" Y Yp{$LY\h  0WnNULL pointerroot element is not invalid attribute "~1S" for element "~2S"unexpected XML node typefeature "~s" is not implementeddata missing for type "~S"extra element(s) at end of "~S"internal error: ~s element "~S" not from Schema of Schemasempty instance documentfailed to parse documentschema and instance document have incompatible character setsinvalid schema contextunknown type "~S"bxfgh2iEjcn{opundefined element "~S"unknown namespace prefix "~S"unknown namespace URI "~S"unknown attribute group "~S"unknown group "~S"unknown attribute "~S"property "~s" unknownduplicate element "~S"duplicate group "~S"duplicate type "~S"duplicate attribute group "~S"duplicate attribute "~S"facet "~S" should have single value attributetype "~S" contains invalid facetsfacet "~S" duplicated qDrgtuvwx8ylz{facet "~1S" has invalid value "~2S"facet "~S" not in schema schemamutually exclusive facets are not allowed"minLength" should not be greater than "maxLength"fixed facet value cannot be changedvalue is not valid restriction of parent's minLengthvalue is not valid restriction of parent's maxLengthvalue is not valid restriction of parent's lengthvalue is not valid restriction of parent's whiteSpacebase type is required |D}h~@o"list" element is improperly defined"restriction" element is improperly definedfacet "~1S" has invalid value "~u"attribute "processContents" has invalid value "~S"attribute "~1S" has invalid occurrences value "~2S"attribute "use" has invalid value "~S"attribute "~1S" has invalid qualification "~2S"invalid min/max Occurs for element, must be 0/1"maxOccurs" is less than "minOccurs"ID type may only be used in attributes Do :\{invalid sub-element "~1S" for element "~2S"element "~S" must have type or refattribute "~1S" invalid derivation-restriction value "~2S"attribute "~1S" invalid derived value "~2S"element or attribute is improperly defined"~1S" cannot contain "~2S"annotation must come first in "~S"duplicated ID specified in "~S"attributeGroup reference shouldn't have childreninvalid combination of attributes "ref" and "name"8iVonly "minOccurs", "maxOccurs", or "id" is allowedinvalid combination of default and fixed attributesattribute "use" must have its value set to "optional"invalid use of attribute "ref"type is final and no derivations are allowed"~S" is abstract and cannot be used in an instance documentbase type of "~S" must be simple type or primitive datatypelist content of multiple simple types is not allowed >z &Ninvalid substitution group affiliation between "~S" and "~S"disallowed type substitution between "~S" and "~S"string "~S" is an invalid default for the complex typeduplicated content specification in "~S"no content specified in "~S"content type of "~S" must be simple typeboth content types must be mixed or both must be element-onlydefining form of "~S" must occur at the top levelreferring form of "~S" must NOT occur at the top level >w9_circular group reference is disallowed outside union must have memberTypes attribute or some simpleType childrenmissing required sub-element "~S""~S" is not a valid restriction of "~S"~S of ~S type is not a valid restriction of ~S of ~S type"~S" is not a valid derivation of "~S"a complex base within "simpleContent" must have simple contentcircular reference detected in schema component named "~S"element "~S" not empty Dl8gcontents of "~S" should be elements onlycontents of "~S" should be text onlyextra data at end of complex elementelement "~1S" value "~2S" is wrong (must be "~3S")substitution for element "~S" is disallowedvalue "~1S" out of range for type "~2S"value "~1S" whose fractional digits exceeds ~2dvalue "~1s" whose total digits exceeds ~2donly ~1d occurrences of particle "~2S", minimum is ~3dtoo many occurrences of particle "~1S", maximum is ~2db7Khvalue "~1S" whose total digits exceeds ~2d"~1S" is wrong length, should be ~2d"~1S" is too short (minimum length is ~2d)"~1S" is too long (maximum length is ~2d)item type is not a valid type for a list simple typeinvalid integer "~S"invalid unsigned integer "~S"invalid unsigned long "~S"invalid long "~S"invalid decimal "~S"invalid URI "~S"invalid Name "~S"invalid Nmtoken "~S"bad float "~S"bad double "~S"n~1CUe{bad Boolean "~S"invalid date "~S"invalid NCName "~S"invalid ID "~S"invalid QName "~S"invalid language specification "~S"invalid duration "~S"invalid date or time "~S"invalid normalizedString "~S"invalid token "~S"invalid union "~S" branch is emptymismatched parenthesesempty character class expressionatom specification is missinginvalid escape characterinvalid character found in the pattern Jc}  #Bcunexpected end of patterninvalid character propertyattribute "~1S" cannot have complex type "~2S"undefined attribute "~S"attribute "~S" is prohibited (may not occur)attribute "~1S" value "~2S" is wrong (must be "~3S")missing required attribute "~S"hex-encoded binary has odd lengthinvalid character "~c" in hex-encoded binaryBASE64-encoded binary grouped improperly (not 4's)invalid character "~c" in base64-encoded binary Px -N"`#$invalid padding in base64-encoded binaryduplicate ID "~S"referenced ID "~S" is not definedduplicate notation name "~S"referenced notation "~S" is not definedduplicate constraint name "~S"referenced key "~S" is not definedduplicate key "~S" for {"~S"}"~S"duplicate key "~S"invalid enumeration choice "~S"value "~1S" is less than minimum "~2S" (~3S)value "~1S" is greater than maximum "~2S" (~3S) %D&p',67@SJuKLmissing one or more fields from element "~S"field "~S" produced multiple hitsfield element "~S" is not a simple typegroup must have name or ref but not bothlocal element or attribute should be namespace qualifiedlocal element or attribute shouldn't be namespace qualifiedmissing required elements in missing range start charactermissing commabad decimal digits in a quantifier specificationM2TgUVW XYDliteral "~S" is not valid with respect to the patternimproper namespace value for the imported elementENTITY or ENTITIES type may only be used in attributesvalue of attribute "base" must be a complex type definition"~S" is not nillablenamespace values "~1S" and "~2S" differElement ("~1S") from "~2S" namespace is unexpected. Expecting element from "~3S" namespace