#EditJavaProperties: Automatically generated file #Fri Feb 11 13:42:57 GMT 2011 JNCK049=JNI error in %s\: va_list reuse detected JNCK048=JNI error in %s\: Ineligible receiver JNCK047=JNI error in %s\: Incorrect clazz argument JNCK046=JNI error in %1$s\: Method has wrong return type ('%2$c') JNCK045=JNI error in %s\: Method is not static JNCK044=JNI error in %s\: Method is static JNCK043=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d; unable to find %3$s JNCK042=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d is not a subclass of %3$s JNCK041=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d is out of range for a %3$s (0x%4$x > 0x%5$x) SHRC189=\# AOT Methods \= %d JNCK040=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d is out of range for a %3$s (0x%4$x < 0x%5$x) SHRC188=AOT bytes \= %d SHRC187=Disable storing of AOT data in the shared cache SHRC186=\tPartition %.*s in ModContext %.*s SHRC185=\tModContext %.*s SHRC184=\tPartition %.*s SHRC183=Cannot create hashtable in ScopeManagerImpl SHRC182=Cannot create monitor in ScopeManagerImpl SHRC181=Cannot enter ScopeManagerImpl hashtable mutex SHRC180=Cannot allocate memory for hashtable entry in ScopeManagerImpl JNCK039=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d is NULL JNCK038=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d (0x%3$p) is not a valid object reference. It's type is\: %4$s\n JNCK037=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d (0x%3$p) is not a local reference. Its type is\: %4$s JNCK036=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d (0x%3$p) is not a weak global reference. Its type is\: %4$s JNCK035=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d (0x%3$p) is not a global reference. Its type is\: %4$s JNCK034=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d is not a %3$s JNCK033=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d is not a jarray JNCK032=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d is not a jobjectArray JNCK031=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d is NULL SHRC179=The ROMClass segment has been corrupted. Error reading ROMClass at 0x%p JNCK030=JNI error in %s\: This function cannot be called while GC is disabled (it was probably called from a JVMPI or JVMTI event) SHRC178=Ignoring noIncrementalUpdates option due to use of singleJVM option SHRC177=Cannot run safemode due to use of singleJVM option SHRC176=String invariant relocation enabled SHRC175=Make the cache persist beyond reboots (Win only) SHRC174=Enable optimizations for single JVM use SHRC173=Set the directory for JVM control files (advanced) SHRC172=Cannot create cache of requested size due to Operating System restrictions SHRC171=z/OS cannot create cache of requested size\: Please check your z/OS system BPXPRMxx settings SHRC170=Specify name of shared cache\n \t(Use %%u to substitute username) JNCK029=JNI error in %s\: This function cannot be called inside of a critical section JNCK028=JNI error in %s\: This function cannot be called when an exception is pending ZIPS001=Unable to open %s (Missing export) JNCK027=JNI error in %s\: JNIEnv is not the JNIEnv for the active thread ZIPS000=Unable to open %1$s (%2$s) JNCK026=JNI error in %s\: JNIEnv does not appear to be a valid thread, or memory has been corrupted, or this is not a J9 virtual machine JNCK025=Use -Xcheck\:jni\:nonfatal to continue running when errors are detected. JNCK024=JNI error detected. Aborting. JNCK023=JNI error detected. Continuing... JNCK022=freed local reference(?) JNCK021=local reference in another thread SHRC169=Change detected in %2$.*1$s...\n \t...marked %3$d cached classes stale JNCK020=debugger reference SHRC168=Total shared class bytes read\=%1$lld. Total bytes stored\=%2$d SHRC167=Disables class sharing SHRC166=Attached to cache "%1$s", size\=%2$d bytes SHRC165=[-Xshareclasses Helper API verbose output enabled] SHRC164=[-Xshareclasses verbose I/O output enabled] SHRC163=[-Xshareclasses verbose output enabled] SHRC162=The wait for the creation mutex while opening shared memory has timed out SHRC161=The wait for the creation mutex while creating shared memory has timed out SHRC160=The wait for the creation mutex while opening semaphore has timed out JNCK019=weak global reference JNCK018=global reference JNCK017=local reference JNCK016=NULL JNCK015=\thelp print this screen JNCK014=\tpedantic perform more thorough, but slower checks JNCK013=\tnovalist do not check for va_list reuse JNCK012=\tnoadvice do not display advice JNCK011=\tnowarn do not display warnings SHRC159=Opened shared class cache "%1$s" JNCK010=\tnonfatal do not exit when errors are detected SHRC158=Created shared class cache "%1$s" SHRC157=Unable to allocate %1$d bytes of shared memory requested \n \tSuccesfully allocated maximum shared memory permitted (%2$d bytes) \n \t(To increase available shared memory, modify system SHMMAX value) SHRC156=Error copying groupname into cache name SHRC155=Error copying username into cache name SHRC154=Escape character %.*s not valid for cache name SHRC153=Specify name of shared cache\n \t(Use %%g to substitute groupname and %%u for username) SHRC152=Always start JVM regardless of errors/warnings SHRC151=Suppress all messages SHRC150=Enable helper API verbose output JNCK009=\tnobounds do not perform bounds checking on strings and arrays JNCK008=\ttrace trace all JNI functions JNCK007=\tverbose trace certain JNI functions and activities JNCK006=\tall check application and system classes JNCK005=Usage\: -Xcheck\:jni\:[option[,option[,...]]] JNCK004=jnichk - JNI Check utility for J9, Version %s JNCK003=JNI check utility\: unable to allocate VM local storage JNCK002=JNI check utility\: unable to hook event JNCK001=JNI check utility installed. Use -Xcheck\:jni\:help for usage SHRC149=Enable verbose find/store output JNCK000=-Xcheck\:jni\: unrecognized option --> '%s' SHRC148=Allow group access to cache (user is default) SHRC147=Character %.*s not valid for cache name SHRC146=Finding class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d with Token %4$.*3$s... SHRC145=Finding class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d with URL %4$.*3$s... SHRC144=Storing class %2$.*1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %3$d with Token %5$.*4$s... SHRC143=Storing class %2$.*1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %3$d with URL %5$.*4$s... SHRC142=\tat 0x%1$p\t\t%2$x \!\= %3$x SHRC141=mismatched bytes\: SHRC140=size\:\t%1$d\t\t\t%2$d\n SHRC139=\n\tROMClass being stored\tROMClass in cache SHRC138=Found more than one orphan ROMClass for %.*s SHRC137=SAFE MODE\: Warning\: ROMClass %.*s does not match ROMClass in cache SHRC136=Cannot create monitor in SH_ROMClassManagerImpl SHRC135=Failed to create hashtable in SH_ROMClassManagerImpl SHRC134=Failed to create pool in SH_ROMClassManagerImpl SHRC133=Cannot enter ROMClassManager hashtable mutex SHRC132=Cannot allocate memory for hashtable entry in ROMClassManagerImpl SHRC131=Cannot allocate memory for linked list item in ROMClassManagerImpl SHRC130=Attempt to allocate while commit is still pending SHRC129=Attempt to set readerCount to -1\! SHRC128=SH_CompositeCache\:\:exitMutex failed with return code %d. Warning\: your cache may be corrupt. SHRC127=SH_CompositeCache\:\:enterMutex failed with return code %d. Warning\: your cache may be corrupt. SHRC126=Request made to add too many items to ClasspathItem SHRC125=Could not allocate memory for string buffer in SH_CacheMap SHRC124=Cache is %1$d%% full\n SHRC123=%% Stale classes \= %1$d%%\n SHRC122=\# Stale classes \= %d SHRC121=\# Tokens \= %d SHRC120=\# URLs \= %d EXEL099=\ -Xrealtime -Xnortsj enable soft realtime EXEL098=\ -Xgcpolicy\:metronome enable soft realtime EXEL097=\ -Xrealtime enable soft realtime EXEL096=\ -Xgcpolicy\:metronome enable realtime extensions EXEL095=\ -Xrealtime enable realtime extensions EXEL094=\ -Xcompressedrefs use compressed heap references EXEL093=The following options control global VM configuration\: SHRC119=\# Classpaths \= %d EXEL092=\n -Xdump[\:option,...] control dumps use -Xdump\:help for more details SHRC118=\# ROMClasses \= %d EXEL091=\n -Xcheck[\:option[\:...]] control checking use -Xcheck\:help for more details SHRC117=Metadata %% used \= %1$d%%\n EXEL090=\ -Xscmaxaot set maximum shared classes cache space allowed for AOT data to SHRC116=Metadata bytes \= %d SHRC115=ROMClass bytes \= %d SHRC114=free bytes \= %d SHRC113=cache size \= %d SHRC112=allocation pointer \= 0x%p\n SHRC111=end address \= 0x%p SHRC110=\nbase address \= 0x%p EXEL089=\ -Xscminaot set minimum shared classes cache space reserved for AOT data to MECK002=An error occurred creating the call site data structure. Call site information will not be displayed MECK001=Unrecognized -Xcheck\:memory option\: %s EXEL087=\ -Xjni\: set JNI options MECK000=An error occurred initializing the -Xcheck\:memory utility EXEL086=\n -Xtrace[\:option,...] control tracing use -Xtrace\:help for more details EXEL085=\nWARNING\: The command line argument "%s" has been deprecated.\nWARNING\: Use "-jxe " instead.\n EXEL084=Unable to make a backup copy of file\: %s EXEL083=Could not open file\: %s SHRC109=\!STALE\! EXEL082=\ -Xlp set the large page size to SHRC108=\t%.*s EXEL081=java version "%1$s/%2$s" SHRC107=\t%.*s EXEL080=java version "%s" SHRC106=%1$d\: 0x%2$p TOKEN SHRC105=%1$d\: 0x%2$p URL SHRC104=%1$d\: 0x%2$p CLASSPATH SHRC103=\tToken 0x%p SHRC102=\tURL 0x%p SHRC101=\tIndex %1$d in classpath 0x%2$p SHRC100=%1$d\: 0x%2$p ROMCLASS\: %4$.*3$s at 0x%5$p. EXEL079=\ -Xscmx configura o tamanho do novo cache de classe compartilhado para EXEL078=\ -Xshareclasses[\:op\u00E7\u00F5es] Ativa o compartilhamento de dados da classe (utilize a ajuda para obter detalhes)\n EXEL077=\ -Xssi configura o incremento da pilha de encadeamento java para EXEL076=JIT - %s\n EXEL075=\ -Xquickstart aumenta o tempo de inicializa\u00E7\u00E3o retardando otimiza\u00E7\u00F5es EXEL074=Imposs\u00EDvel redirecionar o console para\: %1$s\:%2$d EXEL073=Erro interno da VM\: Falha em criar Java VM EXEL072=Erro de inicializa\u00E7\u00E3o da VM\: Sem mem\u00F3ria EXEL071=Falha em localizar o nome de classe principal EXEL070=A vers\u00E3o da imagem de ROM \u00E9 incorreta SHRC451=Data start field in cache header is not valid. Data start address in cache header is\: 0x%p. SHRC450=Data length field in cache header is not valid. Data length in cache header is \: %u. EXEL069=Falha em localizar imagem de ROM EXEL068=Erro interno da VM\: Falha em configurar o elemento da matriz para %s EXEL067=Erro interno da VM\: Falha em criarjava/lang/String para o argumento %s EXEL066=Erro interno da VM\: Falha em criar matriz de byte para o argumento %s EXEL065=Erro interno da VM\: Falha em criar matriz de argumento EXEL064=O m\u00E9todo main deve ser declarado public, static e void. EXEL063=A classe %s n\u00E3o implementa main() EXEL062=Erro interno da VM\: Falta de mem\u00F3ria ao converter a cadeia em caracteres UTF para o nome de classe %s EXEL061=Erro interno da VM\: Falha em criar java/lang/String para o nome de classe %s SHRC449=Padding is non zero. Padding bytes in cache header are\: %u. EXEL060=Erro interno da VM\: Falha em criar matriz de byte para o nome de classe %s SHRC448=Cache size field in cache header is not valid. Cache size in cache header is\: 0x%x. SHRC447=Cache header eyecatcher is not valid. Address of eyecatcher string in cache header\: 0x%p. SHRC446=Failed to acquire header write lock during cache startup with error code\: %d. SHRC445=Size of cache is too small to be useful. Invalid cache size\: 0x%x. SHRC444=Read corrupt data for cache entry header 0x%p (invalid item length) SHRC443=Cache CRC is incorrect indicating a corrupt cache. Incorrect cache CRC\: 0x%x. SHRC442=Shared cache "%s" is corrupt. Corruption code is %d. Corrupt value is 0x%x. No new JVMs will be allowed to connect to the cache.\n \tExisting JVMs can continue to function, but cannot update the cache. SHRC441=-XscmaxJIT value is greater than -Xscmx value, so it has been set to unlimited SHRC440=-XscminJIT value is greater than -Xscmx value, so it has been set to equal -Xscmx value EXEL059=Erro interno da VM\: Falha em localizar a classe java/lang/String EXEL058=Erro interno da VM\: Sem mem\u00F3ria EXEL057= EXEL056=IBM \u00E9 uma marca registrada da IBM Corp.\nJava e todas as marcas baseadas em Java e logotipos s\u00E3o marcas ou marcas\nregistradas da Sun Microsystems, Inc.\n EXEL055=Destino\: %s EXEL054=(c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1991, %s Todos os Direitos Reservados EXEL053=Materiais Licenciados - Propriedade da IBM\n\nJ9 - VM para a plataforma Java(TM), Vers\u00E3o %s EXEL052=\nAVISO\: O argumento da linha de comandos "%s" foi reprovado.\nAVISO\: Utilize o -X equivalente. EXEL051=\nAVISO\: O argumento da linha de comandos "%s" foi reprovado.\nAVISO\: Utilize "-classpath " ou "-cp ". SHRC439=-XscminJIT value should not be greater than -XscmaxJIT value EXEL050=\ -Xrdbginfo\:\: ativa o servidor de informa\u00E7\u00F5es de depura\u00E7\u00E3o remoto SHRC438=Disable storing of JIT data in the shared cache SHRC437=Error releasing shared class cache file header read lock SHRC436=Error acquiring shared class cache file header write lock SHRC435=Required memory\=%u for shared intern table(tableSize\=-Xitsn%d) is bigger than shared cache size\=%u SHRC434=Value\=%d passed by -Xitsn option is outside of the range of prime number values supported by the VM. Supported range \= 0 - %u SHRC433=\tfor ROMClass %2$.*1$s at 0x%3$p. SHRC432=\ Signature\: %2$.*1$s Address\: 0x%3$p SHRC431=%1$d\: 0x%2$p JITPROFILE\: %4$.*3$s SHRC430=Failed to remove current generation of shared class cache "%s" EXEL049=\ -Xdbginfo\: ativa o servidor de informa\u00E7\u00F5es de depura\u00E7\u00E3o EXEL048=\ -Xrunjdwp\: ativa o debug, op\u00E7\u00F5es padr\u00E3o JDWP EXEL047=\n -Xdbg\: ativa o debug, op\u00E7\u00F5es padr\u00E3o JDWP EXEL046=\ -Xlp ativa o suporte de p\u00E1gina grande EXEL045=\ -Xnocompactgc desativa a compacta\u00E7\u00E3o EXEL044=\ -Xcompactgc ativa a compacta\u00E7\u00E3o EXEL043=\ -Xcompactexplicitgc ativa a compacta\u00E7\u00E3o em todos os sistemas GCs EXEL042=\ -Xnocompactexplicitgc desativa a compacta\u00E7\u00E3o em um sistema GC EXEL041=\ -Xalwaysclassgc ativa o descarregamento de classe din\u00E2mico em todos os GCs SHRC429=Failed to remove older generation of shared class cache "%s" EXEL040=\ -Xclassgc ativa o descarregamento de classe din\u00E2mico SHRC428=Removed older generation of shared class cache "%s" SHRC427=Modifier used to print detailed cache statistics SHRC426=\# JCL Entries %*c\= %d SHRC425=\# Java Objects %*c\= %d SHRC424=\# JIT Profiles %*c\= %d SHRC423=\# JIT Hints %*c\= %d SHRC422=\# AOT Thunks %*c\= %d SHRC421=\# AOT Class Hierarchy %*c\= %d SHRC420=\# AOT Data Entries %*c\= %d EXEL039=\ -Xnoclassgc desativa o descarregamento de classe din\u00E2mico EXEL038=\ -Xgcthreads configura o n\u00FAmero de encadeamentos GC EXEL037=\nOs argumentos para as op\u00E7\u00F5es a seguir s\u00E3o expressos como n\u00FAmeros decimais.\n EXEL036=\ -Xmaxf porcentagem m\u00E1xima de heap livre ap\u00F3s GC EXEL035=\ -Xminf porcentagem m\u00EDnima de heap livre ap\u00F3s GC EXEL034=Um valor 0,3 representa um pedido de 30%%\n EXEL033=\nOs argumentos para as op\u00E7\u00F5es a seguir s\u00E3o expressos como decimal de 0 a 1. J9CL029=malformed/unmappable characters found EXEL032=\ -Xmaxe configura o tamanho m\u00E1ximo para expans\u00E3o de heap para J9CL028=Internal error while reading zip file, Error Code %d EXEL031=\ -Xmine configura o tamanho m\u00EDnimo para expans\u00E3o de heap para J9CL027=Zip file read error SHRC419=Class LocalVariableTable bytes %*c\= %u EXEL030=\ -Xss configura o tamanho da pilha de encadeamento para J9CL026=Unable to allocate memory for HTTP post content SHRC418=Byte data bytes %*c\= %d J9CL025=Unable to allocate memory for HTTP response headers SHRC417=JCL data bytes %*c\= %d J9CL024=Out of memory SHRC416=ReadWrite bytes %*c\= %d J9CL023=Not enough memory available to read record SHRC415=Java Object bytes %*c\= %d J9CL022=Not enough memory to list record stores SHRC414=JIT profile bytes %*c\= %d J9CL021=Not enough memory to create index list SHRC413=JIT hint bytes %*c\= %d J9CL020=Not enough memory to read locale data SHRC412=AOT thunk bytes %*c\= %d SHRC411=AOT class hierarchy bytes %*c\= %d SHRC410=AOT data bytes %*c\= %d EXEL029=\ -Xss configura o tamanho da pilha de encadeamento java m\u00E1ximo para EXEL028=\ -Xiss configura o tamanho da pilha de encadeamento java inicial para EXEL027=\ -Xmso configura o tamanho da pilha de encadeamento do S.O. para EXEL026=\ -Xmrx configura o tamanho m\u00E1ximo da configura\u00E7\u00E3o lembrada para EXEL025=\ -Xmr configura o tamanho da configura\u00E7\u00E3o lembrada para EXEL024=\ -Xmx configura a mem\u00F3ria m\u00E1xima para EXEL023=\ -Xms configura o tamanho de mem\u00F3ria inicial para J9CL019=Cannot allocate SIOCGIFCONF buffer EXEL022=\ -Xms configura o tamanho de espa\u00E7o antigo para J9CL018=unable to allocate for timezone entry EXEL021=\ -Xmoi configura o incremento de espa\u00E7o antigo para J9CL017=unable to allocate for timezone resource SHRC409=AOT code bytes %*c\= %d EXEL020=\ -Xmox configura o tamanho de espa\u00E7o antigo m\u00E1ximo antigo para J9CL016=unable to create new class path entry SHRC408=cache generation %*.c\= %d\n J9CL015=Failed to create stack trace (most likely due to lack of OS memory) SHRC407=runtime flags %*.c\= 0x%.16llX SHRC406=metadata start address %*c\= 0x%p J9CL013=Failed to allocate OS monitor SHRC405=Failed to create a directory for the cache SHRC404=Failed to get a directory for the cache J9CL011=Failed to fork OS thread SHRC403=Class debug area used bytes %*c\= %u J9CL010=Failed to allocate JNIEnv SHRC402=JIT data bytes %*c\= %d SHRC401=\# Zip caches %*c\= %d SHRC400=Zip cache bytes %*c\= %d EXEL019=\ -Xmos configura o tamanho de espa\u00E7o antigo inicial para EXEL018=\ -Xmo configura o tamanho de espa\u00E7o inicial/m\u00E1ximo antigo para EXEL017=\ -Xmo configura o tamanho de espa\u00E7o antigo para EXEL016=\ -Xmnx configura o novo tamanho de espa\u00E7o m\u00E1ximo para EXEL015=\ -Xmns configura o novo tamanho de espa\u00E7o inicial para EXEL014=\ -Xmn configura o novo tamanho de espa\u00E7o inicial/m\u00E1ximo para EXEL013=\ -Xmn configura o novo tamanho de espa\u00E7o para J9CL009=Thread already started EXEL012=\ -Xmco configura o incremento do segmento de classe de ROM para J9CL008=nanosecond timeout value out of range EXEL011=\ -Xmca configura o incremento do segmento de classe de RAM para J9CL007=timeout value is negative EXEL010=Valor com sufixo "k" (kilo) ou "m" (mega) ser\u00E3o fatorados de maneira adequada.\n J9CL006=No pre-verify data for java/lang/Object J9CL005=Incompatible class library version\: requires VM v%1$i, found v%2$i J9CL004=Incompatible class library version\: expected JCL v%1$i, found v%2$i J9CL003=Incompatible class library version\: JCL %1$x, VM %2$x J9CL002=Classes are from a non-J9 library, or an incorrectly reduced JXE J9CL001=Try running with -jcl\:%s J9CL000=Incompatible class library EXEL009=\nArgumentos para as seguintes op\u00E7\u00F5es s\u00E3o expressos em bytes. EXEL008=\ -Xfuture ativa verifica\u00E7\u00F5es mais r\u00EDgidas, antecipando o padr\u00E3o futuro EXEL007=\ -Xnoaot n\u00E3o executa c\u00F3digo pr\u00E9-compilado EXEL006=\ -Xnojit desativa o JIT EXEL005=\ -Xint executa interpretado apenas (equivalente a -Xnojit -Xnoaot) EXEL004=\n -Xrun[\:op\u00E7\u00F5es] carregar biblioteca de agente nativo\n (obsoleto em favor de -agentlib)\n EXEL003=\ -Xbootclasspath/a\: anexa ao caminho de classe de auto-inicializa\u00E7\u00E3o EXEL002=\ -Xbootclasspath/p\: pr\u00E9-anexa ao caminho de classe de auto-inicializa\u00E7\u00E3o EXEL001=\ -Xbootclasspath\: configura o caminho de classe de auto-inicializa\u00E7\u00E3o para EXEL000=As op\u00E7\u00F5es a seguir n\u00E3o s\u00E3o op\u00E7\u00F5es padr\u00E3o e est\u00E3o sujeitas a altera\u00E7\u00F5es sem aviso pr\u00E9vio.\n IREL000=AOT code from %1$s.jar generated by version %2$s of the JVM is not compatible with the current version %3$s of the JVM. PORT030=%s setting "%s" specifies that the core dump is to be piped to an external program. Attempting to rename core.%d.\n PORT029=Invalid handle. file handle\: %1$d. PORT028=mmap failed due to invalid mapping options. PORT027=mmap failed due to invalid memory protection parameter. PORT026=File specified is a directory PORT025=Invalid lock type for file lock operation. lockFlags\: %1$d PORT024=IEATDUMP failed because we couldn't allocate the dump dataset (likely disk full). PORT023=IEATDUMP failed because user-specified dump template was too long. Retrying dump with default template. PORT022=Appending .X&DS to user-specified dump template to enable multi-part dumps. PORT021=You have opened a stale System V shared semaphore\: file\:%1$s semid\:%2$d PORT020=You have opened a stale System V shared memory\: file\:%1$s shmid\:%2$d PORT019=Unable to create directory %s. Shared classes will be disabled until this directory is created. PORT018=Operation Failed\: %1$d (%2$s failed\: %3$d) PORT017=Operation Failed\: %d PORT016=Internal Error %i PORT015=Unable to resolve shared library references - a prerequisite shared library may be missing PORT014=shared library not found PORT013=shared library table not found PORT012=Error\: 68K function has PACE bit set. PORT011=Out of memory PORT010=Permission denied CDRT002=Failing PC\: %1$p (offset %2$p), metaData \= %3$p CDRT001=Method\: %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s (%7$p) CDRT000=Unable to locate JIT stack map - aborting VM PORT009=File not found PORT008=Module architecture incorrect PORT007=Not a module PORT006=Module format incorrect PORT005=Could not load module PORT004=Symbol resolution failure PORT003=Dependent module %s could not be loaded PORT002=Unknown error loading shared library PORT001=Failed to allocate memory. J2JX110=The JAR file %s has already been converted SHRC099=%1$d\: 0x%2$p ORPHAN\: %4$.*3$s at 0x%5$p. SHRC098=\nCurrent statistics for cache "%s"\: \n SHRC097=Shared cache "%s" is corrupt. No new JVMs will be allowed to connect to the cache.\n \tExisting JVMs can continue to function, but cannot update the cache. SHRC096=Shared cache "%s" is full. Use -Xscmx to set cache size. SHRC095=Attempts to call markStale on shared cache items have failed SHRC094=Orphan found but local ROMClass passed to addROMClassToCache SHRC093=Detected unexpected termination of another JVM during update SHRC092=ADD failure when reading cache J2JX109=\ -E xxx\=yyy set system property xxx to value of environment variable yyy at runtime SHRC091=Read corrupt data for item 0x%p (invalid dataType) J2JX108=\ -g[\:lines,source,vars] generate a subset (lines, source, and/or vars) of debugging information inside of JXE SHRC090=Failed to get cache mutex in SH_CacheMap startup J2JX107=\ -g\:nosym embed debugging information inside JXE J2JX106=\ -g\:sym generate a .sym file for debugging, no debugging information inside of JXE J2JX105=\ -nog generate no debugging information for JXE J2JX104=\ -g same as -g\:sym J2JX103=Could not compile method\: %2$.*1$s/%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s jitErr 0%7$x J2JX102=Could not compile native method\: %2$.*1$s/%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s J2JX101=Could not compile abstract method\: %2$.*1$s/%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s J2JX100=%s is not supported in this configuration SHRC089=Cannot create refresh mutex in SH_CacheMap SHRC088=Failed to create cache as ROMImageSegment in SH_CacheMap SHRC087=MarkStale failed during ClasspathManager\:\:update() SHRC086=Cannot enter ClasspathManager hashtable mutex SHRC085=Cannot allocate memory for linked list item header SHRC084=Cannot allocate memory for linked list item SHRC083=Cannot allocate memory for identifiedClasspaths array in SH_ClasspathManagerImpl2 SHRC082=Cannot create identifiedMutex in SH_ClasspathManagerImpl2 SHRC081=Cannot create cpeTableMutex in SH_ClasspathManagerImpl2 SHRC080=Cannot allocate memory for hashtable entry SHRC079=Cannot create hashtable in SH_ClasspathManagerImpl2 SHRC078=Failed to create linkedListHdr pool in SH_ClasspathManagerImpl2 SHRC077=Failed to create linkedListImpl pool in SH_ClasspathManagerImpl2 SHRC076=Finding class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d... SHRC075=\ Failed. SHRC074=\ Succeeded. SHRC073=Storing class %2$.*1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %3$d with URL %5$.*4$s (index %6$d)... SHRC072=Command-line option "%s" unrecognised SHRC071=Command-line option "%s" requires sub-option SHRC070=Incremental updates disabled SHRC069=Concurrent store contention reduction disabled SHRC068=Local caching of classpaths disabled SHRC067=Timestamp checking disabled SHRC066=Locking of local hashtables disabled SHRC065=Cannot allocate pool in shrinit SHRC064=Failed to create configMonitor in shrinit SHRC063=Cannot allocate memory for sharedClassConfig in shrinit SHRC062=Error copying username into default cache name SHRC061=Cache name should not be longer than 64 chars. Cache not created. SHRC060=Cannot allocate memory for string buffer in shrinit\:\:hookFindSharedClass JDTS000=Listening for transport dt_socket at address\: %d OFFC031=Offload\:Local natives properties file has invalid format {%s}. OFFC030=Offload\:Could not find local natives properties file {%s}. SHRC059=Cannot allocate memory for ClasspathItem in shrinit\:\:hookFindSharedClass SHRC058=Cannot allocate memory for ClasspathItem in shrinit\:\:hookStoreSharedClass SHRC057=Wrong parameters for expire option SHRC056=Command-line option "%s" unrecognised SHRC055=Disable incremental cache updates SHRC054=Disable algorithm to reduce store contention SHRC053=Disable local hashtable locking SHRC052=Disable local classpath caching SHRC051=Switch off dynamic updates OFFC029=Offload\:Failed to create offload manager. SHRC050=Enable verbose output OFFC028=Offload\:Failed to start local quarantine controller. OFFC027=Offload\:Connection information missing for remote isolation. OFFC026=Offload\:Invalid connection information for remote isolation. OFFC025=Offload\:Failed to start quarantine controller with url\=%s. OFFC024=Offload\: JNI Isolation enabled for library group {%s}. OFFC023=Offload Trace\: Tuning Fork logging to %s OFFC022=Offload Trace utility installed. Use -Xoffload\:trace\:help for usage OFFC021=\ttuningfork\=device send tuningfork output to device. OFFC020=\txml\=filename log JNI activity to filename. SHRC049=Debug mode that checks all incoming bytecode SHRC048=List all elements in cache SHRC047=Print summary of cache statistics SHRC046=Display all shared caches and their statistics SHRC045=Destroy caches that have been unused for mins SHRC044=OPTION_MODIFIED_EQUALS"" SHRC043=Enable sharing of modifed bytecode\n \t is user-descriptor describing type of modification\n \tJVMs using same must use same modifications SHRC042=Destroy all shared caches SHRC041=Destroy shared cache (use name parm or default) OFFC019=Usage\: -Xoffload\:trace\:[option[,option[,...]]] SHRC040=Specify name of shared cache OFFC018=Offload Trace utility for J9, Version %s OFFC017=\thelp print this screen OFFC016=\ttax\=spin|delay set the delay strategy. OFFC015=\toutput\=device output to file, 'stdout', or 'stderr' OFFC014=\tdelay\=\#[ms|ns] apply delay of \# milli/nano seconds to each JNI call OFFC013=Usage\: -Xoffload\:sim\:[option[,option[,...]]] OFFC012=Offload Simulator utility for J9, Version %s OFFC011=Offload Simulator\: Tuning Fork failed to initialize. OFFC010=Unrecognized time units -> %s SHRC039=Print general shared help SHRC038=Usage\:\n\njava -Xshareclasses[\:option,...]\n\n Valid options included (with a brief summary) are\:\n\n SHRC037=Incremental updates disabled SHRC399=Data bytes %*c\= %d SHRC036=Concurrent store contention reduction disabled SHRC398=\# AOT Methods %*c\= %d SHRC035=Local caching of classpaths disabled SHRC397=AOT bytes %*c\= %d SHRC034=Timestamp checking disabled SHRC396=%% Stale classes %*c\= %d%%\n SHRC033=Locking of local hashtables disabled SHRC395=\# Stale classes %*c\= %d SHRC032=The Shared Class Cache you are attaching has wrong modification level. SHRC394=\# Tokens %*c\= %d SHRC031=The Shared Class Cache you are attaching has incompatible JVM version. SHRC393=\# URLs %*c\= %d OFFC009=Offload\: Fatal error, unable to hook event SHRC030=The Shared Class Cache you are attaching has invalid header. SHRC392=\# Classpaths %*c\= %d OFFC008=Offload Simuator\: Invalid sleep time, please choose a time >\= 1 millisecond. SHRC391=\# ROMClasses %*c\= %d OFFC007=Offload Simuator\: Clock frequency is %llu ticks/second, have_nanosleep\=%d SHRC390=Metadata %% used %*c\= %d%% OFFC006=Offload Simuator\: Logging JNI calls to %s. OFFC005=Offload Simuator\: Delay tax using sleep. OFFC004=Offload Simuator\: Delay tax using spin. OFFC003=Offload Simuator\: Applying %d microsecond tax to each JNI call. OFFC002=Offload Simuator\: Applying %d millisecond tax to each JNI call. OFFC001=Offload simuator utility installed. Use -Xoffload\:sim\:help for usage OFFC000=-Xoffload\:sim\: unrecognized option --> '%s' SHRC029=Not enough memory left on the system SHRC028=Permission Denied SHRC027=Shared cache name is too long SHRC389=Metadata bytes %*c\= %d SHRC026=Cannot create cache of requested size\: Please check your SHMMAX and SHMMIN settings SHRC388=ROMClass bytes %*c\= %d SHRC025=error attaching shared memory SHRC387=free bytes %*c\= %d SHRC024=shared memory detach error SHRC386=cache size %*c\= %d SHRC023=Cache does not exist SHRC385=allocation pointer %*c\= 0x%p\n SHRC022=Error creating shared memory region SHRC384=end address %*c\= 0x%p SHRC021=An unknown error code has been returned SHRC383=\nbase address %*c\= 0x%p SHRC020=An error has occurred while opening semaphore SHRC382=Class debug area LocalVariableTable bytes %*c\= %u\n SHRC381=Class LineNumberTable bytes %*c\= %u SHRC380=Class debug area %% used %*c\= %u%% SHRC019=request length is too small SHRC018=cannot allocate memory SHRC017=Error code\: %d SHRC379=Class debug area size %*c\= %u SHRC016=Shared Class Cache Error\: SHRC378=\nRelated command line options\:\n SHRC015=Shared Class Cache Error\: Invalid flag SHRC377=-Xscdmx value of %u bytes is greater than %u bytes of available free space. A value of %u bytes will be used for -Xscdmx instead. SHRC014=Shared cache "%s" semaphore remove failed SHRC376=%1$d\: 0x%2$p ZIPCACHE\: %4$.*3$s Address\: 0x%5$p Size\: %6$d SHRC013=Shared cache "%s" memory remove failed SHRC375=The cache name is to long when the user name is included. There are %d bytes left in this buffer, and your user name is %d bytes. SHRC012=Cannot remove shared cache "%s" as there are JVMs still attached to the cache SHRC374=Cache created with\: SHRC011=Error\: Cannot open shared class cache SHRC373=JIT data bytes \= %d J9VM119=-Xscmaxjit is ignored if -Xshareclasses is not specified SHRC010=Shared cache "%s" is destroyed SHRC372=\# Zip caches \= %d J9VM118=-Xscminjit is ignored if -Xshareclasses is not specified SHRC371=Zip cache bytes \= %d J9VM117=-Xitsn is ignored if -Xshareclasses is not specified J9RI023=jvmri->TraceRegister, jvmri->TraceDeregister and TraceListener no longer supported, use new versions in JVMRAS_VERSION_1_5 SHRC370=-Xnolinenumbers \= false J9VM116=noLockword\:%.*s J9RI022=initialise JVMRI unable to allocate jvmri dump monitor J9VM115=lockword\:%.*s J9RI021=jvmri->RunDumpRoutine not supported. J9VM114=Lockword Mode\=%s J9RI020=jvmri->CreateThread unable to allocate private monitor J9VM113=----------------------------- J9VM112=Lockword Configuration J9VM111=Invalid lockword option specified\:%s J9VM110=Invalid lockword mode specified\:%s SHRC009=Shared cache opened\: %1$s size\: %2$d bytes SHRC008=Shared cache created\: %1$s size\: %2$d bytes SHRC007=Failed to remove shared class cache "%s" SHRC369=-Xnolinenumbers \= true SHRC006=Number of caches expired within last %1$d minutes is %2$d SHRC368=Shutting down non debug enabled shared classes cache. SHRC005=No shared class caches available SHRC367=debug enabled \= false J9RI019=jvmri->InjectOutOfMemory not supported. SHRC004=Cannot destroy cache "%s" SHRC366=debug enabled \= true J9RI018=jvmri->NotifySignal raising signal %d. SHRC003=last detach time SHRC365=Enables the storage of class debug information in the shared class. J9RI017=Can't allocate dump agent in jvmri->SetOutOfMemoryHook, function not registered. SHRC002=in use SHRC364=SH_OSCachesysv\:\:acquireWriteLock() call to j9shsem_wait on semid %d has failed with error %d. J9RI016=jvmri->SetOutOfMemoryHook called with NULL callback, function not registered. SHRC001=OS shmid SHRC363=Cannot allocate api for shared classes in shrinit J9VM109=Unsupported operating system (%s)\: Windows XP or newer is required. J9RI015=jvmri->RunDumpRoutine\: componentId is out of bounds. SHRC000=Shared Cache SHRC362=Cannot allocate memory for ClasspathItem J9VM108=-Xlog\:info,warn,error\n J9RI014=jvmri->RunDumpRoutine\: unable to retrieve component data. SHRC361=Error while attaching to the shared memory during open/create J9VM107=-Xlog\:error,warn J9RI013=jvmri->ReleaseRasInfo\: structure has unsupported type field. SHRC360=Failed to find byte data for key %.*s in shared cache... J9VM106=The info, warn, error, vital and config options can be combined with a ',' for example\:\n J9RI012=jvmri->ReleaseRasInfo called with NULL RasInfo structure. J9VM105=-Xlog\:config Log JVM configuration messages.\n J9RI011=RasInfo structure has unsupported type field. J9VM104=-Xlog\:vital Log JVM vital messages. This is turned on by default. J9RI010=jvmri->GetRasInfo unable to allocate memory. J9VM103=-Xlog\:error Log JVM error messages. This is turned on by default. J9VM102=-Xlog\:warn Log JVM warning messages. J9VM101=-Xlog\:info Log JVM informational messages. J9VM100=-Xlog\:all Log all JVM messages. SHRC359=Found byte data for key %.*s in shared cache... SHRC358=Failed to store byte data for key %.*s in shared cache. SHRC357=Stored byte data for key %.*s in shared cache. J9RI009=jvmri->GetRasInfo unable to allocate memory. SHRC356=Failed to store AOT code for ROMMethod 0x%1$p in shared cache. J9RI008=jvmri->GetRasInfo unable to get components. SHRC355=Stored AOT code for ROMMethod 0x%1$p in shared cache. J9RI007=jvmri->GetRasInfo unable to allocate memory. SHRC354=Failed to find AOT code for ROMMethod 0x%1$p in shared cache. J9RI006=jvmri->GetRasInfo called with NULL RasInfo structure. SHRC353=Found AOT code for ROMMethod 0x%1$p in shared cache. J9RI005=jvmri->GetComponentDataArea component %s does not have dataArea under this vm. SHRC352=Failed to store class %2$.*1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %3$d with Token %5$.*4$s. J9RI004=jvmri->DynamicVerbosegc is not supported. SHRC351=Stored class %2$.*1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %3$d with Token %5$.*4$s. J9RI003=Can't allocate dump agent in jvmri->DumpRegister, function not registered. SHRC350=Failed to store class %2$.*1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %3$d with URL %5$.*4$s. J9RI002=jvmri->DumpRegister called with NULL callback, function not registered. J9RI001=Internal error removing dump agent in jvmri->DumpDeregister, dump function may not have been deregistered. J9RI000=jvmri->CreateThread cannot allocate thread arguments memory SHRC349=Stored class %2$.*1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %3$d with URL %5$.*4$s. SHRC348=Failed to store class %2$.*1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %3$d with URL %5$.*4$s (index %6$d). SHRC347=Stored class %2$.*1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %3$d with URL %5$.*4$s (index %6$d). SHRC346=Failed to find class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d with Token %4$.*3$s. SHRC345=Found class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d with Token %4$.*3$s. SHRC344=Failed to find class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d with URL %4$.*3$s. SHRC343=Found class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d with URL %4$.*3$s. SHRC342=Failed to find class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d. SHRC341=Found class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d. SHRC340=Shared Cache CRC check failed. Stored CRC %1$x, calculated CRC %2$x SHRC339=Platform error message\: %1$s SHRC338=Port layer error code \= %1$d SHRC337=Platform error message\: %1$s SHRC336=Port layer error code \= %1$d SHRC335=Error recovery failed\: Destroying shared semaphore has failed. J2SE000=\n SHRC334=Error recovery failed\: Destroying shared memory has failed. SHRC333=Default memory page protection successfully enabled for cache SHRC332=Data memory page protection successfully enabled for cache SHRC331=Acquired a different semaphore than previously used with this cache SHRC330=SH_CompositeCacheImpl\:\:runExitCode failed to acquire the write area mutex (return code %d). SHRC329=SH_CompositeCacheImpl\:\:enterReadWriteAreaMutex failed to acquire the string table mutex (return code %d). SHRC328=System V IPC reported the following error '%s' SHRC327=SH_OSCachesysv\:\:acquireWriteLock() call to j9shsem_wait has failed with error %d. SHRC326=Failed posting the shared classes cache user lock failed during initialization. Warning\: your cache may be corrupt. If you experience problems using the shared cache, you may need to destroy and recreate it. SHRC325=Failed posting the shared classes cache header lock failed during initialization. Warning\: your cache may be corrupt. If you experience problems using the shared cache, you may need to destroy and recreate it. SHRC324=ERROR\: Exiting the shared class cache header mutex failed. Warning\: your cache may be corrupt. If you experience problems using the shared cache, you may need to destroy and recreate it. SHRC323=ERROR\: Entering the shared class cache header mutex failed. Warning\: your cache may be corrupt. If you experience problems using the shared cache, you may need to destroy and recreate it. SHRC322=Failed initializing semaphores for shared class cache. Warning\: your cache may be corrupt. If you experience problems using the shared cache, you may need to destroy and recreate it. SHRC321=Error recovery\: closing shared memory semaphores. SHRC320=Error recovery\: destroying shared memory semaphores. JITM008=JIT failed to allocate memory JITM007=AOT code in shared class cache cannot run with current JVMPI or JVMTI settings. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache. JITM006=AOT code in shared class cache cannot run with current garbage collection policy. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache. JITM005=AOT code in the shared class cache cannot run on current JVM release. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache. JITM004=AOT code in shared class cache cannot execute on current processor. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache. JITM003=Failure during AOT runtime initialization. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache. JITM002=Failure storing AOT code in shared class cache. Shared class cache might be corrupted. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache. JITM001=No more space for AOT code in shared class cache. New AOT code will not be generated. JITM000=Unsupported hardware [%d]. SHRC319=Error recovery\: closing shared memory. SHRC318=Error recovery\: destroying shared memory. SHRC317=Print the name of the shared class cache file that will be used. SHRC316=Cannot serialize cache because there is no current VM thread. SHRC315=Cannot initialize cachelet class memory segments SHRC314=Cannot allocate memory for hint lookup table in SH_Manager SHRC313=Failed to create jclCacheMutex in shrinit SHRC312=Error releasing shared class cache file header write lock SHRC311=Error releasing shared class cache file attach write lock SHRC310=Persistent cache cannot be located on a networked file system. Select a different cacheDir. SHRC309=The "grow" and "readonly" options may not be used together. SHRC308=Failed to serialize cache "%s". Failed updating ROM Class offsets in AOT methods. SHRC307=\tROMMETHOD\: %2$.*1$s Signature\: %4$.*3$s Address\: 0x%5$p SHRC306=\ Signature\: %2$.*1$s Address\: 0x%3$p SHRC305=Cannot allocate memory for hint lookup table in SH_ClasspathManagerImpl2 SHRC304=Failed to replace cache "%s" SHRC303=Failed to create nested cache "%s" SHRC302=Can not grow nested cache "%s", failed to allocate block for hints SHRC301=Can not grow nested cache "%s", failed to allocate new supercache for hints SHRC300=The shared class cache is in use by another vm, cannot grow the nested cache VMUT011=Could not allocate memory for command line option array VMUT010=Malformed option value, option "%1$s%3$.*2$s" contains trailing characters "%4$s" which have been ignored VMUT009=Malformed value for -Xservice VMUT008=Malformed value for IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS VMUT007=Malformed value for JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS VMUT006=Malformed option %s found in -Xoptionsfile VMUT005=Option too large\: '%s' VMUT004=Malformed option\: '%s' VMUT003=Options file not found VMUT002=(access error) VMUT001=(unnamed thread) VMUT000=(out of memory) J9GC068=ScopedMemory.join/joinAndEnter interrupted J9GC067=Failed to instantiate split heap\: %1$s (new size %2$zu%3$s, old size %4$zu%5$s) J9GC066=Required split heap memory geometry could not be allocated J9GC065=Failed to allocate new space J9GC064=Failed to allocate old space J9GC063=Unable to open file '%s' for writing J9GC062=%s value must be a power of two J9GC061=scoped memory space maximum size J9GC060=immortal memory space size J9GC059=-Xgcpolicy\:metronome is not allowed without -Xrealtime J9GC058=Failed to allocate immortal memory space J9GC057=%1$s must be no greater than %2$s J9GC056=available large page sizes\: J9GC055=large page size J9GC054=Large page size %1$zu%2$s is not a supported page size; using %3$zu%4$s instead J9GC053=memory maximum J9GC052=ROM class segment increment J9GC051=RAM class segment increment J9GC050=soft memory maximum J9GC049=remembered set size J9GC048=old space increment J9GC047=maximum old space size J9GC046=initial old space size J9GC045=initial memory size J9GC044=maximum new space size J9GC043=initial new space size J9GC042=Sum of %1$s and %2$s too small for %3$s J2JX099=Incomplete option(s) on command line. First was\: %s J9GC041=Unknown fvtest type\: %s J2JX098=Invalid argument [%1$s] for option\: %2$s J9GC040=Unknown option\: %s J2JX097=Unrecognized option(s) on command line. First was\: %s J2JX096=Failed to find function j9bcv_verifyCreateStackAttributes J2JX095=Failed to find function j9bcv_verifyClassStructure J2JX094=Failed to open verifier DLL %1$s\: %2$s J2JX093=No class files specified on the command line J2JX092=Internal error with newly created VM J2JX091=Successfully created the Java VM J2JX090=Attempting to create a Java VM for use with AOT J9GC039=%1$s is deprecated; use %2$s instead J9GC038=%s value specified is too large J9GC037=%1$s not supported with values other than %2$zu J9GC036=%1$s value must be above %2$zu J9GC035=%s must be followed by a number J9GC034=%1$s value must be between %2$zu and %3$zu (inclusive) J9GC033=%1$s value must be between %2$.2f and %3$.2f (inclusive) J9GC032=System configuration does not support option '%s' J2JX089=Internal Error\: could not find %1$s in %2$s J9GC031=%1$s and %2$s cannot both be specified J2JX088=Internal Error\: failed to open %1$s\: %2$s J9GC030=%1$s value of %2$.2f must be at least %3$s less than %4$s value of %5$.2f J2JX087=Internal Error\: could not determine executable name J2JX086=Wrote %1$i bytes to symbol file %2$s J2JX085=Internal Error\: unsupported error code from create rom class %d J2JX084=Closing segment %d and starting a new segment J2JX083=Including %s in AOT J2JX082=Excluding %s from AOT J2JX081=Error\: %s J2JX080=Verification error in method %1$i (%3$.*2$s%5$.*4$s) at PC %6$i J9GC029=Option error\: '%s' J9GC028=Option too large\: '%s' J9GC027=Malformed option\: '%s' J9GC026=-Xverbosegclog failed to allocate internal structures J9GC025=Sum of %1$s and %2$s J9GC024=Sum of %1$s and %2$s too large for heap J9GC023=Sum of %1$s and %2$s must equal %3$s J9GC022=Sum of %1$s and %2$s too large for %3$s J2JX079=Error\: %1$s at %2$i J9GC021=%1$s must equal %2$s J2JX078=Recommended action\: J9GC020=%s too large for heap J2JX077=Invalid class file J2JX076=Invalid class file\: %s J2JX075=Entry name too long\: %s J2JX074=Attempted to add duplicate entry to JXE\: %s J2JX073=dir processing file\: %s J2JX072=Could not open directory %s J2JX071=Processing directory\: %s J2JX070=increasing space to\: %i bytes J9GC019=%1$s too large for %2$s J9GC018=%1$s too small for %2$s J9GC017=%1$s too small, must be at least %2$zu %3$sbytes J9GC016=Failed to allocate survivor segment in default memory space J9GC015=Failed to allocate default memory space J9GC014=Failed to allocate VM class memory segments J9GC013=Failed to allocate VM object memory segments J9GC012=Failed to allocate VM memory segments J2JX069=estimated memory size\: %i bytes J9GC011=Failed to initialize pool of memory spaces J2JX068=file size\: %i bytes J9GC010=Failed to initialize finalization management J2JX067=No valid class found in %s J2JX066=Could not open file\: %s J2JX065=Error closing zip file\: %s J2JX064=The valid values for the -precompileTarget option are\: J2JX063=Defaults are\: J2JX062=classfile(s) any number of files ending with .class, .jar, or .zip will\n be examined and added to the jxe\n J2JX061=Ahead-of-time compilation options\:\n -[no]precompile [do not] mark all methods for precompilation\n -[no]precompileMethod xxx [do not] mark named methods for precompilation\n -[no]compileAheadOfTime compile marked method ahead of time\n -precompileTarget xxx generate jxe for target architecture and OS xxx\n -precompileOptions xxx pass xxx to the precompilation engine\n -[no]precompileResolve [do not] attempt to resolve external references during precompilation\n -[no]stripBytecode [do not] strip bytecode for aot compiled methods\n J2JX060=\ -j2se use this option when using jar2jxe in a Java SE environment\n J9GC009=Failed to initialize mutex for GC statistics J9GC008=Failed to initialize module extensions J9GC007=Failed to initialize; unable to parse command line J9GC006=Failed to initialize; out of memory J9GC005=Failed to initialize J9GC004=Failed to instantiate global garbage collector J9GC003=Failed to instantiate task dispatcher J9GC002=Failed to instantiate heap; %1$zu%2$s requested J2JX059=\ -[no]tools the tools directory is [not] added to the list of extension directories J9GC001=Failed to instantiate heap J2JX058=\ -padJxe pad the jxe at end with xxx extra bytes J9GC000=Internal error; out of memory J2JX057=\ -[no]segmented [do not] generate multiple segmented jxes\n -maxSegmentSize xxx max size for any segmented jxe (hex number)\n -maxSegmentSize seg\=xxx max size for specific segmented jxe (hex number)\n -locate xxx locate the image to address xxx (hex number)\n -locate seg\=xxx locate the image of a segment to hex address xxx J2JX056=\ -fileExtension xxx treat files ending with .xxx as .jar files J2JX055=\ -vmOption xxx use a vmOption xxx when running jxe J2JX054=\ -versionName xxx set version name of jxe to xxx J2JX053=\ -description xxx set description of jxe to xxx J2JX052=\ -uuid xxx set the UUID of the jxe to xxx J2JX051=\ -D xxx\=yyy set system property xxx to yyy J2JX050=\ -startupClass xxx set startup class to xxx\n -noStartupClass indicate the jxe doesn't have a startup class J2JX049=\ -srcDir xxx include all files in directory tree xxx J2JX048=\ -outputFormat xxx set the output format to xxx (c, bin, or jar) J2JX047=\ -o xxx set base output filename to xxx J2JX046=\ -be generate big endian output\n -le generate little endian output J2JX045=\ -version print out the version of this program J2JX044=\ -[no]profile [do not] generate a .prf file for profiling J2JX042=\ -[no]verify [do not] verify the class file format J2JX041=\ -q quiet mode\n -[no]logo [do not] print copyright message\n -verbose verbose mode J2JX040=Usage\:\t%s [options] classfile(s)\n\n[options]\n -help, -? print usage VERB030=max allowed shared class cache space for JIT J2JX039=IBM is a registered trademark of IBM Corp.\nJava and all Java-based marks and logos are trademarks or registered\ntrademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. J2JX038=Licensed Materials - Property of IBM J2JX036=Target\: %s\n J2JX035=(c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1991, 2005 All Rights Reserved J2JX034=J9 Java(TM) JAR to JXE, Version %s J2JX033=Internal Error\: failed the properly build the Error'd rom class J2JX032=Unbalanced quotes in parameter list J2JX031=finished reading JAR file\: %s J2JX030=Error reading %1$s from %2$s VERB029=min reserved shared class cache space for JIT VERB028=Verbose stack\: Unable to print the stack info for currently running threads VERB027=Verbose stack\: Running thread "%2$.*1$s" is using %3$zd/%4$zd bytes on Java/C stacks VERB026=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (opposite endian jxe not supported) VERB025=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (jxe corrupt image header) VERB024=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (jxe missing rom.classes) VERB023=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (unknown error) VERB022=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (unknown file type) VERB021=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (unsupported file type) VERB020=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (file corrupt) J2JX029=processing\: %s J2JX028=Error reading entry from %s J2JX027=Could not open or read %s J2JX026=segment %d could not fit within the required maximum segment size J2JX025=Attempted to add duplicate class to JXE %s J2JX024=added class file\: %s J2JX023=attempting to add class file\: %s J2JX022=%s is invalid J2JX021=Could not load %1$s\: %2$s J2JX020=growing ncpRef [%1$x] from %2$u entries to %3$u entries VERB019=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (file read failed) VERB018=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (file I/O failed) VERB017=max allowed shared class cache space for AOT VERB016=min reserved shared class cache space for AOT VERB015=shared class cache size VERB014=memory maximum VERB013=ROM class segment increment VERB012=RAM class segment increment VERB011=java thread stack size VERB010=java thread stack maximum size J2JX019=growing buffer [%1$x] from %2$u to %3$u J2JX018=Successfully created %s J2JX017=Failed to write data to file\: %s J2JX016=Failed to create/clear file\: %s J2JX015=Unknown error code\: %d J2JX014=AOT initialization failed J2JX013=Internal Error\: Endian flip failed J2JX012=Supplied UUID is invalid J2JX011=Internal Error\: ZIP Entry not closed J2JX010=Internal Error\: read failed CFRE122=class can be at most one of public or module CFRE121=illegal field name VERB009=java thread stack increment CFRE120=jsr and jsr_w opcodes are not valid in class files with versions >\= 51.0 VERB008=java thread stack initial size VERB007=operating system thread stack size VERB006=Failed to initialize VERB005=Error\: -Xverbosegclog missing filename VERB004=Error\: -Xverbosegclog number of cycles must be greater than 0 VERB003=Error\: -Xverbosegclog number of files must be greater than 0 VERB002=Verbose stack\: maximum stack use was %1$zd/%2$zd bytes on Java/C stacks VERB000=Verbose stack\: "%2$.*1$s" used %3$zd/%4$zd bytes on Java/C stacks J2JX009=Internal Error\: seek failed J2JX008=Internal Error\: no entries J9VM099=-Xlog\:none Disable JVM log options previously specified, including defaults. J2JX007=Internal Error\: Duplicate entry J9VM098=-Xlog\:help Print JVM -Xlog help. J2JX006=Out of memory J9VM097=\nUsage\:\n J2JX005=Internal Error\: size mismatch J9VM096=-Xscdmx is ignored if -Xshareclasses is not specified J2JX004=Internal Error\: CRC MISMATCH J9VM095=loading constraint violation when resolving method "%2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s" \: loader "%8$.*7$s@%9$x" of class "%11$.*10$s" and loader "%13$.*12$s@%14$x" of class "%16$.*15$s" have different types for the method signature J2JX003=Internal Error\: bad function argument J9VM094=Thread "%s" is still alive after running the shutdown hooks. J2JX002=Precompiled %1$d of %2$d method(s) for target %3$s. J9VM093=This version of Java requires a CPU that supports SSE2 or later extensions. See the 'Supported Environments' information in the IBM Java User Guide for more details. J2JX001=Stored resource\: %s J9VM092=Adaptive spinning not supported J2JX000=Attempted to add duplicate resource file [%s], file ignored. J9VM091=Adaptive spinning supported J9VM090=Slow response to network query (%d secs), check your IP DNS configuration CFRE119=multiple SourceFile attributes CFRE118=extra bytes after EOF CFRE117=field cannot be both final and volatile CFRE116=invoke bytecode must reference a Methodref CFRE115=array dimensions > 255 CFRE114=field name is invalid CFRE113=unexpected EOF CFRE112=VM does not support dynamic verification CFRE111=malformed UTF8 CFRE110=incompatible constant for field J9VM089=Warning\: unable to verify syscorepath settings using sysconfig\: %s. J9VM088=Warning\: syscorepath has not been configured which may prevent system core file generation (if one is needed).\n\t\tPlease consult the WebSphere Real Time installation instructions for proper syscorepath configuration settings.\n\t\tNOTE\: syscorepath must be configured each time the machine is restarted. J9VM087=resetDumpOption requires %s J9VM086=Option too large\: '%s' J9VM085=Malformed option\: '%s' J9VM084=IFA Error\: unexpected return code %08x from IFA switch service J9VM083=Error switching to IFA processor rc\: %08x J9VM082=Unable to switch to IFA processor - issue "extattr +a lib%s.so" J9VM081=Malformed option value, option "%1$s%3$.*2$s" contains trailing characters "%4$s" which have been ignored J9VM080=queryVmDump requires %s CFRE109=method signature invalid CFRE108=enclosing method method index must reference a name and type CFRE107=offset out of range in jump bytecode CFRE106=duplicate method CFRE105=superClass must be a class CFRE104=field can be at most one of public private or protected CFRE103=abstract method may not be private, static, final, native, synchronized or strict CFRE102=field signature invalid CFRE101=offset out of range in switch bytecode CFRE100=too many dimensions requested in multianewarray bytecode J9VM079=triggerOneOffDump(%1$s) requires %2$s J9VM078=Malformed value for JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS J9VM077=Note\: -Xdfpbd has no effect in this release of Java J9VM076=native memory exhausted allocating list entry for finalizable or reference object J9VM075=illegal operation on eventron thread J9VM074=Class %2$.*1$s illegally accessing %3$s class %5$.*4$s J9VM073=Class %2$.*1$s illegally accessing %3$s member of class %5$.*4$s J9VM072=native memory exhausted J9VM071=attempt to recursively bind native method %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s J9VM070=native memory exhausted during bind of native method %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s J9VM069=loading constraint violation\: loader "%2$.*1$s@%3$x" previously initiated loading for a different type with name "%5$.*4$s" defined by loader "%7$.*6$s@%8$x" J9VM068=-Xshareclasses not enabled, -Xzero\:sharestring option ignored J9VM067=-Xshareclasses not enabled, -Xzero\:sharezip option ignored J9VM066=argument type mismatch J9VM065=object is not an instance of declaring class J9VM064=setDumpOption requires %s J9VM063=seekDumpAgent requires %s J9VM062=removeDumpAgent requires %s J9VM061=insertDumpAgent requires %s J9VM060=runNamedDump(%1$s) requires %2$s J9VM059=-Xscmaxaot is ignored if -Xshareclasses is not specified J9VM058=-Xscminaot is ignored if -Xshareclasses is not specified J9VM057=Monitor cache limit exceeded J9VM056=Major version J9VM055=Fatal error\: JXE Major version different than %d J9VM054=Failed to create a thread\: retVal %1$d, errno %2$d J9VM053=Malformed option %s found in -Xoptionsfile J9VM052=\ -Xjni\:arrayCacheMax\=[|unlimited] set maximum size of JNI cached array\n J9VM051=Usage\:\n J9VM050=-Xjni\: unrecognized option --> '%s' J9VM049=JLM hold times not supported J9VM048=JLM hold times supported J9VM047=JLM not supported J9VM046=JLM supported J9VM045=Three-tier system monitors not supported J9VM044=Three-tier system monitors supported J9VM043=----------------------- J9VM042=Threading Configuration J9VM041=wrong number of arguments J9VM040=operating system stack overflow SHRC299=The shared class cache "%s" was not created with the nested option, cannot grow the cache SHRC298=To run "%s" utility on persistent class cache "%s", use the "persistent" suboption SHRC297=To use persistent shared class caches on AIX, environment variable CORE_MMAP must be set to "yes" SHRC296=Running with option "noCoreMmap" will mean that IBM will be unlikely to assist with any crashes as class data will be missing from system dumps SHRC295=Switch off dependency on having CORE_MMAP on AIX SHRC294=%1$d\: 0x%2$p CHARARRAY\: at 0x%3$p. SHRC293=Cannot allocate memory for hastable item pool in ROMClassResourceManager SHRC292=Cannot enter ROMClassResourceManager hashtable mutex J9VM039=-Xscmx is ignored if -Xshareclasses is not specified SHRC291=Cannot allocate memory for hashtable entry in ROMClassResourceManager J9VM038=-Xthr\: unrecognized option --> '%s' SHRC290=Failed to create new hash table item in ROMClassResourceManager J9VM037=Failed to allocate monitor J9VM036=divide by zero J9VM035=Unable to allocate OutOfMemoryError J9VM034=JVMRI requires trace engine\: run with -Xtrace flag J9VM033=Fatal error\: failed to initialize %s J9VM032=Fatal error\: unable to load %1$s\: %2$s J9VM031=Required class %2$.*1$s must be in the boot classpath, but was found in the application class path in %4$.*3$s VRFY040=verifier unable to allocate native memory J9VM030=Invalid UTF8 used in JNI function SHRC289=Do not detect when a cache is located on a remote networked filesystem SHRC288=shared memory ID \= %d SHRC287=Persistent cache cannot be located on a networked file system. Either select "nonpersistent" or a different cacheDir. SHRC286=Opened shared class cache %1$s read-only SHRC285=Opened shared class persistent cache %1$s read-only SHRC284=Cannot create a cache in readonly mode SHRC283=Open the cache with read-only permissions VRFY039=unknown bytecode SHRC282=The page size of the operating system is incompatible with this cache. Attempting to recreate the cache. J9VM029=\tat (Unknown Method) VRFY038=invokespecial on invalid target SHRC281=Attempting to destroy all caches in cacheDir %s J9VM028=\tat %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s (%6$.*5$s\:%7$u) VRFY037=uninitialized object during backwards branch SHRC280=Listing all caches in cacheDir %s J9VM027=\tat %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s (%6$.*5$s) VRFY036=stack underflow J9VM026=\tat %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s (Unknown Source) VRFY035=no error J9VM025=\tat %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s (Native Method) VRFY034=target PC invalid J9VM024=Exception in thread "%.*s" VRFY033=field not type compatible J9VM023=This may indicate that JAVA_HOME is incorrect, or that class libraries are not installed VRFY032=bad receiver for J9VM022=Stack map failed, result \= %p - aborting VM VRFY031=attempt to iinc non integer J9VM021=Out of memory for interpreter stack map - aborting VM VRFY030=bad type on stack J9VM020=Searched in %.*s SHRC279=Recreate shared cache on startup SHRC278=Note that utility "%s" cannot operate on incompatible class cache "%s". Please use a JVM of the correct level. SHRC277=To run "%s" utility on nonpersistent class cache "%s", you must also use "nonpersistent" suboption SHRC276=To run "%s" utility on persistent class cache "%s", do not use "nonpersistent" suboption SHRC275=Set the location of the JVM cache files SHRC274=Memory page protection disabled for cache SHRC273=Default memory page protection successfully enabled for cache VRFY029=invalid returnAddress for ret instruction SHRC272=Full memory page protection successfully enabled for cache J9VM019=Fatal error\: Unable to find and initialize required class %.*s VRFY028=bad dimension SHRC271=Unrecognised sub-option for option mprotect\= J9VM018=Could not allocate memory for shared library load table pool VRFY027=receiver is incompatible with declaring class SHRC270=Configure cache memory page protection J9VM017=Could not allocate memory for command line option array VRFY026=unexpected EOF J9VM016=Shutdown error for library %1$s(%2$d)\: %3$s VRFY025=bad access to protected data J9VM015=Initialization error for library %1$s(%2$d)\: %3$s VRFY024=arguments are not type compatible J9VM014=Shutdown error in function %1$s(%2$d)\: %3$s VRFY023=tableswitch parameter not integer J9VM013=Initialization error in function %1$s(%2$d)\: %3$s VRFY022=subroutines must be re-walked for each jsr J9VM012=Unable to unload %1$s\: %2$s VRFY021=thrown object not throwable J9VM011=Unable to load %1$s\: %2$s VRFY020=invoke arguments not type compatible J9VM010=Failed to initialize %s SHRC269=The system does not support memory page protection SHRC268=[-Xshareclasses caching of bootclasspath entries disabled] SHRC267=Disable caching of classes from the bootclasspath SHRC266=[-Xshareclasses caching of retransformed classes enabled] SHRC265=Cache classes that are retransformed via JVMTI SHRC264=Don't round cache areas to page boundaries SHRC263=Enable CompositeCache verbose pages VRFY019=class load failed SHRC262=Data bytes \= %d J9VM009=J9VMDllMain failed VRFY018=max stack exceeded SHRC261=Enable string intern verbose output J9VM008=J9VMDllMain not found VRFY017= does not call this or super SHRC260=Failed to create pool in ByteDataManager J9VM007=Command-line option unrecognised\: %s VRFY016=shift bytecode parameter not integer J9VM006=Invalid command-line option\: %s VRFY015=multiple returns to single jsr J9VM005=Invalid value for environment variable\: %s VRFY014=return bytecode incompatible with return type J9VM004=Cannot load library required by\: %s VRFY013=class loading constraint violated J9VM003=JIT compiler "%s" not found. Will use interpreter. VRFY012=stack shape inconsistent J9VM002=Options file not found VRFY011=lookupswitch parameter not integer J9VM001=Malformed value for -Xservice VRFY010=multiple jsrs use single return J9VM000=Malformed value for IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS SHRC259=Cannot enter Manager hashtable mutex SHRC258=Cannot allocate memory for hashtable entry in Manager SHRC257=Cannot allocate memory for linked list item in Manager SHRC256=Persistent shared cache "%1$s" has been destroyed SHRC255=Error updating shared class cache file last detached time on JVM exit SHRC254=Error setting length of shared class cache file SHRC253=Error writing header to shared class cache file VRFY009=array not type compatible SHRC252=Error seeking on shared class cache file VRFY008=array index not integer SHRC251=Don't auto-delete caches from different buildIDs VRFY007=final method overridden SHRC250=Cache cannot be opened read-only as it has not yet initialized VRFY006=new array size not integer VRFY005=local not type compatible VRFY004=jsr inlining encountered too many jsrs VRFY003=class does not contain pre-verify data VRFY002=bytecode sequence invalid VRFY001=%1$s; class\=%3$.*2$s, method\=%5$.*4$s%7$.*6$s VRFY000=%1$s; class\=%3$.*2$s, method\=%5$.*4$s%7$.*6$s, pc\=%8$u SHRC249=Error shared class cache file header modlevel is invalid SHRC248=Error shared class cache file header version is invalid SHRC247=Error shared class cache file header eyecatcher is invalid SHRC246=Attached shared classes persistent cache %1$s SHRC245=Error mapping shared class cache file SHRC244=Error obtaining shared class cache file length SHRC243=Error releasing shared class cache file attach read lock SHRC242=Error updating shared class cache file last detached time SHRC241=Error\: unable to delete shared class cache file SHRC240=Error\: unable to acquire shared class cache file attach write lock EXEX026=\ -jxe places jxeFile on the classpath and executes the startup\n class found in jxeFile. EXEX025=Usage\:\t%s [-jxe] [options] [args...] EXEX024=JXE %s did not contain a startup class. EXEX023=Could not initialize JXE utilities. SHRC239=Error\: unable to acquire shared class cache file header write lock SHRC238=Error\: the shared class cache is not attached SHRC237=Opened shared classes persistent cache %1$s SHRC236=Created shared classes persistent cache %1$s SHRC235=Error releasing shared class cache file attach read lock SHRC234=Error acquiring shared class cache file attach read lock SHRC233=Error creating shared class cache file header SHRC232=Cannot create a cache in readonly mode SHRC231=Error setting shared class cache file length SHRC230=Error initialising shared cache data header EXEX017=Error mapping jxe in flash EXEX016=Invalid jxespace parameters. EXEX015=VM startup error\: Out of memory EXEX014=Run %s -help for usage EXEX013=Internal VM error\: Failed to create Java VM EXEX012=-jar option is not available for this class library EXEX010=%s requires a parameter JDBG021=unrecognized debug option JDBG020=unrecognized debug option\: '%s' SHRC229=Error\: shared class cache file has an invalid header SHRC228=Error updating shared class cache last attached time SHRC227=Error acquiring shared class cache file header write lock SHRC226=Error opening shared class cache file SHRC225=Error obtaining cache file path SHRC224=Out of memory for local copy of cache name SHRC223=Persistent shared class caches cannot be created/used as file locking is not supported SHRC222=Persistent shared class caches cannot be created/used as memory mapping does not support the required capabilities SHRC221=Platform error message\: %1$s EXEX009=\ -verify enable class file verification.\n -X print help on non-standard options. SHRC220=Port layer error code \= %1$d EXEX008=\ -verbose[\:class,gc,stack,sizes]\n enable verbose output (default\=class).\n EXEX007=\ -jcl\:[\:options]\n specify which JCL shared library to use (e.g. cdc, cldc, ...).\n EXEX006=\ -debug\: enable debug, JDWP standard .\n JDBG019=unsorted relocation list %zx EXEX005=\ -D\= set the value of a system property.\n JDBG018=ignoring unrecognized debug option EXEX004=\ -jxespace\:,,\n map memory region for jxes, (values are in hex).\n -jxeaddr\:\n run a jxe directly from memory, (address is in hex). EXEX003=\ -jxe\: run the named jxe file. JDBG016=jvm attach failed EXEX002=\n[options]\n -classpath \n -cp set classpath to . JDBG015=Debug response server EXEX001=Usage\:\t%s [options] -jxe\: [args...] JDBG014=cannot allocate vm->debuggerClassReferences pool EXEX000=Usage\:\t%s [options] classname [args...] JDBG013=cannot allocate vm->debuggerReferences pool JDBG012=j9dbg_init_server failed JDBG011=cannot allocate debugServer JDBG010=Example\: java -Xrunjdwp\:transport\=dt_socket,address\=localhost\:8000\n SHRC219=[-Xshareclasses group access enabled for new caches] SHRC218=[-Xshareclasses persistent cache disabled] SHRC217=[-Xshareclasses persistent cache enabled] SHRC216=Create non-persistent shared class cache SHRC215=Create persistent shared class cache SHRC214=Cannot enter ByteDataManager hashtable mutex SHRC213=Cannot allocate memory for hashtable entry in ByteDataManagerImpl SHRC212=Storing byte data for key %.*s in shared cache... SHRC211=Finding byte data for key %.*s in shared cache... SHRC210=[-Xshareclasses byte data verbose output enabled] JDBG009=j9methodids\=y|n use j9 method ids n\n JDBG008=onuncaught\=y|n debug on any uncaught? n JDBG007=onthrow\= debug on throw none JDBG006=server\=y|n listen for debugger? n JDBG005=address\= transport spec "localhost\:8888" JDBG004=transport\= transport spec none JDBG003=suspend\=y|n wait on startup? y JDBG002=--------------------- ----------- ------- JDBG001=Option Name and Value Description Default JDBG000=-Xrunjdwp usage\: -Xrunjdwp\:[help]|[