/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* gos720 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/xkbscan.c 1.2 */ /* */ /* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1997,2009 */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* */ /* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or */ /* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /* SCCSID_BEGIN_TAG */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)74 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/xkbscan.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 16:15:56"; #endif /* SCCSID_END_TAG */ /* $Xorg: xkbscan.c,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:54:34 cpqbld Exp $ */ /************************************************************ Copyright (c) 1994 by Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Silicon Graphics not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific prior written permission. Silicon Graphics makes no representation about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty. SILICON GRAPHICS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ********************************************************/ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/xkbcomp/xkbscan.c,v 3.10 2001/01/17 23:45:45 dawes Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "tokens.h" #define DEBUG_VAR scanDebug #include "utils.h" #include "parseutils.h" FILE *yyin = NULL; static char scanFileBuf[1024]; char * scanFile= scanFileBuf; int lineNum= 0; int scanInt; char *scanIntStr; int scanIntClass; char *scanStr = NULL; int scanStrLine= 0; #define BUFSIZE 512 static int nInBuf = 0; static char buf[BUFSIZE]; #ifdef DEBUG extern unsigned debugFlags; static char * tokText(int tok) { static char buf[32]; switch (tok) { case END_OF_FILE: sprintf(buf, "END_OF_FILE");break; case ERROR_TOK: sprintf(buf, "ERROR"); break; case XKB_KEYMAP: sprintf(buf, "XKB_KEYMAP"); break; case XKB_KEYCODES: sprintf(buf, "XKB_KEYCODES"); break; case XKB_TYPES: sprintf(buf, "XKB_TYPES"); break; case XKB_SYMBOLS: sprintf(buf, "XKB_SYMBOLS"); break; case XKB_COMPATMAP: sprintf(buf, "XKB_COMPATMAP"); break; case XKB_GEOMETRY: sprintf(buf, "XKB_GEOMETRY"); break; case XKB_SEMANTICS: sprintf(buf, "XKB_SEMANTICS"); break; case XKB_LAYOUT: sprintf(buf, "XKB_LAYOUT"); break; case INCLUDE: sprintf(buf, "INCLUDE"); break; case OVERRIDE: sprintf(buf, "OVERRIDE"); break; case AUGMENT: sprintf(buf, "AUGMENT"); break; case REPLACE: sprintf(buf, "REPLACE"); break; case ALTERNATE: sprintf(buf, "ALTERNATE"); break; case VIRTUAL_MODS: sprintf(buf, "VIRTUAL_MODS"); break; case TYPE: sprintf(buf, "TYPE"); break; case INTERPRET: sprintf(buf, "INTERPRET"); break; case ACTION_TOK: sprintf(buf, "ACTION"); break; case KEY: sprintf(buf, "KEY"); break; case ALIAS: sprintf(buf, "ALIAS"); break; case GROUP: sprintf(buf, "GROUP"); break; case MODIFIER_MAP: sprintf(buf, "MODIFIER_MAP"); break; case INDICATOR: sprintf(buf, "INDICATOR"); break; case SHAPE: sprintf(buf, "SHAPE"); break; case KEYS: sprintf(buf, "KEYS"); break; case ROW: sprintf(buf, "ROW"); break; case SECTION: sprintf(buf, "SECTION"); break; case OVERLAY: sprintf(buf, "OVERLAY"); break; case TEXT: sprintf(buf, "TEXT"); break; case OUTLINE: sprintf(buf, "OUTLINE"); break; case SOLID: sprintf(buf, "SOLID"); break; case LOGO: sprintf(buf, "LOGO"); break; case VIRTUAL: sprintf(buf, "VIRTUAL"); break; case EQUALS: sprintf(buf, "EQUALS"); break; case PLUS: sprintf(buf, "PLUS"); break; case MINUS: sprintf(buf, "MINUS"); break; case DIVIDE: sprintf(buf, "DIVIDE"); break; case TIMES: sprintf(buf, "TIMES"); break; case OBRACE: sprintf(buf, "OBRACE"); break; case CBRACE: sprintf(buf, "CBRACE"); break; case OPAREN: sprintf(buf, "OPAREN"); break; case CPAREN: sprintf(buf, "CPAREN"); break; case OBRACKET: sprintf(buf, "OBRACKET");break; case CBRACKET: sprintf(buf, "CBRACKET");break; case DOT: sprintf(buf, "DOT"); break; case COMMA: sprintf(buf, "COMMA"); break; case SEMI: sprintf(buf, "SEMI"); break; case EXCLAM: sprintf(buf, "EXCLAM"); break; case INVERT: sprintf(buf, "INVERT"); break; case STRING: sprintf(buf, "STRING (%s)",scanStr); break; case INTEGER: sprintf(buf, "INTEGER (0x%x)",scanInt); break; case FLOAT: sprintf(buf, "FLOAT (%d.%d)", scanInt/XkbGeomPtsPerMM, scanInt%XkbGeomPtsPerMM);break; case IDENT: sprintf(buf, "IDENT (%s)",scanStr); break; case KEYNAME: sprintf(buf, "KEYNAME (%s)",scanStr); break; case PARTIAL: sprintf(buf, "PARTIAL"); break; case DEFAULT: sprintf(buf, "DEFAULT"); break; case HIDDEN: sprintf(buf, "HIDDEN"); break; case ALPHANUMERIC_KEYS: sprintf(buf, "ALPHANUMERIC_KEYS"); break; case MODIFIER_KEYS: sprintf(buf, "MODIFIER_KEYS"); break; case KEYPAD_KEYS: sprintf(buf, "KEYPAD_KEYS"); break; case FUNCTION_KEYS: sprintf(buf, "FUNCTION_KEYS"); break; case ALTERNATE_GROUP: sprintf(buf, "ALTERNATE_GROUP"); break; default: sprintf(buf, "UNKNOWN"); break; } return buf; } #endif int setScanState(char *file,int line) { if (file!=NULL) strncpy(scanFile,file,1024); if (line>=0) lineNum= line; return 1; } static int yyGetString(void) { int ch; nInBuf = 0; while ( ((ch=getc(yyin))!=EOF) && (ch!='"') ) { if ( ch == '\\' ) { if ((ch = getc(yyin))!=EOF) { if ( ch=='n' ) ch = '\n'; else if ( ch == 't' ) ch = '\t'; else if ( ch == 'v' ) ch = '\v'; else if ( ch == 'b' ) ch = '\b'; else if ( ch == 'r' ) ch = '\r'; else if ( ch == 'f' ) ch = '\f'; else if ( ch == 'e' ) ch = '\033'; else if ( ch == '0' ) { int tmp,stop; ch = stop = 0; if (((tmp=getc(yyin))!=EOF) && (isdigit(tmp)) && (tmp!='8') && (tmp!='9')) { ch= (ch*8)+(tmp-'0'); } else { stop= 1; ungetc(tmp,yyin); } if (!stop) { if (((tmp=getc(yyin))!=EOF) && (isdigit(tmp)) && (tmp!='8') && (tmp!='9')) { ch= (ch*8)+(tmp-'0'); } else { stop= 1; ungetc(tmp,yyin); } } if (!stop) { if (((tmp=getc(yyin))!=EOF) && (isdigit(tmp)) && (tmp!='8') && (tmp!='9')) { ch= (ch*8)+(tmp-'0'); } else { stop= 1; ungetc(tmp,yyin); } } } } else return ERROR_TOK; } if ( nInBuf < BUFSIZE-1 ) buf[nInBuf++] = ch; } if ( ch == '"' ) { buf[nInBuf++] = '\0'; if ( scanStr ) uFree( scanStr ); scanStr = (char *)uStringDup(buf); scanStrLine = lineNum; return STRING; } return ERROR_TOK; } static int yyGetKeyName(void) { int ch; nInBuf = 0; while ( ((ch=getc(yyin))!=EOF) && (ch!='>') ) { if ( ch == '\\' ) { if ((ch = getc(yyin))!=EOF) { if ( ch=='n' ) ch = '\n'; else if ( ch == 't' ) ch = '\t'; else if ( ch == 'v' ) ch = '\v'; else if ( ch == 'b' ) ch = '\b'; else if ( ch == 'r' ) ch = '\r'; else if ( ch == 'f' ) ch = '\f'; else if ( ch == 'e' ) ch = '\033'; else if ( ch == '0' ) { int tmp,stop; ch = stop = 0; if (((tmp=getc(yyin))!=EOF) && (isdigit(tmp)) && (tmp!='8') && (tmp!='9')) { ch= (ch*8)+(tmp-'0'); } else { stop= 1; ungetc(tmp,yyin); } if ((!stop) && ((tmp=getc(yyin))!=EOF) && (isdigit(tmp)) && (tmp!='8') && (tmp!='9')) { ch= (ch*8)+(tmp-'0'); } else { stop= 1; ungetc(tmp,yyin); } if ((!stop) && ((tmp=getc(yyin))!=EOF) && (isdigit(tmp)) && (tmp!='8') && (tmp!='9')) { ch= (ch*8)+(tmp-'0'); } else { stop= 1; ungetc(tmp,yyin); } } } else return ERROR_TOK; } if ( nInBuf < BUFSIZE-1 ) buf[nInBuf++] = ch; } if (( ch == '>' )&&(nInBuf<5)) { buf[nInBuf++] = '\0'; if ( scanStr ) uFree( scanStr ); scanStr = (char *)uStringDup(buf); scanStrLine = lineNum; return KEYNAME; } return ERROR_TOK; } struct _Keyword { char *keyword; int token; } keywords[] = { { "xkb_keymap", XKB_KEYMAP }, { "xkb_keycodes", XKB_KEYCODES }, { "xkb_types", XKB_TYPES }, { "xkb_symbols", XKB_SYMBOLS }, { "xkb_compat", XKB_COMPATMAP }, { "xkb_compat_map", XKB_COMPATMAP }, { "xkb_compatibility", XKB_COMPATMAP }, { "xkb_compatibility_map", XKB_COMPATMAP }, { "xkb_geometry", XKB_GEOMETRY }, { "xkb_semantics", XKB_SEMANTICS }, { "xkb_layout", XKB_LAYOUT }, { "include", INCLUDE }, { "override", OVERRIDE }, { "augment", AUGMENT }, { "replace", REPLACE }, { "alternate", ALTERNATE }, { "partial", PARTIAL }, { "default", DEFAULT }, { "hidden", HIDDEN }, { "virtual_modifiers", VIRTUAL_MODS }, { "type", TYPE }, { "interpret", INTERPRET }, { "action", ACTION_TOK }, { "key", KEY }, { "alias", ALIAS }, { "group", GROUP }, { "modmap", MODIFIER_MAP }, { "mod_map", MODIFIER_MAP }, { "modifier_map", MODIFIER_MAP }, { "indicator", INDICATOR }, { "shape", SHAPE }, { "row", ROW }, { "keys", KEYS }, { "section", SECTION }, { "overlay", OVERLAY }, { "text", TEXT }, { "outline", OUTLINE }, { "solid", SOLID }, { "logo", LOGO }, { "virtual", VIRTUAL }, { "alphanumeric_keys", ALPHANUMERIC_KEYS }, { "modifier_keys", MODIFIER_KEYS }, { "keypad_keys", KEYPAD_KEYS }, { "function_keys", FUNCTION_KEYS }, { "alternate_group", ALTERNATE_GROUP } }; int numKeywords = sizeof(keywords)/sizeof(struct _Keyword); static int yyGetIdent(int first) { int ch,i,found; int rtrn = IDENT; buf[0] = first; nInBuf = 1; while ( ((ch=getc(yyin))!=EOF) && (isalnum(ch)||(ch=='_')) ) { if ( nInBuf < BUFSIZE - 1 ) buf[nInBuf++] = ch; } buf[nInBuf++] = '\0'; found= 0; for (i=0;(!found)&&(i