# @(#)60	1.7  src/tcpip/etc/map3270, tcp_apps, tcpip720 8/19/97 13:33:59
# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# tcpip720 src/tcpip/etc/map3270 1.7 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1985,1989 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
# ORIGINS:  27 38
# Top-level key binding definition file for telnet 3270 emulation
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1985, 1989
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
# Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
# specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
# /etc/map3270 (/usr/new/etc/map3270 before migration)
# mail corrections and additions to "termcap"
# this file contains mappings between characters entered from the keyboard,
# and 3270 keys, for use by programs (like tn3270) doing 3270 emulation
# from unix.
# inside the single quotes, a caret ("^") introduces a control character
# sequence (rub out = ^?, by the way).  also inside the single quotes,
# a backslash ('\') introduces an escaped character.  Also, \n, \r, \t,
# are all as in c, and \E is another way of representing escape.
#	NOTE that while we are defining lots of function, much of that
# function (ie: local editing keys) may not yet be available from
# tn3270.

ibm5151 | wy60-AT | wyse60-AT | IBM5151 | xterm | aixterm | jaixterm | aixterm-m | hft | hft-m | hft-c | hft-nam | hft-m-old | aixterm-m-old | aixterm-old | hft-nam-old | hft-c-old | hft-old | lft { # Monochrome display;

	enter ='\e[114q';		# enter
	clear = '^Z'; 		# clear
	nl = '\n';		# newline
	tab = '\t';		# tab
	btab = '\e[Z';		# back tab 
	left = '\e[D';		#left arrow
	right = '\e[C';          # right arrow
	up = '\e[A' ;            # up arrow
	down = '\e[B' ;          # down arrow
	home = '\e[H' ;          # Home

	delete = '\e[P';		# Delete
	eeof = '\e[148q';	# c_End
	einp = '\e[142q';	# c_Delete
	insrt = '\e[139q';	# Insert
	dp =  '\e[149q'	;	# a_End
	fm = '\e[143q';		# s_home
	attention = '\e[036q';	# attention key
	# pf keys 
	pfk1 = '\e[001q';	# f1
	pfk2 = '\e[002q';	# f2
	pfk3 = '\e[003q';	# f3
	pfk4 = '\e[004q';	# f4
	pfk5 = '\e[005q';	# f5
	pfk6 = '\e[006q';	# f6
	pfk7 = '\e[007q';	# f7
	pfk7 = '\e[150q';	# Page Up
	pfk8 = '\e[008q';	# f8
	pfk8 = '\e[154q';	# Page Down
	pfk9 = '\e[009q';	# f9
	pfk10 = '\e[010q';	# f10
	pfk11 = '\e[011q';	# f11
	pfk12 = '\e[012q';	# f12
	pfk13 = '\e[013q';	# s_f1
	pfk14 = '\e[014q';	# s_f2
	pfk15 = '\e[015q';	# s_f3
	pfk16 = '\e[016q';	# s_f4
	pfk17 = '\e[017q';	# s_f5
	pfk18 = '\e[018q';	# s_f6
	pfk19 = '\e[019q';	# s_f7
	pfk20 = '\e[020q';	# s_f8
	pfk21 = '\e[021q';	# s_f9
	pfk22 = '\e[022q';	# s_f10
	pfk23 = '\e[023q';	# s_f11
	pfk24 = '\e[024q';	# s_f12

	#program attention keys
	pa1 = '\e[213q';		# c_f1
	pa2 = '\e[217q';		# c_f2
	pa3 = '\e[027q';		# c_f3
	# display colors    
	low_prot = 'red' ;
	low_unprot = 'green' ;
	high_prot = 'white' ;
	high_unprot = 'red' ;
	background = 'black' ;
	#other keys
	cursel = '\e.';		# curser select

	#local control keys
	reset = '\e[122q';		# a_Esc
	master_reset = '\e[122q';	# a_Esc
	flinp = '^x';		
	reshow = '^v';
	escape = '^t';

        #BIDI support
        autopush =  '\e[087q';
        scrrev =    '\e[088q';
        endpush =   '\e[076q';
        push =      '\e[083q';
        eng_lang =  '\e[095q';
        nls_lang =  '\e[106q';
        fldrev =    '\e[077q';

        #ARABIC support
        autoshape = '^[[103q';
        isolated =  '^[[082q';
        initial =   '^[[081q';
        middle =    '^[[107q';
        final =     '^[[079q';
        fieldshape ='^[[092q';
        fieldbase = '^[[105q';

	#local editing keys
	settab = '\e;';
	clrtab = '\e:';
	setmrg = '\e*';
	sethom = '\e%';
	coltab = '\es';
	colbak = '\et';
	indent = '\ev';
	undent = '\eu';
}		#end of hft ibm.

dtterm { # Desktop Terminal

	enter ='^J';		# enter
	clear = '^Z'; 		# clear
	nl = '\n';		# newline
	tab = '\t';		# tab
	btab = '^B';		# back tab 
	left = '\e[D';		#left arrow
	right = '\e[C';         # right arrow
	up = '\e[A' ;           # up arrow
	down = '\e[B' ;         # down arrow
	home = '\e[H' ;         # Home

	delete = '\e[3~';	# Delete
	eeof = '^K';	        # c_End
	einp = '\e[3~';	        # c_Delete
	insrt = '\e[2~';	# Insert
	attention = '\e[24~';	# attention key
	# pf keys 
	pfk1 = '\e[11~';	# f1
	pfk2 = '\e[12~';	# f2
	pfk3 = '\e[13~';	# f3
	pfk4 = '\e[14~';	# f4
	pfk5 = '\e[15~';	# f5
	pfk6 = '\e[17~';	# f6
	pfk7 = '\e[18~';	# f7
	pfk7 = '\e[5~';	        # Page Up
	pfk8 = '\e[19~';	# f8
	pfk8 = '\e[6~';	        # Page Down
	pfk9 = '\e[20~';	# f9
	pfk10 = '\e[21~';	# f10
	pfk11 = '\e[23~';	# f11
	pfk12 = '\e[24~';	# f12
	pfk13 = '\e[25~';	# s_f1
	pfk14 = '\e[26~';	# s_f2
	pfk15 = '\e[28~';	# s_f3
	pfk16 = '\e[29~';	# s_f4
	pfk17 = '\e[31~';	# s_f5
	pfk18 = '\e[32~';	# s_f6
	pfk19 = '\e[33~';	# s_f7
	pfk20 = '\e[34~';	# s_f8

	# display colors    
	low_prot = 'red' ;
	low_unprot = 'green' ;
	high_prot = 'white' ;
	high_unprot = 'cyan' ;
	background = 'black' ;
	#other keys
	cursel = '\e.';		# curser select

	#local control keys
	flinp = '^x';		
	reshow = '^v';
	escape = '^t';

}		#end of dtterm

3a | adm3a {
    enter = '^m';
    clear = '^z';

    nl = '^n' | '^^';
    tab = '^i';
    btab = '^b';
    left = '^h';
    right = '^l';
    up = '^k';
    down = '^j';
    home = '^@';

    delete = '^d' | '^?';
    eeof = '^e';
    einp = '^w';
    insrt = '\E ';
    dp = '^u';
    fm = '^y';
    autoshape =  '\Ec';
    isolated  =  '\Eo';
    initial   =  '\Ei';
    middle    =  '\Em';
    final     =  '\Ey';
    fieldshape=  '\Eh';
    fieldbase =  '\Eb';
    autopush  =  '\Ea';
    scrrev    =  '\Es';
    endpush   =  '\Ee';
    push      =  '\Ep';
    eng_lang  =  '\El';
    nls_lang  =  '\En';
    fldrev    =  '\Er';

    # pf keys
    pfk1 = '\E1'; pfk2 = '\E2'; pfk3 = '\E3'; pfk4 = '\E4';
    pfk5 = '\E5'; pfk6 = '\E6'; pfk7 = '\E7'; pfk8 = '\E8';
    pfk9 = '\E9'; pfk10 = '\E0'; pfk11 = '\E:'; pfk12 = '\E-';
    pfk13 = '^f13'; pfk14 = '^f14'; pfk15 = '^f15'; pfk16 = '^f16';
    pfk17 = '^f17'; pfk18 = '^f18'; pfk19 = '^f19'; pfk20 = '^f20';
    pfk21 = '^f21'; pfk22 = '^f22'; pfk23 = '^f23'; pfk24 = '^f24';

    # program attention keys
    pa1 = '^p1';
    pa2 = '^p2';
    pa3 = '^p3';

    # other keys
    cursel = '\E.';

    # local control keys

    reset = '^t';	# well, there is a little confusion here...
    master_reset = '^g';
    flinp = '^x';
    reshow = '^v';	# redisplay screen 
    escape = '^c';	# escape to telnet command mode

    # local editing keys
    settab = '\E;';
    clrtab = '\E+';
    setmrg = '\E(';
    sethom = '\E!';
    coltab = '\Ei';
    colbak = '\Eb';
    indent = '\El';
    undent = '\Eh';

} # end of adm3a

920c | tvi920c | 920b {	# tvi920c definitions...

    # command keys
    enter = '^m';
    clear = '^z';

    # cursor movement keys
    nl = '^^' | '^n';
    tab = '^i';
    btab = '^b';
    left = '^h';
    right = '^l';
    up = '^k';
    down = '^j';
    home = '^@';

    # edit control keys
    delete = '^?' | '^d';
    eeof = '^e';
    einp = '^w';
    insrt = '\E ';
    dp = '^u';
    fm = '^y';

    # program function keys
    pfk1 = '^a@^m'; pfk2 = '^aA^m'; pfk3 = '^aB^m'; pfk4 = '^aC^m';
    pfk5 = '^aD^m'; pfk6 = '^aE^m'; pfk7 = '^aF^m'; pfk8 = '^aG^m';
    pfk9 = '^aH^m'; pfk10 = '^aI^m'; pfk11 = '^aJ^m' | '\E^a@^m';
						pfk12 = '^aj^m' | '\E^aA^m';
    pfk13 = '\E^aB^m'; pfk14 = '\E^aC^m'; pfk15 = '\E^aD^m'; pfk16 = '\E^aE^m';
    pfk17 = '\E^aF^m'; pfk18 = '\E^aG^m'; pfk19 = '\E^aH^m'; pfk20 = '\E^aI^m';
    pfk21 = '\E^a`^m'; pfk22 = '\E^aa^m'; pfk23 = '\E^ab^m'; pfk24 = '\E^ac^m';

    # program attention keys

    pa1 = '^a`^m';
    pa2 = '^aa^m';
    pa3 = '^ab^m';

    # miscellaneous 3270 keys

    cursel = '\E.';

    # local control keys

    reset = '^t';		# there is some confusion here...
    master_reset = '^g';
    flinp = '^x';
    reshow = '^v';
    escape = '^c';	# escape to telnet command mode

    # local editing keys

    settab = '\E;';
    clrtab = '\E:';
    setmrg = '\E*';
    sethom = '\E!';
    coltab = '\Ei' | '\EI';
    colbak = '\Eb' | '\EB';
    indent = '\El' | '\EL';
    undent = '\Eh' | '\EH';
} # end of tvi920c table...

925 | tvi925 | 925vb | tvi925vb | televideo 925 {

    # command keys

    enter = '^m';
    clear = '^z';

    # cursor movement keys

    nl = '^j' | '^n';
    tab = '^i';
    btab = '\EI';
    left = '^h';
    right = '^l';
    up = '^k';
    down = '^v';
    home = '^^';

    # edit control keys

    delete = '^?';	# that's rubout...
    eeof = '^e';
    einp = '^w';
    insrt = '\E ' | '\EW';

    # program function keys

    pfk1 = '^a@^m';
    pfk2 = '^aA^m';
    pfk3 = '^aB^m';
    pfk4 = '^aC^m';
    pfk5 = '^aD^m';
    pfk6 = '^aE^m';
    pfk7 = '^aF^m';
    pfk8 = '^aG^m';
    pfk9 = '^aH^m';
    pfk10 = '^aI^m';
    pfk11 = '^aJ^m';
    pfk12 = '\EQ';
    pfk13 = '\E^a@^m';
    pfk14 = '\E^aA^m';
    pfk15 = '\E^aB^m';
    pfk16 = '\E^aC^m';
    pfk17 = '\E^aD^m';
    pfk18 = '\E^aE^m';
    pfk19 = '\E^aF^m';
    pfk20 = '\E^aG^m';
    pfk21 = '\E^aH^m';
    pfk22 = '\E^aI^m';
    pfk23 = '\E^aJ^m';
    pfk24 = '\E\EQ';

    # program attention keys

    pa1 = '^a`^m';
    pa2 = '^aa^m';
    pa3 = '^ab^m';

    # other keys

    # local control keys

    reset = '^t';		# again, there is some confusion here...
    master_reset = '^g';
    flinp = '^x';
    reshow = '^b';
    escape = '^c';	# escape to telnet command mode

# local editing keys

    settab = '\EY';
    deltab = '\Ey';
    clrtab = '\E:';
    setmrg = '\ET';
    sethom = '\Et';
    coltab = '^p';
    colbak = '^o';
    indent = '\ER';
    undent = '\EE';

924 | tvi924 {

    # command keys

    enter = '^m';
    clear = '^z';

    # cursor movement keys

    nl = '^j';
    tab = '^i';
    btab = '\EI';
    left = '^h';
    right = '^l';
    up = '^k';
    down = '^v';
    home = '^^';

    # edit control keys

    delete = '^?';	# that's rubout...
    eeof = '^e';
    einp = '^w';
    insrt = '\E ' | '\EW';
    dp = '^u';
    fm = '^y';

    # program function keys

    pfk1 = '^a@^m';
    pfk2 = '^aA^m';
    pfk3 = '^aB^m';
    pfk4 = '^aC^m';
    pfk5 = '^aD^m';
    pfk6 = '^aE^m';
    pfk7 = '^aF^m';
    pfk8 = '^aG^m';
    pfk9 = '^aH^m';
    pfk10 = '^aI^m';
    pfk11 = '^aJ^m';
    pfk12 = '^aK^m';
    pfk13 = '^aL^m';
    pfk14 = '^aM^m';
    pfk15 = '^aN^m';
    pfk16 = '^aO^m';
    pfk17 = '^af^m';
    pfk18 = '^ag^m';
    pfk19 = '^ah^m';
    pfk20 = '^ai^m';
    pfk21 = '^aj^m';
    pfk22 = '^ak^m';
    pfk23 = '^al^m';
    pfk24 = '^am^m';

    # program attention keys

    pa1 = '^a`^m';
    pa2 = '^aa^m';
    pa3 = '^ab^m';

    # other keys

    # local control keys

    reset = '^t';		# again, there is some confusion here...
    master_reset = '^g';
    flinp = '^x';
    reshow = '^b';
    escape = '^c';	# escape to telnet command mode

    # local editing keys

    settab = '\EY';
    deltab = '\Ey';
    clrtab = '\E:';
    setmrg = '\ET';
    sethom = '\Et';
    coltab = '^p';
    colbak = '^o';
    indent = '\ER';
    undent = '\EE';

 kb | h19 | heath | h19b | heathkit | heath-19 | z19 | zenith {
enter = '^m';
clear = '^z';

nl = '^n' | '^?';
tab = '^i';
btab = '^b';
left = '^h';
right = '^l';
up = '^k';
down = '^j';
home = '^@';

delete = '^d';
eeof = '^e';
einp = '^w';
insrt = '\E ';

# pf keys
pfk1 = '\E?p\E?q'; pfk2 = '\E?p\E?r'; pfk3 = '\E?p\E?s'; pfk4 = '\E?p\E?t';
pfk5 = '\E?p\E?u'; pfk6 = '\E?p\E?v'; pfk7 = '\E?p\E?w'; pfk8 = '\E?p\E?x';
pfk9 = '\E?p\E?y'; pfk10 = '\E?q\E?p'; pfk11 = '\E?q\E?q'; pfk12 = '\E?q\E?r';
pfk13 = '\E?q\E?s'; pfk14 = '\E?q\E?t'; pfk15 = '\E?q\E?u'; pfk16 = '\E?q\E?v';
pfk17 = '\E?q\E?w'; pfk18 = '\E?q\E?x'; pfk19 = '\E?q\E?y'; pfk20 = '\E?r\E?p';
pfk21 = '\E?r\E?q'; pfk22 = '\E?r\E?r'; pfk23 = '\E?r\E?s'; pfk24 = '\E?r\E?t';

# program attention keys
pa1 = '\EP';
pa2 = '\EQ';
pa3 = '\ER';

# other keys
# cursel = '\E.'; # find out what this does
master_reset = '^g';

# local control keys

reset = '^t';	# well, there is a little confusion here...
flinp = '^x';
reshow = '^v';	# redisplay screen 
escape = '^c';	# escape to telnet command mode

# local editing keys
settab = '\E;';
clrtab = '\E:';
setmrg = '\E\'';
sethom = '\E!';
coltab = '\Ei';
colbak = '\Eb';
indent = '\El';
undent = '\Eh';

} # end of h19

co | c100 | concept | c100-4p | concept100 {
enter = '^m';
clear = '^z' | '^\2';

nl = '^n';
tab = '^i';
btab = '^b';
left = '^h' | '\E>';
right = '^l' | '\E=';
up = '^k' | '\E;';
down = '^j' | '\E<';
home = '\E?';

delete = '^d' | '^?' | '^\1';
eeof = '^e' | '^\3';
einp = '^w';
insrt = '^\0';

# pf keys
pfk1 = '\E\E1' | '^\5'; pfk2 = '\E\E2' | '^\6'; pfk3 = '\E\E3' | '^\7';
pfk4 = '\E\E4' | '^\8'; pfk5 = '\E\E5' | '^\9'; pfk6 = '\E\E6' | '^\:';
pfk7 = '\E\E7' | '^\;'; pfk8 = '\E\E8' | '^\<'; pfk9 = '\E\E9' | '^\=';
pfk10 = '\E\E0' | '^\>'; pfk11 = '\E\E-' | '^\?'; pfk12 = '^\@';
pfk13 = '^\A'; pfk14 = '^\B'; pfk15 = '^\)'; pfk16 = '^\*';
pfk17 = '^\+'; pfk18 = '^\,'; pfk19 = '^\-'; pfk20 = '^\.';
pfk21 = '^\/'; pfk22 = '^\C'; pfk23 = '^\D'; pfk24 = '^\E';

# program attention keys
pa1 = '^\%';
pa2 = '^\&' | '\E+';
pa3 = '^\\'';

# other keys
cursel = '\E.'; 
aplon = '\E{';
aplend = '\E}';
aploff = '\E_';
master_reset = '^g';

# local control keys

reset = '^t';	# well, there is a little confusion here...
flinp = '^x';
reshow = '^v';	# redisplay screen 
escape = '^c';	# escape to telnet command mode

# local editing keys
settab = '\E\E;';
clrtab = '\E\E:';
setmrg = '\E\E*';
sethom = '\E\E!';
coltab = '\E\Ei';
colbak = '\E\Eb';
indent = '\E\El';
undent = '\E\Eh';

} # end of concept
avt | avt-8p-s | avt-4p-s | avt-rv {
enter = '^m';
clear = '^z' | '\EOM';

nl = '^?';
tab = '^i';
btab = '^b';
left = '^h' | '\E[D';
right = '^l' | '\E[C';
up = '^k' | '\E[A';
down = '^j' | '\E[B';
home = '\EOn';

delete = '^d';
eeof = '^e';
einp = '^w';
insrt = '^ ' | '\E ';

# pf keys
pfk1 = '\EOq' | '\E1'; pfk2 = '\EOr' | '\E2'; pfk3 = '\EOs' | '\E3';
pfk4 = '\EOt' | '\E4'; pfk5 = '\EOu' | '\E5'; pfk6 = '\EOv' | '\E6';
pfk7 = '\EOw' | '\E7'; pfk8 = '\EOx' | '\E8'; pfk9 = '\EOy' | '\E9';
pfk10 = '\EOP\EOp' | '\E0'; pfk11 = '\EOP\EOq' | '\E-';
pfk12 = '\EOP\EOr' | '\E='; pfk13 = '\EOP\EOs' | '^f13';
pfk14 = '\EOP\EOt' | '^f14'; pfk15 = '\EOP\EOu' | '^f15';
pfk16 = '\EOP\EOv' | '^f16'; pfk17 = '\EOP\EOw' | '^f17';
pfk18 = '\EOP\EOx' | '^f18'; pfk19 = '\EOP\EOy' | '^f19';
pfk20 = '\EOQ\EOp' | '^f20'; pfk21 = '\EOQ\EOq' | '^f21';

# program attention keys
pa1 = '\E\EOP' | '^p1';
pa2 = '\E\EOQ' | '^p2';

# local control keys

escape = '^c';	# escape to telnet command mode
master_reset = '^g';

# local editing keys
settab = '\E;';
deltab = '\E\'';
clrtab = '\E:';
setmrg = '\E,';
sethom = '\E.';
coltab = '\E\E[B';
colbak = '\E\E[A';
indent = '\E\E[C';
undent = '\E\E[D';
}    # end of avt, etc.

tvipt | vp | televideopt {
    enter = '^m';
    clear = '^z';

 nl = '^n';
    tab = '^i';
    btab = '^b';
    left = '^h';
    right = '^l';
    up = '^k';
    down = '^j';
    home = '^^';

    delete = '^?';
    eeof = '^e';
    einp = '^w';
    insrt = '\E ';

    # pf keys
    pfk1 = '\E1' | '^A@^m';		
    pfk2 = '\E2' | '^AA^m';
    pfk3 = '\E3' | '^AB^m'; 
    pfk4 = '\E4' | '^AC^m';
    pfk5 = '\E5' | '^AD^m';
    pfk6 = '\E6' | '^AE^m'; 
    pfk7 = '\E7' | '^AF^m';
    pfk8 = '\E8';
    pfk9 = '\E9';
    pfk10 = '\E0';
    pfk11 = '\E!' | '\E^A@^m';
    pfk12 = '\E@' | '\E^AA^m';
    pfk13 = '\E#' | '\E^AB^m';
    pfk14 = '\E$' | '\E^AC^m';
    pfk15 = '\E%' | '\E^AD^m';
    pfk16 = '\E^AE^m' | '\E\^';
    pfk17 = '\E&' | '\E^AF^m';
    pfk18 = '\E*'; 
    pfk19 = '\E(';
    pfk20 = '\E)';

    # program attention keys
    pa1 = '^AG^m';
    pa2 = '^AH^m';
    pa3 = '^AI^m';

    # other keys
#    # cursel = '\E.';

    # local control keys

    reset = '^t';	# well, there is a little confusion here...
    master_reset = '^g';
    flinp = '^x';
    reshow = '^v';	# redisplay screen 
    escape = '^c';	# escape to telnet command mode

    # local editing keys
    settab = '\E;';
    clrtab = '\E:';
    setmrg = '\E[';
    sethom = '\E+';
    coltab = '\Ei' | '\EI';
    colbak = '\Eb' | '\EB';
    indent = '\El' | '\EL';
    undent = '\Eh' | '\EH';
} # end of tvipt
vt100 | vt100nam | pt100 | vt125 | vt102 | direct831 | tek4125 | pcplot {
enter = '^m';
clear = '^z' | '\EOM';

nl = '^?';
tab = '^i';
btab = '^b';
left = '^h' | '\EOD';
right = '^l' | '\EOC';
up = '^k' | '\EOA';
down = '^j' | '\EOB';
home = '\EOn';

delete = '^d';
eeof = '^e';
einp = '^w';
insrt = '^ ' | '\E ';

# pf keys
pfk1 = '\EOq' | '\E1'; pfk2 = '\EOr' | '\E2'; pfk3 = '\EOs' | '\E3';
pfk4 = '\EOt' | '\E4'; pfk5 = '\EOu' | '\E5'; pfk6 = '\EOv' | '\E6';
pfk7 = '\EOw' | '\E7'; pfk8 = '\EOx' | '\E8'; pfk9 = '\EOy' | '\E9';
pfk10 = '\EOP\EOp' | '\E0'; pfk11 = '\EOP\EOq' | '\E-';
pfk12 = '\EOP\EOr' | '\E='; pfk13 = '\EOP\EOs' | '^f13';
pfk14 = '\EOP\EOt' | '^f14'; pfk15 = '\EOP\EOu' | '^f15';
pfk16 = '\EOP\EOv' | '^f16'; pfk17 = '\EOP\EOw' | '^f17';
pfk18 = '\EOP\EOx' | '^f18'; pfk19 = '\EOP\EOy' | '^f19';
pfk20 = '\EOQ\EOp' | '^f20'; pfk21 = '\EOQ\EOq' | '^f21';

# program attention keys
pa1 = '\E\EOP' | '^p1';
pa2 = '\E\EOQ' | '^p2';

# local control keys

escape = '^c';	# escape to telnet command mode
master_reset = '^g';

# local editing keys
settab = '\E;';
deltab = '\E\'';
clrtab = '\E:';
setmrg = '\E,';
sethom = '\E.';
coltab = '\E\E[B';
colbak = '\E\E[A';
indent = '\E\E[C';
undent = '\E\E[D';
}    # end of vt100, etc.

ibm3151 | IBM3151 {

# these definitions assume the turnaround character is set to EOT

	# use arrow keys or emacs cmds for cursor ctrl
	up	=	'\eA' | '^p';
	down	=	'\eB' | '^n';
	left	=	'\eD' | '^b';
	right	=	'\eC' | '^f';

	nl	=	'\e8^D';	# send
	home 	= 	'\eh';
	tab	=	'^i';
	btab	=	'\e2';
	eeof	=	'\ei';
	eeop	=	'\ej';
	einp	=	'\ek';
	insrt	=	'\ep ^H';
	delete	=	'\eq';
	enter	=	'^m';
	clear	=	'\el^D';
	pfk1	=	'\ea^D';
	pfk2	=	'\eb^D';
	pfk3	=	'\ec^D';
	pfk4	=	'\ed^D';
	pfk5	=	'\ee^D';
	pfk6	=	'\ef^D';
	pfk7	=	'\eg^D';
	pfk8	=	'\eh^D';
	pfk9	=	'\ei^D';
	pfk10	=	'\ej^D';
	pfk11	=	'\ek^D';
	pfk12	=	'\el^D';
	pfk13	=	'\e!a^D';
	pfk14	=	'\e!b^D';
	pfk15	=	'\e!c^D';
	pfk16	=	'\e!d^D';
	pfk17	=	'\e!e^D';
	pfk18	=	'\e!f^D';
	pfk19	=	'\e!g^D';
	pfk20	=	'\e!h^D';
	pfk21	=	'\e!i^D';
	pfk22	=	'\e!j^D';
	pfk23	=	'\e!k^D';
	pfk24	=	'\e!l^D';
	pfk25	=	'\e"a^D';
	pfk26	=	'\e"b^D';
	pfk27	=	'\e"c^D';
	pfk28	=	'\e"d^D';
	pfk29	=	'\e"e^D';
	pfk30	=	'\e"f^D';
	pfk31	=	'\e"g^D';
	pfk32	=	'\e"h^D';
	pfk33	=	'\e"i^D';
	pfk34	=	'\e"j^D';
	pfk35	=	'\e"k^D';
	pfk36	=	'\e"l^D';

	pa1	=	'\e!m^D';
	pa2	=	'\e!n^D' | '^z';
	pa3	=	'\e!o^D';

	# local control keys
	escape	=	'^c' | '^]';	# escape to telnet command mode
	reset	=	'^t';
	master_reset =	'^g';

} # ibm3151