BR0801I BRCONNECT 7.20 (30)
BR0805I Start of BRCONNECT processing: cesxqrzd.sta 2016-04-11 08.41.21
BR0484I BRCONNECT log file: /oracle/EPP/sapcheck/cesxqrzd.sta

BR0101I Parameters

Name                           Value

oracle_sid                     EPP
oracle_home                    /oracle/EPP/112_64
oracle_profile                 /oracle/EPP/112_64/dbs/initEPP.ora
sapdata_home                   /oracle/EPP
sap_profile                    /oracle/EPP/112_64/dbs/
system_info                    oraepp/oraepp epprda AIX 1 6 00C43AF74C00
oracle_info                    EPP 8192 6674 1251258764 epprda UTF8 UTF8 255849424 &EPP
sap_info                       SAPSR3DB
make_info                      rs6000_64 OCI_112 Feb  4 2013
command_line                   /usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run/brconnect -p -l E -u / -f stats -t all -p 1
stats_table                    ALL
stats_dbms_stats               ALL:R:0
stats_change_threshold         50
stats_parallel_degree          1
stats_dict_cycle               0
stats_system_cycle             0

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.22
BR0813I Schema owner found in database EPP: SAPSR3DB%

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.22
BR0814I Number of tables in schema of owner SAPSR3DB: 1520

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.23
BR0815I Number of indexes in schema of owner SAPSR3DB: 2500

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.23
BR0807I Name of database instance: EPP
BR0808I BRCONNECT action ID: cesxqrzd
BR0809I BRCONNECT function ID: sta
BR0810I BRCONNECT function: stats
BR0812I Database objects for processing: ALL
BR0851I Number of tables with missing statistics: 0
BR0852I Number of tables to delete statistics: 0
BR0854I Number of tables to collect statistics without checking: 0
BR0855I Number of indexes with missing statistics: 0
BR0856I Number of indexes to delete statistics: 0
BR0857I Number of indexes to collect statistics: 0
BR0853I Number of tables to check (and collect if needed) statistics: 1520
Owner SAPSR3DB: 1520

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.23
BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRCONNECT:
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.26
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.26
BR0817I Number of monitored/modified tables in schema of owner SAPSR3DB: 1520/98

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.26
BR0877I Checking and collecting table and index statistics...
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.26
BR0883I Table selected to collect statistics after check: SAPSR3DB.BC_JMSQUEUE (0/11:0:11)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.26
BR0881I Collecting statistics for table SAPSR3DB.BC_JMSQUEUE with method/sample C ...
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.26
BR0884I Statistics collected for table: SAPSR3DB.BC_JMSQUEUE, rows old/new: 0/0

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.26
BR0850I 1 of 14 objects processed - 0.002 of 0.027 units done
BR0204I Percentage done: 7.14%, estimated end time: 8:41
BR0001I ****______________________________________________
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.26
BR0883I Table selected to collect statistics after check: SAPSR3DB.BC_MON_AGREGATES (25935/55600:0:57416)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.26
BR0881I Collecting statistics for table SAPSR3DB.BC_MON_AGREGATES with method/sample E/P30 ...
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0884I Statistics collected for table: SAPSR3DB.BC_MON_AGREGATES, rows old/new: 25935/24373

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0850I 2 of 14 objects processed - 0.004 of 0.027 units done
BR0204I Percentage done: 14.29%, estimated end time: 8:41
BR0001I *******___________________________________________
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0883I Table selected to collect statistics after check: SAPSR3DB.BC_MON_ID_ALLOC (2/0:561:0)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0881I Collecting statistics for table SAPSR3DB.BC_MON_ID_ALLOC with method/sample C ...
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0884I Statistics collected for table: SAPSR3DB.BC_MON_ID_ALLOC, rows old/new: 2/2

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0850I 3 of 14 objects processed - 0.006 of 0.027 units done
BR0204I Percentage done: 21.43%, estimated end time: 8:41
BR0001I ***********_______________________________________
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0883I Table selected to collect statistics after check: SAPSR3DB.BC_MSG_JOB (3/0:2:0)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0881I Collecting statistics for table SAPSR3DB.BC_MSG_JOB with method/sample C ...
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0884I Statistics collected for table: SAPSR3DB.BC_MSG_JOB, rows old/new: 3/3

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0850I 4 of 14 objects processed - 0.008 of 0.027 units done
BR0204I Percentage done: 28.57%, estimated end time: 8:41
BR0001I **************____________________________________
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0883I Table selected to collect statistics after check: SAPSR3DB.CBS_LOCK (8/0:33246:0)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0881I Collecting statistics for table SAPSR3DB.CBS_LOCK with method/sample C ...
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0884I Statistics collected for table: SAPSR3DB.CBS_LOCK, rows old/new: 8/8

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0850I 5 of 14 objects processed - 0.010 of 0.027 units done
BR0204I Percentage done: 35.71%, estimated end time: 8:41
BR0001I ******************________________________________
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0883I Table selected to collect statistics after check: SAPSR3DB.CBS_NODE (2/0:3189:0)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0881I Collecting statistics for table SAPSR3DB.CBS_NODE with method/sample C ...
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0884I Statistics collected for table: SAPSR3DB.CBS_NODE, rows old/new: 2/2

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0850I 6 of 14 objects processed - 0.012 of 0.027 units done
BR0204I Percentage done: 42.86%, estimated end time: 8:41
BR0001I *********************_____________________________
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0883I Table selected to collect statistics after check: SAPSR3DB.GLX_C_MONITOR (2/638:0:638)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0881I Collecting statistics for table SAPSR3DB.GLX_C_MONITOR with method/sample C ...
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0884I Statistics collected for table: SAPSR3DB.GLX_C_MONITOR, rows old/new: 2/2

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0850I 7 of 14 objects processed - 0.014 of 0.027 units done
BR0204I Percentage done: 50.00%, estimated end time: 8:41
BR0001I *************************_________________________
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0883I Table selected to collect statistics after check: SAPSR3DB.KMC_CMCC_TABLE (1/0:2:0)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0881I Collecting statistics for table SAPSR3DB.KMC_CMCC_TABLE with method/sample C ...
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0884I Statistics collected for table: SAPSR3DB.KMC_CMCC_TABLE, rows old/new: 1/1

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0850I 8 of 14 objects processed - 0.016 of 0.027 units done
BR0204I Percentage done: 57.14%, estimated end time: 8:41
BR0001I *****************************_____________________
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0883I Table selected to collect statistics after check: SAPSR3DB.KMC_DBRM_DELNODES (0/4:0:4)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0881I Collecting statistics for table SAPSR3DB.KMC_DBRM_DELNODES with method/sample C ...
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0884I Statistics collected for table: SAPSR3DB.KMC_DBRM_DELNODES, rows old/new: 0/0

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0850I 9 of 14 objects processed - 0.018 of 0.027 units done
BR0204I Percentage done: 64.29%, estimated end time: 8:41
BR0001I ********************************__________________
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0883I Table selected to collect statistics after check: SAPSR3DB.KMC_DBRM_MODCOUNT (8/0:16:0)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0881I Collecting statistics for table SAPSR3DB.KMC_DBRM_MODCOUNT with method/sample C ...
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0884I Statistics collected for table: SAPSR3DB.KMC_DBRM_MODCOUNT, rows old/new: 8/8

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0850I 10 of 14 objects processed - 0.020 of 0.027 units done
BR0204I Percentage done: 71.43%, estimated end time: 8:41
BR0001I ************************************______________
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0883I Table selected to collect statistics after check: SAPSR3DB.KMC_EB_EVENT (0/18:0:18)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0881I Collecting statistics for table SAPSR3DB.KMC_EB_EVENT with method/sample C ...
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0884I Statistics collected for table: SAPSR3DB.KMC_EB_EVENT, rows old/new: 0/0

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0850I 11 of 14 objects processed - 0.022 of 0.027 units done
BR0204I Percentage done: 78.57%, estimated end time: 8:41
BR0001I ***************************************___________
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0883I Table selected to collect statistics after check: SAPSR3DB.KMC_EB_PARAM (0/18:0:18)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0881I Collecting statistics for table SAPSR3DB.KMC_EB_PARAM with method/sample C ...
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0884I Statistics collected for table: SAPSR3DB.KMC_EB_PARAM, rows old/new: 0/0

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0850I 12 of 14 objects processed - 0.024 of 0.027 units done
BR0204I Percentage done: 85.71%, estimated end time: 8:41
BR0001I *******************************************_______
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0883I Table selected to collect statistics after check: SAPSR3DB.KMC_UWL_CACHE_LOG (713/0:193067:0)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0881I Collecting statistics for table SAPSR3DB.KMC_UWL_CACHE_LOG with method/sample C ...
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0884I Statistics collected for table: SAPSR3DB.KMC_UWL_CACHE_LOG, rows old/new: 713/713

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0850I 13 of 14 objects processed - 0.026 of 0.027 units done
BR0204I Percentage done: 92.86%, estimated end time: 8:41
BR0001I **********************************************____
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0883I Table selected to collect statistics after check: SAPSR3DB.XI_AF_LIC_AGG_LOG (2/0:254:0)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0881I Collecting statistics for table SAPSR3DB.XI_AF_LIC_AGG_LOG with method/sample C ...
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0884I Statistics collected for table: SAPSR3DB.XI_AF_LIC_AGG_LOG, rows old/new: 2/2

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0850I 14 of 14 objects processed - 0.027 of 0.027 units done
BR0204I Percentage done: 100.00%, estimated end time: 8:41
BR0001I **************************************************

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0879I Statistics checked for 1520 tables
BR0878I Number of tables selected to collect statistics after check: 14
BR0880I Statistics collected for 14/0 tables/indexes

BR0894I Tables with the longest duration of collecting statistics for owner SAPSR3DB

  Pos. Owner    Table                Duration   Rows/old    Rows/new  Meth./Samp.   Space[KB]  Used[KB:%]    Data[KB:%]    Lobs   Space[KB]   Used[KB:%]    Data[KB:%]
    1  SAPSR3DB BC_MON_AGREGATES        0:01       25935       24373      E/P30           -1      2960:100       904:31       0          0          0:0           0:0  
    2  SAPSR3DB BC_JMSQUEUE             0:00           0           0      C               -1        40:100         0:0        0          0          0:0           0:0  
    3  SAPSR3DB BC_MON_ID_ALLOC         0:00           2           2      C               -1        40:100         0:0        0          0          0:0           0:0  
    4  SAPSR3DB BC_MSG_JOB              0:00           3           3      C               -1        40:100         0:1        0          0          0:0           0:0  
    5  SAPSR3DB CBS_LOCK                0:00           8           8      C               -1        40:100         0:0        0          0          0:0           0:0  
    6  SAPSR3DB CBS_NODE                0:00           2           2      C               -1        40:100         0:0        0          0          0:0           0:0  
    7  SAPSR3DB GLX_C_MONITOR           0:00           2           2      C               -1        40:100         1:3        0          0          0:0           0:0  
    8  SAPSR3DB KMC_CMCC_TABLE          0:00           1           1      C               -1        40:100         0:0        0          0          0:0           0:0  
    9  SAPSR3DB KMC_DBRM_DELNODES       0:00           0           0      C               -1        40:100         0:0        0          0          0:0           0:0  
   10  SAPSR3DB KMC_DBRM_MODCOUNT       0:00           8           8      C               -1        40:100         0:0        0          0          0:0           0:0  
   11  SAPSR3DB KMC_EB_EVENT            0:00           0           0      C               -1       104:100         0:0        0          0          0:0           0:0  
   12  SAPSR3DB KMC_EB_PARAM            0:00           0           0      C               -1        40:100         0:0        0          0          0:0           0:0  
   13  SAPSR3DB KMC_UWL_CACHE_LOG       0:00         713         713      C               -1       104:100        33:32       0          0          0:0           0:0  
   14  SAPSR3DB XI_AF_LIC_AGG_LOG       0:00           2           2      C               -1        40:100         0:0        0          0          0:0           0:0  

BR0900I Usage of space allocated in tablespaces for analyzed tables and indexes

Pos. Tablespace     Tables  Analy.  Space[KB]   Used[KB:%]     Data[KB:%]  Indexes  Valid.  Space[KB]   Used[KB:%]     Data[KB:%]    Lobs   Proc.  Space[KB]   Used[KB:%]     Data[KB:%]

  1  PSAPSR3DB        1520     14         -1       3608:100        940:26     2500      0          0          0:0            0:0        0      0          0          0:0            0:0  

BR0806I End of BRCONNECT processing: cesxqrzd.sta 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2016-04-11 08.41.27
BR0802I BRCONNECT completed successfully