Start PIOS BE Test. This line should be double wide until a LF, CR, ESC, or FF is encountered, or cancellation is sent. Double wide until now. ( I cancelled it ) WThese sentences should be a good example of continuous double wide printing. I can think of no better example at this time. If you have any other ideas, just keep them to yourself. EThis line is double wide emphasized. WFGThis is double strike print. (w/ 3 NULs embedded.) HTEBACKSPACING Fallows me to do ESsilly TSthings FT like this : >>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<< 6    - - these are from character set 2. 7This is an -underscore- example. E The 'QUIETWRITER I' will not support any GRAPHICS. F KÃÿÿÿÃÃÿÿÿÛÿfÃÿÿx?xÿÿà - - this is Normal Bit Graphics. L-ÃÃÿÿÿÿÿÃÃÃÃÿÿÿÿÿÛÛÿÿffÃÃÿÿÿx LF => ]] <= ( Should be the same lines because 2 EREVERSE LFs were sent. ) F <= ( Should be the same lines because 2 EREVERSE LFs were sent. ) F This should be the last line on this page. This should be the first line of the next page. because I just sent aE FORM FEED. FXF0This should be printed inside a newE SET of MARGINs Fand should be printed withE eight lines per inch Fprint, so if this looks kind of cramped, now you know why and why not and this may be the end but I don't think this should be the end because I need at least eight lines of text to make sure that I can see a difference in the size of print that makes up this printed text paragraph. Again, this should beE 8 LPI. F1======================================================= This is CONDENSED PRINT inside the new SET of MARGINs and should be printed with 7/72 inch per line print, so if this looks kind of cramped, now you know why and why not and this may be the end but I don't think this should be the end because I need at least eleven lines of text to make sure that I can see a difference in the size of print that makes up this printed text paragraph. Again, this is 7/72 IPL. ======================================================= 2This should be printed inside the new SET of MARGINs and should be printed withE six lines per inch Fprint, so this print should be back to normal. XLRE The following SELECT PRINT MODE is not supported by the GRAPHICS or PAGE PRINTERS : FI This print should be NLQ (near letter quality) because of a change in the SELECT PRINT QUALITY command. I this shud b norml print kwalatee agan, OK? : This change to E12 CPI Fshould be supported by the E COLOR PRINTER Fand the EPROPRINTER. F Printing SINGLE ASCII CHARACTERS : (Not supported by the GRAPHICS or PAGE PRINTERS.) Happy Faces => ^^^^^^ Printing MULTIPLE ASCII CHARACTERS : (Not supported by the GRAPHICS or PAGE PRINTERS.) \ ÉÍÍÍËÍÍÍ» \ ººº \ ººº \ ººº \ ÌÍÍÍÎÍÍ͹ \ ººº \ ººº \ ººº \ ÈÍÍÍÊÍÍͼ That's All, Folks !! (should be back in normal print)