BR0801I BRCONNECT 7.20 (17) BR0805I Start of BRCONNECT processing: cekpajdq.sta 2013-02-20 14.21.22 BR0484I BRCONNECT log file: /oracle/EPP/sapcheck/cekpajdq.sta BR0101I Parameters Name Value oracle_sid EPP oracle_home /oracle/EPP/112_64 oracle_profile /oracle/EPP/112_64/dbs/initEPP.ora sapdata_home /oracle/EPP sap_profile /oracle/EPP/112_64/dbs/ system_info oraepp/oraepp epprda AIX 1 6 00C43AF74C00 oracle_info EPP 8192 20 652421 epprda UTF8 UTF8 255849424 sap_info SAPSR3DB make_info rs6000_64 OCI_112 Sep 3 2011 command_line /usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64/brconnect -u system/******* -c -f stats -t oradict_stats stats_table ORADICT_STATS stats_dict_method C stats_dict_sample 0.000 stats_dict_degree 0 BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2013-02-20 14.21.23 BR0807I Name of database instance: EPP BR0808I BRCONNECT action ID: cekpajdq BR0809I BRCONNECT function ID: sta BR0810I BRCONNECT function: stats BR0812I Database objects for processing: ORADICT_STATS BR1314I Oracle dictionary statistics will be collected with default options BR0126I Unattended mode active - no operator confirmation required BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2013-02-20 14.21.23 BR1311I Starting collection of Oracle dictionary statistics... BR0285I This function can take several seconds/minutes - be patient... BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2013-02-20 14.23.02 BR1312I Collection of Oracle dictionary statistics completed BR0806I End of BRCONNECT processing: cekpajdq.sta 2013-02-20 14.23.02 BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2013-02-20 14.23.02 BR0802I BRCONNECT completed successfully