Rem Rem $Header: catnoexf.sql 27-feb-2008.05:45:13 ayalaman Exp $ Rem Rem catnoexf.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catnoexf.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ayalaman 02/25/08 - cleanup public synonyms Rem ayalaman 04/19/04 - cleanup export dependeny actions Rem ayalaman 11/19/02 - registry entries Rem ayalaman 09/26/02 - ayalaman_expression_filter_support Rem ayalaman 09/06/02 - Rem ayalaman 09/06/02 - Created Rem REM REM Drop the Expression Filter user with cascade option REM EXECUTE dbms_registry.removing('EXF'); drop user exfsys cascade; drop package sys.exf$dbms_expfil_syspack; begin -- since this is a fresh install, delete any actions left behind -- -- from past installations -- delete from sys.expdepact$ where schema = 'EXFSYS' and package = 'DBMS_EXPFIL_DEPASEXP'; delete from sys.exppkgact$ where package = 'DBMS_EXPFIL_DEPASEXP' and schema = 'EXFSYS'; end; / -- drop public synonyms -- declare cursor cur1 is select synonym_name from all_synonyms where owner = 'PUBLIC' and table_owner = 'EXFSYS'; begin for c1 in cur1 loop EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop public synonym '||dbms_assert.enquote_name(c1.synonym_name, false); end loop; end; / execute sys.dbms_java.dropjava('-s rdbms/jlib/ExprFilter.jar'); begin dbms_registry.removed('EXF'); exception when others then null; end; /