#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/usr/sbin/cluster/sa/tds/sbin/monitor_tds.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2009,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/usr/sbin/cluster/sa/tds/sbin/monitor_tds.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # ############################################################################### # # This script is used to monitor an TDS server # # This script must return one of the following values: # 0: If the application is healthy # 1: If the application is dead or otherwise unhealthy # ############################################################################### # These are the exit status codes. No other values are useful so we break # down the possible returns as either Healthy or Dead. EXIT_DEAD=1 EXIT_HEALTHY=0 STATUS="" TDS_DB_NAME_ID="ibm-slapdDbName" TDS_INSTAL_DIR="/opt/IBM/ldap/" HAWS_HOME="/usr/es/sbin/cluster/sa/tds" TMP_FAILED_DS_INSTANCES_FILE=$HAWS_HOME"/failedDSinsances" TMP_FAILED_ADM_INSTANCES_FILE=$HAWS_HOME"/failedADMinsances" TMPFILE=$HAWS_HOME"/tds_config_type" TDS_CONFIG_TYPE=$(cat $TMPFILE) ############################################################################### # Function: init ############################################################################### # # Initialize this script ############################################################################### init() { [[ $VERBOSE_LOGGING == "high" ]] && set -x # The standard directory for the HAWS software is in # /usr/es/sbin/cluster/sa/tds. But this can be changed by setting the # environment string HAWS_HOME. if [[ -z $HAWS_HOME ]] then HAWS_HOME=/usr/es/sbin/cluster/sa/tds fi # Source function library. This is standard for all scripts clhaws_functions=$HAWS_HOME/sbin/clhaws_functions if [[ ! -f $clhaws_functions ]] then echo "The file '$clhaws_functions' is missing! Unable to continue. Bye" exit 1 fi . $clhaws_functions # We now call into the generic initialization routine. This will # complete the initialization process generic_init # once the above clhaws_functions complete, we have all our variables and # functions defined. We can now safely log messages and begin processing. logmsg HAWS_TRACE "$MSG_BEGIN" "Begin\n" } ############################################################################### # Function: check_tds_status ############################################################################### # # Check the following: # 1) WebSphere server server status # 2) Do an ldap search to look for a response # 3) Ping the TDS DB2 Database ############################################################################### check_tds_status() { [[ $VERBOSE_LOGGING == "high" ]] && set -x TDS_LDAPSEARCH_PORT=389 logmsg HAWS_TRACE $MSG_TDSMON_CHECKING "Checking the status of TDS...\n" STATUS="$EXIT_HEALTHY" instance_name=$(echo $INSTANCE_NAME) if [[ -z $instance_name ]] then typeset NUM_INSTANCES eval $(clquerysaapp -a $APPLICATION_ID NUM_INSTANCES) let NUM_INSTANCES=$NUM_INSTANCES+1 i=1 maxnum=$NUM_INSTANCES while (( $i < $maxnum )) do INSTANCE="INSTANCE"$i echo $INSTANCE echo $APPLICATION_ID clquerysaapp -a $APPLICATION_ID $INSTANCE | cut -d'=' -f2 | read instance echo $instance cfg_script=$HAWS_HOME"/config/HAWS_CFG_tds_"$instance".cfg" . $cfg_script logmsg HAWS_TRACE "$MSG_CALLING_SCRIPT" "Calling script: %s %s\n" "$TDS_SCRIPT" "-D cn=$TDS_ADMIN -w $TDS_PASSWORD -p $TDS_PORT -b cn=monitor -s base objectclass=*" if $TDS_SCRIPT -D cn=$TDS_ADMIN -w $TDS_PASSWORD -p $TDS_PORT -b cn=monitor -s base objectclass=* then logmsg HAWS_INFO $MSG_TDS_MON_IS_HEALTHY "TDS is healthy.\n" else logmsg HAWS_ERROR $MSG_TDS_MON_IS_DEAD "TDS is not healthy.\n" echo "$instance" >> "$TMP_FAILED_DS_INSTANCES_FILE" STATUS=$EXIT_DEAD fi if ! ps -eaf | grep ibmdiradm | grep -q "$instance" then echo $instance >> $TMP_FAILED_ADM_INSTANCES_FILE STATUS=$EXIT_DEAD fi (( i++ )) done else cfg_script=$HAWS_HOME"/config/HAWS_CFG_tds_"$instance_name".cfg" . $cfg_script if $TDS_SCRIPT -D cn=$TDS_ADMIN -w $TDS_PASSWORD -p $TDS_PORT -b cn=monitor -s base objectclass=* then logmsg HAWS_INFO $MSG_TDS_MON_IS_HEALTHY "TDS is healthy.\n" else logmsg HAWS_ERROR $MSG_TDS_MON_IS_DEAD "TDS is not healthy.\n" STATUS=$EXIT_DEAD fi if ! ps -eaf | grep ibmdiradm | grep -q "$instance_name" then STATUS=$EXIT_DEAD fi if [[ "$TDS_CONFIG_TYPE" != "DISTRIBUTED" && "$TDS_CONFIG_TYPE" != "PEERTOPEER" ]] then DB_NAMES=$(grep -i "$TDS_DB_NAME_ID" "$TDS_CONF_FILE" | cut -d':' -f2 | sed -e 's/ //g') for TDS_DB_NAME in $DB_NAMES do if ! /usr/bin/su - $TDS_DB_USER -c "db2 connect to $TDS_DB_NAME" then logmsg HAWS_ERROR $MSG_DB2_MON_CONNECT_FAILED "Unable to connect to the database: %s.\n" $TDS_DB_NAME STATUS=$EXIT_DEAD else logmsg HAWS_INFO $MSG_DB2_MON_CONNECT_SUCCEEDED "Connected to the database: %s.\n" $TDS_DB_NAME if ! /usr/bin/su - $TDS_DB_USER -c "db2 ping $TDS_DB_NAME" then logmsg HAWS_ERROR $MSG_DB2_MON_PING_FAILED "Unable to ping the database: %s.\n" $TDS_DB_NAME STATUS=$EXIT_DEAD else logmsg HAWS_INFO $MSG_DB2_MON_PING_SUCCEEDED "Ping'ed the database: %s.\n" $TDS_DB_NAME fi /usr/bin/su - $TDS_DB_USER -c "db2 disconnect $TDS_DB_NAME" fi done fi fi # Check websphere status if [[ $TDS_VERSION < 6.4 ]];then logmsg HAWS_TRACE "$MSG_CALLING_SCRIPT" "Calling script: %s %s\n" "$WAS_SCRIPT" "$WAS_SERVER_NAME" if $WAS_SCRIPT $WAS_SERVER_NAME | grep "The Application Server \"$WAS_SERVER_NAME\" is STARTED" then logmsg HAWS_INFO $MSG_WAS_MON_SERVER_IS_HEALTHY "Websphere App Server is healthy.\n" else logmsg HAWS_ERROR $MSG_WAS_MON_SERVER_IS_DEAD "The App Server is not healthy.\n" STATUS=$EXIT_DEAD fi fi # Return return } ############################################################################### # Function: read_config ############################################################################### # # Read our configuration file. Set up the WAS and TDS monitor scripts. # ############################################################################### read_config() { [[ $VERBOSE_LOGGING == "high" ]] && set -x cfgfile=$HAWS_HOME"/config/HAWS_CFG_tds.cfg" logmsg HAWS_TRACE $MSG_READING_CONFIG "Reading configuration file: %s\n" $cfgfile . $cfgfile if [[ $TDS_VERSION < 6.4 ]];then WAS_SCRIPT="$WAS_PROFILE_DIR/../bin/serverStatus.sh" fi TDS_SCRIPT="$TDS_INSTALL_DIR/bin/ldapsearch" } # ############################################################################### # # SCRIPT EXECUTION SECTION # ############################################################################### # This section of the script is used to call into the various predefined # functions composed of the common code, and the script-specific functions. # # The intent of this section is to provide a high-level view of how this # script operates. ############################################################################### PROGNAME=${0##*/} PATH=/usr/es/sbin/cluster/sa/sbin PATH=$(/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cl_get_path all) FPATH_BASE=/usr/es/lib/ksh93 FPATH=$FPATH_BASE/hacmp:$FPATH_BASE/sa:$FPATH_BASE/aix:$FPATH_BASE/aix/odm export PATH FPATH HACMP_HOME=/usr/es/sbin/cluster PRIMARYNODE=$($HACMP_HOME/utilities/get_local_nodename) if [[ $VERBOSE_LOGGING == "high" ]] then set -x version='' fi init echo $TDS_PORT generic_process_arguments $* read_config echo $TDS_PORT check_tds_status exit $STATUS