############################################################################## # emoms.properties # # Properties used by Console Configuration Manager. ############################################################################## # # Version 1.0 # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # rpinnama 06/14/11 - Backport pbysani_rfi_backport_6647715_11. # from st_emcore_10. # mnihalan 04/25/11 - Add xsrf token # ezeng 01/09/07 - ASH purge size # dtsao 08/24/05 - Add LargeRepository attribute # neearora 08/22/05 - Bug 4561330. set value of property # oracle.sysman.emRep.dbConn.statementCacheSize=50 # aholser 05/24/05 - add port to oms name # neearora 04/22/05 - Added new property for diagnostic dump # jabramso 10/15/04 - Add PublicServlet # rpinnama 10/08/04 - Add the property for metadatacache # xuliu 10/06/04 - add dbid # qding 09/17/04 - Added proxy settings # jabramso 06/22/04 - # asawant 05/07/04 - Adding seed. # aholser 04/14/04 - add email parameters for oob oms down # hsu 01/30/04 - change default stmt cache size # hsu 01/19/04 - change default stmt cache size # rpinnama 12/26/03 - Removing repAgentUrl # sjconnol 12/11/03 - remove noSave flag for pref creds # hsu 12/05/03 - add param for stmt caching # mpawelko 11/24/03 - change iSQLPlus URL entries # hsu 11/10/03 - add sharing param # sjconnol 10/16/03 - add noSave flag for pref creds # mgoodric 10/10/03 - add proxyHost, proxyPort, dontProxyFor # vkapur 08/13/03 - add emdRepRAC for db console # mpawelko 07/15/03 - add iSQLPlus DBA URL placeholder # mpawelko 06/26/03 - add iSQLPlus URL placeholder # streddy 06/12/03 - Added emdrep.ping.pingCommand # dkapoor 04/21/03 - append db console params # aholser 04/02/03 - add oms name # skini 03/26/03 - Add connect descriptor # skini 02/20/03 - skini_2771051_2_4.0.1_main # rpinnama 01/03/03 - Remove pingDirectory # skini 12/31/02 - Leave only essential properties # skini 12/30/02 - Comment out defaults # rpinnama 12/12/02 - Add emdrep.ping.pingDirectory # skini 11/13/02 - Add documentation for proxy parameters # skini 11/08/02 - Add auth properties # jpyang 10/24/02 - change maxConnForJobWorkers to 10 # ggilchri 10/23/02 - add https port # dmshah 10/16/02 - Adding nvp for db connection settings # xshi 10/03/02 - # xshi 10/02/02 - sso config - domain # aholser 10/07/02 - move repository.properties to console.properties # xshi 08/19/02 - add das location # xshi 08/14/02 - add sso consoleauthentication # lyang 06/14/02 - lyang_add_configuration_manager # # OMS login information oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepSID=%EM_REPOS_SID% oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepPwdEncrypted=false oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepPwdSeed=doesntmatter oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepPort=%EM_REPOS_PORT% oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepUser=%EM_REPOS_USER% oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepPwd=%EM_REPOS_PWD% oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepServer=%EM_REPOS_HOST% oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepConnectDescriptor=%EM_REPOS_CONNECTDESCRIPTOR% # From the old web.xml file oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.ConsoleServerHost=%HOSTNAME% oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.ConsoleServerPort=%EM_UPLOAD_PORT% # The https port dedicated to the receiver servlet using an EM Certificate oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.ConsoleServerHTTPSPort=%EM_UPLOAD_HTTPS_PORT% oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.ConsoleServerName=%HOSTNAME%:%EM_UPLOAD_PORT%_Management_Service oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.ConsoleMode=standalone oracle.sysman.emSDK.sec.ReuseLogonPassword=true oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepDBName=%EM_TARGET_DBNAME% oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepRAC=false oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepDBID=%EM_TARGET_DBID% # iSQL*Plus integration oracle.sysman.db.isqlplusUrl=http://epprda:/isqlplus/dynamic oracle.sysman.db.isqlplusWebDBAUrl=http://epprda:/isqlplus/dba/dynamic # port specific ping command emdrep.ping.pingCommand=/usr/sbin/ping -c 3 -w 30 # HTTP Proxy server to Oracle MetaLink #proxyHost=%EM_PROXYHOST% #proxyPort=%EM_PROXYPORT% #dontProxyFor=%EM_DONTPROXYFOR% ##proxyUser= ##proxyPwd= ##proxyRealm= ##proxyPropsEncrypted=false # For controlling the sharing of realtime metric collection #oracle.sysman.emSDK.emd.rt.useMonitoringCred=true # The number of JDBC statements that's cached per repository # connection. Setting it to 0 would turn off caching oracle.sysman.emRep.dbConn.statementCacheSize=50 # The number of JDBC statements that's cached per direct-target admin # connection. Setting it to 0 would turn off caching #oracle.sysman.db.adm.conn.statementCacheSize=0 # The number of JDBC statements that's cached per real-time database # connection used for performance monitorng #oracle.sysman.db.perf.conn.statementCacheSize=0 # # The email address for out-of-band notifications # em_email_address=%EM_EMAIL_ADDRESS% em_email_gateway=%EM_EMAIL_GATEWAY% # The number of results to be returned in the tables # on activity-related pages #oracle.sysman.db.ashPurgeSize=10 # This boolean property controls whether the loader should use metadata cache # The loader skips over rowsets for which it detects that the metadata is # already present. # # The default value is TRUE # em.loader.enableMetadataCache=FALSE # # The return email address for out-of-band notifications # em_from_email_address=%EM_FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS% # Set the following to true to receive email for the oms startup, shutdown or crash em_oob_startup=false em_oob_shutdown=false em_oob_crash=false em.ip.ui.enable=true # # Whether or not the PublicServlet is enabled to allow WEB-INF/publicPages.lst # to specify pages that don't require login to EM # oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.PublicServletEnabled=true # Comma seperated list of modules for which dump command should executed. em.oms.dumpModules=omsThread,repos # # In an environment with large number of targets, alerts, errors, policy # violations, ORACLE_HOMEs, etc, the rendering time of Console Home Page # may be too long. Setting this attribute to true will hide some element # in the Console Home Page and thus reducing the rendering time. # # Default : false # LargeRepository=false # Disable the xsrf check in development environment em.security.xsrf_check_enabled=false