEM_TYPE, ITEM_KEY, PROCESS_ACTIVITY, ACTIVITY_STATUS, ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE, ASSIGNED_USER, NOTIFICATION_ID, BEGIN_DATE, END_DATE, EXECUTION_TIME, ERROR_NAME, ERROR_MESSAGE, ERROR_STACK from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES where item_type = itemtype; -- Delete from main table delete from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES where ITEM_TYPE = itemtype; elsif (itemtype is not null) then insert into WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H ( ITEM_TYPE, ITEM_KEY, PROCESS_ACTIVITY, ACTIVITY_STATUS, ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE, ASSIGNED_USER, NOTIFICATION_ID, BEGIN_DATE, END_DATE, EXECUTION_TIME, ERROR_NAME, ERROR_MESSAGE, ERROR_STACK ) select ITEM_TYPE, ITEM_KEY, PROCESS_ACTIVITY, ACTIVITY_STATUS, ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE, ASSIGNED_USER, NOTIFICATION_ID, BEGIN_DATE, END_DATE, EXECUTION_TIME, ERROR_NAME, ERROR_MESSAGE, ERROR_STACK from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES where item_type = itemtype and item_key = itemkey; -- Delete from main table delete from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES where ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and ITEM_KEY = itemkey; else insert into WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H ( ITEM_TYPE, ITEM_KEY, PROCESS_ACTIVITY, ACTIVITY_STATUS, ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE, ASSIGNED_USER, NOTIFICATION_ID, BEGIN_DATE, END_DATE, EXECUTION_TIME, ERROR_NAME, ERROR_MESSAGE, ERROR_STACK ) select ITEM_TYPE, ITEM_KEY, PROCESS_ACTIVITY, ACTIVITY_STATUS, ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE, ASSIGNED_USER, NOTIFICATION_ID, BEGIN_DATE, END_DATE, EXECUTION_TIME, ERROR_NAME, ERROR_MESSAGE, ERROR_STACK from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES; -- Delete from main table execute immediate 'truncate table WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES'; end if; exception when others then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Purge', 'Move_To_History', itemtype, itemkey); raise; end Move_To_History; -- -- procedure Item_Activity_Statuses -- Delete from wf_item_activity_statuses and wf_item_activity_statuses_h -- where end_date before argument. -- IN: -- itemtype - Item type to delete, or null for all itemtypes -- itemkey - Item key to delete, or null for all itemkeys -- enddate - Date to obsolete to -- procedure Item_Activity_Statuses( itemtype in varchar2, itemkey in varchar2, enddate in date) is begin -- Disallow future date in enddate -- Avoid something being purged before its defined persistence period. if (enddate > sysdate) then Wf_Core.Token('SYSDATE', to_char(sysdate)); Wf_Core.Raise('WF_FUTURE_END_DATE'); end if; -- Bug 3228475 Disallow partial values being passed for itemtype -- or itemkey if ((itemkey is not null and (instr(itemkey,'%')>0 or itemtype is null)) or (instr(itemtype,'%')>0)) then Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; if (itemtype is not null and itemkey is null) then -- Delete from _H history table delete from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H WIAS where WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and not exists (select null from WF_ITEMS WI where WI.ITEM_TYPE = WIAS.ITEM_TYPE and WI.ITEM_KEY = WIAS.ITEM_KEY and WI.END_DATE is null) and exists (select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WIAS.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0)<=enddate and WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type); -- Delete from main table. delete from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES WIAS where WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and not exists (select null from WF_ITEMS WI where WI.ITEM_TYPE = WIAS.ITEM_TYPE and WI.ITEM_KEY = WIAS.ITEM_KEY and WI.END_DATE is null) and exists (select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WIAS.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0)<=enddate and WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type); elsif (itemtype is not null) then -- Delete from _H history table. delete from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H WIAS where ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and ITEM_KEY = itemkey and not exists (select null from WF_ITEMS WI where WI.ITEM_TYPE = WIAS.ITEM_TYPE and WI.ITEM_KEY = WIAS.ITEM_KEY and WI.END_DATE is null) and exists (select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WIAS.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0)<=enddate and WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type); -- Delete from main table. delete from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES WIAS where ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and ITEM_KEY = itemkey and not exists (select null from WF_ITEMS WI where WI.ITEM_TYPE = WIAS.ITEM_TYPE and WI.ITEM_KEY = WIAS.ITEM_KEY and WI.END_DATE is null) and exists (select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WIAS.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0)<=enddate and WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type); else -- Delete from _H history table. delete from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H WIAS where not exists (select null from WF_ITEMS WI where WI.ITEM_TYPE = WIAS.ITEM_TYPE and WI.ITEM_KEY = WIAS.ITEM_KEY and WI.END_DATE is null) and exists (select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WIAS.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0)<=enddate and WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type); -- Delete from main table. delete from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES WIAS where not exists (select null from WF_ITEMS WI where WI.ITEM_TYPE = WIAS.ITEM_TYPE and WI.ITEM_KEY = WIAS.ITEM_KEY and WI.END_DATE is null) and exists (select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WIAS.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0)<=enddate and WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type); end if; exception when others then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Purge', 'Item_Activity_Statuses', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(enddate)); raise; end Item_Activity_Statuses; -- -- procedure Items -- Delete items with end_time before argument. -- IN: -- itemtype - Item type to delete, or null for all itemtypes -- itemkey - Item key to delete, or null for all itemkeys -- enddate - Date to obsolete to -- docommit- Do not commit if set to false -- procedure Items( itemtype in varchar2, itemkey in varchar2, enddate in date, docommit in boolean, force in boolean) is dummy varchar2(240); c_item_type varchar2(8); c_item_key varchar2(240); keep number; -- Bug 1895332 xrowid varchar2(80); -- Bug 2755885 keep track of rowid -- CTILLEY bug 2755885 include rowid in where clause to resolve -- infinite loop -- CTILLEY bug 3228475 - remove like item type and item key to -- performance violation. Added item5purge to query records -- where itemtype is passed but no itemkey. No longer supporting -- partial values for either item type or item key. cursor item2purge is select WI.ROWID, WI.ITEM_TYPE, WI.ITEM_KEY from WF_ITEMS WI where WI.ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and WI.ROWID > xrowid and exists (select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WI.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0)<=enddate and WI.ITEM_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type) order by WI.ROWID; -- JWSMITH bug 2070056 - add new cursor for performance cursor item3purge is select /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ WI.ITEM_TYPE, WI.ITEM_KEY from WF_ITEMS WI where WI.ITEM_KEY = itemkey and WI.ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and exists (select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WI.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0)<=enddate and WI.ITEM_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type); -- CTILLEY bug 2642057 - added new cursor for use when FORCE -- arg is TRUE. cursor item4purge is select /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ WI.ITEM_TYPE, WI.ITEM_KEY from WF_ITEMS WI where WI.ITEM_KEY = itemkey and WI.ITEM_TYPE = itemtype; -- CTILLEY bug 3228475 - Added new cursor to resolve performance violation -- of using like condition. We will no longer support passing partial values -- for item type or item key. cursor item5purge is select WI.ROWID, WI.ITEM_TYPE, WI.ITEM_KEY from WF_ITEMS WI where WI.ROWID > xrowid and exists (select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WI.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0)<=enddate and WI.ITEM_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type) order by WI.ROWID; cursor nid_loop (p_item_type varchar2, p_item_key varchar2) is select notification_id, rowid, 'S' tab from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES where item_type = p_item_type and item_key = p_item_key and notification_id is not null union all select notification_id, rowid, 'H' from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H where item_type = p_item_type and item_key = p_item_key and notification_id is not null; no_lock exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(no_lock, -54); -- ora-2292 = integrity constraint (%s.%s) violated - child record found in_other_status_table exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(in_other_status_table, -02292); -- CTILLEY 2755885 -- ora-1436 CONNECT BY loop in user data - parent_item_type = item_type connect_by_loop exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(connect_by_loop,-1436); -- invalid_component exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_component, -302); invalid_identifier exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_identifier, -201); -- begin -- CTILLEY bug2755885 xrowid := '0'; -- Disallow future date in enddate -- Avoid something being purged before its defined persistence period. if (enddate > sysdate) then Wf_Core.Token('SYSDATE', to_char(sysdate)); Wf_Core.Raise('WF_FUTURE_END_DATE'); end if; if ((itemkey is not null and (instr(itemkey,'%')>0 or itemtype is null)) or (instr(itemtype,'%')>0)) then wf_core.raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; --for all items that are valid to purge -- outer loop for purging items. <> loop if (force) then -- CTILLEY bug 2642057 open item4purge; -- JWSMITH bug 2070056 -- CTILLEY bug 3228475 - no longer supporting partial values for itemtype -- and itemkey. elsif (itemtype is not null and itemkey is null) then open item2purge; elsif (itemtype is not null) then open item3purge; else open item5purge; end if; -- Inner loop <> loop -- CTILLEY bug 2642057 if (force) then fetch item4purge into c_item_type, c_item_key; if (item4purge%notfound) then exit outer_purge; end if; -- JWSMITH bug 2070056 elsif (itemtype is not null and itemkey is null) then fetch item2purge into xrowid, c_item_type, c_item_key; if (item2purge%notfound) then exit outer_purge; end if; -- CTILLEY bug 3228475 elsif (itemtype is not null) then fetch item3purge into c_item_type, c_item_key; if (item3purge%notfound) then exit outer_purge; end if; else fetch item5purge into xrowid, c_item_type, c_item_key; if (item5purge%notfound) then exit outer_purge; end if; end if; -- Bug 1895332 -- Delete the detail work item only if the master work item has -- completed keep := 0; -- CTILLEY Bug 2642057 - adding FORCE mode parameter to resolve issues -- in OM where they have committed child records that need to be deleted -- although the parent flow has not completed. if (NOT force) then /* CTILLEY 2755885 use new hierarchial query to ensure no parent or child records exist. -- Check if any parent that is still active exists for this -- itemtype and itemkey SELECT count(1) INTO keep FROM WF_ITEMS WIC, WF_ITEMS WIP WHERE WIC.ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type AND WIC.ITEM_KEY = c_item_key AND WIC.PARENT_ITEM_TYPE is not null AND WIP.ITEM_TYPE = WIC.PARENT_ITEM_TYPE AND WIP.ITEM_KEY = WIC.PARENT_ITEM_KEY AND WIP.END_DATE is null ; */ -- CTILLEY bug 2755885 - change the check from only checking the parent -- to checking for any open record in the heirarchy (child, parent, etc) begin SELECT 1 INTO keep FROM SYS.DUAL WHERE EXISTS (SELECT null FROM WF_ITEMS WI WHERE END_DATE IS NULL START WITH WI.ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type AND WI.ITEM_KEY = c_item_key CONNECT BY PRIOR WI.ITEM_TYPE = WI.PARENT_ITEM_TYPE AND PRIOR WI.ITEM_KEY = WI.PARENT_ITEM_KEY); exception when no_data_found then begin SELECT 1 INTO keep FROM SYS.DUAL WHERE EXISTS (SELECT null /* no parent flow */ FROM WF_ITEMS WI WHERE END_DATE IS NULL START WITH WI.ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type AND WI.ITEM_KEY = c_item_key CONNECT BY PRIOR WI.PARENT_ITEM_TYPE = WI.ITEM_TYPE AND PRIOR WI.PARENT_ITEM_KEY = WI.ITEM_KEY); exception when no_data_found then null; when connect_by_loop then null; end; when connect_by_loop then null; end; end if; --If active parent exists for the item then keep is 1. if (keep = 0) then -- Bug 1895332 begin --set row lock on item select item_key into dummy from wf_items where item_type = c_item_type and item_key = c_item_key for update nowait; --if lock is not obtainable then proceed to next one begin --retrieve all status info, including notification_id for nid in nid_loop(c_item_type, c_item_key) loop -- now delete each notification /** Clear reference in WIAS/_H first to avoid foreign key problems. Use the tab created in the cursor to find out which table to access for the select rowid **/ if = 'S' then update WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES set notification_id = null where rowid = nid.rowid; elsif = 'H' then update WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H set notification_id = null where rowid = nid.rowid; end if; delete from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID in (select WN.NOTIFICATION_ID from WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN where WN.GROUP_ID = nid.notification_id); -- -- Delete the signatures related to this notification begin execute IMMEDIATE 'begin Wf_Digital_Security_Private.Purge_Signature_By_Obj_Id(''WF_NTF'', :1); end;' using to_char(nid.notification_id); exception when invalid_identifier then null; when invalid_component then null; end; -- -- Delete notification comments DELETE FROM wf_comments wc WHERE wc.notification_id IN (SELECT wn.notification_id FROM wf_notifications wn WHERE wn.group_id = nid.notification_id); begin delete from WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN where WN.GROUP_ID = nid.notification_id; exception when in_other_status_table then -- happens when nid is also in history table -- we will delete this later in the loop null; end; end loop; --delete all status history. delete from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H where ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type and ITEM_KEY = c_item_key; --delete all statuses. delete from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES where ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type and ITEM_KEY = c_item_key; --delete item attributes delete from WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES where ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type and ITEM_KEY = c_item_key; --finally delete the item itself. delete from WF_ITEMS where ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type and ITEM_KEY = c_item_key; exception when others then rollback; end; exception -- another purge may be locking it when no_lock then null; -- or it could already be deleted when no_data_found then null; end; end if; -- Bug 1895332 -- CTILLEY bug 2642057 if (force) then exit item_purge_loop when ( docommit and item4purge%rowcount = wf_purge.commit_frequency); -- JWSMITH bug 2070056 elsif (itemtype is not null and itemkey is null) then exit item_purge_loop when ( docommit and item2purge%rowcount = wf_purge.commit_frequency); elsif (itemtype is not null) then exit item_purge_loop when ( docommit and item3purge%rowcount = wf_purge.commit_frequency); else exit item_purge_loop when ( docommit and item5purge%rowcount = wf_purge.commit_frequency); end if; end loop item_purge_loop; -- item2purge or item3purge loop if (item2purge%ISOPEN) then close item2purge; end if; if (item3purge%ISOPEN) then close item3purge; end if; if (item4purge%ISOPEN) then close item4purge; end if; -- CTILLEY bug 3228475 if (item5purge%ISOPEN) then close item5purge; end if; if ( docommit ) then commit; fnd_concurrent.set_preferred_rbs; end if; end loop outer_purge; if ( docommit ) then commit; fnd_concurrent.set_preferred_rbs; end if; if (item2purge%ISOPEN) then close item2purge; end if; if (item3purge%ISOPEN) then close item3purge; end if; if (item4purge%ISOPEN) then close item4purge; end if; -- CTILLEY bug 3228475 if (item5purge%ISOPEN) then close item5purge; end if; -- Clear engine runtime cache for convenience Wf_Item.ClearCache; exception when others then if (item2purge%ISOPEN) then close item2purge; end if; if (item3purge%ISOPEN) then close item3purge; end if; if (item4purge%ISOPEN) then close item4purge; end if; -- CTILLEY bug 3228475 if (item5purge%ISOPEN) then close item5purge; end if; Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Purge', 'Items', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(enddate)); raise; end Items; -- -- procedure Activities -- Delete old activity versions with end_time before argument, -- and that are not referenced by an existing item. -- IN: -- itemtype - Item type to delete, or null for all itemtypes -- name - Activity to delete, or null for all activities -- enddate - Date to obsolete to -- NOTE: -- It is recommended to purge Items before purging Activities to avoid -- obsolete item references preventing obsolete activities from being -- deleted. -- procedure Activities( itemtype in varchar2, name in varchar2, enddate in date) is type typetab is table of varchar2(8) index by binary_integer; type nametab is table of varchar2(30) index by binary_integer; -- Select all activities of this itemtype cursor actcurs1 is select distinct WA.ITEM_TYPE, WA.NAME from WF_ACTIVITIES WA where WA.ITEM_TYPE = itemtype; cursor actcurs2 is select distinct WA.ITEM_TYPE, WA.NAME from WF_ACTIVITIES WA where WA.ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and WA.NAME = name; cursor actcurs3 is select distinct WA.ITEM_TYPE, WA.NAME from WF_ACTIVITIES WA; /* JWSMITH BUG 2208127 - took out decode statment as this was */ /* preventing stats from being used and causing performance */ /* issues. Instead have two cursors and if logic to decide */ /* between them. See bug for more details. */ cursor parentcurs1(acttype in varchar2, actname in varchar2) is select WPA.PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE, WPA.PROCESS_NAME from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES WPA where WPA.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = acttype and WPA.ACTIVITY_NAME = actname union select WA.ITEM_TYPE PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE, WA.NAME PROCESS_NAME from WF_ACTIVITIES WA where WA.ERROR_ITEM_TYPE = acttype and WA.ERROR_PROCESS IS NOT NULL; -- Select processes using an activity in any version, -- or referencing this activity as an error process cursor parentcurs2(acttype in varchar2, actname in varchar2) is select WPA.PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE, WPA.PROCESS_NAME from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES WPA where WPA.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = acttype and WPA.ACTIVITY_NAME = actname union select WA.ITEM_TYPE PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE, WA.NAME PROCESS_NAME from WF_ACTIVITIES WA where WA.ERROR_ITEM_TYPE = acttype and WA.ERROR_PROCESS = actname; parent parentcurs1%rowtype; parent1 parentcurs2%rowtype; -- Select all versions of an activity before given enddate cursor vercurs(acttype in varchar2, actname in varchar2) is select WA.BEGIN_DATE, WA.END_DATE, WA.VERSION from WF_ACTIVITIES WA where WA.ITEM_TYPE = acttype and WA.NAME = actname and exists (select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WA.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0)<=enddate and WA.ITEM_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type); --Use itemcurs1 if the rootname is 'ROOT' cursor itemcurs1(begdate in date, enddate in date, roottype in varchar2, rootname in varchar2) is select WI.ITEM_TYPE, WI.ITEM_KEY, WI.ROOT_ACTIVITY, WI.BEGIN_DATE from WF_ITEMS WI where WI.BEGIN_DATE between begdate and nvl(enddate, WI.BEGIN_DATE) and WI.ITEM_TYPE = roottype; --Use itemcurs2 for other rootnames cursor itemcurs2(begdate in date, enddate in date, roottype in varchar2, rootname in varchar2) is select WI.ITEM_TYPE, WI.ITEM_KEY, WI.ROOT_ACTIVITY, WI.BEGIN_DATE from WF_ITEMS WI where WI.BEGIN_DATE between begdate and nvl(enddate, WI.BEGIN_DATE) and WI.ITEM_TYPE = roottype and WI.ROOT_ACTIVITY = rootname ; item itemcurs1%rowtype; item1 itemcurs2%rowtype; -- List of processes/activities yet to be checked checkcur pls_integer; checkmax pls_integer; checktype typetab; checkname nametab; -- List of processes already checked foundmax pls_integer; foundtype typetab; foundname nametab; -- List of possible root processes found rootmax pls_integer; roottype typetab; rootname nametab; found boolean; rootid pls_integer; refflag boolean; numvers pls_integer; c_item_type varchar2(8); c_name varchar2(30); begin -- Disallow future date in enddate -- Avoid something being purged before its defined persistence period. if (enddate > sysdate) then Wf_Core.Token('SYSDATE', to_char(sysdate)); Wf_Core.Raise('WF_FUTURE_END_DATE'); end if; -- Bug 3228475 Disallow partial values for itemtype and activity name if ((itemtype is not null and (instr(name,'%')>0 or itemtype is null)) or (instr(itemtype,'%')>0)) then Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; <> loop if (itemtype is not null and name is null) then open actcurs1; elsif (itemtype is not null) then open actcurs2; else open actcurs3; end if; <> loop if (itemtype is not null and name is null) then fetch actcurs1 into c_item_type, c_name; if (actcurs1%notfound) then exit outer_actloop; end if; elsif (itemtype is not null) then fetch actcurs2 into c_item_type, c_name; if (actcurs2%notfound) then exit outer_actloop; end if; else fetch actcurs3 into c_item_type, c_name; if (actcurs3%notfound) then exit outer_actloop; end if; end if; -- Build table of all possible root processes referencing this activity. -- Start with only this activity on the check list, -- and the found and root lists empty. checkcur := 1; checkmax := 1; checktype(1) := c_item_type; checkname(1) := c_name; foundmax := 0; rootmax := 0; -- While processes left to check... <> while (checkcur <= checkmax) loop -- JWSMITH BUG 2208127, Determine which cursor to use. if (checkname(checkcur) = 'ROOT') then -- If this node is already a root, add it to the list immediately. rootmax := rootmax + 1; roottype(rootmax) := checktype(checkcur); rootname(rootmax) := checkname(checkcur); open parentcurs1(checktype(checkcur),checkname(checkcur)); else open parentcurs2(checktype(checkcur),checkname(checkcur)); end if; -- Get all processes referencing this activity <> -- JWSMITH BUG 2208127, Determine which cursor to use. loop if (checkname(checkcur) = 'ROOT') then fetch parentcurs1 into parent; EXIT WHEN parentcurs1%NOTFOUND; else fetch parentcurs2 into parent1; EXIT WHEN parentcurs2%NOTFOUND; parent := parent1; end if; if (parent.process_name = 'ROOT') then -- If we have reached a root node, add this to this list -- of root processes to check. rootmax := rootmax + 1; roottype(rootmax) := checktype(checkcur); rootname(rootmax) := checkname(checkcur); else -- Otherwise, check if we have already found this activity -- (Found means it has either already been checked or is -- currently in the check queue.) found := FALSE; <> for i in 1 .. foundmax loop if ((foundtype(i) = parent.process_item_type) and (foundname(i) = parent.process_name)) then found := TRUE; exit foundloop; end if; end loop foundloop; -- This is the first time this process has been found. -- Add it to the found list and the list of further -- processes to check. if (not found) then -- Add to list of processes found foundmax := foundmax + 1; foundtype(foundmax) := parent.process_item_type; foundname(foundmax) := parent.process_name; -- Add parent process to list to check checkmax := checkmax + 1; checktype(checkmax) := parent.process_item_type; checkname(checkmax) := parent.process_name; end if; end if; -- end not root child end loop parentloop; if (parentcurs1%ISOPEN) then CLOSE parentcurs1; elsif (parentcurs2%ISOPEN) then CLOSE parentcurs2; end if; checkcur := checkcur + 1; end loop checkloop; -- All versions of this activity ... <> for ver in vercurs(c_item_type, c_name) loop refflag := FALSE; -- All root processes in reference table ... <> for i in 1 .. rootmax loop -- All items in this version using this root process if (rootname(i) = 'ROOT') then open itemcurs1(ver.begin_date, ver.end_date,roottype(i),rootname(i)); else open itemcurs2(ver.begin_date, ver.end_date,roottype(i),rootname(i)); end if; /** ** Use the itemcur1/itemcur2 depending on rootname ** ROOT or not for item in itemcurs(ver.begin_date, ver.end_date, roottype(i), rootname(i)) loop **/ <> loop if (rootname(i)= 'ROOT') then fetch itemcurs1 into item; EXIT WHEN itemcurs1%NOTFOUND; else fetch itemcurs2 into item1; EXIT WHEN itemcurs2%NOTFOUND; item := item1; end if; begin -- Search tree for a reference rootid := Wf_Process_Activity.RootInstanceId(item.item_type, item.item_key, item.root_activity); if (Wf_Process_Activity.IsChild(rootid, c_item_type, c_name, item.begin_date)) then refflag := TRUE; exit rootloop; end if; exception when others then -- If any errors occur while searching the item, then the -- item process has been somehow corrupted. -- To be on the safe side, assume it might have a reference -- and do not purge this act/version. refflag := TRUE; exit rootloop; end; end loop itemloop; if (itemcurs1%ISOPEN) then CLOSE itemcurs1; elsif (itemcurs2%ISOPEN) then CLOSE itemcurs2; end if; end loop rootloop; if (itemcurs1%ISOPEN) then CLOSE itemcurs1; elsif (itemcurs2%ISOPEN) then CLOSE itemcurs2; end if; if (not refflag) then -- Purge the activity if no reference found -- Delete any process activities and -- their attribute values and transitions delete from WF_ACTIVITY_ATTR_VALUES WAAV where WAAV.PROCESS_ACTIVITY_ID in (select WPA.INSTANCE_ID from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES WPA where WPA.PROCESS_NAME = c_name and WPA.PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type and WPA.PROCESS_VERSION = ver.version); delete from WF_ACTIVITY_TRANSITIONS WAT where WAT.TO_PROCESS_ACTIVITY in (select WPA.INSTANCE_ID from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES WPA where WPA.PROCESS_NAME = c_name and WPA.PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type and WPA.PROCESS_VERSION = ver.version); delete from WF_ACTIVITY_TRANSITIONS WAT where WAT.FROM_PROCESS_ACTIVITY in (select WPA.INSTANCE_ID from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES WPA where WPA.PROCESS_NAME = c_name and WPA.PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type and WPA.PROCESS_VERSION = ver.version); delete from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES WPA where WPA.PROCESS_NAME = c_name and WPA.PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type and WPA.PROCESS_VERSION = ver.version; -- Delete activity attributes and _tl delete from WF_ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTES_TL WAAT where WAAT.ACTIVITY_NAME = c_name and WAAT.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type and WAAT.ACTIVITY_VERSION = ver.version; delete from WF_ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTES WAA where WAA.ACTIVITY_NAME = c_name and WAA.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type and WAA.ACTIVITY_VERSION = ver.version; -- Delete from activities table and _tl table. delete from WF_ACTIVITIES_TL WAT where WAT.NAME = c_name and WAT.ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type and WAT.VERSION = ver.version; delete from WF_ACTIVITIES WA where WA.NAME = c_name and WA.ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type and WA.VERSION = ver.version; end if; end loop verloop; -- If no versions of activity are left, clear any references to -- this activity in ROOT folders select count(1) into numvers from WF_ACTIVITIES WA where WA.NAME = c_name and WA.ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type; if (numvers = 0) then delete from WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES WPA where WPA.PROCESS_ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type and WPA.PROCESS_NAME = 'ROOT' and WPA.ACTIVITY_ITEM_TYPE = c_item_type and WPA.ACTIVITY_NAME = c_name; end if; end loop actloop; if (actcurs1%ISOPEN) then close actcurs1; end if; if (actcurs2%ISOPEN) then close actcurs2; end if; if (actcurs3%ISOPEN) then close actcurs3; end if; end loop outer_actloop; if (actcurs1%ISOPEN) then close actcurs1; end if; if (actcurs2%ISOPEN) then close actcurs2; end if; if (actcurs3%ISOPEN) then close actcurs3; end if; -- Clear engine runtime cache for convenience Wf_Activity.ClearCache; exception when others then if (actcurs1%ISOPEN) then close actcurs1; end if; if (actcurs2%ISOPEN) then close actcurs2; end if; if (actcurs3%ISOPEN) then close actcurs3; end if; Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Purge', 'Activities', itemtype, to_char(enddate)); raise; end Activities; -- -- procedure Notifications -- Delete old notifications with end_time before argument, -- and that are not referenced by an existing item. -- IN: -- itemtype - Item type to delete, or null for all itemtypes -- enddate - Date to obsolete to -- docommit- Do not commit if set to false -- NOTE: -- It is recommended to purge Items before purging Notifications to avoid -- obsolete item references preventing obsolete notifications from being -- deleted. -- procedure Notifications( itemtype in varchar2, enddate in date, docommit in boolean) is c_notification_id number; -- Cursor to delete all enddated notifications. If the design info for the item -- is available check for the persistence, if not just delete cursor c1 is select /*+ parallel(WN) */ WN.NOTIFICATION_ID from WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN where WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = itemtype and not exists (select NULL from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES WIAS where WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = WN.GROUP_ID) and not exists (select NULL from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H WIAS where WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = WN.GROUP_ID) and ( exists( select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WN.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0) <= enddate and WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type) or not exists( select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WIT.NAME)); cursor c2 is select /*+ parallel(WN) */ WN.NOTIFICATION_ID from WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN where not exists (select NULL from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES WIAS where WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = WN.GROUP_ID) and not exists (select NULL from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H WIAS where WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = WN.GROUP_ID) and ( exists( select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WN.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0) <= enddate and WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type) or not exists( select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WN.MESSAGE_TYPE = WIT.NAME)); -- invalid_component exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_component, -302); invalid_identifier exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_identifier, -201); -- begin -- Disallow future date in enddate -- Avoid something being purged before its defined persistence period. if (enddate > sysdate) then Wf_Core.Token('SYSDATE', to_char(sysdate)); Wf_Core.Raise('WF_FUTURE_END_DATE'); end if; -- Bug 3228475 Disallow partial values being passed for itemtype if (instr(itemtype,'%')>0) then Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- End date all the orphan notifications. This end dates all the notifications -- generated before the enddate parameter value. loop UPDATE /*+ parallel (WN) */ wf_notifications wn SET end_date = nvl(begin_date, to_date('2002/08/01','YYYY/MM/DD')) + 1 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM wf_item_activity_statuses wias WHERE wias.notification_id = wn.group_id) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM wf_item_activity_statuses_h wiash WHERE wiash.notification_id = wn.group_id) AND wn.end_date is null AND wn.begin_date <= enddate AND rownum < Wf_Purge.Commit_Frequency; commit; exit when (sql%NOTFOUND); end loop; <> loop if (itemtype is not null) then open c1; else open c2; end if; <> loop if (itemtype is not null) then fetch c1 into c_notification_id; if (c1%notfound) then exit outer_ntf_loop; end if; else fetch c2 into c_notification_id; if (c2%notfound) then exit outer_ntf_loop; end if; end if; -- Delete notification attributes delete from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID = c_notification_id; -- -- Delete the signatures related to this notification begin execute IMMEDIATE 'begin Wf_Digital_Security_Private.Purge_Signature_By_Obj_Id(''WF_NTF'', :1); end;' using to_char(c_notification_id); exception when invalid_identifier then null; when invalid_component then null; end; -- -- Delete Notification comments DELETE FROM wf_comments wc WHERE wc.notification_id = c_notification_id; -- Delete notifications delete from WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN where WN.NOTIFICATION_ID = c_notification_id; if (itemtype is not null) then exit inner_ntf_loop when ( docommit and (c1%rowcount = wf_purge.commit_frequency)); else exit inner_ntf_loop when ( docommit and (c2%rowcount = wf_purge.commit_frequency)); end if; end loop inner_ntf_loop; if (c1%ISOPEN) then close c1; elsif (c2%ISOPEN) then close c2; end if; -- Commit Decision if (docommit) then commit; Fnd_Concurrent.Set_Preferred_RBS; end if; end loop outer_ntf_loop; if (c1%ISOPEN) then close c1; elsif (c2%ISOPEN) then close c2; end if; -- Commit Decision if (docommit) then commit; Fnd_Concurrent.Set_Preferred_RBS; end if; -- Purge AdHoc Users/Roles/User_Roles Wf_Purge.AdHocDirectory(enddate); exception when others then if (c1%ISOPEN) then close c1; elsif (c2%ISOPEN) then close c2; end if; Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Purge', 'Notifications', itemtype, to_char(enddate)); raise; end Notifications; -- -- procedure Item_Notifications -- Delete notifications sent by a particular item with end_time -- before argument. -- IN: -- itemtype - Item type to delete, or null for all itemtypes -- itemkey - Item key to delete, or null for all itemkeys -- enddate - Date to obsolete to -- docommit- Do not commit if set to false -- procedure Item_Notifications( itemtype in varchar2, itemkey in varchar2, enddate in date, docommit in boolean) is c_notification_id number; cursor c1 is select WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES WIAS, WF_ITEMS WI where WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID is not null and WI.ITEM_TYPE = WIAS.ITEM_TYPE and WI.ITEM_KEY = WIAS.ITEM_KEY and WI.END_DATE is not null and exists (select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WIAS.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0)<=enddate and WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type) union all select WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H WIAS, WF_ITEMS WI where WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID is not null and WI.ITEM_TYPE = WIAS.ITEM_TYPE and WI.ITEM_KEY = WIAS.ITEM_KEY and WI.END_DATE is not null and exists (select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WIAS.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0)<=enddate and WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type); cursor c2 is select WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES WIAS, WF_ITEMS WI where WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and WIAS.ITEM_KEY = itemkey and WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID is not null and WI.ITEM_TYPE = WIAS.ITEM_TYPE and WI.ITEM_KEY = WIAS.ITEM_KEY and WI.END_DATE is not null and exists (select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WIAS.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0)<=enddate and WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type) union all select WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H WIAS, WF_ITEMS WI where WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and WIAS.ITEM_KEY = itemkey and WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID is not null and WI.ITEM_TYPE = WIAS.ITEM_TYPE and WI.ITEM_KEY = WIAS.ITEM_KEY and WI.END_DATE is not null and exists (select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WIAS.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0)<=enddate and WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type); cursor c3 is select WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES WIAS, WF_ITEMS WI where WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID is not null and WI.ITEM_TYPE = WIAS.ITEM_TYPE and WI.ITEM_KEY = WIAS.ITEM_KEY and WI.END_DATE is not null and exists (select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WIAS.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0)<=enddate and WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type) union all select WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID from WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H WIAS, WF_ITEMS WI where WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID is not null and WI.ITEM_TYPE = WIAS.ITEM_TYPE and WI.ITEM_KEY = WIAS.ITEM_KEY and WI.END_DATE is not null and exists (select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WIAS.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0)<=enddate and WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type); begin -- Disallow future date in enddate -- Avoid something being purged before its defined persistence period. if (enddate > sysdate) then Wf_Core.Token('SYSDATE', to_char(sysdate)); Wf_Core.Raise('WF_FUTURE_END_DATE'); end if; -- Bug 3228475 Disallow partial values being passed for itemtype and itemkey if ((itemkey is not null and (instr(itemkey,'%')>0 or itemtype is null)) or (instr(itemtype,'%')>0)) then Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; <> loop if (itemtype is not null and itemkey is null) then open c1; elsif (itemkey is not null) then open c2; else open c3; end if; <> loop if (itemtype is not null and itemkey is null) then fetch c1 into c_notification_id; if (c1%notfound) then exit outer_loop; end if; elsif (itemtype is not null) then fetch c2 into c_notification_id; if (c2%notfound) then exit outer_loop; end if; else fetch c3 into c_notification_id; if (c3%notfound) then exit outer_loop; end if; end if; -- Clear reference in WIAS/_H first to avoid foreign key problems if (itemtype is not null and itemkey is null) then update WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES WIAS set WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = null where WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = c_notification_id; update WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H WIAS set WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = null where WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = c_notification_id; elsif (itemtype is not null) then update WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES WIAS set WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = null where WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and WIAS.ITEM_KEY = itemkey and WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = c_notification_id; update WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H WIAS set WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = null where WIAS.ITEM_TYPE = itemtype and WIAS.ITEM_KEY = itemkey and WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = c_notification_id; else update WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES WIAS set WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = null where WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = c_notification_id; update WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H WIAS set WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = null where WIAS.NOTIFICATION_ID = c_notification_id; end if; -- Delete notification attributes delete from WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES WNA where WNA.NOTIFICATION_ID in (select WN.NOTIFICATION_ID from WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN where WN.GROUP_ID = c_notification_id); -- Delete notifications delete from WF_NOTIFICATIONS WN where WN.GROUP_ID = c_notification_id; if (itemtype is not null and itemkey is null) then exit inner_loop when ( docommit and (c1%rowcount = wf_purge.commit_frequency)); elsif (itemkey is not null) then exit inner_loop when ( docommit and (c2%rowcount = wf_purge.commit_frequency)); else exit inner_loop when ( docommit and (c3%rowcount = wf_purge.commit_frequency)); end if; end loop inner_loop; if (c1%ISOPEN) then close c1; end if; if (c2%ISOPEN) then close c2; end if; if (c3%ISOPEN) then close c3; end if; --Commit Decision if (docommit) then commit; Fnd_Concurrent.Set_Preferred_RBS; end if; end loop outer_loop; if (c1%ISOPEN) then close c1; end if; if (c2%ISOPEN) then close c2; end if; if (c3%ISOPEN) then close c3; end if; exception when others then if (c1%ISOPEN) then close c1; end if; if (c2%ISOPEN) then close c2; end if; if (c3%ISOPEN) then close c3; end if; Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Purge', 'Item_Notifications', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(enddate)); raise; end Item_Notifications; -- -- Total -- Delete all obsolete runtime data with end_time before argument. -- IN: -- itemtype - Item type to delete, or null for all itemtypes -- itemkey - Item key to delete, or null for all itemkeys -- enddate - Date to obsolete to -- docommit- Commit or no commit after each purge of entitiy -- runtimeonly - If true only runtime /transaction data purged -- if false both runtime and design data purged. -- procedure Total( itemtype in varchar2, itemkey in varchar2, enddate in date, docommit in boolean, runtimeonly in boolean ) is -- l_sql varchar2(2000); invalid_component exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_component, -302); invalid_identifier exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_identifier, -201); -- begin -- Disallow future date in enddate -- Avoid something being purged before its defined persistence period. if (enddate > sysdate) then Wf_Core.Token('SYSDATE', to_char(sysdate)); Wf_Core.Raise('WF_FUTURE_END_DATE'); end if; -- Bug 3228475 Disallow partial values from being passed if ((itemkey is not null and (instr(itemkey,'%')>0 or itemtype is null)) or (instr(itemtype,'%')>0)) then Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- Bug 1636510 -- Before attempting to purge items we will abort any error process -- if the activity that launched it is now complete. wf_purge.abortErrorProcess(itemtype, itemkey); wf_purge.items(itemtype, itemkey, enddate, docommit); if (docommit) then commit; Fnd_Concurrent.Set_Preferred_RBS; end if; --Purge design data only if runtime is --set to false if (not runtimeonly) then --also purge design data from activities wf_purge.activities(itemtype=>itemtype, enddate=>enddate); if (docommit) then commit; Fnd_Concurrent.Set_Preferred_RBS; end if; --Directory Information Wf_Purge.Directory(enddate); if (docommit) then commit; Fnd_Concurrent.Set_Preferred_RBS; end if; end if; -- Clear engine runtime cache for convenience Wf_Item.ClearCache; -- Purge orphan notifications only if runtimeonly is false if (not runtimeonly) then Notifications(itemtype, enddate); end if; -- Call ECX Purge -- begin l_sql := 'begin ECX_PURGE.Purge_Items(:1, :2, :3, '; if (docommit) then l_sql := l_sql||'TRUE'; else l_sql := l_sql||'FALSE'; end if; if (runtimeonly) then l_sql := l_sql||', TRUE'; else l_sql := l_sql||', FALSE'; end if; l_sql := l_sql||'); end;'; execute immediate l_sql using itemtype, itemkey, to_char(enddate); exception when invalid_identifier then null; when invalid_component then null; end; -- exception when others then Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Purge', 'Total', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(enddate)); raise; end Total; -- -- TotalPERM -- Delete all obsolete runtime data that is of persistence type 'PERM' -- and with end_time before argument. -- IN: -- itemtype - Item type to delete, or null for all itemtypes -- itemkey - Item key to delete, or null for all itemkeys -- enddate - Date to obsolete to -- docommit- Commit or no commit after each purge of entitiy -- runtimeonly - Delete runtime data alone if set to true -- else delete both design and runtime data -- procedure TotalPERM( itemtype in varchar2, itemkey in varchar2, enddate in date, docommit in boolean, runtimeonly in boolean) is l_runtimeonly boolean := FALSE; begin wf_purge.persistence_type := 'PERM'; if runtimeonly then l_runtimeonly := TRUE; end if; -- Call Total with new args Wf_Purge.Total( itemtype, itemkey, enddate, docommit, l_runtimeonly); -- Reset persistence type to the default value wf_purge.persistence_type := 'TEMP'; exception when others then -- Reset persistence type to the default value wf_purge.persistence_type := 'TEMP'; Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Purge', 'TotalPERM', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(enddate)); raise; end TotalPERM; -- -- TotalConcurrent -- Concurrent Program version of Total -- IN: -- errbuf - CPM error message -- retcode - CPM return code (0 = success, 1 = warning, 2 = error) -- itemtype - Item type to delete, or null for all itemtypes -- itemkey - Item key to delete, or null for all itemkeys -- age - Minimum age of data to purge (in days) -- x_persistence_type - Persistence Type to be purged: 'TEMP' or 'PERM' -- runtimeonly - If 'Y' then purge runtime data alone -- procedure TotalConcurrent( errbuf out NOCOPY varchar2, retcode out NOCOPY varchar2, itemtype in varchar2, itemkey in varchar2, age in varchar2, x_persistence_type in varchar2, runtimeonly in varchar2, x_commit_frequency in number ) is enddate date; errname varchar2(30); errmsg varchar2(2000); errstack varchar2(2000); l_runtimeonly boolean := FALSE; begin -- Convert arguments from varchar2 to real type. enddate := sysdate - to_number(age); wf_purge.persistence_type := x_persistence_type; wf_purge.commit_frequency := x_commit_frequency; --If runtimeonly 'N' then purge both runtime --and design data if (upper(runtimeonly) = 'Y') then l_runtimeonly := TRUE; end if; -- Call Total with new args Wf_Purge.Total( itemtype, itemkey, enddate, true, l_runtimeonly); -- Return 0 for successful completion. errbuf := ''; retcode := '0'; wf_purge.persistence_type := 'TEMP'; -- reset to the default value wf_purge.commit_frequency := 500; -- reset to the default value exception when others then -- Retrieve error message into errbuf wf_core.get_error(errname, errmsg, errstack); if (errmsg is not null) then errbuf := errmsg; else errbuf := sqlerrm; end if; -- Return 2 for error. retcode := '2'; -- Reset persistence type to the default value wf_purge.persistence_type := 'TEMP'; end TotalConcurrent; -- -- Directory -- Purge all WF_LOCAL_* tables based on expiration date -- IN: -- end_date - Date to purge to -- procedure Directory( end_date in date) is -- -- All roles that past the end_date and with no outstanding notification -- -- Need to check ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT as well as the RECIPIENT_ROLE just -- in case a 'Delegate' happened, we won't purge the orginal owner. -- cursor role_cursor is select local.NAME, local.ORIG_SYSTEM, local.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, local.USER_FLAG from WF_LOCAL_ROLES local where PARTITION_ID = 0 and ORIG_SYSTEM in ('WF_LOCAL_ROLES', 'WF_LOCAL_USERS') and EXPIRATION_DATE <= end_date and not exists (select NULL from WF_ROLE_HIERARCHIES where SUPER_NAME = local.NAME or SUB_NAME = local.NAME) and not exists (select NULL from WF_USER_ROLE_ASSIGNMENTS where USER_NAME = local.NAME and RELATIONSHIP_ID <> -1) and not exists (select NULL from WF_NOTIFICATIONS wn where wn.RECIPIENT_ROLE = local.NAME or wn.ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT = local.NAME); rcurs role_cursor%rowtype; begin -- Disallow future date in enddate -- Avoid something being purged before its expiration date. if (end_date > sysdate) then Wf_Core.Token('SYSDATE', to_char(sysdate)); Wf_Core.Raise('WF_FUTURE_END_DATE'); end if; -- -- Purge Roles -- Delete rows in wf_local_user_roles by role_name and wf_local_roles -- by name as determined for rcurs in role_cursor loop if (rcurs.user_flag = 'Y') then delete from WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES local where local.USER_NAME = and local.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = rcurs.orig_system and local.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = rcurs.orig_system_id; else delete from WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES local where local.ROLE_NAME = and local.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = rcurs.orig_system and local.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = rcurs.orig_system_id; end if; --Remove only the direct assignments. delete from WF_USER_ROLE_ASSIGNMENTS wura where wura.USER_NAME = and wura.ROLE_NAME =; delete from WF_LOCAL_ROLES local where local.NAME = and local.ORIG_SYSTEM = rcurs.orig_system and local.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = rcurs.orig_system_id; end loop; exception when others then if (role_cursor%isopen) then close role_cursor; end if; wf_core.context('WF_PURGE', 'Directory', end_date); raise; end Directory; -- -- AdHocDirectory -- Purge all WF_LOCAL_* tables based on expiration date -- IN: -- end_date - Date to purge to -- procedure AdHocDirectory( end_date in date) is begin Wf_Purge.Directory(end_date); exception when OTHERS then wf_core.context('WF_PURGE', 'AdHocDirectory', end_date); raise; end AdHocDirectory; -- -- GetPurgeableCount -- Returns the count of purgeable items for a specific itemType. -- IN: -- p_itemType in VARCHAR2 -- FUNCTION GetPurgeableCount (p_itemType in varchar2) return number is l_purgeable number := 0; l_purge varchar2(100); cursor item2purge (xitemtype varchar2) is select /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ WI.ITEM_TYPE, WI.ITEM_KEY from WF_ITEMS WI where WI.ITEM_TYPE = xitemtype and exists (select null from WF_ITEM_TYPES WIT where WI.END_DATE+nvl(WIT.PERSISTENCE_DAYS,0)<=sysdate and WI.ITEM_TYPE = WIT.NAME and WIT.PERSISTENCE_TYPE = Wf_Purge.persistence_type) and WI.END_DATE is NOT NULL; connect_by_loop exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(connect_by_loop,-1436); BEGIN --Get all records for thye itemtype for purge_rec in item2purge (p_itemType) loop BEGIN SELECT 'VALID' INTO l_purge FROM SYS.DUAL WHERE EXISTS /* any active child item */ (SELECT null FROM WF_ITEMS WI WHERE END_DATE IS NULL START WITH WI.ITEM_TYPE = purge_rec.item_type AND WI.ITEM_KEY = purge_rec.item_key CONNECT BY PRIOR WI.ITEM_TYPE = WI.PARENT_ITEM_TYPE AND PRIOR WI.ITEM_KEY = WI.PARENT_ITEM_KEY); EXCEPTION when no_data_found then --If we crossed this condition also --we need to check that no parent flow exists BEGIN SELECT 'VALID' INTO l_purge FROM SYS.DUAL WHERE EXISTS /* no parent flow */ (SELECT null FROM WF_ITEMS WI WHERE END_DATE IS NULL START WITH WI.ITEM_TYPE = purge_rec.item_type AND WI.ITEM_KEY = purge_rec.item_key CONNECT BY PRIOR WI.PARENT_ITEM_TYPE = WI.ITEM_TYPE AND PRIOR WI.PARENT_ITEM_KEY = WI.ITEM_KEY ); EXCEPTION when no_data_found then l_purgeable := l_purgeable +1; when connect_by_loop then l_purgeable := l_purgeable +1; END; WHEN CONNECT_BY_LOOP then l_purgeable := l_purgeable +1; END; end loop; return l_purgeable; exception when OTHERS then wf_core.context('WF_PURGE', 'GetPurgeableCount', p_itemtype); raise; end; -- -- AbortErrorProcess -- Aborts the Error process for an errored activity if the activity is -- now COMPLETE. -- IN: -- itemtype in VARCHAR2 -- itemkey in VARCHAR2 -- procedure AbortErrorProcess (itemtype varchar2, itemkey varchar2) is c_item_key varchar2(240); cursor c_error1 is select wi.item_key from wf_item_activity_statuses wias, wf_items wi where wi.item_type = 'WFERROR' and parent_item_type = itemtype and wi.parent_item_type = wias.item_type and wi.parent_item_key = wias.item_key and wi.parent_context = wias.process_activity and wias.activity_status = 'COMPLETE'; cursor c_error2 is select wi.item_key from wf_item_activity_statuses wias, wf_items wi where wi.item_type = 'WFERROR' and parent_item_type = itemtype and parent_item_key = itemkey and wi.parent_item_type = wias.item_type and wi.parent_item_key = wias.item_key and wi.parent_context = wias.process_activity and wias.activity_status = 'COMPLETE'; cursor c_error3 is select wi.item_key from wf_item_activity_statuses wias, wf_items wi where wi.item_type = 'WFERROR' and wi.parent_item_type = wias.item_type and wi.parent_item_key = wias.item_key and wi.parent_context = wias.process_activity and wias.activity_status = 'COMPLETE'; begin if ((itemkey is not null and (instr(itemkey,'%')>0 or itemtype is null)) or (instr(itemtype,'%')>0)) then Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_ARGS'); end if; -- Outer loop <> loop if (itemtype is not null and itemkey is null) then open c_error1; elsif (itemtype is not null) then open c_error2; else open c_error3; end if; -- Inner loop <> loop if (itemtype is not null and itemkey is null) then fetch c_error1 into c_item_key; if (c_error1%notfound) then exit outer_abort; end if; elsif (itemtype is not null) then fetch c_error2 into c_item_key; if (c_error2%notfound) then exit outer_abort; end if; else fetch c_error3 into c_item_key; if (c_error3%notfound) then exit outer_abort; end if; end if; -- Abort the error process since the activity is now COMPLETE begin wf_engine.abortprocess('WFERROR', c_item_key); exception when others then null; end; end loop abort_loop; if (c_error1%ISOPEN) then close c_error1; end if; if (c_error2%ISOPEN) then close c_error2; end if; if (c_error3%ISOPEN) then close c_error3; end if; end loop outer_abort; if (c_error1%ISOPEN) then close c_error1; end if; if (c_error2%ISOPEN) then close c_error2; end if; if (c_error3%ISOPEN) then close c_error3; end if; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN if (c_error1%ISOPEN) then close c_error1; end if; if (c_error2%ISOPEN) then close c_error2; end if; if (c_error3%ISOPEN) then close c_error3; end if; Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Purge', 'AbortErrorProcess', itemtype, itemkey); raise; end AbortErrorProcess; end WF_PURGE; / --show errors package body WF_PURGE --select to_date('SQLERROR') from user_errors --where type = 'PACKAGE BODY' --and name = 'WF_PURGE' --/ REM ================================================================ commit; exit;