" (?$ fp{.:C]( "-:EMU_hpxb: Q d   normal, successful completionNULL pointerout of memoryduplicate entry in hash tableinternal error "~s"~1s buffer overflow, maximum size is ~2u bytesinvalid child type for parent nodeunexpected end-of-file encounteredinvalid memory callbackIn line ~1u of ~2s:In line ~1u of ~2s [parameter entity ~3S]:In line ~1u of ~2s [general entity ~3S]:Unicode data alignment errorwrong node typecontext is not clean Vdr23456+dNe~fXML Location: XSL Location: ~1sNodeName: <~2S> internal error "nested open strings"property "~s" unknowninitialization error: NLS mismatchNLS initialization failedLEH initialization failedLML initialization failedLPU initialization failed, error ~uroot element "~1S" does not match DTD root "~2S"parameter-entity markup cannot be split upstandalone document declaration should be "no" gDhiijklmDntopdocument structure does not match DTDelement "~S" is not declared in the DTDelement "~S" is not empty as required by the DTDattribute "~1S" of element "~2S" is undefinedelement "~S" has multiple declarationsparameter-entity parenthetical cannot be split upduplicate name "~S" in mixed-content declarationinvalid ~1s "~2S" (not a Name)invalid ~1s "~2S" (not a Nmtoken)element "~S" has multiple ID attributes qDrstv8wMxyz{element "~1S" ID attribute "~2S" must be #IMPLIED or #REQUIREDelement "~1S" attribute "~2S" has invalid enumeration value "~3S"element "~1S" is missing required attribute "~2S"element "~1S" attribute "~2S" has invalid value "~3S", must be "~4S"undefined entity "~S"element "~1S" attribute "~2S" must be an unparsed entityentity "~1S" NDATA (notation) "~2S" is undefinedundefined notation "~S"undefined ID "~S" in IDREFduplicate ID "~S" |V}!-Tiattribute value should be one or more tokensduplicate entity "~S" (ignored)could not convert from encoding ~1s to ~2sunknown encoding "~s"could not open "~s" (error ~u)could not read from "~s" (error ~u)syntax errorexpected ""CDATA section did not end in "]]>"processing instruction did not end in "?>"invalid character ~1u (~2X)invalid character ~1u (~2x)invalid character ~1u ('~2c')invalid digit '~c' in character referencethe string "]]>" cannot occur in character datathe character "<" cannot occur in attribute values Dm Bh}error received from SAX callback functionexternal entity "~s" found in an attribute valuemultiple occurrences of attribute "~S" foundend-element tag "~1S" does not match start-element tag "~2S"entity "~S" is not declaredentity "~S" is not a parsed entityentity reference "~S" refers to itselfinput source is emptyinvalid character ~1u (~2x) found in a Name or Nmtokeninvalid character ~1u ('~2c') found in a Name or Nmtoken Do&binvalid use of a parameter entity referencenamespace prefixes starting with "xml" are reservednamespace prefix "~S" is not declaredinvalid XML version, must be 1.0 or 2.0invalid character ~1u ('~2c') found in public identifierinvalid condition section keyword, must be INCLUDE or IGNOREunterminated conditional sectioninvalid attribute type "~s"element-start tag is not well formedentity reference is not well formed J~$Keinvalid use of ampersand ('&') character (use &)element attribute value must be enclosed in quotesinvalid use of less-than ('<') character (use <)extra data after end of documentmissing system ID after public IDinvalid Document Type Declaration (DTD)invalid entity declarationinvalid external ID declarationinvalid attribute declarationconditional sections are valid only in external DTDsinvalid entity replacement-text nesting PMimissing required version number in XML declarationinvalid XML declarationXML standalone declaration must be "yes" or "no"invalid element declarationinvalid children specification in element declarationinvalid "Mixed" specification in element declarationinvalid notation declarationinvalid xml:space attribute declarationinvalid URL ~sunsupported protocol ~scouldn't connect to host ~s port ~dsend failed to host ~s \ w   !.B\wread failed from to host ~sinvalid language specification ~scould not resolve relative URL ~sinvalid access method ~1d, must be 0 to ~2dall three access functions (open/close/read) must be providedFTP error: ~sFTP login failed: ~sFTP server unavailable: ~sfailed to initialize TCP/IPcan't import node typecan't set output/data encoding AFTER parsingbad HTTP/Mime headerno closing quote was seeninvalid ~s proxy "~s" Per0Oo,-.invalid no_proxy "~s"HTTP error ~sunsupported encoding "~s"document cannot have both internal/external and shared DTDsdocument encoding is ~s-based but default input encoding is notnamespace prefix to NULL URI is not allowedinvalid Unicode surrogate ~X ~XExceeded max depth for recursionMax limit of ~1d exceeded for ~sno name in attribute seterror in XPATH evaluationIncorrect stylesheet. The node is not valid. /P0x1234 5%6<7V8m9:attribute value "~S" not expected for ~Sinput parameter to function is nullmissing tokeninputed string ended with no corresponding closing \'}\'namespace prefix ~S used but not declaredattribute ~S not found in ~Scannot initialize XPATHelement ~S not found in ~Sunsupported feature: ~scannot construct XML PI with content: ~Scannot construct XML comment with content: ~San internal failure occurred ;><a=>?@ABPCextension function ~S not supportedinvalid value ~S for ~S attribute ~Sundefined decimal-format "~S"duplicate xsl:decimal-format "~S"The node specified is not validNo more attributes can be added to a non empty elementNone of the output method (DOM, SAX, Stream) is selectedA doc referred by XSLT stylesheet could not be opened : ~sillegal apply-imports because of no current template: ~s DJEF ,Kj"~S" is not a valid value for the lang attribute of xsl:sortrecursive import/include encountredrecursive use of attribute setsan internal error has occurred in XPATHinvalid QName in the XSL fileinvalid axisname in the XSL fileunmatched quote in the XSL fileunable to resolve namespace URIunable to allocate memoryobject of incorrect type passed to the functionright square bracket missing in the XSL file DmYZ2[_\]right parenthesis missing in the XSL fileincorrect token encountered while parsingunable to resolve the variable referenceunknown function name encounteredloss of precision due to excessively large numerical constantInvalid token in: '~S'Invalid child element '~1S' of element '~2S'.Invalid attribute value '~1S': {element '~2S', attribute '~3S'}.Invalid attribute value '~1S', for attribute '~2s'.Invalid attribute '~1S' in element '~2S'. ^P_y`a *^Missing attribute '~1s' in element '~2S'.Invalid reference: '~S'.Repeated declaration of '~1S' in element '~2S'.Function call with invalid number of arguments in '~1S'.VM Stack overflow.SAX callback returns with error.Output attribute '~S' doesn't have a parent element.Output namespace attribute '~S' doesn't have a parent element.Invalid output comment '~S'.XSLTVM terminate.Invalid output PI '~S'.Invalid XSLT object type.h|%6UeOutput write failed.Not a well-formed document or external entity.Failed to load: '~s'.Invalid encoding.VM String-Stack overflow.VM Node-Stack overflow.Invalid argument.invalid SOAP contextinvalid SOAP roleinvalid SOAP connection bindingSOAP POST failedelem has no mustUnderstandelem has no rolemessage has no faultno Fault reason w/given languageSOAP failed to make HTTP connectionh6M\rSOAP reply not valid XMLinvalid SOAP versionfailed to set HTTP headerbody has more than one faultfault is not a single childbadly formed fault elemenbadly formed Text subelementbadly formed Value subelementmessage has no envelopeprefix too longenvelope has no headerenvelope has no bodyelem has no relayno such elementarguments "~1s" to function "~2s" are nullarguments "~s" are exclusive\t C^invalid ~1s, must be ~2sinvalid proxy "~s"invalid no_proxy "~s"missing required argument "~s"Etags and tokens must be either all tagged or all untaggedmaximum XML document size (~s bytes) exceededuser-provided callback returns nullfailed to initialize TCP/IPcouldn't connect to host ~s port ~usend failed to host ~sread failed from host ~sexceeded maximum TCP connectionsTCP connection was brokenHTTP error ~sn. D!X"n#$%&'(unsupported transfer-coding values: ~snot a text media typeno entity body foundnot xml media typemissing lock token in lock refresh requestmissing lock token in UNLOCK requestwrong object typeprotocol violation: ~sXQuery invalid tokenXQuery syntax error atToo many argumentsToo few argumentsInvalid token: '~S'Syntax error at '~S'Invalid token in the patternInvalid rangeinternal error, invalid OPCODE )J9i:;LInvalid subexpression referenceCan't compile the element:Can't compile the attribute:Namespace conflict for prefix:Invalid flags specified for XmlDiff or XmlPatchInvalid inputs were supplied to XmlDiff or XmlPatchInsert-node or append-node failed in XmlDiff Ouput generation failed for XmlDiff (illegal operation)XmlDiff encountered an invalid state in FSMXmlDiff encountered an inconsistency in DMTRX Rename operation failed in XmlDiff8rSThe root nodes in input documents to XmlDiff did not matchXmlDiff encountered an error in computing a hash for XML subtreeXmlDiff encountered limit for maximum input XML nodesXmlPatch could not process the XML PI oracle-xmldiffImport of XML node from diff document failed in XmlPatchXmlDiff or XmlPatch encountered an unknown type of XML nodeInvalid NS maps in XmlDiff or XmlPatchXmlPatch encountered an error in initializing XmlXVM J8qXmlPatch encountered an error in translating XPATH using XmlXVMInternal error in XmlDiff or XmlPatch[XPST0001] Static context component '~S' has no value[XPDY0002] Dynamic context component '~S' has no value[XPST0003] Syntax error at '~s'[XPTY0004] Expression type does not match a required type[XPST0005] Invalid empty-sequence() expression[XPTY0006][XPTY0007][XPST0008] Invalid reference[XQST0009] Schema Import Feature not supported VxP{[XPST0010] Axis '~S' not supported[XQST0012] Invalid XML schema[XQST0013] Invalid pragma content[XQST0014][XQST0015][XQST0016] Module Feature not supported[XPST0017] Invalid function call[XPTY0018] Path last step contains both nodes and atomic values[XPTY0019] Path step contains atomic values[XPTY0020] The path step context item is not a node[XPDY0021][XQST0022] The value of a namespace must be a URILiteral.[XPDY0023] Dl O [XQTY0024] Attribute node out of context[XQDY0025] Repeated attribute name[XQDY0026] Processing instruction content contains '?>'[XQDY0027] Invalid PSVI validity property of the root element[XQDY0028][XQDY0029][XQTY0030] Expression should evaluate to exactly one node[XQST0031] Version not supported by the implementation[XQST0032] Repeated base URI declaration[XQST0033] Multiple bindings for the namespace prefix '~s'  V ~   B{[XQST0034] Repeated function declaration[XQST0035] Repeated schema components[XQST0036] Importing module should import schema '~s'[XQST0037][XQST0038] Invalid collation[XQST0039] Repeated parameter name[XQST0040] Repeated attribute name[XQDY0041] Expression can't be cast to the type xs:NCName[XQST0042][XQST0043][XQDY0044] Invalid attribute namespace[XQST0045] Invalid function namespace[XQST0046] Invalid URILiteral P'1;d !"[XQST0047] Repeated import module target namespace[XQST0048] Namespace should be as the module target namespace[XQST0049] Repeated variable declaration[XPDY0050] Invalid dynamic type[XPST0051] AtomicType not defined[XQDY0052][XQDY0053][XQST0054] The variable depends on itself[XQST0055] Repeated copy-namespaces declaration[XQST0056][XQST0057] Missing schema import target namespace[XQST0058] Repeated schema import target namespace #J$%&'()*J+q,-[XQST0059] Can't find schema or module with namespace '~s'[XQST0060] Function name should have a namespace[XQDY0061] Invalid document node[XQDY0062][XQST0063][XQDY0064] Processing instruction name contains 'XML'[XQST0065] Repeated ordering mode declaration[XQST0066] Repeated default declaration[XQST0067] Repeated construction declaration[XQST0068] Repeated boundary-space declaration[XQST0069] Repeated empty order declaration .V/012 364b5~6789:[XQST0070] Invalid (prefix, URI) combination[XQST0071] Repeated namespace attribute[XQDY0072] Element content contains invalid hyphens combination[XQST0073] Cyclic import sequence[XQDY0074] Invalid element or attribute QName[XQST0075] Validate expression not supported[XQST0076] Invalid collation[XQST0077][XQST0078][XQST0079] Invalid extension expression[XPST0080] Invalid target type[XPST0081] Invalid prefix[XQST0082] ;J<T=>?@A?B`CDE[XQST0083][XQDY0084] Missing top-level element declaration[XQST0085] The namespace URI shouldn't be a zero-length string[XQTY0086] No-preserve mode conflict[XQST0087] Invalid encoding[XQST0088] Target namespace string shouldn't be of zero length[XQST0089] Repeated variable name[XQST0090] Invalid character reference[XQDY0091] Invalid xml:id[XQDY0092] Invalid xml:space value[XQST0093] Module depends on itselfF8GHI J@K`LM[FORG0003] fn:zero-or-one called with a sequence containing more than one item[FORG0004] fn:one-or-more called with a sequence containing no items[FORG0005] fn:exactly-one called with a sequence containing zero or more than one item[FORG0006] Invalid argument type[FOCA0002] Invalid lexical value[FOCA0001] Input value too large for decimal[FOCA0003] Input value too large for integerExternal Error '~s' occursN8OzPQRS T9U[FORG0008] both arguments to fn:dateTime have a specified timezone[FOCH0001] codepoint not valid[FONS0004] No namespace found for prefix[FOAR0001] Division by zero[FOAR0002] Numeric operation overflow/underflow[FORG0002] invalid argument to fn:resolve-uri()[FORG0009] error in resolving a relative URI against a base URI in fn:resolve-uri()[FOCA0005] NaN supplied as float/double value VDWXYZ [(\L]W^_[FOCA0006] String to be cast to decimal has too many digits of precision[FOCH0002] Unsupported collation[FOCH0003] Unsupported normalization form[FOCH0004] Collation does not support collation units[FODC0001] No context document[FODC0002] Error retrieving resource[FODC0003] [FODC0004] Invalid argument to fn:collection[FODC0005] Invalid argument to fn:doc or fn:doc-available[FODT0001] Overflow/underflow in date/time operation `>aqbcdefDg|h[FODT0002] Overflow/underflow in duration operation[FODT0003] Invalid timezone value[FONS0005] Base-uri not defined in the static context[FORG0001] Invalid value for cast/constructor[FORX0001] Invalid regular expression flags[FORX0002] Invalid regular expression[FORX0003] Regular expression matches zero-length string[FORX0004] Invalid replacement string[FOTY0012] Argument node does not have a typed valuei8jjklmn8oip[XUST0001] Updating expression in a wrong position[XUST0002] Non-updating expression in a wrong position[XUST0003] Repeated revalidation declaration[XUTY0004] Invalid attribute node in the insertion sequence[XUTY0005] Invalid target expression for 'insert'[XUTY0006] Invalid target expression for 'insert'[XUTY0007] Invalid target expression for 'delete'[XUTY0008] Invalid target expression for 'replace'q8rjstuv5wpx[XUDY0009] Invalid target expression for 'replace'[XUTY0010] Invalid replacement sequence for 'replace'[XUTY0011] Invalid replacement sequence for 'replace'[XUTY0012] Invalid target expression for 'rename'[XUTY0013] Invalid copy expression for transform[XUDY0014] Modified node was not created by the copy clause[XUDY0015] Duplicate 'rename' for the same target node[XUDY0016] Duplicate 'replace' for the same target nodey2zi{|}~I[XUDY0017] Duplicate 'replace' for the same target node[XUDY0018] External not updating function returns an updated value[XUDY0019] External updating function returns an invalid value[XUDY0020] Deleted node has no parent[XUDY0021] The result XDM instance violates XDM constraints[XUTY0022] Invalid attribute insertion into a document node[XUDY0023] Updating expression introduces a namespace conflict8v@~[XUDY0024] Updating expression introduces a namespace conflict[XUDY0025] Invalid QName for processing instruction rename[XUST0026] Revalidation mode '~s' is not supported[XUDY0027] Invalid target expression[XUST0028] Updating function should not have a return type[XUDY0029] Insert expression target node doesn't have a parent[XUDY0030] Invalid insertion of an attribute node[FOUP0001] Invalid 'fn:put' first operand8[FOUP0002] Invalid 'fn:put' second operand