#!/bin/sh # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/usr/sbin/cluster/sa/tds/sbin/clhaws_import.sh 1.1 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2009,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)74 1.1 src/43haes/usr/sbin/cluster/sa/tds/sbin/clhaws_import.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:03:45 # ############################################################################### # # This is the main import script used to import either was, dm, tds, or rdb # configuration information into HACAMP. The primary intent of this script # is to provide a wrapper around the actuals scripts that perform the # import. This wrapper will also provide extensive error checking so # that the underlying scripts can focus on their specific task rather # than repeatedly checking for the same error conditions. # # This script will call the following low-level scripts: # # clhaws_functions - A collection of constants and functions used by all # scripts. # # import_was - Perform the actual import of the Websphere configuration # data # # import_dm - Perform the actual import of the Deployment Manager # data. # # import_tds - Perform the actual import of the TDS configuration # data. Note that this script is a wrapper for calling # into the vendor specific import script. # # import_db2 - Perform the actual import of the RDBMS configuration # data. Note that this script is a wrapper for # calling into the vendor specfic import script. # ############################################################################### # # # MYOPTIND="" ############################################################################### # Function: usage ############################################################################### # # Usage message ############################################################################### usage() { /bin/dspmsg -s 1 haws.cat $MSG_CLHAWS_IMPORT_USAGE "Usage: clhaws_import [-d] [-m] [-t] [-v] -s dm -n node -l service_label\n\ Usage: clhaws_import [-d] [-m] [-t] [-v] -s was -n node -l service_label [-c cell_name] [-o websphere_node]\n\ Usage: clhaws_import [-d] [-m] [-t] [-v] -s db2 -n node -l service_label [-d database_name] -i database_instance_user\n\ Usage: clhaws_import [-d] [-m] [-t] [-v] -s tds -n node -l service_label -w tds_password -p tds_port -i database_instance_user [-o websphere_node]\n\ \n\ Type 'man clhaws_import' for more information.\n\n" } ############################################################################### # Function: init ############################################################################### # # This code block is common to virtually every script in this package. # It's intended to setup basic functionality in common function definitions, # variable initialization, etc. ############################################################################### init() { # The standard directory for the HAWS software is in # /usr/es/sbin/cluster/haws. But this can be changed by setting the # environment string HAWS_HOME. if [[ "$HAWS_HOME" = "" ]]; then HAWS_HOME=/usr/es/sbin/cluster/haws fi # Source function library. This is standard for all scripts clhaws_functions=$HAWS_HOME/sbin/clhaws_functions if [[ ! -f "$clhaws_functions" ]]; then echo "The file '$clhaws_functions' is missing! Unable to continue. Bye" exit 1 fi . $clhaws_functions # We now call into the generic initialization routine. This will # complete the initialization process generic_init # Once the above clhaws_functions complete, we have all our variables and # functions defined. We can now safely log messages and begin processing. logmsg HAWS_TRACE "$MSG_BEGIN" "Begin\n" } # end of init() ############################################################################### # Function: call_subsystem ############################################################################### # # The intent of this design is to be able to handle additional subsystems in # the future. This top-level "import" script is used as a front-end to # the application-specific import utilities. Given the command line # 'subsystem' option, call down into the application specific import # script ############################################################################### call_subsystem() { subsystem_import=$HAWS_HOME/sbin/import if [[ ! -f $subsystem_import ]]; then if [[ "$SUBSYSTEM" = "" ]]; then SUBSYSTEM="unspecified" fi logmsg HAWS_ERROR "$MSG_SUBSYSTEM_INVALID" "Subsystem '%s' was not found!\n" $SUBSYSTEM exit $HAWS_EXIT_FAIL fi logmsg HAWS_INFO "$MSG_CALL_SUBSYSTEM" "Subsystem system called: %s " $subsystem_import echo "$*" . $subsystem_import $* } # ############################################################################### # # SCRIPT EXECUTION SECTION # ############################################################################### # This section of the script is used to call into the various predefined # functions composed of the common code, and the script-specific functions. # # The intent of this section is to provide a high-level view of how this # script operates. ############################################################################### HAWS_HOME="/usr/es/sbin/cluster/sa/tds" HAWS_SBIN_DIR="$HAWS_HOME/sbin" HAWS_SCRIPTS_DIR="$HAWS_HOME/scripts" init logmsg HAWS_LOGONLY "$MSG_IMPORT_START" "Import script starting up on node %s\n" $PRIMARYNODE setup_defaults generic_process_arguments $* call_subsystem $* exit $HAWS_EXIT_SUCCESS