#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # gos720 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/xorg-server/hw/xfree86/getconfig/getconfig.pl 1.1 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2009 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # $DHD: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/getconfig/getconfig.pl,v 1.13 2003/09/23 05:12:07 dawes Exp $ # $XdotOrg: $ # # Copyright 2003 by David H. Dawes. # Copyright 2003 by X-Oz Technologies. # All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) OR AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR # OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, # ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR # OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Except as contained in this notice, the name of the copyright holder(s) # and author(s) shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote # the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written # authorization from the copyright holder(s) and author(s). # # Author: David Dawes <dawes@XFree86.Org>. # # # This script takes PCI id information, compares it against an ordered list # of rules, and prints out the configuration information specified by the # last matching rule. # # This script is called by xf86AutoConfig(). # # Command line processing. $GetconfigVersion = v1.0; $debug = 0; $myname = $0; $myname =~ s/.*\///; $signature = "Xorg Foundation getconfig rules file. Version: "; while (@ARGV[0] =~ /^-[A-Za-z]$/) { $f = shift; SWITCH: { if ($f eq "-D") { $debug = 1; last SWITCH; } if ($f eq "-I") { push(@searchPaths, split(/,/, shift)); last SWITCH; } if ($f eq "-V") { printf STDERR "$myname: Version %vd.\n", $GetconfigVersion; exit 0; } if ($f eq "-X") { $XorgVersionNumeric = shift; if (!defined($XorgVersionNumeric)) { print STDERR "$myname: -X requires the Xorg version.\n"; exit 1; } } if ($f eq "-b") { $subsys = oct(shift); if (!defined($subsys)) { print STDERR "$myname: -b requires the subsys id.\n"; exit 1; } last SWITCH; } if ($f eq "-c") { $class = oct(shift); if (!defined($class)) { print STDERR "$myname: -c requires the class value.\n"; exit 1; } last SWITCH; } if ($f eq "-d") { $device = oct(shift); if (!defined($device)) { print STDERR "$myname: -d requires the device id.\n"; exit 1; } last SWITCH; } if ($f eq "-r") { $revision = oct(shift); if (!defined($revision)) { print STDERR "$myname: -r requires the device revision.\n"; exit 1; } last SWITCH; } if ($f eq "-s") { $subsysVendor = oct(shift); if (!defined($subsysVendor)) { print STDERR "$myname: -s requires the subsysVendor id.\n"; exit 1; } last SWITCH; } if ($f eq "-v") { $vendor = oct(shift); if (!defined($vendor)) { print STDERR "$myname: -v requires the vendor id.\n"; exit 1; } last SWITCH; } } } printf STDERR "$myname: Version %vd.\n", $GetconfigVersion; if (defined($XorgVersionNumeric)) { $XorgVersionMajor = $XorgVersionNumeric / 10000000; $XorgVersionMinor = ($XorgVersionNumeric % 10000000) / 100000; $XorgVersionPatch = ($XorgVersionNumeric % 100000) / 1000; $XorgVersionSnapshot = $XorgVersionNumeric % 1000; $XorgVersion = chr($XorgVersionMajor) . chr($XorgVersionMinor) . chr($XorgVersionPatch) . chr($XorgVersionSnapshot); } if ($debug) { printf STDERR "$myname: Xorg Version: %d, %d.%d.%d.%d, %vd.\n", $XorgVersionNumeric, $XorgVersionMajor, $XorgVersionMinor, $XorgVersionPatch, $XorgVersionSnapshot, $XorgVersion; } else { printf STDERR "$myname: Xorg Version: %vd.\n", $XorgVersion; } # The rules here are just basic vendor ID to driver mappings. # Ideally this is all that would be required. More complicated configuration # rules will be provided in external files. # XXX This set of basic rules isn't complete yet. @rules = ( # Set the weight for the built-in rules. ['$weight = 500'], # APM ['$vendor == 0x1142', 'apm'], # ARK ['$vendor == 0xedd8', 'apm'], # AST ['$vendor == 0x1a03', 'ast'], # ATI ['$vendor == 0x1002', 'ati'], # Chips & Technologies ['$vendor == 0x102c', 'chips'], # Cirrus ['$vendor == 0x1013', 'cirrus'], # Intel ['$vendor == 0x8086', 'i810'], ['$vendor == 0x8086 && ($chipType == 0x00d1 || $chipType == 0x7800)', 'i740'], # Matrox ['$vendor == 0x102b', 'mga'], # Neomagic ['$vendor == 0x10c8', 'neomagic'], # Number Nine ['$vendor == 0x105d', 'i128'], # NVIDIA ['$vendor == 0x10de || $vendor == 0x12d2', 'nv'], # S3 ['$vendor == 0x5333 && ($device == 0x88d0 ||' . '$device == 0x88d1 ||' . '$device == 0x88f0 ||' . '$device == 0x8811 ||' . '$device == 0x8812 ||' . '$device == 0x8814 ||' . '$device == 0x8901)', 's3'], # S3 virge ['$vendor == 0x5333 && ($device == 0x5631 ||' . '$device == 0x883d ||' . '$device == 0x8a01 ||' . '$device == 0x8a10 ||' . '$device == 0x8c01 ||' . '$device == 0x8c03 ||' . '$device == 0x8904 ||' . '$device == 0x8a13)', 's3virge'], # S3 Savage ['$vendor == 0x5333 && ($device >= 0x8a20 && $device <= 0x8a22 ||' . '$device == 0x9102 ||' . '$device >= 0x8c10 && $device <= 0x8c13 ||' . '$device == 0x8a25 ||' . '$device == 0x8a26 ||' . '$device >= 0x8d01 && $device <= 0x8d04 ||' . '$device >= 0x8c2a && $device <= 0x8c2f ||' . '$device == 0x8c22 ||' . '$device == 0x8c24 ||' . '$device == 0x8c26)', 'savage'], # SIS ['$vendor == 0x1039', 'sis'], # SMI ['$vendor == 0x126f', 'siliconmotion'], # 3Dfx ['$vendor == 0x121a', 'tdfx'], # 3Dlabs ['$vendor == 0x3d3d', 'glint'], # Trident ['$vendor == 0x1023', 'trident'], # Tseng Labs ['$vendor == 0x100c', 'tseng'], # VIA ['$vendor == 0x1106', 'via'], # VMware ['$vendor == 0x15ad', 'vmware'], ); # Reverse the search path list, since the later rules have higher priority # than earlier ones (weighting being equal). @searchPaths = reverse(@searchPaths); if ($debug) { $i = 0; for $path (@searchPaths) { print STDERR "$myname: Search path $i is: \"$path\".\n"; $i++; } } print STDERR "$myname: ", $#rules + 1, " built-in rule", plural($#rules + 1), ".\n"; for $path (@searchPaths) { while (<$path/*.cfg>) { @tmp = readRulesFile($_); if (defined(@tmp[0])) { push @rules, @tmp; } } } if ($debug) { $i = 0; for $r (@rules) { print STDERR "$myname: rule $i is: \'@$r\'.\n"; $i++ } } $i = 0; $e = 0; $weight = 0; $w = 0; for $r (@rules) { ($cond, $d, @o) = @$r; $result = eval $cond; if ($@) { print STDERR "$myname: Error evaluating rule $i \'$cond\': $@"; $e++; } if ($debug) { print STDERR "$myname: rule $i \'$cond\' evaluates to \'$result\'.\n"; } if ($result && defined($d) && $weight >= $w) { $driver = $d; @opts = @o; $w = $weight; } $i++; } print STDERR "$myname: Evaluated $i rule", plural($i), " with $e error", plural($e), ".\n"; print STDERR "$myname: Weight of result is $w.\n"; if ($debug) { if (defined($driver)) { print STDERR "$myname: Driver is \'$driver\'.\n"; } else { print STDERR "$myname: No driver.\n"; } if (defined(@opts)) { print STDERR "$myname: options are:\n"; for $opt (@opts) { print STDERR "\t$opt\n"; } } else { print STDERR "$myname: No options.\n"; } } print "$driver\n"; for $opt (@opts) { print "$opt\n"; } exit 0; # Subroutines. sub readRulesFile { my ($file) = @_; my $signatureOK = 0; my @r, @tmp; my $line, $cont, $prevcont, $fileversion; undef @tmp; undef @r; if (open(RF, "<$file")) { $prevcont = 0; while (<RF>) { chop; $line = $_; next if ($line =~ /^#/); next if ($line =~ /^\s*$/); if (!$signatureOK) { if ($line =~ /^$signature(.*)$/) { $fileversion = $1; $signatureOK = 1; print STDERR "$myname: rules file \'$file\' has version $fileversion.\n"; next; } } if (!$signatureOK) { print STDERR "$myname: file \'$file\' has bad signature.\n"; close(RF); last; } $cont = 0; if ($line =~ s/\\\s*$//) { $cont = 1; } if (!$prevcont && $line =~ /^\S+/) { if (defined(@tmp[0])) { push(@r,[@tmp]); } undef @tmp; } if ($prevcont) { push(@tmp, pop(@tmp) . $line); } else { push(@tmp, $line); } $prevcont = $cont; } if (defined(@tmp[0])) { push(@r,[@tmp]); } if (!defined(@r[0])) { print STDERR "$myname: no rules in file \'$file\'.\n"; } else { print STDERR "$myname: ", $#r + 1, " rule", plural($#r + 1), " added from file \'$file\'.\n"; } } else { print STDERR "$myname: cannot open file \'$file\'.\n"; } return @r; } sub plural { my ($count) = @_; if ($count != 1) { return "s"; } else { return ""; } }