# # File: oidRootContextCreate.lst # # Description: # This is a meta-file containing the list of files # that hold the LDIF templates for creating entries in # a root OracleContext. # # Modified: # # 06/17/04 Tridip upgrade to 101210 # 03/04/04 srtata add upgrade to 9041 # 11/07/00 akolli Create first version # # # Notes: # # This LDIF file will only work with Oracle Internet Directory # version 2.0.6 and above # # This file should be loaded by 'ldapmodify' with the following # options "-c -v" # currently all of the context creation happens from one file. oidContextCreate.lst # make the necessary changes to make this a root OracleContext oidRootContextCreate.sbs # then upgrade the root context to the 901 version oidRootContextCreate90100Changes.lst # then upgrade the root context to the 9011 version oidRootContextCreate90110Changes.lst # then upgrade the root context to the 9023 version oidRootContextCreate90230Changes.lst # then upgrade the root context to the 904 version oidRootContextCreate90400Changes.lst # then upgrade the root context to the 9041 version oidRootContextCreate90410Changes.lst # then upgrade the root context to the 10.1.2 version oidRootContextCreate90500Changes.lst # then upgrade the root context to the version oidRootContextCreate90510Changes.lst #then upgrade to 10.1.3 oidRootContextCreate90600Changes.lst