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D")E#E*$E?%E[&Ez'E(E)E*E+ E,E-E.F /F0F-1 FB2FO3Fg4F5F6F7F8F9F:G;G5<GJ=Gd>G}?G@GAGB GCGD GEHF$HGH?HHVIHlJHK)HLHMHNHOIPI.QIIRI^SIqTIUIV IWIXIYIZI[<J \4JF]J{^-J_ J`JaJb Jc JdJeKf K-gK8h7KGi/KjKkKlKmKnKoLp LqL!r L5sL?tLFu LXvLewLuxLy Lz L{L|L}L~LL LMMM0M@MQMeMMMM MMM"M N N,N:NNNaNtNNNNN5N O&O0 OIOVOeOx OOO OOO P P P'P5PFP\Pt P"P P#PPQ QQ9QWQnQs'QQ0QRR$1RA#Rs'RR&RS,S6SF9S}S%SST T TT( T9TE TUTcTgTj TTTTTTTUU U4+UUUUU UU U UUUUV V#DtkshCvtStringToPixel: The color '%s' is not definedToo many resource parameters have been specified; skipping '%s'Bad resource specification; should be of the form 'name:value' : %sThe resource separator is ':' but you used '=' : %sThe toolkit has already been initializedUsage: XtInitialize variable applicationName applicationClass [args ...]Usage: %s variable name class parent [arg:val ...]Usage: XtCreateApplicationShell variable name class [arg:val ...]Usage: XtPopup widget GrabNone|GrabNonexclusive|GrabExclusiveThe grab type '%s' is not recognized; using 'GrabNone'Usage: XtIsShell widgetUsage: XtMapWidget widgetUsage: XtUnmapWidget widgetUsage: %s variable widgetUsage: XtScreen variable widgetUsage: XtWindow variable widgetUsage: XtCallCallbacks widget callbackNameUsage: XtHasCallbacks variable widget callbackNameUsage: XtAddCallback widget callbackName ksh-commandUsage: XtRemoveCallback widget callbackName ksh-commandThe following is an invalid callback handle: %sThe specified callback is not registeredUsage: XtAddEventHandler widget mask nonMaskable ksh-commandUsage: XtRemoveEventHandler widget mask nonMaskable ksh-commandThe specified event handler is not registeredUsage: XtGetValues widget resource:variable ...The following resource parameter is incorrectly formed: %sUsage: XtSetValues widget arg:val ...Usage: XtAddWorkProc variable commandUsage: XtRemoveWorkProc workProcIdThe workProcId parameter must be a hex number: %sUsage: XtAddTimeOut variable milliseconds commandThe milliseconds parameter must be greater than zeroUsage: XtRemoveTimeOut intervalIdThe intervalId parameter must be a hex number: %sUsage: %s widget ...Usage: XBell display volumeUsage: %s variable screenThe screen parameter is invalid: %sUsage: XDefineCursor display window cursorIdThe cursorId parameter is invalid: %sUsage: XUndefineCursor display windowUsage: XtRemoveAllCallbacks widget callbackNameUsage: XTextWidth variable fontName stringUsage: %s display drawable [args ...]The drawable parameter is invalid: %sThe destination parameter is invalid: %sUnrecognized graphics function name: %sUnrecognized line style: %sUnrecognized drawing option: %sThere were left over points which were ignoredUsage: XCopyArea display source dest sourceX sourceY width height destX destY [args ...]Unable to convert resource type '%s' to 'String'Unable to convert resource type 'String' to type '%s'Usage: XtAddInput variable [-r] fileDescriptor kshCommandUsage: XtRemoveInput inputIdThe inputId parameter must be a hex number: %sUsage: XFlush displayUsage: XSync display discardUsage: XRaiseWindow display windowUsage: %s widget [True|False]Usage: %s widget translationsUsage: XtUninstallTranslations widgetUsage: XtParent variable widgetUsage: XtLastTimestampProcessed variable displayUsage: DtSessionRestorePath widget pathVariable saveFileUsage: DtSessionSavePath widget pathVariable fileVariableUsage: DtShellIsIconified widgetUsage: DtSetStartupCommand widget commandUsage: DtSetIconifyHint widget booleanThe rootWindow parameter is invalid: %sUsage: DtWsmSetCurrentWorkspace widget atomThe workspace atom is invalid: %sUsage: DtWsmSetWorkspacesOccupied display window workspaceListUsage: DtGetHourGlassCursor variable displayUsage: DtWsmAddCurrentWorkspaceCallback variable widget ksh-commandUsage: DtWsmRemoveWorkspaceCallback handleUsage: XtNameToWidget variable referenceWidget namesUsage: DtDbLoadUsage: DtDbReloadNotify ksh-commandUsage: DtActionExists actionNameUsage: DtActionLabel variable actionNameUsage: DtActionDescription variable actionNameUsage: DtActionInvoke widget actionName termParms execHost contextDir useIndicator ksh-command ["FILE" fileName] ...Usage: DtDtsLoadDataTypesUsage: DtDtsFileToDataType variable fileNameUsage: DtDtsFileToAttributeValue variable fileName attrNameUsage: DtDtsFileToAttributeList variable fileNameUsage: DtDtsDataTypeToAttributeValue variable dataType attrName optNameUsage: DtDtsDataTypeToAttributeList variable dataType optNameUsage: DtDtsFindAttribute variable name valueUsage: DtDtsDataTypeNames variableUsage: DtDtsSetDataType variable fileName dataType overrideUsage: DtDtsDataTypeIsAction dataTypeUsage: ttdt_open variable status variable2 toolname vendor version sendStartedUsage: tttk_Xt_input_handler procId source idThe source parameter must be an integer: %sThe id parameter must be a hex number: %sUsage: ttdt_close status procId newProcId sendStoppedUsage: ttdt_session_join variable status sessId shellWidgetHandle joinUsage: ttdt_session_quit status sessId sessPatterns quitThe sessPatterns parameter is invalid: %sUsage: ttdt_file_event status op patterns sendUsage: ttdt_file_quit status patterns quitUsage: ttdt_Get_Modified pathName scope timeoutUsage: %s status pathName scope timeoutUsage: tt_error_pointer variable ttStatusUsage: %s status msgUsage: %s status msg msgStatus msgStatusString destroyUsage: ttdt_file_join variable status pathName scope join ksh-commandUsage: tt_file_netfile variable status filenameUsage: tt_netfile_file variable status netfilenameUsage: tt_host_file_netfile variable status host filenameUsage: tt_host_netfile_file variable status host netfilenameUsage: XtIsSubclass widget class%s is not a valid widget class nameUsage: XtClass variable widgetDtkshCvtWindowToString: The 'from' value is an invalid sizeDtkshCvtHexIntToString: The 'from' value is an invalid sizeDtkshCvtIntToString: The 'from' value is an invalid sizeDtkshCvtBooleanToString: The 'from' value is an invalid sizeDtkshCvtStringToWidget: The 'from' value is an invalid sizeDtkshCvtStringToWidget: Unable to find a widget named '%s'DtkshCvtStringToCallback: The 'from' value is an invalid sizeDtkshCvtCallbackToString: The 'from' value is an invalid sizeDtkshCvtWidgetToString: The 'from' value is an invalid sizeDtkshCvtWidgetToString: Unable to find a name for the widgetDtkshCvtWidgetClassToString: The 'from' value is an invalid sizeDtkshCvtWidgetClassToString: Unknown widget classDtkshCvtStringToWidgetClass: Unknown widget class nameDtkshCvtScreenToString: The 'from' value is an invalid sizeCannot find a field named '%s' in the structure '%s'DtkshCvtCallbackToString: An internal conversion buffer overflowedHashing failure for resource '%s' in widget class '%s'No function name was suppliedThe command cannot be executed; the toolkit has not been initializedThe creation of widget '%s' failedThe display parameter is invalid: %sThe following property atom is invalid: %sThe following resource is not defined for widget '%s': %sThe position specified is invalid: %sThe specified font is invalid: %sThe widget handle '%s' does not refer to an existing widgetThe widget must be a 'command' widgetThe widget must be a 'mainWindow' widgetThe widget must be a 'scale' widgetThe widget must be a 'scrollBar' widgetThe widget must be a 'toggleButton' widget or gadgetThe window parameter is invalid: %sUnable to allocate required memory; exitingUnable to find the parent widgetUnable to locate the symbol '%s'Unable to locate the type '%s'Unable to parse the declaration '%s'; using 'unsigned long'Unknown child type: %sUnrecognized option flag: %sUsage: %s widget positionUsage: %s widget timeUsage: %s widgetdtksh errordtksh warningUsage: %s display windowUsage: %s display window variableUsage: %s display rootWindow variableThe timeout parameter is invalid: %sThe msg parameter is invalid: %sThe patterns parameter is invalid: %sInternal hash table failure during widget class initialization; exitingCould not find a widget class named '%s'The identifier '%s' is not a valid widget handleUnable to find the widget classUsage: DtLoadWidget widgetClassName widgetClassRecordNameUnable to locate a widget class record named '%s'Internal hash table failure during initialization of widget class '%s' %sRESOURCES FOR %s%s%s: CONSTRAINT RMS%-15s %-6s %-6s %-18s %-6s %s ENV VARIABLE HANDLE PARENT CLASS STATUS NAME Usage: DtWidgetInfo [widgetHandle] DtWidgetInfo -r DtWidgetInfo -R DtWidgetInfo -c [className] DtWidgetInfo -h [widgetHandle]Unable to initialize the ToolkitThe following resource cannot be set at widget creation time. Use XtSetValues after creation instead: %sUsage: %s variable parent name [argument:value ...]Usage: DtHelpReturnSelectedWidgetId variable widget variableUsage: DtHelpSetCatalogName catalogNameUsage: DtHelpQuickDialogGetChild variable quickHelpWidget childThe widget must be a 'quickHelp' widgetThe widget must be a 'list' widgetUsage: %s widget position itemUsage: %s widget position itemListUsage: %s widget itemUsage: XmListDeleteItemsPos widget count positionUsage: XmListDeleteItems widget itemListUsage: XmListDeletePositions widget positionListUsage: XmListGetKbdItemPos variable widgetUsage: XmListItemExists widget itemUsage: XmListItemPos variable widget itemUsage: XmListPosSelected widget positionUsage: XmListPosToBounds widget position variable variable variable variableUsage: %s widget position notifyFlagUsage: %s widget item notifyFlagUsage: XmListSetAddMode widget booleanUsage: XmListSetKbdItemPos widget positionUsage: XmMainWindowSetAreas mainwindow menu command hscroll vscroll workThe 'mainWindow' handle is NULLUsage: %s variable mainwindowUsage: XmProcessTraversal widget directionUnknown traversal direction: %sUsage: XmInternAtom variable display name onlyIfExistsUsage: XmGetAtomName variable display atomThe specified atom is invalid: %sUsage: XmGetColors widget background foreground topshadow bottomshadow selectThe background pixel is invalid: %sUsage: XmUpdateDisplay widgetUsage: %s widget protocol [protocol ...]The atom specified is invalid: %sUsage: XmAddWMProtocolCallback widget protocol ksh-commandUsage: XmRemoveWMProtocolCallback widget protocol ksh-commandUsage: XmMenuPosition menu eventThe specified event is invalid: %sUsage: XmCommandAppendValue commandWidget stringUsage: XmCommandError commandWidget errorMessageUsage: XmCommandSetValue commandWidget commandUsage: XmCommandGetChild variable commandWidget childUsage: XmMessageBoxGetChild variable commandWidget childThe widget must be a 'messageBox' widgetUsage: XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild variable widget childThe widget must be a 'file selection box' widgetUsage: XmSelectionBoxGetChild variable widget childThe widget must be a 'selection box' widgetUsage: XmScaleGetValue scaleWidget variableUsage: XmScaleSetValue scaleWidget valueThe scale value specified is invalid: %sUsage: XmScrollBarGetValues scrollbar variable variable variable variableUsage: XmScrollBarSetValues scrollbar value sliderSize increment pageIncrement notifyThe value specified is invalid: %sThe slider size specified is invalid: %sThe increment specified is invalid: %sThe page increment specified is invalid: %sUsage: XmScrollVisible scrolledWin widget leftRightMargin topBottomMarginThe widget must be a 'scrolledWindow' widgetThe widget to be made visible does not exist.The left/right margin specified is invalid: %sThe top/bottom margin specified is invalid: %sUsage: %s widget state notifyUsage: catopen variable catNameUsage: catclose catIdUsage: catgets variable catId setNum msgNum dftMsgThe widget must be a 'text' or 'textField' widgetUsage: %s variable widgetUsage: %s widget booleanThe parameter specified is invalid: %sUsage: %s widget linesUsage: %s widget maxLengthUsage: %s widget stringUsage: %s widget variable variableUsage: %s widget position stringUsage: %s widget position variable variableUsage: %s widget fromPosition toPosition stringThe 'from' position specified is invalid: %sThe 'to' position specified is invalid: %sUsage: %s widget firstPosition lastPosition timeThe first position specified is invalid: %sThe last position specified is invalid: %sThe time specified is invalid: %sUsage: %s variable widget x yThe x position specified is invalid: %sThe y position specified is invalid: %sUsage: %s widget left right modeThe left position specified is invalid: %sThe right position specified is invalid: %sUsage: %s widget start string direction variableThe start position specified is invalid: %sUsage: XmListGetSelectedPos variable widgetUsage: XmListGetMatchPos variable widget itemUsage: XmOptionLabelGadget variable widgetUsage: XmOptionButtonGadget variable widgetUsage: XmGetVisibility variable widgetUsage: XmGetTearOffControl variable widgetUsage: XmGetTabGroup variable widgetUsage: XmGetPostedFromWidget variable widgetUsage: XmGetFocusWidget variable widgetUsage: XmFileSelectionDoSearch widget directoryMaskDtkshCvtNamedValueToString: No match foundDtkshCvtStringToNamedValue: Unable to convert the string '%s' Done Running [-n] [arg...] [arg...] [dir] [list] [job...] [n] [name [pathname] ] [name] [top] [base] expr... format [arg...] is a function is a keyword is a shell builtin is an exported function is an undefined function name [arg...] optstring name [args...] seconds${HOME:-.}/.profile%c: invalid character in expression - %s%c: unknown format specifier%d-%d: invalid range%d: invalid binary script version%s is an alias for %s is an exported alias for %s missing%s unknown base%s: ':' expected for '?' operator%s: Ambiguous%s: Arguments must be %job or process ids%s: alias not found %s: arithmetic syntax error%s: assignment requires lvalue%s: bad file unit number%s: bad format%s: bad number%s: bad option(s)%s: bad substitution%s: bad trap%s: cannot create%s: cannot execute%s: cannot open%s: divide by zero%s: domain exception%s: fails %s%s: file already exists%s: illegal function name%s: invalid alias name%s: invalid discipline function%s: invalid export name%s: invalid function name%s: invalid name%s: invalid regular expression%s: invalid self reference%s: invalid use of :%s: invalid variable name%s: is not an identifier%s: is read only%s: label not implemented%s: limit exceeded%s: more tokens expected%s: no parent%s: no reference name%s: not found%s: not implemented%s: operands have incompatible types%s: overflow exception%s: parameter not set%s: parameter null or not set%s: recursion too deep%s: reference variable cannot be an array%s: requires pathname argument%s: restricted%s: singularity exception%s: subscript out of range%s: unbalanced parenthesis%s: unknown function%s: unknown locale%s: unknown operator%s: unknown signal name%s: would cause loop(coredump)-c requires argument-e - requires single argument/vpixACE#?F#?H:[name]L#?R#?Z#?fi#?[base]lnprtux [name=[value]...]AE#?F#?HL#?R#?Z#?fi#?[base]lnprtux [name=[value]...]AbortAd:[delim]prst#[timeout]u#[filenum] [name...]Alarm callBad root node specificationBad system callBroken PipeBus errorCannot start job controlCurrent option settingsDIL signalDeath of ChildDircabefhkmnpstuvxCI:[file]o:?[option]A:[name] [arg...]DircabefhkmnpstuvxCo:?[option]A:[name] [arg...]EMT trapExceeded CPU time limitExceeded file size limitFloating exceptionHSacdfmnstv [limit]HangupIO signalIllegal instructionInterruptKilledLP [dir] [change]Memory faultMigrate processNo job controlPhone interruptPolling alarmPower failProfiling time alarmQuitResources lostReverting to old tty driver...S [mask]SIGAPOLLOSecurity label changedSocket interruptSound completedStopped (signal)Stopped (tty input)Stopped process continuedStoppedStopped(tty output)Switching to new tty driver...System crash soonTerminatedTrace/BPT trapUnrecognized versionUse 'exit' to terminate this shellUser signal 1User signal 2Version not definedVirtual time alarmWindow size changeYou have running jobsYou have stopped jobs[_[:alpha:]]*([_[:alnum:]]) @(#)Version 12/28/93 @(#)Version M-12/28/93 real shell will timeout in 60 seconds due to inactivitya name...a:c [command [args...] ]afpv name...alarm %s %.3f alarm -r %s +%.3g argument expectedbad directorybad file unit numberbad substitutioncannot access parent directoriescannot create pipecannot create tempory filecannot forkcannot get %scannot set %scannot set alarmcondition(s) requireddsf:[library] [name...]e:[editor]lnrsN# [first] [last]end of filef:[format]nprsu:[filenum] [arg...]fnv name...hist -e "${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}}" history file cannot openincorrect syntaxinvalid argument of type %cis a shell builtin version ofis a tracked alias forkillline %d: $ not preceeded by \line %d: %c within ${} should be quotedline %d: %s unknown labelline %d: %s within [[...]] obsolete, use ((...))line %d: '=' obsolete, use '=='line %d: -a obsolete, use -eline %d: \ in front of %c reserved for future useline %d: `...` obsolete, use $(...)line %d: escape %c to avoid ambiguitiesline %d: label %s ignoredline %d: quote %c to avoid ambiguitiesline %d: set %s obsoleteline %d: spaces required for nested subshellline %d: use braces to avoid ambiguities with $id[...]line %d: use space or tab to separate operators %c and %cln#[signum]s:[signame] sig...login setuid/setgid shells prohibitedmappingnewlinenlp [job...]no history fileno query processno such jobno such processnot supportedoffonopen file limit exceededout of memoryp [action condition...]p [name[=value]...]parameter not setpermission deniedprocess already existsptx [name=[value]...]pvV name [arg]...r [varname seconds]syntax error at line %d: `%s' %ssyntax error at line %d: duplicate label %ssyntax error: `%s' %ssystimed out waiting for inputunexpecteduniverse not accessibleunlimitedunmatcheduserversionswrite to %d failedyou have mail in $_zero byte