	:kw=abs and array beginproc boolean by case cdnl char copied dispose\
	div do dynamic else elsif end endproc entry external FALSE false\
	fi file for formal fortran global if iff ift\
	in integer include inline is lbnd\
	max min mod new NIL nil noresult not notin od of or procedure public\
	read readln readonly record recursive rem rep repeat res\
	result return set\
	space string subscript such then TRUE true type ubnd union until\
	varies while width:
	:kw=and array assert begin case const div do downto else end file for\
	forward function goto if in label mod nil not of or packed procedure\
	program record repeat set then to type until var while with oct hex\
	:kw=asm auto break case char const continue default do double else enum\
	extern float for fortran goto if int long register return short signed\
	sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile\
	while #define #elif #else #endif #if #ifdef #ifndef #include\
	#pragma #undef # define elif else endif\
	if ifdef ifndef include pragma undef:
	:kw=and begin decode define end eql eqv geq gtr if leave leq lss mod\
	neq next not or otherwise repeat restart resume sr0 sr1 srd srr sl0 sl1\
	sld slr tst xor:
	:kw=break case cd continue do done \
	elif else esac eval exec exit export \
	fi for if in then while until \
	read readonly set shift test trap umask wait:
	:kw=alias alloc break breaksw case cd chdir continue default\
	echo else end endif endsw exec exit foreach \
	glob goto history if logout nice nohup onintr repeat set\
	setenv shift source switch then time \
	while umask unalias unset wait while @ env \
	argv child home ignoreeof noclobber noglob \
	nomatch path prompt shell status verbose :
	:kw=constant functions grammar reswords tokens add1 addste\
	car cdr check colno cond cons copy defun divide empty enter\
	eq equal findattr firstchild ge getattr getfield gt hash label\
	lambda lastchild le leftsibling lookone lookup lt minus name ne\
	newnode nextcom nil null parent plus precnl prevcom prog progn\
	quote reglob return rightsibling self set setattr setfield setq\
	stjoin sub1 t times tnull tokno ttype:
	:kw=break by case create default do dynamic else end every external\
	fail global if initial local next not of procedure record\
	repeat return static suspend then to until using while\
	&ascii &clock &cset &date &dateline &errout &fail &host &input\
	&lcase &level &main &null &output &pos &random &source &subject\
	&time &trace &ucase &version:
	:kw=DRETURN DRIVER arith break case character default define do\
	else elsedef enddef filedes for function goto if ifdef ifelse\
	ifnotdef include incr integer linepointer next opeq pointer\
	real repeat return select string subroutine substr until:
	:kw=and array begin by case const\
	definition div do else elsif end exit export\
	for from if implementation import in\
	loop mod module not of or pointer procedure qualified\
	record repeat return set then to type\
	until var while with:
	:kw=%{ %} %% %union %token %type\
	#else #endif #if #ifdef #ifndef #include #undef # define else endif\
	if ifdef ifndef include undef: