@echo off rem Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. rem A path paramter for NAS Home is supplied when calling this script from NameAddr.java rem executing in the Aurora JVM of the RDBMS. rem HOMEPATH is used if the param is supplied, else it is assumed the current path is rem the location of this script call setowbenv.bat if not "%1"=="" goto HOMEPATH goto CURRENTPATH :HOMEPATH CD /d %1\owb\bin\admin goto ENDPATH :CURRENTPATH CD /d ..\admin :ENDPATH set NAMEADDRJARS=..\..\lib\int\nasvr.jar;..\..\lib\int\namsg.jar;..\..\lib\int\naclient.jar;..\..\lib\int\NameAddrIntf.jar set JDBCJARS=..\..\..\jdbc\lib\ojdbc5.jar;..\..\..\jlib\orai18n.jar set RTSJARS=..\..\lib\int\rts.jar;..\..\lib\int\rts2.jar set JARS=%NAMEADDRJARS%;%JDBCJARS%;%NAME_ADDR_SVC_CLASSPATH%;%RTSJARS% start /b ..\..\..\jdk\jre\bin\javaw.exe -DNAS_SVC_CLASS=%NAME_ADDR_SVC_CLASS% -cp %JARS% oracle.wh.nas.svr.NASvr cd /d ..\win32